>bugs: the race
Pathfinder General /pfg/
heir society now exists in a near perfect dictatorship, the sterile females beholden to their birthing spire. This is due to pheromone addiction, if one is near their birthing spire they go into a state of euphoria, their decision making process compromised. In their cities sterile females live in massive slums, tending to industry and the "spawning pools". In order to birth offspring a large amount of water is required, which has forced the society to develop along the western shores of the continent (as salt water is suitable). The spawning pools exist as a way to have new parasites attach to hosts.
The society also runs on enormous amounts of second hand citizen who exist as the breeding population to supply bodies. They are given an antonymous existence while being force to give up some children to the Hemphan spires. These are tossed into the spawning pools so the parasites may grow and attach to them.
I can discuss the nuances of their politics.
>are leeches attached to the neck of a human
>aren't even insects
kek, someone is on suicide watch bruh.
noob GM in great need of assistance here
How, mechanically, do I run a large-scale combat scene efficiently and without my players getting bored to tears while NPCs fight each other? In tomorrow's session the party and about 15 allies are going to be fighting about 25 enemies in a massive battle that's pretty important to the story. I spent a ton of time drawing out the terrain and writing dramatic mid-battle dialogue, but I only just now realized I have no fucking idea how to handle the fighting between NPCs in an interesting way.
I'm fairly certain I just have to decide who lives and who dies beforehand out of all the extraneous people, but how do I handle turns? The enemies have different kinds of weapons and a couple of them are wizards, so how should I group initiatives? Should I even pretend to roll for NPC interactions or just explain what happens in general terms?
pls halp
I'm not that guy, but he made their society almost exactly similar to that of social insects. Wow, most females are sterile, the rulers are fertile female, they work off of pheromones. Groundbreaking.
Compared to the dog/snakes?
Yeah actually.
Either that, the flatworm colony race, the staggered three puberty amphibians-likes, or the nerve cord crustaceans. Take your pick.
And I swear only one of these is fetish based.
Alas I am discovered!
Okay, first lets start with some of the history civil war shenanigans
Unknown to the race itself, and most of the modern races, the progenitors of the Louphi were originally designed in part by one of the great Cancer Lords, the Virtual Optims, of the great Eldraavian empire during the dawning of the Festering Ages that led to the War of Bleeding Heavens.
Said particular Virtual Optim, whose name has been stricken from history along with the rest of his kin, was obsessed with entertaining guests with safari hunting ventures, and would use his skills at cancer magic and the manipulation of life to create a great variety of new and exotic critters for him and his associates and conclaves to hunt for sport.
Eventually, he started experimenting with making creatures smarter and more clever, and even going so far as to make small populations of sapient races, thrown into the world with fake memories and prefabricated cultures, before gathering his conclaves to hunt them to extinction when they were built up enough.
After the end of the War of Bleeding Heavens, when the Viel of the Creator's Madness was rent and torn and the Four Blasphemous Interlopers put their foot into Creation, the Virtual Optims were quickly slain, at least those that had not commited ritual suicide, the various Skinborn, Armies of the Daevasworn, and the other rebelling slaves decided to destroy all the work's of the empire to fire and mace and destroy their every trace, and confounded their divine minds by the alteration into the first Fae.
>essentially a cross between an ant colony, tsochar, and some ilithid elderbrain stuff
Not too interesting or unique at all, its like something just ripped out of the pages of Lords of Madness.
Though the political nuances do have me interested