Warhammer 40k General

Copy pasted links edition.

>Rules databases

>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)

>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).

>Forgeworld Book index

> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

> Space 0Din's glorious work
dropbox.com/s/lsx27fo3rq2x7tk/Codex - Orks 7th Edition Update [Space Odin](2016).pdf?dl=0

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't mind me, just immediately shilling for the new discord here

Until the local TO banned the Klawstompa, I had a list of Zhadsnark, Klawstompa and Traktors. Unfortunately, the TO complained to ITC enough for them to remove their tentative approval. Now I'm getting people to try to flood the ITC questions box with the Klawstompa to try to get it ITC approved. In the meantime, I would be able to switch to Buzzgob, but that stompa won't be as effective as Da Knight Flinga.

Since people in the last thread seemed to think orks could put up a fight in the current meta, would anyone be able to either improve my list or post a 'good' one?

2 warboss and 230 slugga boys

It's hilarious to always see people finding out just how fucked this latest codex has left Orks.

> "Oh shit, their psykers are ultra-vulnerable & can't access any good powers?"
> "Wait, you mean they don't have invulnerable saves?"
> "You mean nothing legs them increase initiative?"
> "No allies?!"
> etc.

You can ally csm

Ha ha very funny user, you pulled a joke on me.

now go fuck yourself.

>not running glorious green tide and by winning after your opponent gets bored of you moving models for 6 hours in a 1500 point game and concedes

The amount of times I have to explain to people that 'melee units' like ork boyz are s3 i2 is baffling.

It's sad watching them get their asses beat by crisis suits.

Local tau player assumed that they were s4 i4 and I was just forgetting when I (rarely) got to charge.

In a tournament environment with a 3 hour time limit, it doesn't work. then, the Green Tide is in legal limbo/hell, and it doesn't do well against superheavies/gargantuans. Sure, I won't get tabled, but I won't win ever. then, in a casual environment, no-one would play me knowing it would be boring as shit.

Joke's on you. I never get bored of killing greenskins.

>"I know, let me write a shitty fandex!"

> MFW my Monstergirl Operators in Power Armour go 'simo with Orks
> MFW a 8-point model with Power Armour and S4 T4 I2 still hands an ork's ass to him on a silver platter

Technically it's still the case in the Space 0Din dex. If I get the charge I'm still winning the melee. Even better if the Orkbro dares to kill my warlord(Going to be DARLING), and gives my whole army hatred everything.

I already asked this a couple of nights ago, but I'll ask again for additional input. What are some of the better marine chapters, either mechanically or fluffily, to coordinate closely with Steel Legion? Answers I got earlier were Raptors, Mentors, and Salamanders. Anything else to consider?

> fandex is shitty
> it's entirely based on old Ork rules & the modern GW codex

Uh, thanks?

Wondering what I should get next for my DE. I mean, after I paint all of this shit. Fucking Texas weather won't let me spray it outside.

Currently own:
2 Archons, 1 Haemy, 1 Succubus, 30 Warriors, 5 Scourges, 4 Incubi, 5 Scourges, 6 Reaver bikes, Talos, Chronos, 3 Venoms, 2 Raiders, and 1 Ravager.

Any suggestions?

Sell them, Dark Eldar are worse than orks thanks to the FAQ

Monstergirl Operators, using your choice of Raptors Tactics, or Horus Heresy 5's Imperial Cults and Militia.

>he thinks GW writes good rules

It would take that kind of stupidity to bother writing a fandex.

I'm editing your codex now, there are some wording/balance/spelling/punctuation/capitalization issues. should I email it to you with changes in red, or would you prefer some other method?

Isn't HH incompatible with 40k?

Not that user but what I absolutely love on the disparity between craftworlders and DE is the bikes, windriders are just guardians in bikes and get a 3+ instead of their 5+, while the DE bikes are 6+ because fuck you your chassis won't save you even through are basically the same species.

it's compatible. it's just far weaker.

However, many TO's don't allow it, because many TOs are retards.

If anything, my buds will let me run them as Corsairs if they end up getting crushed too often. And I won't slap Scatterlasers everywhere, I'll make it fluffy. We have a group with every army being represented by someone.

Horus Heresy armies have a conversion to 40k. Just not in tournaments, because tournaments are really fucking retarded oldfags that still bitch about imperial armour. 30k armies are substantially weaker than 40k armies, but here's the gist of it.

