Can you show me examples of characters who are nice, but evil?
Can you show me examples of characters who are nice, but evil?
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Tamamo-No-Mae, also known as Caster, in the Nasuverse, also known as FATE/STAY.
>Wants to murder most of humanity because they aren't like the people of his past kingdom
>Chaotic Good
>Murders his comrade out of greed for power
>Encourages a random kid at a tavern to to follow his dreams
>Red skull
Recently hes become a very nationalist conservative due to marvels retarded decision to cater to a base that doesn't buy their product.
Christian god.
I would but
It's a secret
Fate/Shit please stay in /jp/ with 2hu and Boatsluts.
He only did it because it hit close to home, he couldn't have cared less for Luffy's dreams or anything.
knew exactly what was coming, still laughed
That's not Red Skull. I don't think Red Skull is a nice guy to begin with.
Korgan Bloodaxe from Baldur's Gate II.
He's a Chaotic Evil dwarven Fighter with the Berserker subclass, ignores the law when he feels he can get away with it, kills whoever annoys him too much, almost certainly killed most of his last adventuring party in their sleep, but he's actually a pretty funny and garrulous guy once you get past all that and while he doesn't have much in the way of manners or tact he doesn't really act all that mean even if he's going to kill you.
One character he does nothing but insult and belittle right up until she stands up for herself and insults him right back at which point she has his respect and they stop fighting, and another is a halfling Paladin (more or less, it's complex) and he is sexually obsessed with her not because she's good looking but because she's a total badass in cobalt despite her size and and he thinks they should be friends because of it.
Still, that whole "killed his last party in his sleep for very little reason" is pretty evil.
BioWare used to have a couple characters like that for awhile actually.
Viconia was haughty and bitchy at times, but she tries chatting it up with pretty much all of the party and despite being Neutral Evil kind of was at worst selfish and so always wanted to take options that resulted in direct monetary reward and benefited her and the group.
Other then that she's hardly that evil at all.
>He only did it because it hit close to home
Nice headcanon, nothing about that was ever implied. Might as well have been because he respected Luffy for his resolve, for example or him simply feeling like it.
I mean....Xellos is POLITE (mostly), but I don't know about him being actually nice per say.
He regular puts the Slayers in situations that could fairly easily get them killed as a way of furthering his own plans, but also just because he thinks it's funny.
They survive them because they're extremely competent individuals (when properly motivated anyway), but he never seems particularly torn up when they're about to all horribly die and doesn't do much in the way of coming to their rescue or anything like that.
He's more like a manipulative bad guy character who realized that the best way of dealing with the heroes is not to treat them as enemies but to cozy up to them in person so they mostly spend time accomplishing his own objectives.
God is lawful neutral. Follow the rules, get left to your own devices with maybe a little occasional help until you die and get eternity in Paradise. Break the rules, you might get smote, you might not, but you face death with no afterlife, just pure oblivion.
In D&D terms, lawful neutral. In canon, lawful good only because might makes right.
>Nice headcanon, nothing about that was ever implied
Remember the part where he set out to hunt Luffy down the moment he realized who he was, not giving a single shit about the fact that Luffy also was a dreamer and hadn't done anything to offend Teach or anyone he cared for? Luffy's the one who cares about the dreams of others, Teach is reverse-Luffy who only cares for his own dream. That's the entire point of his character.
Of course, doesn't mean he can't be nice as long as not doing so would benefit his cause. If he would actually care about others to the point where he cuts back on his own desires he wouldn't even be evil anymore.
Vito Corleone and pretty much every single mafia figure that is reasonable person, but in the same time head of the family/organisation.
Satan from Bedazzled comes to mind, since she (?) is pretty nice, while being, well, Satan.
Or the town watch from Hot Fuzz.
Dr. No?
Fucking Hannibal Lecter?
Big Chris from Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barells?
Major Henry West from 28 days later?
The Good in The Good, The Bad and The Weird?
If shouting one's personal beliefs at someone who doesn't want or need to hear it is being nice, then more or less everybody would be nice, because who refuses to talk about their personal truths unless threatened with punishment if they do? So far Blackbeard hasn't done a single thing to help anyone unless it was for the purpose of enlisting their help.
