Settings you always wanted to use
Pic related for me
Settings you always wanted to use
Pic related for me
Currently working on it, after a fashion.
Or a bunch of other 4x games, really, like Endless Space or Sword of the Stars. These settings have enough fluff to provide a solid base, have enough going on in so many different levels of scale that you can put the party in basically any social role, and the sandbox nature of their campaigns means that you can come up with places and events on the fly with no rigid structure limiting you as long as you don't break the setting.
Sounds like an enormous amount of cannon fodder with occasionally an elite. I question how the Improbability Drives would work.
Always wanted to do something based off of Persona.
Probably lots of techno music and fast paced combat, as for the improbability drive would probably be a set list of possible events that would be rolled behind the board to mess with the players, with a few npcs having the ability to control it to an extent.
create a d1m table. Remember, each possibility has to be incredibly unlikely on its own, and a d1m table would mean every outcome has a literal 1 in a million chance of happening.
Not saying this is an easy solution, but it'd be the BEST solution
Not really a "Setting" I suppose, but I'd love to do a game based on pic related.
Not that I ever will, because I could never do it justice.
It's all just so pretty.
I'd run a Darkest Dungeon game if I wasn't such a shit GM.
>Mix of race options
>fully explained combination of magic and tech
>If players want to speak in the Blue language (the one tied to magic) they can actually do so using google translate
Official TTRPG when?
fite me
Honestly I'd love to do some Kamen Rider stuff but it seems hard to find a good system.
I expecially want to do something similar, like a mix of the Pest Control Squad from Amazons mixed with a bit of G3 with an X-Comlike tint.
Battle Century G. It's originally meant for Mecha, but can very easily be refluffed for Rider shenanigans.
Fuck I automatically read it in his voice
I got this back in 2014, I have no idea if it's been updated since then.
Great, and now you have me watching that opening sequence again.
Can I ask how you're interpreting some elements of the game like the "time skip" that killed the Titans and the source of the darkness? Your ideas on the west crystal would also be interesting
These animals need saddlebags and carts. They could carry so much stuff.
Is it still possible to download Madness Interactive from somewhere that isn't just malware and shit?
Probably not. But you should try project nexus if you haven't, the first one is on newgrounds and is pretty good and the second is in pre-alpha and I'm loving it so far.
To clarify on 'after a fashion', I'm not taking the setting wholesale so I can't really answer on the western crystal. My players aren't ones for hugely out-there settings, so I hope to go for a more arabian nights / low fantasy interpretation of the aesthetic.
The time skip, however, I'm keeping. I hope to use it as a possible way to add players into the game with minimal exposition - I thought it would be neat to do a short 1 on 1 backstory game with details of who they might have been and then drop them in the setting with their memory of what happened largely missing (as in the videogame).
Lorewise, it is explained as the prexisting civilisation going to war with itself, leaving much of the planet as murky wastes and overgrown ruins. The titans may be remains of ancient beings, reanimated for war and left to collapse in the aftermath. Who knows, one might start running again.
I'm planning on running a campaign of heavily tweaked Cyberpunk 2020 in Calradia, the setting for Mount & Blade: Warband.
Other than that, there's Oddworld (I'd use Into the Odd which is accidentally and strangely related), Unknown Armies, JAGS Wonderland (but I'd use the Unknown Armies ruleset).
I think the problem would be writing the setting in a way that fits a TTRPG. It works well in the comics, but I can't really see the neverending possibilities of worlds/planets the way it's done here (unlike Rifts, for example) work too well, sadly. It might just be me, though.
Also, is magic really fully explained? I remember Marko starting to explain magic, but Alana thought is sounded boring or something. I might be misremembering though.
Personally, I'd love to play in the SCP universe
Forgotten realms during crown wars or height of mythvdrannor