>This is your BBEG for your next run
How does your team defeat her?
Epic Level Drunken Wrestler; level 47 human monk
My body is ready. Go for the suplex, accidentally befriend her, become great pals and drinking buddies. Afterwards, lewd.
By telling her we have no idea who she is.
Orbital bombardment.
I smack the shit outa myself for including weeb crap in my game and let someone else GM.
>only a moderate level mage with elemental powers and wrestling prowess
She's not gonna put up much of a fight, really.
Ask to join her service, proceed to have fun bodyguard/butler Ojou-sama adventures
I jackhammer her anus so hard, she turns into a sword.
The only true choice.
Is she the new flavor of the month for Veeky Forums and /a/? Every once in awhile there's a shift in which "waifu" folks obsess over I've noticed and she's been growing in popularity over time.
Because it either wormslut, >Rin or Finnish perfection. Not a hard choice.
Sausage curls a shit
She's actually second best after Taiga.
You'll forget her and move on in another year or so.
It'll be easy for you too; since she can't love you back or even acknowledge you your emotional attachment will be fairly thin in general and in lieu of actual satisfaction you'll find something new to obsess over.
They're breadsticks. The tastiest of hair styles.
>Not waifuing rider
user, I am disappointed
At least she doesn't please old men for gems!
S-s-so shuddup! ;_;
But isn't she a lily-lover?
Fate hollow ataraxia has her try to seduce shirou, whilst mind raping him to think she's sakura.
Sacrifice the sword to her.
I do a high jump
Ace Combat campaigns are fun.
I betray my temmates in the hopes she'll let me be her personal assistant.
(Sexual) Bullying would be a nice addition, but not required.
>implying you would be happy to have her curl your sausage
Headpats. Either she likes it and submits, or it ruins her haircut she has to retreat in shame.
She's not even a moderate threat. A lvl2-3 D&D party could fuck her up without any issues.
"Oh look, another one-dimensional anime character."
She's two dimensional user, you can tell because she isn't a line segment.
>all anime characters are one dimensional!
in the trash you go, faggot
Rider is bi, user.
She just has bad prior experiences with dudes.
By making GMs mum block all anime torrents on his computor so he can't watch shitty fotm anime and draw inspiration from them.
Rape, murder, arson and rape.
You said rape twice.
>shitty fotm anime
I don't think that means what you think it means
>implying she won't be the one to do the death-rape
I like rape.
That generalization may be incorrect, but he's certainly not wrong about Luvia, nor anyone else in Fate.
>shiro is one dimensional
I laugh at you.
You're right, he's clearly two dimensional.
>Worse-than-Shinji-tier whiner.
>Muh justice, muh heroism, muh ideals.
And even then, the rest of the cast is still bland as fuck. Fate had so much wonderful potential, but it was all tossed away for self-insert otaku fantasies.
With great prejudice.
Damn right he is.
"Potential" doesn't mean anything in creative contexts. That you could imagine good things to do with a setting doesn't mean there was ever any chance that it was going to happen.
>hasn't read tsukihime or ataraxia
I'm not going to play the game which among all of Nasu's retardations was singled out to be a meme for its edgy writing.
>"Potential" doesn't mean anything in creative contexts
Well, you just gave it a definition. I should have said Fate "has so much". As in, I think someone could do good things with it, but I never expected it from the original because I knew what I was getting into.
>he hasn't read the VN
fuck off secondary
>tsukihime is edgy
>atraxia is edgy
Not that user but holy shit you are retarded
>If they disagree with me, I'll just call them a secondary and tell them to fuck off!
Reading VNs used to be considered shameful outside of /jp/, in better days.
Didn't mean Ataraxia, never heard of that shit outside of Epicurus.
If you are saying that not reading the VN is okay for any TM stuff then you are autistic.
>reading VNs
>in a series that mostly made exclusively VNs
I'm saying you're here acting proud about some shit that's leaning heavily towards the other direction.
Literally what? You can't say shit about something when you haven't even read the whole thing.
