Warmachine and hordes general

>mercenaries edition

Mk3 list building: conflictchamber.com

Warmachine/Hordes Books, No Quarter, & IKRPG
textuploader com / 5wm4h
PP Youtube (gameplay tutorials, tournament coverage, and announcements)
Latest Errata
privateerpress.com/files/WM MKII Rules Errata Jan 2016.pdf
Steamroller Rules
The Giant List of Podcasts and Blogs
Table of contents for all NQ issues
Abridged Lore
gargantuans abridged:pastebin.com/XPKMKYUc
Exigence abridged: pastebin.com/6D1fwSgv
devastation abridged: pastebin.com/KxkzfnXj
Lexicanum Iron Kingdoms Lore wiki:


Other urls found in this thread:


I hope her model is as pretty as her art

i intend on playing list related tomorrow. kind of bitter durgen lost blast armor. pretty excited about getting to use idrians, though.

Can anyone help me build a 50 point Cyriss army? I know very little about the faction's units, I'm choosing them because I really like the way they look. That's what I did with my Menoth armies and it worked out very well for me.
I like shooty armies, but it seems like Convergence armies are a little weak in the shooty department. Am I wrong? I like the idea of sweeping the table with laser cannons.

don't play a meme army

I don't know why people are taking reivers with Rasheth.

Farrow Brigand may not have the same range but they are more accurate and have a much higher pow and can also dig in against enemy shooting.

kind of reminds me of the female morrowan cleric model they have in the iron kingdoms range.

I didn't know about the paladin thing, but reclaimers and order of the fist aren't unit types, they are solos. You can't have a fucking initiate of the order of the fist theme force like you can flameguard or exemplars or whatever. Theme forces sound like they're going to be specialized to focus on a certain subtype in the faction, or a combination of a few subtypes. Since there's specifically going to be a Manowar book.

Should I tell my local Scrutator about these funny, yet pious, feelings this image causes in mine pantaloons?

I'll play whatever army I like the look of, thanks.

Convergence have very strong shooting, but in kind of weird ways. So they can do very shooty armies, but not very shooty in traditional ways.

In the faction, the two casters who shoot the best are Syntherion and Mother. Syntherion is a huge combined arms caster, and does everything well. His biggest thing is he wants jacks who can both shoot and melee, because his feat lets him do both.

Generally, tactics wise, he usually shoots the enemy as they come in, and then engages in melee once they get close, with the flexibility to focus on one or the other more based on your opponents lists.

Mother is the more straightfoward shooting caster, with a side of spell slinging. She buffs her warjacks ranges and her feat lets her do a shitload of work, as underwhelming as it first feels. She loves the Prime Axiom for this reason, because she's about weight of fire.

This is the full 75 point Mother list I'm considering running, going to be testing it out over the next week or so. It's got an armor cracking focus, especially against warmachine, but it can still handle anyone who decides to be cute and swarm infantry.

range + rat6 with dakar + pow 12 against heavies with all of rasheths debuffs + threat range of 22" with mini feat and then reposition to keep them safe

why would you NOT take them with rasheth?

Hey guys, over on the Muse on Minis forums someone was saying that the Lys healer doesn't match her prime entry. Anyone got a prime on hand to see what they missed?

Because with all his debuffs you can have 12 rat9 Pow 18s that reposition back after they shoot.

Played my first game as Khador. 75 points vs menoth.


Black FangsFull
Shocktroopers Full
Rifle Core -Min
Field Gun

Field gun is amazing.

Rifle Core: They where good. Never ended up in a optimal position for them

Irusk1 is amazing

Man O War shocktropers work as good defense. Didn't get to do an assault with them but they admirably protected everything behind them. As a result the second wave managed to attack completely unscathed.

Kovnik: Made all the difference speeding the shocktroopers up and works great as part of the second wave. even without weaponmaster he is brutal. Didn't marshal.

Conquest did great. Its side guns did allot of work killing errants, and its fist punch slam attack almost killed the caster. But that punch ended up being critical anyway.

Iron Fang Black Dragons really died to shooting. Did allot of great guming and protected the conquest well, but pulling off a flat unit->enemy charge is allot harder.

Enemy was a Menoth Reznik with Cinerators, three heavies, And Errants.

Overall this edition really benefitted shooting. Like ALLOT. So things that can survive shooting are really worth it.

As far as specific shooting elements go, quick and dirty rundown. Note that this shit is going to be colored by Mk2 experiences, but Mk3 doesn't seem to have changed much.

Assimilator - Kills infantry dead at range, so long as it can hit them. Ground Pounder produces a shitload of high quality attacks, but it requires you to set it up with Flare or use Mother's feat to get real work out of it. Lost some utility with the change to LOS rules, but still ignores everything but cover.

Monitor - Decent POW, single shot tech. Likely one of the best crit platforms in the game, given that you should be able to boost it's gun every single turn. Gained some utility in being able to see through clouds, though how useful that is remains to be seen.

Modulator - Cheap as shit, decent defensive tech against light infantry, comes with two guns. The direct current rule should be considered a nice bonus rather than something you try to actually do, it's not worth it 90% of the time. Just take the two guns and go with it.

