If they aren't enigmatic and doubtable they aren't fun from a narrative perspective. Nobody's going to go to war over what a prophecy from a god meant if they can just fuckin' ask for clarification whenever they like.
Luke Rogers
Aquatic elves. They're basically just elves that you can't drown.
Nicholas Clark
>What race would you remove from the game?
Every race that's a different color of human. When can I play as a quadruped/swarm of bees/sapient toaster oven?
Adam Myers
Try Eclipse Phase.
I updated the 2 'bosses' from the first adventure of Skulls and Shackles to Path of War, anyone want a copy of the text?
Jaxon Hill
I do want a swarm of bees as a race.
Nathaniel Moore
You can't. They are the only Tier 6 class except for the Kineticist, fuck you Buildposter meant for players to use.
Jack James
The Swashbuckler Unchained homebrew got an update not too long ago-might look into that. Beyond that, there's not a lot of options.
Matthew Diaz
You got a link to that?
Adam Hughes
I would remove Humans. Basically the best class aside from corner cases.
Camden Mitchell
Nathan Murphy
Hey /pfg/. I'm renaming the outsider type to spirit type and removing the native subtype as redundant. A spirit is defined as an anthropomorphic personification of abstract concepts such as nature spirits, evil spirits and so forth.
What monsters that are currently outsiders make no sense to be labeled spirits? For example, an aasimar has a good spirit in their ancestry but it doesn't make sense to call them spirits.
Jose Scott
Here ya go.
Jaxson Bell
Julian Cruz
Going to play a gestalt game with one side as Hawkguard Warder. What class would complement it best for my other gestalt side?
Tyler Young
Alchemist or Investigator might be neat. Skills, self-buffing, and your choice of studied strike or bombs (can you use maneuvers with them?) or sneak attack.
Brandon Davis
So, did the vigilante manage to make a worse kineticist then?
Noah Rodriguez
Zootopia user here. All 12 characters are set, six per side. I can give basic setup and bios for each if wanted, including refluff efforts (Grippli scout/sniper is a Chameleon in game, for example)
Game will be this weekend for story time
Nolan Myers
Sounds neat! Can't wait for story time.
Eli Wilson
Cant strike with bombs. They use their own actions.
Aaron Cooper
The Scholar has gone through a round of edits based on feedback in my downtime while banging my head against the wall to figure out Unchained Cavalier. Come take a look (ok not that many edits).
Daring scholars, field researchers, and plucky professors, all of these are an archetype I believe needed to be addressed. I have done so through the Initiator class The Scholar. It is a mix of academic and indiano jones-esk researcher, having class features to emulate a Jeckle n' Hide like monstrous man of science or the more calm champion of academia.
The class features two main class features of interest. Harvesting Research Material and the Research Facility. The Research Facility is a mobile lab used by The Scholar to provide a number of out of combat abilities and services for the party. Giving them the ability to craft magic items, contact the dead, store bodies, perform surgery, even teleport at higher levels. The other feature, Harvest Research Material is the bloody job of taking samples from creatures both living and dead. This gives The Scholar bonuses, allows them to inflict statuses, minuses to saves, and more. Harvest Research Material is also the class's recovery mechanic, allowing them to make a melee touch attack to harvest a material, and regain maneuvers.
Would the Explosive Missile and Directed Bomb discoveries allow me to fire an arrow, then have the damage go out in a cone from the target?
Carson Ross
Does anyone miss the daelkyr and their symbiotic items? Well, you're in luck! The Living Airship by Rite Publishing includes an appendix detailing the Vallorians, a race of underground dwelling humanoids who craft living weapons and armor. Additional equipment properties were included in a web enhancement (see attachment) on Monte Cook's website, now dead but archived.
Nolan Jones
Can I choose "none of them?" I like having the options, even if some are redundant or unnecessary.
It's fun.
Ethan Cooper
Oh lord, I did that too for mine.
The problem was, they had the entire crew except for Fitz on their side, and killed them both in a single round.
Thomas Clark
Steven Russel, owner of Rite Publishing, just died in a car crash last night, apparently.
Hunter Garcia
Hey guys, anyone have a game I could join? I'm desperate.
Michael Carter
Yeah, you sound desperate.
The problem is, why are you so desperate?
There's plenty of games you can find online or at your LGS. That tells me you have such a terrible reputation at one or both that you're having to resort to literally begging on Veeky Forums.
