Universe coming to an early end

>universe coming to an early end
>3 BBEG with probable solutions but shitty consequences
>1 mind control everyone so filthy "proto-humans" stop fucking up whats left of the universal fabric with ignorant use of magic and probably end up subject to some messed up mass experimentation
>2 summon extradimensional immortal god that will allow nothing in the universe to die and will also absorb everything into itself with a 50/50 shot of being eternal hellish terror or infinite heavenly pleasure
>3 univeral bomb to destroy everything and restart the everything on the right track maybe
>can only hope to defeat any two 2 bbegs with the support of another with no way of beating the winner
How're our heroes gonna get outta this jam?

if it's in the primary Marvel universe, argue until it's too late, then die heroically.

Pull the BBEG inside out with your bare hands.

Go with 3.
Worst case, the universe ends up back where it started and the next group of heroes picks one of the other 2 options.


Do you really not understand what a BBEG is?

They're all potential final bosses. Yiu just gotta choose one.

Except none of them are the real boss.

Attempt to kill them all, then call the GM out on his railroading bullshit when he REEES the fuck out

Quick question, where is Galactus in all this?

Also on what side is Thanos currently?

And then shout at Tony Stark for being a cunt.

I loved that scenario, just been through the biggest and most destructive event in the Marvel universe's history only to come back down to earth where they're all fighting each other over petty bullshit.

Shit, fucking Kl'rt came down to earth and personally told Reed what was happening before going off on a suicide mission to the negative zone, yet Reed still spent all his time building a Thor clone and ignoring his wife.

Earth is a bullshit place in the Marvel universe.

God I wish Marvel cosmic would go back to being about shit not involving Earth.

I don't think OP is talking about an actual game set in the MU, just a cosmic fantasy game that's undergoing a clusterfuck of similar scale to the Cancerverse Incursion/Annihilation Wave.

By kali-ma!ing one BBEG, using another to destroy most of the third's army, and ripping the third BBEG's intestines out through his mouth.

Well then he shouldn't have started the thread with an image more interesting than the picture.
Rookie mistake user.

First option's the best of the three. It's not great, but at least an oppressive empire is better means intelligent life still surviving in some fashion. It's better than option B, which is a sucker's choice. That's just asking for everyone to get eaten by Shuma-Gorath. Option C is just cosmic obliteration with no promise of anything good coming out of it.

Man, I am so stoked that Mantis made it into the movie sequel.

Mantis and Moondragon were always the most likely Guardians to make it into a sequel (besides Cosmo of course)
>Bug's rights are tied up with Micronauts (but Gunn likes him which is why a lot of his personality traits wound up in Star-Lord)
>Jack Flag only makes sense if you want a normal person to deadpan at all the weird cosmic stuff
>Phyla doesn't make sense without Mar-Vell, who we're not getting until the Captain Marvel movie.
>Adam Warlock would likely distort the entire movie around himself.
>Same with Major Victory unless you want to pull a Yondu-style reboot of the character.

Eh, you could have made Phyla work as just a Free hero, I think. Still surprised Cosmo doesn't seem to be in the sequel, though.



Oh that slut can fuck right off. She ruined everything.

Isn't the second one just the cancerverse?

Fuck off Phyla is rad.