I'm saying that your argument consisted entirely of saying I haven't read the VN. You didn't even make any effort to refute my claims. As such, I must conclude that you have no actual argument.
If you have limited knowledge of something, you are not qualified to criticize it. That's my argument. Since you have not read the VN, you are not qualified to criticize the characters.
I'm not , just so you know. Still waiting for you to actually explain why I'm wrong. Use evidence from this VN you claim I haven't read.
Orbital Bombardement by Nova Cannon probably. They have an Armageddon-Pattern Battlecruiser.
Overkill but effective.
You can, actually. If a book is pretty bad there's no reason to read it all or its sequels before passing judgment.
It's "Sherro" you fucking nerd this is a Luvia thread
Quit the game and tell the GM to go fuck himself.
Fate/Stay Shitters are only more obnoxious than every other overly-obsessed anime fan because they've been talking about the same thing for over a decade now.
I love the shit out of Doom but taking it any further than playing a character inspired by Doomguy is stupid borderline That Guyism shit.
Alternatively, quit shitting Veeky Forums up with tertiary F/SN threads, most of you fuckers have zero interest in making either a full rip of the character or your own OC highly inspired by them anyways.
>I love the shit out of Doom but taking it any further than playing a character inspired by Doomguy is stupid borderline That Guyism shit.
I'd be impressed if you could take it any further because there's nothing else in Doom. Making a character based on Doomguy would just result in an incredibly dull character. Doom is very shallow.
Summoner bringing forth various Demons as his minions?
This is such a generic concept that I wouldn't even think of Doom.
You very much can - it just severely cripples your arguments, since anyone who has better knowledge of the subject would be able to refute the accusations easily by citing the original material.
I read F/SN. It was really really bad even for a VN.
>Doom is very shallow
Well, it's tied with Fate there though.
And yeah. Most of this thread is /a/ waifu discussion. Why, in the holy name of fuck, do these people keep starting these threads if they know that neither they nor anyone else is actually interested in any Veeky Forums talk, and will just commence to talk best girls? Is it that the degener/a/tes are calling out their shit taste and ruining the circlejerk that Veeky Forums is too weary of even touching most of the time, so it can go on unmolested?
>Well, it's tied with Fate there though.
Not even close. Regardless of whether it's good or bad, Fate is chock full of all sorts of shit. Doom just has demons and doomguy.
Imprisonment and brutal orc rape. The death part comes when she dies givinfg birth to my half orc bastard who is then sacrificed to Bhaal
> Fate is chock full of all sorts of shit
Width != depth. Duel Savior and Baldr are also full of all sorts of shit, but they are maybe just a bit less shallow than Fate. Ungodly long shonens are full of all sorts of shit, but nobody in their sane state of mind would question how shallow those are. I hope I don't have to explain using an example from every kind of media there is.
Point being: just having plot twists and some foreshadowing does not work as instant layering of the story, setting having a ton of elements does not equal any meaningful or beautiful idea or execution to it, and your waifu is not a rich and developed character she's actually a shit y'know.
>doom is deeper than fate
You're retarded.
Eh, if you were not retarded, you could notice that my post said :
>Well, it's tied with Fate there though.
Not >doom is deeper than fate.
And even that was rather ironic, just poking fun at the idea of supposedly a story-driven piece of fiction ultimately being as shallow and empty THE FPS of Gruesome-Violence-and-Nothing-Else. Difference is - dumb FPS about turning everything ever into gibs actually acknowledges and embraces what it is, allowing the simple core concept to work perfectly and ensuring it's ungodly popularity and cultural impact upon an entire medium of entertainment.
Meanwhile that one VN dwells on denial of it's masturbatory and yes, it IS masturbatory even outside of the explicit content - even more so there, and that's the worst nature, which is why none of it's potential was never realized, securing it's status as the epitome of low-quality niche entertainment for despised basement dwellers with no taste.
>doom is as deep as fate
No, no, you just keep getting it wrong.
