>the orcs are the true descendants of the advanced ancient empire
The orcs are the true descendants of the advanced ancient empire
> Elves are recent upstarts, having evolved from goblins
> May or may not be the result of magical Orcish war experiments
That'll explain why it isn't around any more.
>elves are shapeshifting extraterrestrials who became trapped in one form
>the barbarous, fragmented thread is the true descendant of the advanced, ancient board
i like it.
Elves do look more like goblins.
>Humans are actually the regressed descendants of an ancient empire
>Humans and other humanoids are actually the retroactively seeded descendents of a human-like alien empire
Orc is the master race.
>orcs served as footsoldiers in the advanced, ancient evil empire
>that's why everyone hates them, and they're KoS
I don't think that's an orc, user.
>orcs are descended from the ancient race of kings which invented everything ever
>da Orkz are da true descendents o' da advanced ancient Imperium
>Orcs invented Elves as a race of strategist servitors that would construct advanced military tactics and conduct campaigns more effectively.
>They lost control of their experiment and the wild elves bonded to trees as their masters instead.
>Now its been thousands of years and the original elves with their long lives have expired without trace, let alone the orc empire that created them, for whom several dozen generations have passed and the tale is too old to be gleaned even from myths.
>The orcs are still the most advanced empire
>Elves are given their own ethnic quarters in Orc strongholds/cities because they are far too conservative/insular as a race and as a consequence are a persecuted and rare race.
Go away elf fag. You had your time to shine this is an orc board now. Slither back into the caves with your goblin kind.
>Orcs are the best craftsmen, miners, and have the best culture in any good setting.
>Elves are snobby rat like folk who cower and run away boasting that they are the best at all thing when they cant do anything of value except sex and they do that pathetically.
>immortal Orcish generals and sorcerers lording over ruined metropoli as they direct hordes of tribals descended from the commoners, all to claim a throne long empty
I always liked the idea of Orcs as being a migrant, mercenary people, who worshipped a god of battle. They wouldn't be savages, and would instead be regarded as some of the most professional and disciplined soldiers you can find anywhere, so long as you can afford their costs.
Being a migrant people, they would identify themselves by clan(who would each hold a fairly small, but extremely well defended piece of land) and by the nature of their work, which would be expressed in dress and tattoos. Some orcs might go it alone, either seeking work as a professional duelist, resolving matters of honor and the like as a hired stand in and working as bodyguards, while others might band together into specific groups and units, devoting themselves to a specific style of combat(so you might have a unit of professional infantry, or siege engineers, or bowmen, etc, etc).
Orcish contracts would be a fairly big deal, though not exactly complicated. They wouldn't be stupid about them(they, for example, define their time in service less by a specific period and more by the passing of an event, so a company might work for you until a castle falls or a battle is fought, for example), but they would be quite adamant about them being upheld. In fact, to Orcs, breach of contract is an invitation to violence, not only by the wronged parties, but by any other Orc affected by it(Which, to Orcs vs outsiders, is all of them). Men who violate their contacts with Orcs in bad faith tend to get violently murdered not long after word gets around.
About the only thing you can't hire an Orc to do is fight against other Orcs in defense of their homes, battles that involve actual Orcish interests are governed by their religion and considered very serious business.
Basically, they'd still have their image of being warriors(and regarded as brutal and violent by most) but wouldn't be the whole primitive savage concept most settings give them.
I really like this. I with someone with a good hand would draw orcish forts/towns/settlements.
>Russians are the descendants of the Roman Empire
Sir you misunderstood this thread. It's Bout orcs and how great they really are. Not a thread about your sarcastic butthurt.
Excellent taste.
>implying that orcs aren't fantasy russians
The ancient empire of the stars, Amerikhan
Orcs are fantasy Americans. A savage, warlike race who think themselves the greatest who constantly run around starting wars everywhere.
Yeah, except unlike orcs, we really are the greatest.
From ancient Roma to proud Britania, the torch of hegemonic imperialism and civilization has been passed to glorious America.
Orcs are like the best of every country.
Like the British since of fair game and respect among challengers. Like Russia with raw power and strength. Like China with a deep rich ancient culture.
Only people who don't actually like orcs are the failed elf experiments. Mostly upset that we based them on goblins but weaker.
>Orcs and Humans are the oldest races
>Humans had been around the longest, the Orcs coming from humans
>The two have been at war for eons
>When Elves come around, they had been isolated from the world for decades
>The elves, in all their egotism, believe themselves to be the oldest race, simply because they have no records of the humans and orcs history, and refuse to believe the history books of 'LESSER RACES'
>The orcs and humans just see the elves as a bunch of petulant kids.
>we really are the greatest.
I don't see being learned in them communist mathematicas and scientisms causeing your there country to be a hegemonic world power, euro shit.
This isn't a /pol/ thread.... it's an orc thread.
I know, I just thought it's funny, this unfounded confidence so engrained into american culture where each individual believes that the whole is the greatest in every way.
It's like one of those silly little lore boxes you see in rule books.
I love how elves ignorantly boast how great and not weeaboo they (posting anime elf pic) yet when orcs talk about how great we are elves have the most autistic spasms and derail the thread into a /pol/ thread. Filthy goblin scum. Oops I ment elf scum.
To be fair, it's a good trait for a people have.
That way, when you show them the truth, they'll hopefully get angry and gain the resolve to prove their superiority, rather than resting on their laurels.
so, Stargate?
where did all go so wrong??