Or, you're so woefully ignorant of the tabletop community that you don't know how to even start looking for a game properly, in which case I don't want to play with you because you're literally too dumb to google 'play pathfinder rpg online'.
Go away.
Asher Hernandez
Post stats.
Liam White
How about we don't invite more furry injection bullshit into these threads, they're awful enough as it is.
Adam Butler
This isn't like any of the fetishist furry bullshit that infests this thread like the filthy parasite it is. Besides which, this'll be more wholesome as it's meant for kids.
William Watson
>this'll be more wholesome as it's meant for kids. user, the degenerates in here like to fuck kids.
That only makes it worse.
Brody Adams
>There's plenty of games you can find online or at your LGS. That tells me you have such a terrible reputation at one or both that you're having to resort to literally begging on Veeky Forums. I just moved to the big city for a new job after graduating. I still game with my buddies back in my college town, but can only do it once every few weeks because they don't like online games.
I don't have a car any longer so I can't go to far and the LGS I can find are mostly card game oriented (I go to FNM for draft occasionally).
I try looking on roll20, but most of the games on there are really bad.
I know where to find games on roll20, I can't find ones worth anything.
Angel Cox
Fuck man, I liked him.
Joshua Hall
How about they get the fuck out of this thread and head-five a rusty pipe.
It was The Agent. The Scholar fits the theme better for what it has become.
Jace Ross
Furries are hardly the biggest degenerates we have here.
Gabriel Carter
>Genocide edition: What race would you remove from the game?
Pathfinder players.
Brody Johnson
Perfect. Get a loan, start your own. You have the market cornered.
Josiah Smith
60km is like half an hour by car, dude. Not that far.
Angel Morris
All of them.
Yes, even that one.
Gabriel Reed
I'm thinking of running a modern fantasy game with horror/supernatural elements where you'll be investigating sites and putting down threats with extreme force. You may need to moonlight in occupations as you investigate. Interested? Unsure when I'll run unfortunately, but may run on these boards.
Yeah, you'll be taking classes in current supplements however, with 3pp available. Also, the modern pf site will be used.
Literally have no idea what that shit is.
Lucas Rogers
World of Darkness. It's a different system. Hunters are humans who seek and destroy supernatural entities on Earth. It's set in the REAL WORLD, Except With Spooky Stuff, and everything's sad and Nietzschean.
Jaxson Anderson
>on Veeky Forums >doesn't know WoD
You've dropped your blood in the water and now the sharks will devour you.
May whatever gods you worship have mercy on your soul, for my mercy will not be enough to stay their hands.
Charles Morgan
>To travel 60km in half an hour, one must travel at 120km/h
Nicholas Lee
Opps, did I say 60km, I meant 160km. Ah yes the entire market of middle of nowhere, Australia.
I'm just grateful that I have a friendly online group.
Luke Johnson
True. What about the disciplines? I remember there was supposed to be four of them but I don't think I ever saw a link.
Gimme some time I'll post a critique on the class.
Nathaniel Lee
That sounds pretty awesome quite honestly, except for the depression and Nietzschean nature, no one wants that. Maybe they do and want to blast Linkin Park on max volume. So, it's also basically Supernatural and Buffy?
Ah well, don't have that much free time for rpgs unfortunately. Come at me bros!
Jayden Gomez
What the fuck, fuck you.
Carter Anderson
When you hunt monsters and all that.
Nolan Walker
Alright, here's the summary for each character. Not going to transcribe EVERYTHING in case one of my players stops by here. Characters don't have names, the players will name them once chosen.
ZPD: Ibis Wizard: Tech genius and lab technician, was born in the Aviary but wings got clipped by a gang (can Glide, no flight). "Spells" are fluffed as special rounds from a blaster (which can also fire crossbow bolts). I'm only giving him one Color Spray per day.
Elephant Aegis: SWAT shock trooper hailing from Savannah district, he reconfigures his power armor (Read: Heavy Astral Suit) for the situation.
Panda (Skinwalker stats) UnMonk: Hand-to-hand instructor at the Academy, out for street duty to keep himself sharp. Observant and exceptionally dangerous up close, but sticks out BADLY in a crowd since pandas are very rare. Lives in the Mountain area, preferring solitude when possible.