It's not that Doom is as deep as Fate. I'm saying that Fate is as shallow as Doom.
Please stop pretending to be retarded, it's impolite and makes this thread dumber that it already is.
>Fate is as shallow as doom
Keep going, this is some good shit.
your post reeks of pretentious "anime is for kids" bullshit
>hating anime
>on Veeky Forums
But it is. Feel free to argue otherwise or be BTFO.
You haven't exactly put forth any actual arguments of your own, m8.
This whole conversation has been a back and forth of 'uh huh' 'nuh uh'.
>"anime is for kids"
I think you're onto something here, this guy works for 4kids. He's trying to ruin our chinese cartoons!
Anime is not for kids. It's largely for basement dwelling 20-someting social misfits and weebs. It can even be good fun for basement dwelling 20-someting social misfits and weebs, when it actually acknowledges itself for what it is and not trying to pretend to be a well thought-out piece of fiction with any actual idea or effort behind it's set-pieces and characters - that would require their authors actually leaving their parents' homes for awhile, talking to other people or at least having some exposure of world cultures beyond reading D&D rulebooks.
Eh, original claim was of Shiro being a cardboard cutout of a character. I don't know how to prove his absence of qualities, since it's not impossible for him to have them - it's the realization that is botched up. On the other hand, it should be fairly easy for an involved fan like you to prove me dead wrong in my tracks with just a few good examples from the original material.
Nice assumptions. Try watching some children's anime next time.
>- Your post reeks of pretentious "anime is for kids" bullshit"
>- No that's not what I was implying
>- Ha ha joke's on you - I was pretending to be retarded and you have activated my trap card! You SHOULD imply that anime is for kids!
Sure sounds like a reasonable discussion.
Anime is for all ages you autistic trog
There are three Taigafags on /a/. Which of them are you, and why have you left your containment board?
I positively fail to see how existence of Pokemon and Sailor Moon still largely possessing faggotries of legally adult men and the likes is relevant to my posts supposedly "reeking of pretentious "anime is for kids" bullshit". What are you even trying to argue at this point?
>implying people can't like a character
>implying /a/ is a containment board
>on Veeky Forums
What I mean is there exist anime for both adults as well as younger children and teens. The age demographic for anime is not restricted to onr age group. Such is the nature of something being a medium and not a genre.
>What I mean is there exist anime for both adults as well as younger children and teens
Well good for them. And? You just interjected into another discussion to protect the honor of the grorious nippon animation from some asshore who dares to not acknowredge arr of it's beautifur variety in every sentence with the most riterar definitions?
Nice strawman. You are still a cum-guzzling retard.
Sure thing. Have a medal for showing a cum-guzzling retard his place. Apparently, said cum-guzzling retard will never hear any argument for the depth of F/SN characters. That a mysteria to be kept for ages to come.
It's because of how Tsundere she is towards the true object of her desires.
Half the cast of Fate is Bi. Rin, Rider, Saber, Gil, Caster, the list goes on.
She doesn't really want Shero anyway. She wants Rin.
Luvia, like other Nasuverse girls, has been a thing for a few years. She's just gotten a spike in popularity.
I'm a Taigafag, but I don't go on /a/ often.
But Rin is only for old men!
Ah, judging by the thread, something we can judge our DM for and bully until he scraps her sheet.
Taiga is great, yeah.
I'd a Sella.
Sella a great.
Technically, most Magi in Fate are bi.
Not because they are sexually attracted to both genders, but because they don't care and simply want an outlet for this biological frustration so they can get back to their research and plots to fuck over their enemies and people that can become their enemies; and also because some rituals and tantric in nature.
Shirou's harem is an exception, not because they are genuinely bisexual, but because they actually like each other enough to fiddle with each other while being uniquely Shirou-sexual rather than just waiting around.
That's a lie.
My guns love me back, dammit!
Why can't the universe let them turn into a humanoid form like in Upotte. . .
Smol AK would be adorable. . .
Shirou is living the dream and the nightmare of life