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Games #481
Infinite Stars Quest 24
Death Among the Stars Quest 47
GW has done it again!
The Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread
Are rules lawyers literally the worst kind of player in any game?
Riddle me this, mister
I really hope I can pull this off;
What are some good Veeky Forums relevant movies?
ITT: People you would not want to play a tabletop game with
Mecha Space Pirate Quest Discussion Thread II
Rifts Ideas
What's most boring BBEG you can think of?
/srg/ Shadowrun General - Dressed To Kill Edition
/cofd/&/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
I roll to seduce
What's the slowest, most painful, most drawn-out death to a group/campaign you've ever experienced?
FE Quest: Silver Scales of the Past - Part 46
How do we make faeries interesting again?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Dragonball Quest #48
Infinite Stratos Quest: Where Snakes fear to tread
Universe coming to an early end
DRAWTHREAD: Welcome Home Edition
Martin Shkreli buying Magic cards
The local kingdom's courts are hit with a surprising appeal
Trapped in Da'ta Quest 33
Have you ever fell in love of a character you made Or maybe made a player fall in love with one you created
/bbg/ - Blood Bowl General: Kislev > Pro Elves Edition
White Scars
Be me
Hard Sci-Fi System
Starting DM looking for tips
OC Thread: Party Parents Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Veeky Forumss thoughts on the GiantitP Forums?
Endless Bait edition
Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2: #30
Shinigami Savant Quest #70
If you mixed holy water with oil, could you produce something like dangerous holy fumes?
Gods turn evil
Colonies of Nibiru III - Salt Pleases GM Edition
You need a license from the Crown to adventure in this kingdom
Discord chat
What is the purpose of slavery in your setting?
RuneQuest PDF Dump
Wew lad
Image into game
Veeky Forums filename thread go go go!
Female swordman pictures
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
Why are spears such shit weapons Veeky Forums? They are slower than swords they don't have the reach of a bow...
Secret pleasures
Could I conceivably transplant Pokémon (the creatures...
How would you design a race of perfect soldiers
How do you lot organise your images?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #944: The Gods Are Watching Edition
MTG Modern General
EDH/Commander General
/cyoag/ CYOA General
Starship Skirmish: This belongs in a museum!
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on counterfeits? They could be for anything like MTG cards or 40k figures...
Request: Point buy system, NOT anima
A Storytime Of Travellers
/swg/ Rated Rrrrrr!
We just finished our penultimate session of DnD with my group...
Pathfinder General
Warcraft Lore Thread
So, the one roll engine. Anyone have any experience? How is reign? I've heard good things...
X-wing: King of TableTop?
How do you do Hobgoblins, Veeky Forums?
MTG Legacy General
Age of Sigmar General
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Pretty Good Edition
Invictus - Hero/Colony Builder
Alignment thread? Alignment thread
Is it possible at all to run a non-shitty, non-overpowered, non-homebrew vampire pc in 3.5? Or are my hopes in vain?
Is your girlfriend as into tabletop as you are?
Warhammer 40k General
Hektor Heresy: Orks, what are they good for? (S3E2)
Tell me this Veeky Forums:
So Veeky Forums, how's your novel coming along?
The Pronoun Game:
What Is your Favorite fantasy setting Veeky Forums?
Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 38
MtG flavor, lore, waifushit and snowflakes
Tell me about Bullywugs
Golden Sky Stories
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #943: Carpet Fiber Edition
How would you play a hero race based on H.R.Gieger's work?
Tell me Veeky Forums, when it comes to grimdark, how far do you go in a game?
WIP - painting/converting/sculpting general
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #943: Let's Shit on Quicksilver; We're All Ingrates Here Edition!
Guns guns guns! What game is best for combat with repeating firearms...
New DND character
Tell me about your anime/Japanese-inspired games, Veeky Forums. How did they go? Did you like them...
Ever had an honest-to-god furry at your table?
Are there any evil deities that despise the undead in Forgotten Realms or D&D in general?
Character art Begging thread
Dragonball Quest #47
High-security Gnome bank
/ysg/- Yog-Sothothery General
Quest Of The Faceless: Finale
Gorkamorka General!