Hank Scorpio
For a guy who wants to rule the East Coast, he's pretty nice.
>villain that actually gave a fuck about his peons
We need more of this.
Leon from Professional.
Sorter from Revolver.
Each of them is almost cartoonishly nice. Each of them kills people for living. In cas of Ghostdog it's even weirder, because he does it because he feels like he should, not because he's paid for it.
Very good example. I don't want to wait another 4 years for a new season.
>one of his accomplices says he wants to leave the evil project
>he's disappointed but understanding, lets him leave and actually gives him a pretty generous retirement gift
well if you're going to pick a villain to work for might as well be him
Sandor Clegane
You're not nice, user.
And you're not evil either
Can't you redeem her though?
She wasn't going to kill people for the lulz though she could be a real bitch to those she deemed weak. Alabite much of her flaws can be charted up to having too grow up in the Underdark.
You know it.
I came in here to post this.
Blood and glory, now you die
>Calls Fate shit
>Likes One Piece
Irony at its finest.
On topic, pic related to an extent. Yes, he tortured orphans and murdered people who trusted him, but at the same time he was a well-liked priest by his congregation and was a legitimate and VITAL ally for most of Heaven's Feel.
But D&D says Daenerys is a GOOD Targaryeon
>Implying she's neutral evil.
My waifu is pure! Pure!
senpai, he was a fucking psychopath. You can assume that all the "good" things he did was for his own sake.
That doesn't mean he was incapable of being NICE, though.
Only if it makes others suffer.
Recently had a game where my BBEG invited the party out for drinks. They met in a low key tavern, and the villain explained his plan, the reasons and motivations behind them, offered to have the PC's join him, and then gave the party three days to leave before he destroyed everything in a three mile radius
The party was shocked, and spent an hour roleplaying trying to decide whether or not to join the villain, leave, or save the town.
A villain is can be evil, even chaotic, and still not be a dickass.
Mare is much nicer, that is until he goes outside of his paradise and starts smashing kneecaps and skulldragging whores
Fate/Shit is a dumb piece of glorified porn with awful writing. One Piece is mainly a kid's adventure, and while it's sometimes fantastic, it has its problems, but by and large it's far better than that idiot shit you fap to. Just look at that edgy dumbfuck villain you posted. It's like someone took Jeffrey Dahmer and fed him a diet of nothing but Linkin Park lyrics. What's next, Akame ga Kill is better than Kingdom?
>A 4kidsfag unironically existing on Veeky Forums
>glorified porn
Not this shit again.
God has no alignment because his omnipotence allows him to change it at-will.
Have the memes made your brain rot?
That's what waifus are, and waifus are at least 50% of any Fate/Shit discussion or plot.
Best Caster isn't even from said "dumb piece of glorified porn with awful writing".
She's from a handhold RPG spinoff.
>less than 1% of the total text is pornographic material
>therefore the entire work is just "glorified porn"
By that rational Titanic is just glorified porn.
I'm surprised I'm the first to post this. What year is it, not-1999?
Whoops, forgot something.
>That's what waifus are
And how exactly is that different in any meaningful way from Oda sexualizing his female characters to the extent he does?
Easily the last good Buffy BBEG.
What about Glory? I liked Glory.
Would Buu count? I never really watched much DBZ, I just know he cured a blind kid once.
Kuzuki is a better example. He's an unrepentant murderer who doesn't see any problem with punching an innocent person's head off or letting his wife eat children or whatever the fuck Caster was doing to sustain herself, but he's also a genuinely good teacher who works hard to give each of his students a proper and complete education.
When was Nami or Robin's attractiveness ever a remotely important part of the manga's appeal? Why are we even discussing One Piece anyway? I'm not exactly hanging around in /opg/ or calling it the best manga ever or anything. I even dropped it towards the end of the Dressrosa arc because I stopped caring.
JRPG, the worst kind.
Why'd you get so offended about the fact that SOMEBODY in the thread had the AUDACITY to like Fate in the first place?
Why'd you get so offended that somebody thinks it's shit? Its fanbase never shuts up about it either.
>okay, so she's an evil goddess
>what does she look like?
