Weird World War 1 games. What have you done to make em cool?
Alt World War 1
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Add black German soldiers
>inb4 Battlefield 1
I was thinking Zombies, dinosaurs and the like.
I have this idea of having WW1 without france getting involved or something :^)
So Germany and Austria just steamroll Russia?
It was still in a fantasy world but I did have an adventure once where the party was hired to deliver Not!Vladimir Lenin by train to fantasy Russia by fantasy Germany so they'd withdraw from the war that was going on.
I remember they held off pegasus knights attacking with a machine gun.
Save zombies for WW2 nazi germans.
Honestly if you just steam punk the shit out of WW1 more then it already was it becomes way more cool.
I am not even a fan of steam punk but if there was one place it belongs its WW1.
Keep the concepts, play with the timeline.
>finally play something different
>m night plot twist
>game has elves and zombies like all other games
Didn't Germany have colonies in Africa around that time? They might've had a few auxiliaries who were black, especially if they were defending German territory in Africa from British attacks during WW1.
Add dragons.
And vampires.
And satanic vampire biplanes.
Steal from the Leviathan series.
>Germany and Austria just steamroll Russia
Russia has an alliance with Perfidious Albion instead of France, and although both France and England maintain their non-ratified alliance, France won't come to their aid.
Maybe they're busy with a French Vladmir Lenin and a third French Revolution, leading to the same feeling of being "left in the lurch" the English had.
The rail infrastructure available to the Germans had them sending at most 40% of their strength to fight the Russians, so the rest would have to travel much slower. Most likely, this would lead us down the same path as the real history, with the Russians gaining some early ground only to be halted at the Battle of Tannenberg, and the Germans pushing them back, though this time with almost their entire army.
The Turks join in around October 1914, and the Brits get involved heavily to protect their Egyptian territory, the Ottoman Empire is subjected to attacks on both sides, as the English have yet to deploy troops, and can afford to send far more men to the Middle-East.
The Austrians and Germans establish a front line from Riga (which is now in Latvia) to Odessa (now in the Ukraine) by 1915, before the Italians join in on the side of the Anglo-Russo Alliance, drawing a goodly portion of the Austro-Hungarian forces away from the Russian front.
Once the Italians join the fight, they tie up the Austro-Hungarians in 11 inconsequential battles over the river Isonzo, from 1915-1917, and one battle at Caporetto in 1917 where the Germans show the Austrians how win a fight.
The Turks are in the traditional German position of being attacked on two fronts, though they are a considerably weaker nation, albeit protected by much better natural barriers. They call to the Germans for help and the Middle-East becomes the Eastern-Front of our new World War.
German Africa spent most of the war committing war crimes and just underdogging it like champs. They tied down a lot of men and material that could have been better put to use elsewhere, and in general were badass.
In Africa maybe, but not on the fucking European front lines like Dice claims!
By March 1915, the Canadians are ready to fight, and they are shipped from Vancouver to Vladivostok, and ride the Trans-Siberian Railway to the front.
The Brits, seeking to open a third front, kick off the Battle of the Jutland and seek to cripple the inferior German fleet and invade the German coast.
Two words, Crimson Sky.
>European front lines like Dice claims
Isn't the Battlefield 1 thing just the Harlem Hellfighters, not the German army?
And besides, they aren't claiming historical accuracy, considering the weapons and attachments they've got in the game.
The black dude on the cover is a Harlem Hellfighter, dumbass.
I made it Porco Rosso.
What about this guy then
There are german niggers in multiplayer I think.
Do not forget this guy
>faggots never heard of Joseph Mambo
>fought in East Prussia
>won the Iron Cross at Verdun
>one of a number of Cameroonians who served as soldiers in the German Army in WW1 IN EUROPE
/pol/tards are a fucking joke, playing at being historians yet knowing nothing of the facts - or rather avoiding/ignoring them because they clash with their retarded opinions
funny how they bend over backwards trying to prove the Nazis weren't racist in WW2 but can't accept black kampfer in WW1
I was genuinely curious about this guy but fine, be a dick.
Okay, so tell us about the guy.
Hell, I'm pretty sure it's the only war with an actual steam tank (admittedly, only a prototype), it's fairly appropriate
Isn't World War 1 technically dieselpunk.
I mean I get that for all intents and purposes we associate the dieselpunk genre more with interwar and WW1, but weren't diesel engines in use at this time?
the first time cars, trucks and selfpropelled vehicles were used in real big numbers unless my memory fails
so yeah dieselpunk as it gets
It's a hard one to call - the Diesel engine was invented just before the turn of the century, but it wasn't in that wide use; for the sort of stuff we're caring about it's only really submarines that use diesel, everyone else uses more refined fuel oil or coal - you only just see locomotives with it before the war, and you don't get diesel trucks until after.
For the rest of the aesthetics of the genre though, WWI generally comes off as dieselpunk - everything gets a lot more angular and brutal-looking, there's less decoration, it's all utilitarian, grim and shit.
It's not the wood and brass we associate with steampunk.
People also kind of forget that steam powered most things until at least the 40's, though many engines were oil-fuelled, rather than coal
Eh, WWI has the look, but the power backing it up was rarely diesel
Legal, interracial, gay marriage
BETA invasion.
What now?
Still fucked, but atleast there's a certain romance in imagining that car trying to outrun the human sized ones which can number in the thousands.
I say again, what?
The "utility machine turned alien killing weapon" angle is perfect.
Local folklore figures and myths/mythological creatures enslaved and used as weapons and/or coerced into defending their own territory. Also Galvanism.
