What race/class combo is the OP's picture?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Halfling Agathiel before hitting level 4
Well, we're actually starting the game tomorrow, but we got the party set up today. We all picked fairly silly characters, but hopefully we're in good enough shape to tackle Jade Regent with minimal issue.
So, planning some feats which'll unlock additional BAB improvements or give additional iterative attacks
Good idea or shit idea? Or meh
Alright then, looks like the encounters will be a Fiendish Treant and some Cyth-Vsug worshipping Vegepygmies followed by Fiendish Dryads with Shambling Mounds minions and finish the adventure with a Fungus Queen commanding some weak demons with the fungoid template.
Fungus Queens do seem like pretty awesome monsters, thanks user.
>Extra iteratives
Well i doubt they will be able to hit with a +10/+5/+0/-5/-10 attack lineup.
I dont know they will either be boring and overpowered or boring and terrible.
Honestly below level 10 the "hurry up BAB for fuck's sake" drive is in feat requirements, and needing to spend feats to speed up other feat requirements sounds like a slippery slope that leads into a steady well paying job as a Paizo developer.
Sphere caster with the Conjuration Sphere, Avante Guard Kineticist, just a few off the top if my head
>additional iterative attacks
Full attack is already the best and most boring option and you want to make it better with extra attacks? That's pretty meh from a game play perspective. From an optimization persective it could range for meh to awesome.
It'd either bump them up to the next BAB tier, or it'd another give attack at their highest BAB value sorta like a speed weapon
The feat can stack with itself