Now, hear me out, but why is it that people say that X-Wing is comparable to games like 40k, infinity or Warmachine? X-Wing is nothing like any of those games, and is more like heroclix than a true wargame. Theres no core rulebook, no movement aside from templates, lacking in the hobbying aspect, and other huge differences. All im saying is, is that X-Wing is more like a Boardgame than a truetable top game
X-wing: King of TableTop?
>Theres no core rulebook
Yes there is. It's just not very big.
>no movement aside from templates
It only counts as movement if you use a tape measure?
>lacking in the hobbying aspect
Painting isn't required, but plenty of people still do it. Pic related.
It's comparable in the same way GURPS, WoD and D&D are comparable, or YGO MTG and Hearthstone, to an outsider they are essentially identical, to an inside they have nothing in common.
It's a wargame because it has listbuilding, multiple unique factions, and is about war.
OP is right. X wing is using cards, so it's obviously a TCG. Don't touch my precious Game Workshop, they are the only one wargame makers. I know what I'm saying, I'm into GW since Age of Sigmar.
Need to classify over just enjoying the game : The thread
I'd call it a dogfighting game centered around skirmishes. Sure it's technically warfare but its focus is limited.
OP specifically mentioned warmachine and infinity as well.
>Sure it's technically warfare but its focus is limited.
Are you talking about X-Wing or Infinity?
>Theres no core rulebook
There is.
>no movement aside from templates
Plenty of wargames use other movement schemes. Do you even Battletech?
>lacking in the hobbying aspect
Converting and building is 100% its weakest point, if you are into that. Other than that, the models just don't look like ass straight out of the box. You can still paint them.
>other huge differences
Such as?
>more like a Boardgame than a truetable top game
Next you'll tell us that Battletech is not a true tabletop game.
>not true tabletop games
>a truetable top game
>which can only be defined through the very narrow locus which I have chosen arbitrarily
Cry more, 40kfag. FFG have managed to make a sounder wargame, which is easier to learn, cheaper to get into, more fun to play and ten times more balanced. And they only took three years to do it.
so why is everybody selling (or trying to since nobody wants them) there 40 k army /whfb army to play x wing ?
can I see you collection on fully painted minis please ? surely if hobby is that important you don't have 5-8years old mini still unpainted lying around DO YOU ?
I like X Wing, hate anything GW has done in the last 5 years, and agree with the OP.
X wing is a great intro wargame, but isn't in the same category.
In terms of "true mini wargames" I prefer Infinity.
Infinity is pretty great, though it takes some work to chew through the rules. They provide wikis and list-building tools gratis, though. X-Wing does the same.
>X-Wing is more like a Boardgame than a truetable top game
So is CBT. CBT was the king of wargaming before GW dethroned them.
Why are there people on this board who haven't researched their hobby?
Because they are literally 16 years old and this is the first exposure to gaming they've ever had.
OP was simply saying that X-Wing is not in the same category as games like Warmachine and Infinity, and so it's pretty retarded to be like "X-Wing is the king, literally why does anyone play anything else anymore". They have different appeals, something that seems pretty obvious to me.
>X wing is a great intro wargame
For more of the X-Wing players at my LGS 40k was their intro wargame.
To an insider, GURPS and D&D are nearly identical, except one has a lot of useless, cumbersome rules, and the other is the most name-recognized RPG in the world.
And an outsider can easily tell a vampire larp WoD over the fatties playing GURPS/DnD.
>GURPS is cumbersome
>When the rules are explicitly optional and you can go anywhere from GURPS-Ultra Lite to stacking on features for PF tier bloat
Shitty troll, try again next time
>shitty troll
>WoD players ever being half-normal people
It's better to just attempt wit or constructive deception rather than just coming off as a bar liar.