>Orcs are the master race. the strongest and smartest of all the races.
>Elves are ignorant snobby cunts who do nothing but talk a big game without playing the game.
>Humans, Dwarfs, and even Gnomes are respectable in there culture and are at least 10x better then the elves.
>Orcs are the greatest of empires reining for thousands of years. They are the first and only race to build steel fortresses making the land bend to their will rather then building in mountains and bending to the lands will.
>Orcs being best race share there power and culture with the world making all the lesser races have a chance to feel like masters.
>Orcs have always been the most intelligent race. being the most ancient has given them the most advantage to learn the powers of arcane nature, and other magics. They are the true masters of reality bending the powers of the universe to their will.
If you're so great, why are your people dying, infected with feminism? Checkmate atheist
At the moment you are failing as an empire. Fun to watch.
what country are you from? surely any European country isn't trying to say they don't have a feminism problem? ours might have the freedom to speak louder but it really doesn't affect the 99.9% of Americans. And it couldn't be a Russia or China talking about people dying of infection when you guys have starvation and a hell of a lot more poverty and disease.
We keep them here to keep them out of your countries, because our cholesterol will eventually purge them.
America is running the UN and basically China and Russia and Europe are our bitches.
>people not posting pictures of orcs and talking about /pol/atics
>Remove the intelligence penalty from orc
>Gave them a greater sense of authoritarian organization
The orcs are now Romans: not neccessarily the most advanced or most pre-occupied with philosophy, science or engineering beyond "how do we make more dakka?", but they don't care. They leave exploring the natural laws and mapping the skies to others, those they have conquered.
Even under the Roman administration it was Greece that was the center of science and philosophy and upper class Romans still educated themselves in the Greek language and way of thinking. The greatest Roman philosophies were mostly revamps of Greek ones.
So, hobgoblins?
sure orcs would abuse anything hobgoblins made.
Orcs get there best shit from dwarfs and humans most likely.
Isn't this basically what Tamriellic Orsimer are, minus the whole actually-ugly-elves thing?
Why do you hate pretty people? Is it because you're unloved?
>Orcs are the most beautiful and amazing race. Just the perfection of sexy.
>An Orc and his elf pet.
< This pic. An Orc and her goblin pet.
>Orcs. Just the masters of bodily perfection.
Is there anything better then an orc woman?
i forgot that one had the weird bulge.
Its her adventure rope and other adventure supplies.
Muscle elfs?
Yea sure here is a group of muscle elves.
....Dumbass. thats an orc not an elf. jealous of our women i know. go back to and elf thread on /d/ im sure they got a trap thread up in there.
>Grouping blacks and whites together
Well no wonder.
>Orcs are the masters of cooking and culture. They make the best foods cooked from the best meats and fruits.
Literally WE WUZ KANGZ
100% ture
>Orcs ruled the world and still do. This could only be true. We have the most beautiful women and handsome men.
Humans love to serve us, dwarves love to befriend us. Elves love to hate us.
I'm answering his question, bruh. It's unrelated to the picture he's posting.
>Orcs. The first race to combat demons and enslave the outer planar creatures. Truly the friendly gods and saviors of the world.
And now we're entering HFY tier of wank.
oh i see. well muscle elves are rather ugly.. it would be a human with sharp features distorted by the muscles and not hips or tits. a scrawny nasty thing most likely.
>Orcs are the ultimate fighters and the greatest of rulers.
I'm not sure where the serious replies ended and the sarcastic ones began at this point.
Eberron did something like this.
Orcs were the scattered descendants of a highly spiritual (but also pretty bloody, IIRC) druidic culture that had pushed back an eldritch invasion once before, and were devoted to maintaining a vigil against similar incursions by other worlds.
One of the prominent elf factions was a bunch of pillaging not!Mongols who raided and warred as a means of historical reenactment and ancestor worship (which was proven to actually work, too).
That's idea and many intellectuals do do this. Although nowadays the default attitude in the face of defeat is raised voices, sullen anger, and denial of the facts. Or maybe I just hang out with the wrong people.
Women that actually exist.
Women don't exist, it's all Sand.
Nailed it.
It's some passive aggresive cunt butthurt at this thread.
so like the Toblakai
>Elf pet
Styx is clearly a goblin. Step up your game, user.
>The ancient wizards that created most sentient species were probably orcs (they're gone now), then they built some kind of intrastellar empire, created sentient biological weapons and blew up a planet. No one knows why.
>the dragonborn are the true descendants of the advanced ancient empire
>the tieflings are the true descendants of the advanced ancient empire
>the hobgoblins are the true descendants of the advanced ancient empire
The Turtle-men are the true descendants of the ancient empire, in fact they are the same people, they just age and move very slowly and they havnt realized that their empire fell yet.
you post in a shitposting thread, you get the horns
>humans are actually demons who came through earth through a portal millions of years ago and then evolved with the rest of the planet
>halflings are actually intelligent animals with glamour that make them look human
>elves are what creatures become after staying too close to ancient monoliths sent to earth from an unknown race of beings
>dwarves are to mountains what cancer is to the body, the kill the earth slowly but surely.
nobody knows where they came from and nobody has ever been able to exterminate them
>catgirls are actually the physically strongest race in the setting
>also have a whole empire they control
>The Orc race is the most magically attuned one out there.
>Orcs are the male gender of every race
>Orcs are the female gender of every race
Every major milSF theme since OBSG?