Rhino UnBarb (going Beast Totem line): Appeared in the movie, this is the guy who Officer Hops took down at the academy. Pursuit and takedown specialist, got a bit of a temper issue. Lives in City Center
Catfolk Paladin: CQC Carbiner (uses Longbow stats, 10 Str), claws as backup. Smite became an Overclock which strains her equipment, use authorized against dangerous lawbreakers. Very curious and easily distracted, but well-suited to combat in the Rainforest district
Blinkling Vitalist: Battlefield coordination via earpiece and tech-visors (collective and buff powers with a smattering of heals). Sees the ZPD as his Pack since he was orphaned, unbelievably loyal. Based out of Tundra Town.
Jacob Lewis
Mr. Big's Mafia: Monkey Guru: Skillmonkey (heh) extraordinare, specializing in getting access to places others don't want him. REALLY sticky fingers. Jungle District native.
Hog (refluffed Half-Orc) Avenger Vigilante: One of Mr. Big's enforcers who ends up anywhere, usually masquerades as a gourmand. Operates out of Savannah District.
Fox UnRogue: Done in the style of Nick Wilde, he's a fast-talker who knows everyone. Occasionally needs to run really fast to get away. /Dancing lights/ refluffed as firefly drones. Lives in Seaside district, since he has a taste for fish.
Camel (Drowmedary) Bard: A drifter and grifter from Desert Square, but born with a defect that darkens his fur and gave him arthritis from an early age. Quick with a joke or word of encouragement, and plays a variety of instruments for cash for day-to-day living.
Ratfolk Alchemist: Living in his lab in the sewers of City Center, he's a poisoner who dabbles in the occasional antidote or other useful trinket.
Chameleon (Grippli) Shroud Marksman: Sneaky and nearly invisible, he can take out most anyone with one shot of his pistol (Crossbow stats) from hiding. Crossbow group, Sniper style with a backup net, and virtually impossible to find if he doesn't want to be found. Easy to underestimate, hails from the Swamp District. (Note, camoflage and swamp stride work in any natural environment)
Again, players will be free to pick any of the 12, and are not bound to be on the same side (if I guess right, it'll be 4/2 split). First mission is going to be to solve a bank robbery.
Isaac Edwards
>So, it's also basically Supernatural and Buffy? Basically. The system also has different rulesets for playing Werewolfes, Vampires, Mages, Fae, Ghosts and Golems, with each forming their own secret civilizations.
It was highly responsible for the katana and trenchcoat edgelords of the 90s and 00s
Benjamin Brown
Kitsune are the most cancerous of all races, if I could only remove one it'd be them.
Nolan Morris
Your face, yes you, all of you.
Benjamin Powell
>not the Dhampir or Tiefling edglords or the Aasimar mary sues
Noah Gutierrez
I personally don't think modern PF would work at all. Why not use a system better suited for it?
Mason Hernandez
Because, as hilariously ill-suited Pathfinder is for shit that ain't semi-medieval high fantasy, some people just don't want to play different systems.
Blake Gutierrez
So /pfg/, I have an idea but I don't know how well it would work. Party plays a team of bards or similar buffing classes. Instead of fighting encounters and completing quests themselves, they boost the NPCs so that they can complete the quests and then use appropriate bardic music/buffs during encounters.
Jose Jones
How is the core of "Roll 1d20+Modifier to accomplish Task" ill-suited for anything besides Semi-Medieval High Fantasy?
Colton Turner
Just started playing Legacy of Fire, I'm enjoying thus far, but I have a question. Right now I'm playing as a Ranger, and doing a real good job slaughtering Gnolls to the triple digits thanks to the some delicious feats like Gnoll Killer and Favored Enemy. Gnolls are really fuckin' plentiful in the beginning, but I imagine that as we progress further something else will take precedents as the campaign's primary focus. Without spoiling too much, I want to see what people put in as their favored enemy or what the optimized favored enemy chain would be for this campaign.
As of now I got a good hefty bonus into killing Gnolls that's sitting at six, Animals can potentially go up to four depending on what we fight. Anything after that feels like a shitshow which I can't predict. Humans feel like something to dump some points in because of how common people are, but my intuition tells me not to really do that. Any help would be appreciative.
Jose Garcia
I'm having a massive brain fart and can't get the wording in a search to match up. I get that if a creature has one natural attack (say, a bite), they make it at their full BaB with 1.5x Str, I get that. I get that if they had multiple natural attacks it's full BaB with 1x Str for full attacks.