CYOA General
Fantasy AGE General
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Mages Guild: Thinking With Portals Edition
What the fuck is the subtext here?
I've heard it argued that cyberpunk is a dead, or at least dying, genre due to the world "catching up"...
How is Anima: Beyond Fantasy?
Hey me and some of my friends wanted to start some online rpg thing
Rifts Character Art
EDH/Commander General
You are at the tavern relaxing after a hard day of dungeon crawling, but then this elf comes along and slaps your ass...
Oh shit nigga it's an Astro-Spinx! Best answer his riddle nigga
/l5r/ - Legend of the Five Rings General
Post fictional characters that you think would be a This Guy
Deep in the dungeon, you find a small child
How do you come up with names to your PC's and NPC's?
Warmachine and Hordes General
Be fighter
How does your mom feel about your tabletop habits?
Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #39
MTG Commander
Mass appeal is all the rage these days
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Top 3 cards:
Magical Realm General
How are the relationships in your campaign going. Platonic or otherwise
Ever played a character from the opposite gender and felt more comfortable that way?
Settings you always wanted to use
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - People Need To Quit Putting Gyms In My Hood Edition
How many fucking times do you people have to be told that "enforce spell components" doesn't fix anything?
Pathfinder or D&D 5e
Warhammer 40k General
The 12 Towers
/ccg/ Custom Card General /ccg/
Age of Sigmar General
Why arent you playing Age of Sigmar?
One handed weapon combat
/tgtg/ Traditional Gender Trans Games
Who's excited for this?
Human women; are they redundant in a fantasy setting Veeky Forums?
Teach me about fantasy armor, Veeky Forums
Starship/space Thread: The Taiidan did nothing wrong edition!
If Imperium acknowledged any other tactic than frontal charge on heavily fortified position IG would be the strongest...
Inquisitor Creation Tables
How would he manage in 40K setting? I have a feeling he would consider Imperium to be too retarded to side with
You're DMing for a group of people...
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General
Could we have a thread about Cyberpunk 2020...
Do your PCs keep followers? Prisoners? Minions?
Have you ever played a character who had no stake in what was going on and no reason not to simply leave the party and...
CYOA General
There's a tournament arc coming up in this 5th ed game of DnD I run and I'm looking for ideas for competitors...
Numenera/The Strange/Cypher System
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #942: Minecraft general Edition
Stupid MTG Questions/General Thread
Bad common RPG design decision
Song of Swords: The Soonening has Sooned
Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 6]
What's the worst BAD END one of your PCs has ever had?
Am I fucking over magic users too hard?
I feel wrong doing this
Silly models
Wouldn't magic users be at odds with industrialization? I could totally see wizards...
/cofd/&/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
/epg/ - Eclipse Phase General
MTG Spoilers
How to do demon-descended races right?
The Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread
Sisters of battle
/40krpg/ 40K Roleplay General
Imperium of Mary Sues more like it. Which SF or fantasy setting has the most down to earth humans...
/osrg/ OSR General - Feeding the Trove Edition
As a step to prevent uprising by advanced AI...
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Kobolds Again! Edition
Can you show me examples of characters who are nice, but evil?
How do we make witches interesting again?
EMN Spoilers
Is it still called cyberpunk if the corps are the good guys?
Robot race
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Makeup Use
FE Quest: Silver Scales of the Past - Part 45
40k general
Draw Thread: Medusa Monks Edition
Has anyone played this, Is it any good, have any thoughts or opinions on it
We all like to poke fun at SJW and Tumblrinas...
Cursed sword of will travel through matter without resistance, but cannot move through air
Dog Days Quest Episode 110
Y tho?
How do you create a resource system for a card game that isn't a copy of mtg's mana system...
Fact: By 2020, Hearthstone is going to kill the competitive scene for MTG...
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Exalted General - /exg/
One Piece Adventure Quest 23
Dragonball Quest #46
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #941: Flat is Justice Edition
Nyarlathotep fucked my character up enough that he isn't even recognizable anymore
Bio-Armor Thread
Orc girl miniatures?
Character art Begging thread
WIP - painting/converting/sculpting general
Fucking failing forward
Dungeon Life Quest (DLQ) 74 - About Damn Time Edition
Was Roy a good GM?