Cipher - Utility gun. Rough Terrain is nice, Flare on AOE4 is nice, POW6 is less nice, but Syntherion can Hot Shot it.

Prime Axiom - Shitload of shots, threatens infantry and heavies alike. One of the best Colossals in the game, and Mk3 buffed it. If you want to play Mother, you want this, and Syntherion loves it as well(though doesn't have to depend on it).

TEP(Battle Engine) - Got buffed, which is hilarious, because it was in the running for one of the best shooting platforms in the game. It will murder just about any infantry in the game, no matter what they are. Doesn't get to be hilarious about it's servitor placement anymore, which is sad, but yea. There are Convergence players who claim a TEP should be in every list, and while I don't agree with them, I understand why they think that way.

My Synth list, for comparison. This was more or less my Mk2 list, so I feel less need to test it, but it's a dependable, all comers list.

So what casters are gonna be run with trenchers? How're you gonna run trenchers (or, if you're not going to run them, how would you run them if you for whatever reason had to)

eCaine seems like he'd appreciate trenchers. being able to make them unable to be knocked down and providing a cloud screen he can shoot through if need be (if you want him to activate later rather than sooner) is not bad.

Haley3 is also extremely obvious, while her revive is now shit her rolling cloud wall is still solid as fuck

Anyone know if there are scans of the new decks anywhere? Or alternatively a list of differences between final release rules and the leaks?

Damn it, that isn't my Synth list.

This is a decent example, though season to taste.

They match perfectly, pretty much.

Wait are the themes out yet?


Back when Mk2 hit, I decided to pick up pigs. They were fun, but I eventually sold them because they weren't too good.
Now that I've got gators, and minions are united, I'm going to slowly start picking up some pieces - already ordered Rorsch and Brine, as well as a Battle Boar and Splatter Boar.
This is what my pigs looked like in Mk2.
I think I'm going to paint the pigs like black boars this time around. Has anyone ever seen black skinned farrow before?

Siege should be pretty legit, foxhole in front of the trenchers, then they move forward and pop smoke. The trenchers end up with cover/immune to blast damage and the smoke still blocks LOS. Then Siege can upkeep it for his troops to move in to. On feat turn the CRA from a full trencher boat can drop a warcaster in a single shot.

Haley3 should still be beastly.

After that either a snipe/blur caster or pHaley.

They can easily be in any list now though, they make any cygnar infantry survive the approach which saves the headache of figuring out buffs for to solve that issue.

who is this, i'm hearing new madrak

P sure that's new madrak

On a related note,what was the 3rd warnoun announced along with kallus2 and madrak3?


Here's hoping he's got a decent amount of Fury

wheres rathrok

With Kromac

Kromac stole it, Kromac 2 now wields it.

what is this bullshit. When did he lose rathrok to kromac

Like, at the end of the last Hordes book? The one where the Wurm stuck his head into Caen, ate one of the Skorne warlocks, then got slapped back there by Doomshaper and the Circle?

a drawfriend needs to do a /ss/ comic with her and new initiate

So can the Seether run in circles? This is important.

Are we sure it's an exemplar? The blade and cloak look different.

Why is her face uncovered?

You can run or charge zero if possible, or your max movement. The real downer is that fact you can't trample or perform other power attacks unless something says you can't run or charge.

Only priests have to wear masks.

I am very unused to seeing protectorate faces

big scenario nerf?

mk3 prime states fairly consistently sentences like "Starting
on the second player’s second turn, a player scores 1 control
point if he controls the zone at the end of his turn."

note the "his" turn. Does that mean you can only score on your own turn now? this changes a lot if so...

am i wrong or is winning games by scenario now a lot harder?

Anyone got the full leaked cards somewhere?

Prime Scenarios should not be judged for Steamroller stuff.

Are you talking about Mercs?
> www43.zippyshare.com/v/tRFe0j0r/file.html

So do we all agree that the only real competitive Skorne pairing is Hexeris2 + Rasheth?

>Not playing Makeda1/Morghoul2

It's like you're fucking stupid or something.

While I do believe that Makeda1 is better than people are giving her credit for at dealing with infantry, I don't see why you'd run her with Morghoul2.

Hexeris2 is garbage. arcing some infantry to death means nothing in "ALL JACKS ALL THE TIME" edition

Rasheth is our only competitive warlock

So use your Rasheth list all the time then faggot.

thoughts on this list? It just feels like its missing something.

go back to the skorne forums and have a good old hugfest about how "good" the faction is, and how "competitive" hexy2 will be.

people are abandoning that sinking ship of skorne as fast as possible because rasheth is the only good warlock left.

why squire and not reinholdt?

the little froggy man gives you an extra shot every turn. while squire only gives you a single focus three times.

functionally thats the same bonus unless your games last forever, I felt the flexibility in being able to allocate it out if caine himself didnt get more of an advantage in using it such as when all the enemy infantry are already dead and im not going all in on an assassination run.

Hell no. Hexy is fine, but incredibly overrated. I'd rather take Mordikaar, Mak3, Mak2 or Xerxis1.

