Lawful Good

>Lawful Good

Other urls found in this thread:

No alignment, or neutral


This is now a pony thread. How good is Savage Worlds of My Little Pony?

The answer is No alignment, or neutral

I've only played MLPFEMTO and with the right group its really an ideal marriage of roleplay and crunch.

Orc baby thread? You mean, spiderman thread.

Fuck the Horde.

>Passing a sentence on a crime that has not yet been committed.
Fuck off NGers.


...What's MLPFEMTO?
>R-research purposes

But, consider this, fuck the Alliance

>chaotic evil

Point taken, but also
>WC1: Fuck the Horde. Alliance did nothing wrong. Horde still fun though.
And then
>Well Metzen as you requested we came up with five ideas to make Horde sympathetic good guys and make Alliance look like assholes, both as retcons and moving forward.
>Good. Implement all of them. At once. And come up with five more by tomorrow.

Yes, OP, if you were to commit suicide, it would be considered a Lawful Good action.

How's this for a character concept:
>be ork/gnoll/kobold/whatever baby
>only survivor of a village of monsters wiped out by a good party that faced a Lawful Good dilema
>grow up in orphanage
>just as the orphan raised and socialized among wary humans is about to age out of the system they receive a letter from the local bank.
>when they get to the bank they learn there's a small nest egg of gold/credits/etc. invested in their name by at least one of the mercs that purged their birth village.
>the bank manager also gives the PC a note that reads "they can start a new life for themselves using their parents' blood money, or pic related."

Too trite a character motivation for a TTRPG?


>if you kill your enemies, they win
only thing wrong with the alliance is people keep trying to make them into the bad guys

Well, all people except for Kosak. It would be cool if the Alliance got it's internal conflicts or morally grey actions back, but you know how this works:

Alliance is always right, Horde always wins. The WAR in warcraft means red vs blu and if you're a sexy zombie elf you can get away with genocide

>It would be cool if the Alliance got it's internal conflicts or morally grey actions back, but you know how this works
It would, but the problem is all that internal conflict and morally grey shit doesn't change the fact that they're matched with a faction that is completely black, almost comically villainous.

Not the entire horde, of course. Trolls, Tauren, Ogres, Goblins.. all have slightly more complicated circumstances, but you could bathe in the blood of a thousand orcish orphans and remain perfectly just and good.

Baine for warchief!

Make the horde bearable again

Oh look, he made another shitty greentext trolling thread, and on the exact same topic this time.


Oh, no dispute here. I feel like horde should be written as slightly worse people. I love Sylv because she is written as a reasonable ruler.

>Getting rid of parasites that trouble your homeplanet
>Somehow not good


I would do anything for an ingame scene where an SI:7 agent picks up Baine and they banepost

>Alliance look like assholes

The Alliance never look like assholes though.

Perhaps the first time I'm not mad at sppiderposters

>Implying wc2 wasnt more horde are assholes.

None of the sympathetic horde stuff happened until wc3 RoC

Since hominid babies are of animal-level intelligence wouldn't they ping TN until some time in puberty when all those Evil hormones start seeping up from the genitals and glands?

Never heard of this system but it's what I found.



Heroism Wardancer too OP