Who is the biggest hack in the tabletop industry?
GM-Player interaction (or lack of it)
Doom ship
You were a strong chief, led your people to many victories
Pathfinder General /pfg/
PDF Share Thread? PDF Share Thread!
A group of level 1 adventurers come together in an inn
What is the best dnd edition?
Imperium Asunder
Filename thread
Character creation
Help me, please!
Kill Me
Yugioh thread
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #940: Stupid Sexy Sith Edition
God I love this shit. 40k not taking itself seriously again is the best thing that could happen
What do you think about this comic?
Are you ready Veeky Forums?
/cyoag/ CYOA General: 2Edgy4Lyfe
MTG spoilers
If you could be a member of a Ravnican guild, which guild would you join, Veeky Forums?
What are some RPGs where I can both shoot guns and fling spells?
EDH/Commander general
What does Veeky Forums think of the Warcraft franchise in terms of the lore and it's influence on tabletop gaming?
How do you GMPC?
Flames of War General: Make up your own witty Title Edition
The fact that mtg community is pretty terrible is hardly a revealation to anyone...
40k General
The Hero is at your door step and it is your time to shine
Berserk RPG?
/kowg/ - Kings of War General
How weeaboo do your games get?
So what became of all the old edition war? I hardly see anybody even interested in 4e anymore
What Kind of story do you imagine when you see this pic?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #939: Party Like It's 1977 Edition
Do Space Marines suffer withdrawal from their combat drugs?
Airship Veeky Forums
How would you do a system based on the hit 2004 film Mean Girls, written by Tina Fey?
Elf slave wat do
The redeemed succubus is a goddess
What's the fantasy setting equivalent of a NEET?
Warhammer Fantasy General
Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 8
What sort of thing does Veeky Forums drink while playing the weekly RPG?
Game design general /gdg/
The orcs are the true descendants of the advanced ancient empire
Why aren't you playing Age of Sigmar?
Age of Sigmar General
So what does Veeky Forums think of A Very British Civil War?
Mecha Space Pirate Quest XXXIX
Vocaroo thread!
Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
/btg/ - BattleTech General
Warhammer 40k General
What is the most obvious clue that your party is dealing with a powerful magic user?
Pure Martial Character in a Magic Heavy Setting
New Campaign Map
Pathfinder General /pfg/
What do your players do with all that money at the end of a campaign?
Mermaids/Aquatic Races Trading
Dragonball Quest #45
Infinity General: Ongoing Hype Edition
Fragged Empire
Character Art Thread!
Infinity General: Glowing Eyes Edition
Circular logic when
Legend of the Five Rings General
The Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Persona 2129 Quest #54
What's the name of this again?
Is it okay to get your character killed off when you're bored of playing them?
I need creature names
/swg/- Incredible Cross-sections Edition
Who does first in your group, the dm or the players?
Accidental Magical Girl CYOA: 1d10 edition
I don't get it. There seems to be demons in warhammer fantasy, but no angels...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #938: Sanctioned Bullying Edition
Are there any trpgs that aren't exactly "rules lite"...
What art style do you prefer, Veeky Forums?
EDH/Commander General
Could someone explain what exactly Broquest is and if it's still active/relevant or whatever...
What Do?
Is there any explanation for what kind of improvements do all the steampunk clocks and devices to steampunk guns?
Any Vampire fiction you'd recommend Veeky Forums?
CYOA general thread
Stupid Sexy Eldar
How do you make bats interesting again?
Where would mermaid maids ever be in demand?
What would a Hybrid between an orc and an elf be called, and can it be done well without being a Mary Sue?
MTG Standard
Pure metal dice
Magic: The Gathering Wednesday Flavor General - No Lord Rules Forever Edition
/srg/ - Shadowrun General - Healing Edition
Warmahordes General
It's a Goblin canoe setting
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
So, which miniature war game would you describe as the most newbie-friendly?
MtG Spoilers
Army List Building General
DRAWTHREAD: "I scratch your back, you scratch mine?" Edition
Warhammer 40k General
Character Art
Why does Tolkiens desire to create unbearable mary sues always get in the way of a threatening villain?