> Loyalists > Armies of the Imperium
> Traitors > Forces of Chaos
> No unbound allowed under any circumstances

FAQ says that you can't fire full ballistic skill out of a Transport that jinked. Meaning Dark Eldar can't do the thing that Dark Eldar are best at in fluff, it's total bullshit

I also play Grey Knights. "First to the Fray", but we can't charge from Deepstrike so it's "First to the Fray* (*Terms and conditions apply)". It's sucks being a jack of all trades, master of none.

I know GW has greenlit FW stuff for play with other 40k stuff, but have they done the same for HH?

Yes I love it, GW just keeps kicking my poor dark eldar while they lie unconscious on the ground.

Okay, let's set this out of the way right now. Forgeworld IS games workshop. Forgeworld and GW have the same address, the same email servers, the same office building, the same copyrights, and even completely identical websites. All forgeworld books have Games Workshop copyrights written on them, with the games workshop logo clearly printed on the spine of every forgeworld book, as well as being printed in large face on pages 1, 2, 3, and the final page. In addition, all of the forgeworld books have games workshop's copyright information written in them.

Okay. Done. Now we have that important information out of the way.

Forgeworld themselves have gone out and said that you can use the "Age of Darkness" content in 40k, with the caveat that you cannot ever use unbound. That's pretty much it.

There is also the difference between Horus Heresy and Imperial Armour. Imperial Armour books are those explicitly designed to be essentially expansions to other GW codexes. Each games workshop army has a corresponding Imperial Armour book that provides rules for using older models from the rogue trader fluff and books in 40k.

Oh, cool. There were different capitalization & mechanics differences among the several documents I used to copy & paste in, & I did minimal editing. Any marking you do that I can spot easily I can fix.

I taught English, & will ignore the comma splice in your post in hopes that you caught stuff I was too lazy to fix.

> GW
> good rules
> infantry w/ D flamers
> troops kill themselves
Keep getting triggered.

are heavy bolter sponsons worth taking on a Predator? Or is it better just to save points and take nothing extra?

That's kind of the point? Are you retarded? YOU'RE the one who claimed GW wrote good rules.

>Forgeworld themselves have gone out and said that you can use the "Age of Darkness" content in 40k, with the caveat that you cannot ever use unbound. That's pretty much it.

Citation needed.

Space 0din, please just stop replying to this guy. You know it's bait, don't eat it.

Dark Eldar are into that though.

As long as it's other people they're doing it to.

No, because HH isn't 40K, and no matter how much you retards try to say it is, it isn't and will never be. That's why Betrayal of Calth isn't 40K, and GW had to release an entire dataslate just to allow you to use the plastic Contemptor in 40K. You don't need them to say you can use it though as it's 99% compatible. FW addressed the 1% incompatibility in their original FAQ.

It's in Crusade Imperialis


There were already rules for using the Contemptors in 40k.. In Imperial Armour 2.. And they were infinitely better than the insultingly bad rules for contemptors written in Angels of Death.

Just replace Contemptor with Cataphractii the point doesn't change

Odin what are some of the ork specific pyschic powers? Why are they so shit?


I assume the tournament organizer was not a fan of the 14 Destroyer attacks then?

9 on the charge, not 14.

He didn't like the 13" move and the auto-12" charge.

Is that a comma splice? It's early o'clock here, and I'm on a phone.

>Daily reminder Dark Angels are the best Leg- I mean Chapter


To be fair, I couldn't bring my Monstergirl Operators to tournaments anyway, given that they're only going to be 20% - 50% GW plastic, well below the 70% GW plastic generally required.

It's not like I give a fuck either. I don't care about tournaments, as they're cancerous as fuck. Casual games at 3000 points are where it's at for me.

Loyalist or Chaos?

Loyalist, just because a regiment of monstergirl operators wouldn't be a very chaos-e thing to do.

The Emperor bless and appreciate their sacrifice anyway.

They like to be the ones kicking not into the receiving part

I thought by the rules of Titan Close Combat weapons (the only way to make a Klaw Stompa) it was close to 14 attacks?

It was explained to me as Four base, Six for two close combat weapons, and 3-4 more for Klaw Frenzy wasn't it?

Finally got my third landraider for my Iron Hands army.

>wouldn't be chaos-y
>regiment comprised of abhumans and twists
>what are the lost and the damned
Do what you want but that justification is the opposite of reasonable

this image... is so heresy, I dont think imperium allow this

You have 4 base

Then, you have 2 CCW, giving +1

Then, if you have 2 Titan CCW, you are a Klawstompa, giving +3 attacks.