But what about having one natural attack, and they could make multiple iteratives with a normal weapon? IE: 11 BaB, but all they have is a bite? Is it still "one full BaB attack at 1.5x Str" or could they instead make 3 iterative attacks at 1x Str?
Gabriel Smith
One natural weapon, one attack.
Gavin Foster
Have you tried it?
Asher James
Yes. Pathfinder is really ill equipped for modern.
Grayson Thompson
I do "Dungeon Punk" style settings, where the world is basically modern or even futuristic in all but the weapons used. Kinda like Eberron, which is probably as close to "Modern" as you can get without extensive tweaking of the system.
Levi Murphy
Strange request, does anyone have any actual play videos/recordings or campaign logs that they would like to share?
Dominic Bailey
Research Material: What is the action to take Research Material in combat? In place of an attack or a standard action? Also it's better than the way to recover maneuvers in Maneuvers Readied. Suggestion: Add "A target may only have research material harvested from them once in this manner, but may still have further material harvested from them during an Anatomical Study." to the version in Readied Maneuvers, tough it seems they're supposed to be the same, I think. Describe it only once to clear confusion. I suggest describing it once in Research material and in readied maneuvers say "A Scholar may recover a single maneuver as a standard action, contemplating their research or using Research Material during combat as a standard action"
Catalogue of Contagions could increase a little with level or spend a material to make it work for everybody benefitting from the lecture for a few rounds. Same for Hex Report and Psychological Survey. Also maybe Psychological Survey could give a bonus to Bluff and/or Intimidate against the creature and Hex Report could also work for negative/positive energy effects.
Sickening Display: Change "creatures" to "enemies" otherwise using this also affects your teammates.
Panicked Scabbling... That word doesn't mean what you think it means. Did you mean scrabbling?
Indomitable Optimism: change to "may ADD his Intelligence modifier to a saving throw" so you get Dex + Int for one Reflex save (for example) instead of trading Dex for Int.
Calculating Strike is useless. It gives the same attack bonus as Anatomical Study and even the same bonus type. Change the type at least so they stack. I would suggest instead of an attack bonus gaining some damage bonus against the creature until the end of the round. Maybe Sneak Attack until the end of the round?
Quick Examination: As a small bonus maybe be able to use Appraise skill checks quicker when inside his Facility?
Isaiah Jones
Mermaids, fuck you steve and your magicing up legs and air breathing just for some ability bonuses.
Has anyone got a good list of 3rd party alchemical items with craft DCs?
Carter Carter
Aren't discrete and in-your-face antonyms?
That feel when you're planning a behind-the-scenes ascension to godhood. It's real hard to be a benevolent deity without just discretely empowering good people without requiring worship
You can pull off some good storylines with characters with bloodlines traditionally felt as good or evil.
Whether said births were forcible or not, they can be good without playing entirely into tropes of 'I'm descended from an angel, therefore I'm good'. Even if you're only RELATED to an Aasimar, you may be viewed as second best at the church, etc.
Austin Reyes
What's the best way to make an elf unchained rogue providing that he'll definitely be using the minor and major magic rogue talents? 3pp is not allowed.
Bentley Fisher
No, discrete and discreet are two different words. Chutzpah, English!
>I don't know what that jew word means. I just like how it sounds.
Michael Thomas
Varied Instruments: Kinda of meh. Maybe two skill with the caveat you can't choose two of the same at once? Like one Knowledge and one Craft, but not two Craft or two Knowledge?
Extraordinary Organization: Only pack up? Maybe to unpack too?
Operating Theatre: Maybe add Heal to the skills you gain bonuses when using the facility? Maybe Quick Examination could add Appraise to it too?
Mercurial Mind: nothing wrong with it, just want to say it is pretty great.
Jeremiah Price
It means audacity, essentially.
And damn, you're right. This fricking language.
Connor Collins
that fucking excuse for not-drow humand whatever the fuck, +4 Dex, -2 Str, +2 all else?
Gabriel Clark
>I have one Bite Natural Weapon and a Greatsword. I can either make one Bite Attack at my full TAB, or one Greatsword attack at my full BAB followed by a Bite attack at my TAB-5.