How do you run a game while tired...
Veeky Forums !!
Old art thread
Letting fighters walk around all day in full plate and big weapons, even in town
Light House Thread
I want to run a game where women are the source of all evil
Imperium Asunder: not another Veeky Forums heresy
Let's be honest here
Orc tribes
So I was reading Codex: Inquisition and it mentions Ordo Xenos Inquisitors infiltrating alien societies to soften them...
/twewy/ - The World Ends With You TTRPG - Thread #04
How furry is my setting?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #937: Alien-Squid-Dolphin Edition
Force of Will
Earth's Reaction to Alien Culture Thread
/EMN/ Eldritch Moon Spoilers general
Post things you've come up with but should never come to the table...
Dieselpunk Airship Propulsion systems
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: +20 to Hit Edition
What's a good, flexible...
How do you handle sexuality, sexually-charged themes, sexual NPCs/BBEGs; without making it Magical Realm?
Shinobi Quest #21
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
How do you make witches interesting again?
Paladin appreciation thread
Every time you lose an escort in BFGA, 25k people die
40K is just an elaborate reference to everything cool in sci-fi in the 80s
Has anybody ever given you shit for not liking stereotypical nerd stuff?
FE Quest: Silver Scales of the Past - Part 44
EDH/Commander General
Using the Hero's Journey to make a campaign
What if America in fantasy land thread 2
I think Pathfinder is ok, but I hate vancian casting. Are there reasonable alternatives?
Age of Sigmar General
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
What does Veeky Forums think of the novels set in 40k?
Cyberpunk Japan
Dragonball Quest #44
I don't intend to read this book because I hate David Annendale and I like the Mechanicum and hate how they've been...
Warhammer 40k General
Rank them from best to worst
Bestiary General
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #937: Gilgamesh VS Scion: Dawn of Jumpchain
Fantasy Scenery Thread
What is the ideal age for a fantasy adventurer?
/bbg/ - Blood Bowl General
Young Demon Familiar Quest 12
/bgg/ Board Games General - Library of Alexandria edition
Character art beg thread
/cyoag/ CYOA General: Edgy McEdgy Edition
His party doesn't listen to forest spirits
I'm curious, have you ever taken part in a game set in the islamic golden age, or based on the 1001 nights? Any stories...
Nerv Bridge Simulator XXIV - Quest
What are some non-edgy reasons someone would want to kill a lawful good god?
What does Veeky Forums think of Bolt Action...
Can necromancers raise it?
Two players like low power, low fantasy, low magic, realistic, grim
"hmmm.... mmmmmm... Oh terribly sorry, i was absorbed in thought. To be honest, i'm in a bit of a pickle...
/EMN/ Eldritch Moon Spoilers general
How would we react to the existence of demons?
Tundra civ ep.77
Sibella Quest Day 2
If the country of North America was somehow teleported to a standard fantasy world...
Colonies of Nibiru II- Colonies to Nations
Witch Apprentice Quest #19
How does magic work?
What's the most frustrating thing about your roleplaying hobby?
/cofd/&/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Imperial Guard regiment creation thread
I see so much negativity on the board these days, let's see some positivity!
Pathfinder General /pfg/
The Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread
Ost Apoc Megacorp Maticico Remnant civ quest 24 / Discussion Thread
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - Post Independence Day Edition
Is it Good to condemn an innocent person to X amount of pain...
Modern General - spicy tech edition
Warhammer 40k General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #936: Minty Fresh Edition
Sounds a caste system for demons stupid?
Medieval knights COULD move with all that armour: Scientists find they had full range of motion and load was comparable...
Game Finder
Chess General
Most settings have polytheistic deities with clearly defined portfolios
Can a bolter work underwater?
OC Thread: Yargle Flarg edition
Character Art Thread: Dudes in Suits Edition
Fantasy Horror Art Thread
So im planning on starting a campaign in the hellsing ultimate universe, what system should I use?
D&D 5e campaign
Wonderful Days [Skirmish] - Investigation DOWN FIRE
Your GM turns out to be a costume maker of great skill
Finding tabletop game to be a part of
Imperium Asunder: Not another Veeky Forums heresy
Becoming a GM for Dummies Thread
Working on a starwars rp
Which of these three ships is most likely to survive a three-way encounter between itself and the other two...
