
I ask that you forgive the rather ramshackle creation I've just dumped onto you.
See, I fly out for basic training in less than 12 hours and for reasons beyond my reckoning I was possessed with the desire to create a cyoa image. I'd never done one of these before and I threw this together in less than a day. I had initially planned for a much more expansive game, more nobles, other kingdoms, an alliance system, FAR more perks and threats as well as several resource pools and a more complex way of managing them. Due to time constraints and a desire to post something at least I made this instead.
I'm hoping to pick it up again in the future, make the version I had initially imagined but that won't be for some time.
Anyway, hope you guys have some fun with this and keep an eye out, maybe you'll see more one day.

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Margrave 500/100

Habitable Planet (fully upgraded) – 180
5 habitable moons (fully upgraded) – 95
Gas giant (fully upgraded) – 75
Sunlike star (fully upgraded) – 135
Supergiant star (fully upgraded) – 180
Brown dwarf (fully upgraded) – 115
Stellar remnant: Neutron star – 85
Fully upgraded minus the stellar engine
865 w/ 6 science stations

Shuttle (fully upgraded) – 25
20 Cruisers (fully upgraded) – 200
Science vessel – 15
Hyperflux shields but no improved labs
5 Siege ships (fully upgraded) – 95
20 Transport ships (fully upgraded) – 150
5 Battleships (fully upgraded) – 195
5 Destroyers (fully upgraded) – 60
Dreadnought (fully upgraded) – 260
Jump gate – 20
Armoured Regiment (fully upgraded) – 135
1155 w/ 1 Science station

Level 1
Anti-Ageing Serum
FTL sensors
FTL inhibitors
Active Camouflage
Heat Transfiguration
Level 2
Telekinesis Implants
Strong AIs
Ultradense Materials
Industrial Antimatter
Cloaking Device
Planetary Shields
Hard Light



Guild of Illumination – 15
Gilbereth Ertin – 10
Umwe Bahaddin – 10
Alexander Jatyss – 10
Ai Lamios – 10
Captain Sasha – 15
‘Mad Jack’ Bravil – 15
Count Edvar Kine – 15
Marquise Elletta – 20
Jiggers – 50


Post it in here Just change a pixel so you can repost.

desert empire
nation threats frozen cage, empty halls and empty stomachs and coup d'etat

nobles alice thorngrove, thrond silvertooth, oliviea vanhoust, zigfried fhan, kali zephar, al-keiri karadin, abernaush jhandric, dyphie sens, evynd grant, jericho khan, berand sigun, evynd grant, kheira shialra, jourund firvar and edmund thorngrove

perks oasis, god emperor, emperor's might, emperor's wisdom, royal blood, the gate of kings, the gatekeeper, the tower of knowledge, the artificer's workshop, palace of kings, veins of the earth, the fires burn bright and treasures of the seas

sounds like you were a pretty shitty king

Wait so have you already lost or what? How long after the disaster does this cyoa start? Do any of the companions and bonuses mean anything?

Wrong thread m8. Seems cool though.

Evynd Grant is pasted over someone else and is listed two times.

This is "Choose your own ADVENTURE". Why won't you give a chance to revive the empire?

age five years older than me
skin very dark
eyes shifting colors
hair black
breasts E cup
butt getting there
background she's a foreigner
personality she's an airhead
intelligence extremely intelligent
interests firearms and tactics and has a small armory

height much shorter than me
weight skinny
features strange style of dress
magical features she's an elf
insanity she's into some drugs

tell she starts laughing hysterically

Godspeed, user.

It's a rough thing, but very much to my tastes. I can honestly say it's hooked me more than any other CYOA this past year.

I've done got me a pirate wicked waifu

immortality tier 3
companion tier 2
aroused tier 2


That sure was a small amount of choices for a whole page.

I'll take Empire, I suppose. A truly great height from which to fall.

Too many damn nobles.

God Emperor of Royal Blood
Palace of Kings and Tower of Knowledge
Bright fires and bountiful harvest, in addition to the sea treasures inherent to the locale.

A Place Man should not Dwell
Assassination Attempt
Coup d'Etat

disadvantages case 53, reincarnation, pint-sized and without a map

difficulty god mode
powers wildcard memory implantation, apprentice and twin

advantages cauldron vials, companion, item of power, special snowflake, man of mystery, charles atlas super powers, comic book pretty, bad@&& normal, plot armor and resources

My life plans made me become the robot bayonetta
portals 3
bullet time
body control
machine spirit
mind bullets
time step
hope empowerment

I got a wicked waifu fairy

Is that only 2 Personal for Empire or two of everything?

Today's meta of day is the meta A, next cyoa gets double the points

I am going to serve xel'loth the goddess of madness

I'm going to be french

I'm going to be a genius now

I choose video games

I choose squirtle

I'm taking these's pills
future pill
money pill
wish pill

I'm gay

deathtrap fortress
take a dive

drawback outlaw
Mode adventure-time mode
equipment survival gear, a bunch a bits, melee weapon and armor

humanity memories and laptop
perks civilization, pet, house, companion, fitness and flight

magic elemental powers

I got the slayer sword

I'm gonna take a cat-nap

I'm buying the dagger of the tattered coin for myself

I choose the contractor

I grabbed the dubs

I have a glass horror now

I'm going in with sdventure mode

I'm going full cuh-razy

I'm fucking invincible