"Huh. Why does this chest have teeth?"
ITT: Famous Last Words
"Alright, demons do lie a lot, but still they don't ALWAYS lie."
"OH SHIT! I didn't actually think you'd stab me!"
"I challenge the deity to a game of chess!"
>After gambling and losing to the deity in 2 other ways.
"I think we should go left at the body pit"
"Run and don't look back!"
>"Holy shit!"
"It's fine! That pillar isn't supporting anything! Don't be a bitch!"
"It's fine! The cogboy said that the plasma rifle was just maintained!"
>pic is what poor Guardsman Geff was like
"At least I've got a fortitude save."
"Does that window face Hard Vacuum?"
"Hold my beer, I'm gonna seduce it."
Grandfather's last words "Don't worry a I got this." He died yesterday
It's no big deal, this town's got like, 5 guards, tops
>hold my beer
>not hold my ale
tbf depends on the setting
>Everyone give a warm welcome to our new friend, Florida Man.
I roll for anal circumference
This can't be happening. I'm in charge here!
"Thank you kindly for all the help, but what was your name again?"
Looking after people with Alzheimer's is weird. Especially if they are relatives.
Semi related.
"What's the worst that could happen?"
Without fail, it's like you're spitting in the eye of the universe and expecting not to get punched in the fucking teeth.
playing Call of Cthulhu ~
"oh god what the fuck"
"I poke it with a stick!"
While that would be more technically correct, "hold my beer" just adds a redneck flavor to the stupidity about to take place.
"I do not look away from the Basilisk, I want to be able to hit it."
"So... I take it sex is off, then?"
What my DM friend would ask new players: "what color dragon would you like to fight?"
Another time a my character and a friend's character got into a fight. After wrestling he decided to throw us both into his bag of holding, for some stupid reason. After which I said, "wait I'm currently holding a bag of holding." My DM friend smirked...
"I don't care. I said I was going to have sex with it so I'm GOING to have sex with it."
Who the fuck else would steal my ring? I attack the rogue
As in last words for a campaign
"What are you gonna do, stab me?"
>She's a very nice dragoness who will certainly let me out once finished. You guys worry too much.
That ant was 100% okay user. It was the spider that got fuck up in the end.