>I am the above, by my BAB is +6/+1. I can either make one Bite Attack at my full TAB, then one with my second iterative, or I can make one Greatsword attack at full TAB then one with my second iterative, or I can make one Greatsword attack at full TAB and my Bite attack at a -5.
>In either of the above examples, Greatsword+Bite could be a -2 instead of -5 on the Bite if I have Multiattack.
>I have a Primary Bite and four Secondary Tentacle Attacks because I'm an Aberrant Aegis or a very pointy-toothed Mind Flayer. I also have a Greatsword. My BAB is +11/+6/+1. I can make three attacks with any combination of tentacle, bite, or greatsword, at those bonii. Or, I can swing my Greatsword once and then attack with all of my natural attacks at a -5 (or -2 with MultiAttack). Or, I can attack with my Bite at full BAB and all my Tentacles at -5.
You either get Iteratives or One Attack Per Weapon. That's it.
Jack Thomas
You mean the Munavri? I agree, fuck that race.
Jason Sullivan
Those are the Munavri, and they're actually closer to Humans than Drow. They're the human version of Duergar - humans that fled underground to escape the Starfall calamity, and stayed there after the dust settled instead of going back up.
They shouldn't be a PC race, but they're pretty cool. The Aboleths have this upside-down water tornado that keeps the ocean from flooding into the Darklands (the Not!Underdark for Golarion), and the Munavri fight these big monster fuckers in their silent boats who are constantly trying to escape and fuck up said water tornado. There is, in fact, an upside-down ocean on the ceiling of that particular giant cavern, and a regular ocean in the bottom of it.
Yes, it's possible to travel up the tornado into Aboleth Land if you're a lunatic.
Anthony Clark
Wait, what? Where's the details on this, because I'm confused on how the ceiling ocean works.
Joseph Brooks
Also, why do Aboleths give any fucks? They're aquatic.
Owen Allen
Bad writing.
Justin Kelly
So... If all I have is a bite and no other weapon, I COULD make iterative attacks with it? That's what I'm trying to ask. I was under the assumption you only ever got one bite attack, regardless of how many iteratives you COULD have made.
Christopher Watson
I rolled a Construct Rider Alchemist and got myself an Ioun Wyrd Tumor Familiar
Because this little guy is a construct as well, I'm thinking of tinkering with it.
What do you think should I do with this thing, /pfg/? Its already got blindsight and recently installed with a detect magic scanner. It has terrible stats for combat and poor survivability so I wouldn't dare use this in a fight.
Oliver Young
They can breathe air by default bud.
Benjamin Cruz
How does "one natural weapon, one attack" confuse you? No, you can't make iterative attacks. Only one attack.
Jaxson Gutierrez
It'd mean their routes to the surface are gone, and if you know anything about Earth - which is similar in terms of physics to Golarion - then you'd realize that the oceans are absolutely mandatory as a surface feature. It's extremely important that they have a huge surface area to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen with the atmosphere and to reflect sunlight from its surface. Not to mention, the lack of an ocean on the surface would mean no rainfall and, eventually, the death of almost all surface-dwellers as all the plant life died out en masse. Also, eventually, everyone would choke to death, as the plankton that make up most of the oxygen generation on earth are phytoplankton; they need sunlight for photosynthesis, and they can't get it underground.
If the aboleths let the oceans fall into the Darklands, they would eventually suffocate, as there would be no means of efficiently oxygenating all that water.
No, you can make iteratives with a single natural weapon. It's just that most creatures don't HAVE only a single natural weapon when they use natural weapons do deal damage, or they have a special attack that only works once a round on a hit with it anyway, like some kinds of energy drain.
Lincoln Bennett
The second guy came in with this big ass chunk of text of superfluous bullshit, that's what was confusing.
Michael Gray
By taking as few levels of Swashbuckler as possible. Or by playing the Swashbuckler Rogue and focusing on Intimidate tricks.
Also, you ever notice how the people who complain the most about class balance are the worst at creating or understanding it? Not even just PFS or Paizo mouthbreathers, but folks in general.
Anthony Sullivan
So what you're saying is the munavri are trying to destroy the world.
Hudson Cruz
Sure you have.
The fewest number of swashbuckler levels is 0.
Daniel Davis
No, the Munavri are protecting the Aboleths who are preventing the entire world's ecosystem from collapsing by maintaining the ocean's position on the surface.