What races DON'T have a chaos equivalent? Why not?

>Wut iz Kommandos
>Wut iz bein' brutally kunning
>Wut iz sikkin' gits all quiet like

Yoos iz muckin' about, ya git!

The problem everyone is missing with slaaneshi orks is that they don't need his help to climb the faster louder more dakka road. He has nothing to tempt them with that they can't and won't do themselves.

Slaanesh is also about graceful, torturous perfected combat, orks don't want none of that, they wanna smash and krump for a laugh

Weren't there like khorne stormboyz or something once?

mork and mindy

Squad Broken!

Here's inquisitor Czevak stabbing one in the head.

I'm not a fan of the new stance where absolutely everything feeds the big 4.

IMO it trivilize the fight, instead of being against nature and impulses it's "You've opened the kitchen door? Fool, you doomed us all by empowering the Chaos gods!"

I'll admit I'm not the most familiar with 40k lore, is he wearing a harlequin's coat?