Wonderful Days [Skirmish] - Skirmish on the Transatlantic SuperHighway

"You do realise the higher ups will have your ass for that, right ?"

"Mission success exceeds importance of any individual unit. Surrender or enemy unit will be executed."

"Very well criminal scum. You're going down."

Good, nothing is off the table. Unconscious mage approves

"Surrender or enemy unit will be executed."

Are you sure you're touching me and not my mech?



I am pretty sure I am touching you and not your mech, she is on top of your mech in an open chassis vehicle.

I have a slightly suspecious feeling this might be my bad, and uh, I, uhm, I apologize for mucking about with interior android targetting coding I should not have touched.

But I remind you all that CH-4S is currently threatening someone while holding an unloaded weapon. So if we can just, sort of, gently pry the combat android away from the hostage then we're fine.

I am awfully sorry about the... incident! I should have read up on my android / robotics interface but I can only cram so much into one work-week!

*Screaming internally*