Then add nightmarish but powerful deiselpunk weapons.
Imagine things like Jenny Greenteeth swimming through particularly deep and flooded trenches. Lumbering, bulky Frankenstein monsters with stitches and wires. Red Caps. Tesla-esque death rays. Ghosts possessing barbed wire and choking enemies with it. Trenches so deep and overbuilt that they're slowly sinking into the earth and becoming muddly, labyrinthine complexes below the bloodsoaked soil.
Fighting BETA with world War one technology would be pretty rough.
Humanity might be able to survive longer than expected. Most of them can be handled by planes, and the kill rate might be low enough that the Laser-class won't make an appearance. That said, without anything that can destroy the hives, it's an impossible fight.
>Widest-looking guy in the lineup
>Least-wrinkled outfit
I'm not sure if that's just the greatcoat talking, but every time.
WWI with added blood magic would be pretty cool
WWI brittish paras dropping in behind enemy lines, dualwielding Webley revolvers and causing all kinds of havoc.
What is BETA?
Greatcoat, cape and he's either the biggest or second biggest overall - I think he's slightly taller than the bong, though they're both wearing hats that add height - none of that helps, but yeah, the stereotype somehow still applies, even 116 years ago
Yeah, that's pretty neat/nasty
>1 exception is the rule
The problem isn't that there are black soldiers, the problem is that every other soldier you run into in the game is black. That's just unrealistic and pandering. I don't mind some diversity in games as long as it makes sense and isn't shoehorned in and this is definitely shoehorned.
How's that guy on the right even going to drink with that helmet on?
Have we seen a huge black German presence in the story mode yet? As of now most the blacks we have seen were in multiplayer, and the appearance of the multiplayer characters is chosen by the player.
In a multiplayer game with appearance customization appearances, each individual player should be able to choose to be the exception, just like how anyone who rolls a drow should be theoretically able to choose to be a Drizzt clone. Of course, the problem comes when EVERYONE wants to be the exception, as was in the demo where every other soldier in-game was black. And it's not like DnD where battlefield can immediately ban black player avatars when there are too many.
It's very much a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for the developers, and as long as there aren't that many blacks in the German army in the singleplayer story mode, I won't mind too much.
Planes, like ancient horses, are alive, have a will of their own and sometimes get distracted by other planes going into heat.
I'm only making judgement on what we've seen so far f.a.m.
Only an army of Chads can defeat them!
12m one looks kawaii as fuck.
Oh that's nasty.
I bet they're not slow as well
My experiences with Mount and Blade multiplayer is that half the BF1 playerbase will play exclusively black characters on multiplayer just to trigger people.
But Grappler-kun is fucking useless
>lowest kill-death ratio of all the BETA strains
>has only killed 1 main character on screen
Why are they so useless?
The beta of BETAs
Dammit, meant the 21m one.
Literally didn't even see grappler, thought his head was part of the 16m one.
Really kinda wacky how much his design improves if you remove the head
I've been thinking of doing a setting with a WWI-style tech level. The entire world is engulfed in war, but the players are part of an internal police force of not!America, an isolationist nation largely untouched by the war but in the grips of creeping fascism.
Would Not!America be a Cassablanca-style neutral zone?
One of the big tenets of fascism was the primacy of the military, be interesting to think about how you'd reconcile that with keeping out of a world war
And how exactly did humanity get BTFO'd by these evolutionary failures? The 21m tall gumball would keep toppling over due to it's own imbalance and the giant eye is a giant weakness, the 66m tall would collapse under it's own weight or at least move at the pace of a scooter at best due to wind resistance, the 12m is all fucked up, the vagina monster standing at 2,3m doesn't even have legs. The 2,5m 2,8m and 3m are the only ones who would even function under normal physics. And maybe the 16m.
China didn't go all out on them because they wanted to capture them and study them FOR SCIENCE. Big mistake because the weeks that China took to study them allowed them to build up enough numbers to just zerg rush the ever living fuck out of everyone and everything. The gumballs don't really have to move. Just shoot down anything that flies in the air. Then after zerg rushing, they established more hives and built up even more numbers.
Did you even bother reading the article?
No, because my knowledge to Muv Luv extends to the twizzler picture and a hundred pictures of the monster who looks like he's pushing a giant turd and have vowed to not learn more because it seems that the three selling points of the series are "TITS, TITS PILOTING MECHAS AND TITS GETTING EATEN"
What the fuck did I just read?
So if I'm getting this right, you're only here to stir up problems.
He meant to quote
I wonder, what would the world have looked like had somewhere along 1916 soldiers along both sides of the trenches collectively said "fuck this shit", turned around and forced their governments to sign a peace and if such a situation would be even remotely plausible
Why is no one else saying this?
The clankers fucking rule.
Trenches and Tigers
Trenches and Tigers!
>Trenches and Tigers!
Trenches and Tigers!!
Could simply be a heavily fortified defensive military. I was thinking more along the lines of a burgeoning fascist ideology, where rhetoric about security, patriotism, etc. is supplanting freedom.
I haven't put much thought into it yet desu, it originally sprung up because I thought a Bloodborne-esque Gothic horror set in the antebellum American Deep South would be dank af, but WWI is cool too so why not have it Somewhere Else?
Wishful thinking. Germany would've beaten Russia before 1916 if they went for them instead of France.
>He thinks Dice did any research at all into WWI history beyond looking for the nearest source of BBC
They're Swedes. They don't even know what white people look like anymore.
'nuff said.
>Angels of Mons
>actual angels.
>war magics
>spooky stuff.
The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire had some good Weird War One stuff in it.
Why not both?