My group wants me to run a horror game Veeky Forums and I've never done horror before
Unconventional siege tactics
Can imperial capital ships enter atmosphere and leave again? Is 40K closer to Star Wars physics or Star Trek physics?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: DMs Guild Trove Edition
Sleeping character
EDH/Commander General
What are they watching for?
Tell your group you're starting a new game for X system
Why the fuck do people clamber to make Evil characters, even in games without alignment...
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
To exalted or not to exalted?
Green Ronin's ASOIAF RPG
Is there any situation in which a person other than the God of Abraham could kill Caine?
CYOA General
The innkeeper is one of these things
Exalted General - /exg/
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Dear Sir/Madam
Filename Thread
All campaigns should end with a wedding
Do you enjoy pissing off your players?
Horus Heresy General/hhg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #935: Fire in the Disco Edition
Post character concepts you always wanted to play
Dragonball Quest #43
Sword Fighting
Warhammer 40k general
/epg/ - Eclipse Phase General
Why do elves always depend on the setting?
How would you guys do an MTG TV show?
Anima - Beyond Fantasy General
"I play Chaos...
Spacefaring Superstitions
Lewd RPGs and solo RPG
I'm working on a weird war setting idea for 90's/gulf war/modern conflicts...
Age of Sigmar General
The last character you've played comes across a button with a Do Not Push warning
Hello, and welcome to 'Whose Heresy is it Anyway?', where the points count about as much as an Ork with no fingers
Fuckhuge undead thrall horde wat do
Why is it a "requirement" for every session to have a combat or equivalent?
GURPS General - /gurpsgen/
Warmachine General
Systems for a Legend of Zelda campaign
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting/Johnny General
Tundra civ ep.76 - The United Systems Republic
Pathfinder General /pfg/
I'm writing something. What's a good name for luck tokens that you can spend for automatically succeed on a roll?
What would a space opera be like if the dominant culture was Chinese or Japanese instead of American?
That Guy
Howdy. I'm looking into running a game using Glorantha as a setting...
Finally, a manga that gets me
Arabian fantasy thread
/srg/ Shadowrun General - Cyberweapon Edition
MTG SPOILER GENERAL - this time its real I swear! edition
Campaign Styles that annoy you
The Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread
So why exactly should people with superpowers who can shape the reality with their mind be "balanced" with dudes who...
Inquisitorial Penal Regiment Veeky Forums: Back To The Futu- I mean Gospyria Edition
German Hollow Quest 23
oh it's my turn? sorry I was texting kyle
I value clarity and inclusiveness, and BBEG is a perfect example of bad jargon
How to make the undead feel exotic? Egyptians would be too Tomb Kings like so maybe Assyrians...
/ysg/-Yog-Sothothery General
State him
EDH/Commander General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #934: Big Bazookas Edition
Post historical figures you think would have been a That Girl
I'm making what is essentially a D&D clone set in good old fantasy renaissance not!europe
Hektor Heresy: Season 3, Episode 1
Infinity General: Unknown Ranger Edition
What happened to Magical Girl Quest Noir?
What are some good Veeky Forumscore books?
That one important thing you want to make absolutely clear to your players before playing
Can we have a thread of magical realm stuff that's actually printed in commercial RPG products? Like...
Mistakes In Systems & Pet Peeves
Mods are asleep, post hot Veeky Forums boys
Hive Queen Quest 56.2
Camping out in the woods, you leave your bed to sit on a log as you cannot fall asleep
Asian people general
How does Veeky Forums feel about all human settings?
Post Apoc Megacorp Maticico Remnant civ quest 23
Character Art
Alt World War 1
Flames of War: Back Surgery Edition
Warhammer 40k General
Player: "I want to kick over the table and dive for cover!"
Imperium Asunder: Not another Veeky Forums heresy
Biggest Bad
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Amerikokra Edition
Is he wrong, Veeky Forums?
Lawful Good
/EMN/ Eldritch Moon Spoilers general
EMN Spoilers
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games