He isn't wrong. If you didnt get in at $1000 or less you're too late.
Will BTC crash again?
It seems so unbeatable though, you'd think people would sell them after a drop of 500$ but it just goes on.
It's a third gen crypto and is doing everything right
how it can crash when we all HODL ?
then why do so many major retailers accept it and not any other crypto? as soon as companies as big as expedia and starbucks drop btc for somehting else i'll switch
you'll blame the black swan when she struts but really it's your own mania that is the cause
Or you know, if you don't sell he is literally not taking shit away and you will still profit. And you will have a much bigger profit during the next bubble.
that's literally what he said tho
but will joe sixpack be able to hodl when he sees his retirement go down the drain?