>she's just a blond chick in slinky dresses
>does she at least have a memorable personality and interesting character?
>no, she's just kinda bitchy and whiny
> about fighting, does she have any special powers?
>nope, just a blond chick
>does she know kung-fu?
>no, she'll just kinda stroll around throwing people on wires with exaggerated "whoosh" noises
Naw, Glory was crap.
The First could have been cool, but it just spent 90% of its time looking like Sarah Michelle Gellar and making impotent threats.
>Its fanbase never shuts up about it either.
And One Piece fans do?
But she isn't evil, user. She just wants to collect the pieces of her dad's corpse so she can give him a proper burial.
Griffith isn't really a nice person who's evil, he's a nice person that was brutally tortured for a year, got butthurt that a woman he spurned moved on, and decided "fuck it, why not sacrifice everyone I care about and was loyal to me in order to turn into a demon hawk king."
I liked it. She was a god whose powers were stolen who acted like a child whose favorite toy got taken away.
And she tore people's minds apart to keep hers together. And also punched through a wall, remember?
>she's just a blonde chick in a slinky dress
>he's just a middle-aged guy in a suit
>it's just a blonde guy in a trenchcoat
Hey user, let me tell you a secret: Nobody gives a fuck.
Griffith was NE the entire time
I kinda like Fate/Zero and I can honestly say I've never once masturbated to it.
Yeah I gotta agree here, I liked Glory's sheer petulance
>Ambition is evil
He turned Guts from a murderhobo to an actual person mostly because he wanted a friend
Paladins have failed to do lesser things
Humanity is evil. Killing them is an act of good.
That's a tragic villain user. He's still evil. Hitler was abused as a child, you know.
Fat Buu is honestly pretty neutral when you get down to it. Once Hercule taught him what life was worth, it worked out.
I remember having him in my party. Was great, and the way he kept pushing Aerie to stand up for herself was pretty nice, I thought.
That said, I also never took Aerie with me again after that one play through.
>extremely nice and considerate
>always wants to play games and help you enjoy them
>cares more about games than anything else
>unwittingly inspires sinful thoughts
>is literally a demon
He certainly saw no problem earning his keep through bloodshed (With a side of hoeing) But behelits seem to only open to otherwise fairly decent people who have been shattered by some sort of trauma.and probably wouldn't be legally allowed to sign a contract in that state anyway since they're too fucked in the head to completely grasp what they're doing.
To be fair, the demons in that universe aren't inherently evil.
I want you, Veeky Forums.
What in the hell are you even on about, Griffith all but says "Hey Guts, just so you know, I'm NE. Always have been, always will be" when he's being all naked and hot and expository that one time.
I think that willingness to do anything to achieve his dream is what makes him NE at his core. He only cares about Guts and the rest of the Band of the Hawk because they are a means to his end.
Krombopulus Michael is a ruthless hitman who kills because he enjoys it, and is also incredibly polite and friendly.
I'm always surprised no one posts this chick when they're talking about nice, evil characters.
When was Griffith ever kind?
...In your army.
You mean you want us in your army. R-right?
Probably because she's the furthest fucking thing from nice possible.
She's likable, not nice. Definitely evil.
That's not Red Skull. That's Red Death. Devoted father and husband and a handy baker. Only ever arches once a year but he's terrifying to everyone who knows about him.
When two people pretended to kidnap his wife and daughter (by sending them to their grandma's house for the weekend), he went full Taken on them. After he finally caught them, he sat them down and they had a heart-to-heart
He was kind to the Hawks for most of his time with them. Until he needed to achieve his dream.
I mean, she does do a lot of nice stuff, and is nice to people. Certainly in the name of pure evil intent, but the selfish stuff she does doesn't negate the niceness when it happens.
When he gave Guts a purpose.
And y'know, they wonder how a guy like him gets a supermodel wife but I honestly see the appeal. Tall, strong, thoughtful, great with kids, and my God that voice.
I want to believe that he was honestly good with everyone until the whole torture thing happened
he was never mean to any of his men... during the golden era. Stern and stubborn, sure, but never cruel... during the golden era. Odd favors, kind words, general encouragement, rousing speeches, etc.