How do we make witches interesting again?

How do we make witches interesting again?


You stop posting the same thread about them over and over again.


Make witches turbo-sluts with sinful figures. One of the first spells you'll be learning is the one to give you a hot body, anyway.

tumblr mode activate!

there can be male witches and female warlocks!

they are not bound by gender! its just the patriarchy thats too up in their ass and feel threatened by feminine empowerment!

Before the mods decided to be fags and delete the previous thread for no reason at all, we were bouncing around the idea of enchantresses being the hot popular girls and witches being the dorks that got bullied by them.

Well witches come in two flavours, female wizards and mysterious knowledgeable women. I assume you seek the second type so you need a reason why they have knowledge that isn't in libraries.

Reminder that witch has always been gender neutral

what makes you think they aren't interesting now?

a better question is, "How do we make OP interesting again?"

>witches are Tumblrinas

Bigger floppier hats.

better yet:
>witches are That Girls

That's already the case. There are male witches irl and doesn't warlock just means oath-breaker?

They're typically presented as plain Janes that happen to have some magical powers they got from a comically evil but ineffectual source?

Why do we have to

Get away from them having organized magic schools, or at least make the schools very, very small. Basically just a coven with a leader and a few witches of slightly less skill learning from them.

Get back to witches dealing with dark forces, not this nice, clean, sciency magic that's so popular right now. Make the spirits they bargain with hard to classify. To a witch, none are exclusively good or evil, they all have roles to play, from benevolent to malicious, but all such entities are just doing what they're meant to do. More enforcers of cultural values, blue and orange morality, everything tightly bound by rules that the uninitiated find incomprehensible.

Just sayin'

Witches as just one of the many, many interchangeable, regional folk nicknames/synonyms meaning "user of magic". See also: wizard, warlock, shaman, theurge, vampire, mystic, sage, magus, alchemist, sorcerer, etc. etc.

Of course, those who practice it don't bother much with such labels. They're too busy in their cellars exploring the limits of the universe to care what some farmer calls them.

>"She's a witch! A WITCH, I say!"
>"I know more than you, yes. 'Witch' is a matter of perspective. Now, please put the pitchforks down - I'm very busy and I have too many human reagents as it is. Do you know what a pain it is to think of uses for a whole family's worth of tongues? I don't need to have a whole village spoiling in my cellar just because I missed one little girl."

Make them all That Girls but with enough magic to make themselves 20/10s and twist people to their wills but not enough to fix their shitty, shitty personalities

Witches, cunningmen, toad doctors, witchdoctors, medicine men, and shamans are all the same thing and are distinct from wizards and clerics.

>Implying this is not how it works in any half-decent setting

Magic Schools are:

Pick two, ban one.

When, in your opinion, were witches interesting? You must have an opinion on this, else your intent makes no sense. Give us something to start with. What is it that you're after?

Burn them

So they're all Tomoko with magic powers?



I'll never get my floor clean otherwise.

You should look at the witches from Bloodborne, they are really creepy.


>that pouring method
My autism is so triggered.

They were kinda hot with all those eyes tho

>There are male witches irl and doesn't warlock just means oath-breaker?
Witch is gender neutral, and Warlock did come from the word for oath-breaker. Its' use as the male term for a witch came much later.

Make them pilot giant robots.

What? You think parents sent their good little witches to magical schools in order to learn broom riding and wand waving? Naw nigga, they sent them to learn how to create and pilot magical golem constructs.

Got all kinds of magic mechs.

Skelly spooky ones

Ones powered by yo mama's dead soul

Ones that are one fire

And ones that made outta ice

Anything that you can imagine.

Why do you think wizards and witches always wears bigass hats? Cause that's their magical neural interface.


What makes them UNinteresting?