It's not that I think Skorne is good or anywhere near. Our heavies are now outclassed by cheaper jacks with higher armour and P+S. We're still clearly the worst faction. Rasheth is the only way we'll be able to crack armour reliably, and Hexeris2 looks god tier for clearing infantry and annoying opponents.

So I've looked into this mk3 stuff and dug out my mk1 collection of Cryx.
Can I do anything useful with this little lot:
Deneghra 1
Pirate queen Skater
Witch coven

Deathripper x2
Defiler x1
Slayer x1
Deathjack x1
Harrower x1

Bane lord Tarterous
Bloat thrall
Machine Wrath

Bile thralls x6
Mechanithralls x6
Raiders x6
Boomhowler and co

I've also pre-ordered the new Cryx starter cheers for any hints in advance

Obviously that's skarre not Skater poxy auto correct

The eSkarre sculpt would be VERY easy to convert though.

in case anyone didn't see their non-response to the shitty keynote

Originally Posted by PPS_Valerie
Hey, everyone. We wanted to say that we are reading your responses here and we acknowledge that this year’s keynote was not what you were hoping for. We definitely appreciate the constructive feedback that you have given us, these are the things that help us decide how we coordinate our future presentations.

Even though the primary focus of this year’s Lock & Load was launching the new editions of Warmachine and Hordes, we absolutely have more exciting things in store for you, so never fear!

Moar raiders and blood witches.

Yeah, I'm not sure what to think of that. I mean, if it matches the art I'm sure it will be a good sculpt, but unmasked/-helmeted Exemplars feel *really* weird (Rhovan's bodyguard notwithstanding). Still, at least there's the cowl obscuring part of the head.

Most Protectorate females have their faces uncovered. They have a reverse Islam situation where all men are in burkas

Yeah I thought I needed more raiders :)
And witches would be cool too

Your not wrong, but I've got the basic one. That's eskarre does have a Skater look :)

To be honest, I would have liked the Daughters of the Flame better if they wore masks as well.

I've notiuced that as a whole shooting in khador feels more stable and present. I used a min unit of rifle men and took about 2/3rds of a trool heavy warbest down by the time it got close enough for the Great bears to cut it to shreds also guys I can't believe it but Harkevitch is actually good!




Now do Despoiler on a surfboard.

Just to make sure you are aware, Alexia1 now has Granted: Spell Ward, so as long as she's alive the Risen cannot be Primed targets.


Dammit, now I feel compelled to spin my models while moving them

I fucking love you, never stop


Requesting Salty Hexy pic

Daw, thanks


Went a bit overboard when cutting out the Despoiler. This should be a bit better.

Were you listening to The Dude's story?

This is fucking awesome,someone needs to do a conversion like this

Holy shit,i love these

Speaking of surfing Despoilers, what exactly is Mordikaar supposed to be good at doing? He has no buffs, no debuffs. Like nigger what?

Well done.

Void spirits. Just void spirits

if they had just given him a new revive spell that let models still have a combat action he'd be fine and haley3 would NOT have it. but no, they killed him.

He has a timewalk, recursion, some amazing solo-sniping and the means to fuel all of those.

How will you guys be running the big guy?

Something like this.

Protectorate Army - 50 / 75 (+30) points

(Malekus 1) Malekus, the Burning Truth [+30]
- Vanquisher [17]
- Reckoner [16]
Choir of Menoth (max) [6]
Exemplar Errants (max) [16]
- Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard [4]
Initiate Tristan Durant [4]
- Redeemer [11]
Deliverer Sunburst Crew [5]
Wrack [1]

Pining for the Revelator, mostly.

>Void spirits. Just void spirits
That's the big thing that makes him interesting. Those void spirits are going to be monsters.

He'll still have lots of Fury thanks to Hollow, and he can still essence blast, so... maybe a little tricksiness there.

And he's got his lamentation variant which is alright (remember it works on Animi too, which is helpful). It's too bad about Archidons being so crappy, because Host of Shadows would have been great with them.

Revelator will be gross with him, but I won't get one.
So probably something like this

Start with their BB or if you can get your hands on it, their all in one box.

Convergence play differently enough that you should start pretty small and work your way up as jumping into a big army with no idea will just frustrate you.

They're an extremely fun army when you finally get it and very satisfying to play.

The good news as far as CoC goes is that they have one questionable unit (perforators) and one questionable Jack (floaty lightning one). They're only questionable because they can't fit into just any list unlike most other convergence choices.

Corollary is mandatory though.

Is there a consensus yet on the mk3 rules? Better? Worse?

I only ask because whenever I hear "made for new players" I vomit.


Not that much has changed in the main rules, desu. A few new terrain types, can't charge your own models anymore, concealment is only gained if you're fully within concealing terrain are the main ones. The bigger changes were the model/unit specific ones.

The main rules aren't all that different besides power up, the big changes were on the actual units/factions themselves

>people complaining about the theme forces books
>theme forces were already locked behind books and NQ magazines
>'they're turning into GW!'
Company makes product for consumers to purchase? Must be GW! How dare they want money!
By the way, PGs are getting a theme force document so it'll all probably be leaked anyways.

Doesn't sound that bad! Thanks anons!