Klawstompa's A stat is 7, it has 2 CCW, and it gets it's 9th from the charge.

Have a PDF.

They wouldn't in-verse because it deviates to far from the human form. But he's making conversions he enjoys.

>The Imperium rejecting loyal able bodies for the grinder.

Are you sure?

They already banned beastmen from joining the guard once.

What do you think about this little guy? people say is a good unit...

With an Inquisitor and enough shuffled Administratum paperwork, anything's possible.

Primaris is a 24" S6 AP3 Blast, which is OK since it hits 36% rather than 33.

'Eadbanger is nothing more than a toughness test to take a wound sans saves, 24".

Warpath gives the unit +1 Atk.

Da Jump is DS, but if you roll doubles on scatter, /they fucking snapshoot/, & it's still only Space Marines who can assault out of DS.

Killbolt is WC2 for an 18" S10 AP2 Beam.

Power Vomit is Template S7 AP2.

Da Krunch is 24" S2D6 AP4 Large Blast Barrage, shoot another if you roll 10+.

The spells are on a T4 W2 6+ platform whose survivability cannot be improved except by sticking him in a unit with a Painboy.

All the Witchfires are Assault 1, which is OK, but Weirdboys have no access to equipment, & have the same weakness as other psykers in that they may roll powers completely worthless for the unit they're in, & for ML2 cost 5 points more than a fucking Librarian w/ access to literally about 3x the disciplines.

Absolutely. They are super stickers about such things.
>suffer not the alien, the mutant, the heretic
Monster girls like that are an extreme divergence and no biologis would give the thumbs up for abhuman status no matter how stable the mutation. Any change from the humanoid (2 arms, 2 legs, 1 body, 1 head) is automatic MUTANT status.

No, not really.
A radical inquisitor may carry them around as his own forces but would have to keep it hush-hush or he would be in for a purging for using mutants as anything more than slave-labor in a time of desperation.

Well, seems Tau is the only way to go

And ogryns too and look at them gloriously dying for the Emperor.

Bless the holes in the incompetent imperial laws.

>Playing against a guy on tabletop simulator
>2000 points
>He pulls out seven fully loaded Valkyries
>his entire army is in the valkyries, save for one model
>I win before the first round ends because he has no units on the board before his flyers can deploy from reserves.

Yeah, but if he could prove they were abhumans (and if there was a large enough amount of them to justify it through evidence of stable breeding), then the mutant restriction wouldn't apply and he could get them into the IG as auxiliary corps.

Even if he couldn't PROVE their abhuman-ness he could always assassinate/blackmail/bribe enough dudes to fudge the numbers and the paperwork to make it happen.

Mecha Shas'Obama dude. It's really a matter of a metal tyrant made of every zog off battlesuit ruling over you or a bunch of weebs ruling over you until the former is born.

But wouldn't they gain abhuman status if they could prove to breed true?

No way, what a colossal waste.

Emphasis is mostly on them being tacticool operators, for the exact same reason I play raptors. Chaos doesn't do too well with sneeky operators who go around in camo cloaks and never once uttering a warcry.

The justification for this is that it's led by a Rogue Trader known only as Darling. He owns a small trading empire that specializes in buying catgirls from planets that have catgirls, and selling them to rich nobles that don't have catgirl waifus. The whole army is his personal collection of various abhumans(Read: Monstergirls), that are outfitted in power armour. They're trained in special operations, with an emphasis on performing hostile takovers.

Ogryns are abhuman. They maintain the divine human form and breed true. Even then they are used as auxiliaries and most commanders and guardsmen don't use them because they don't see them as humans.

Just like rattlings

Centaurs do not maintain the human form
Lamias do not maintain the human form
Harpies do not maintain the human form
Even the ones that have humanoid shape would go on to genetic review. If:
They do not have enough percentile of the human genome present
They do not breed true
Physical forms differ from generation to generation

Do what you want man, have fun but is indeed lore breaking to have them as loyal imperium soldiers supported by the munitorum

Too deviated physically to qualify. Have to have human body shape from the get go in order to even consider looking at other traits.

I like you user, keep being awesome and never let anyone take that away from you.

Rogue trader shenanigans are all good. Just don't roll 'em around imperial space willy-nilly or the =][= will come knocking.

Are you running Iron hands with landraider spearhead or something?
God I've wanted to run a strike force ultra with iron hands but its so expensive

What could be a cool way to play it WITHIN the lore would be "renegade loyalist" ab-mutant-humans. There's certain marine chapters that are like this. Basically, the Imperium doesn't like them for some reason (in this case, being mutants), so they pull Legion of the Damned style shit where they drop in, kill a bunch of baddies and save the Imperial forces.

Then they leave while the Imperium is still confused as to why they were aided and before they get purged.

>impling the =][= doesn't want catgirl waifus

Would an Inquisitor even dare to antagonize someone with a paper signed by the Emperor himself?

>catgirl waifus
Sure some radical or corrupt ones would but a puritanical? Hell no.

I'm all for catgirl waifus but the inquisition tends to be the most extreme end of attitudes in 40k. Their are many inquisitors who would purge all space marines for being mutants if they could.

>Then, you have 2 CCW, giving +1

I thought Forge World released something after than in the 6th edition clarifying that Titan Close Combat weapons got 3 attacks and were AP1?

I remember there being a document that stated that.

>implying the puritanical attitude isn't just a cover for their shadier tastes and hidden abhuman harem

Only the oldest Rogue Trader dynasties have those, the vast majority of Warrants were handed out after the Heresy.

And it only grants that power to "act as if you carried the voice of the Emperor" beyond imperial space. An inquisitor is going to give him some discretion but if you bring xenos, mutants, and any other big no-nos into imperial space and flaunt it around they will intercede, violently if necessary.

If there was enough justification for it. I'm sure plenty of puritanical inquisitors would throw a huge bitchfit and start slamming their face against the exterminatus buttons if they encountered a battle-barge full of centaurs or lamias.

> Space marines are mutants
You should take note that space marines aren't actually mutants. All of their modifications are implanted organs, which require an extremely-pure host in the first place. You could setup a sort of "Human genetic scanner" in the style of prototype, and it would ping seemingly normal humans more often than it would actual space marines.

So as long as our Rogue Trader stay away from the imperial space he can do whatever he wants and the Inquisition can just look with hate and tears?

Doesn't seem too bad. I'm more about using pyskers to buff units and in a support role but it seems that GW did this because they want orks to have an offensive play style.

Inquisition consists of Puritans & Radicals; the Puritans are as described, but Radicals are "maintain the Imperium, literally no holds barred."

There's nothing a radical Inquisitor wouldn't do to further their goal of protecting & prolonging the Imperium, up to, including, & far beyond cat girl waifus.

Honestly, Ratlings are just little people+, & Ogryns are football players+. They don't diverge much from the normal human phenotype: feathers, claws, fur, wings, fangs, prehensile tails, spider webs for cum, caustic teardrops: these are a pretty far fucking cry from acceptable unless an Ecclesiarchal bigwig or Inquisitor speaks for them.

>space marines aren't mutants
I know this but some components of the inquisition do see them as such, as does the ecclesiarchy and some of SoB covenants. In the case of the church they still spout out about them being angels but the movers and shakers don't like astartes for several reasons, transhumanism being one of them.

that 'document' was how the rules worked prior to 2013. Ever since 4 years ago, it has worked like it does now.

Yep. Unless they have a reason to believe the Rogue Traders actions are a threat to the Imperium. But flying around fighting sit with a mutant army typically isn't a qualifier.

Are you arguing with me or agreeing with me?

He's qualifiying what you're saying. You mentioned both sides of the Inquisition but seemed to imply that only the super puritan side was relevant.

Whatever man, I bet the Emperor would bone a cute catgirl in a heartbeart.

When did they change it then and what document trumps the one forgeworld released back in 6th?

Fair enough; most powers don't rely on BS.

But rather than make a new model, they removed Old Zogwart & re-hashed the SAG Big Mek.

I guess I could just run a ton of CADs with ObSec Grots & WeirdBoyz with 10 Boyz as ablative wounds (165 pts. per), but that's a far fucking cry from Terminator Librarians for a fraction of the price who can literally change the tablescape to assault Turn 1.

Just saying puritanical (ie the ones typically not on the list of "may have to purge soon") are not going to be running around okaying mutant waifu armies.

Radicals sure, they will do whatever they believe necessary. But that does put them at odds with the IoM should they go too far.

I love how one half of the Inquisition would burn the other half and viceversa.

But still especially against armies like Tau it is very effective to have a pyschic presence on the table. It's their main weakness in TT and while hey it might be the most points efficient model compared to librarians sometimes having some shit on the table to give you a slightly better chance is worth it.


>playing warhammer