What's the slowest, most painful, most drawn-out death to a group/campaign you've ever experienced?
What's the slowest, most painful, most drawn-out death to a group/campaign you've ever experienced?
Hey, free booth!
alternatively, they were running late, the picture was taken before the hall was open, or they had stepped away for a moment.
I'm in one now.
Long story short, old high school friend is running a game to try and reunite us all and it is flat out not working. I like the guy, but we have all grown up and went our own different ways. It's not helping that some in the group are using it as a medium to be as passive aggressive as all fuck to those they feel have slighted them or they are jealous/spiteful of.
I've been running games successfully for other friends for years upon years upon years, I can see the eventual breakdown and I've gave my friend the best advice I can offer. I can see the weariness upon his face as he tries to untangle the latest bout of IC/OOC bitching and clucking to try and get a bunch of cunts who flat out don't like each other to try and murderhobo together.
It's shit, but at least it's been educational.
>You arrive at a space port.
>Thousand son psyker An Horus' himself
>Alright, so daemons and..
11 sessions of a 31 session game devoted to the endgame which, in game, lasted no more than a few hours. I ended up dropping out before its end, however.
I left to go to school more than 2 years ago.Came back for the summer to find out they've gone from level 6 to 9 in the time being.
They meet weekly.
We killed the BBEG when I first joined the group.
I have no idea what they've been doing since
What's the Mighty No. 9 of Veeky Forums?
Mythus? Cyborg Commando? Kings of War?
>weekly for two years
>get three levels
What the fuck. Were they doing nothing but slice-of-life that whole time?
I have zero clue. They told me they accomplished some things, the former BBEG is now a distant ally who's fighting against the new BBEG who's trying to bring back an even bigger BBEG.
I guess they've just kind of continued the campaign. I can't think of a good story analogy, but its like if you finish a book and realize there's 500 more pages.
Robotech tactics
>Driven by nostalgia for fan-favorite 80's franchise
>Severely overpromised on stretch goals
>Delayed to all fuck
>Early information makes it look bad
>Company goes full damage control
>Eventually gets released after literal years of delays
>Painfully mediocre gameplay, shoddy presentation
>Every company that has ever been associated with the product has their reputation tarnished
The only difference is that MN9 did actually deliver all their rewards (shit as they are) while Robotech is still working on delivering the 2nd half of the models. Also that MN9's creators seem content to get it slip quietly into obscurity, while Palladium still insists that it's going to be a huge new gaming phenomenon, just as soon as they finish the last few dozen designs and REALLY get the game off the ground.
a bigger difference is Keiji Inafune used to have a great reputation. Harmony Gold always had a terrible reputation, and you were always terrible people for giving any money to Harmony Gold.
Well palladium was responsible for the kickstarter, HG was supposed to have minimal involvement with it since they were sill getting their eternal royalty checks from Palladium's Robotech RPG. Palladium also used to have a great reputation (but like Inafune, if you asked people who actually worked with them, you'd learn not to trust them).
>First time playing 5e
>We all love it compared to 4e, decide to do an ongoing campaign, we had never had one last more than 3-4 sessions before
>Two of us achieve our character goals and realize everyone else had been given story goals by the DM except us
>DM says we can make new character if we'd like
>next session "no jk the BBEG destroyed your hometowns so you have to fight him"
>find a deck of many things, let each character pull from it many times because we don't know better
>My int goes down so much I can barely speak, but I become ruler of a small area
>Several other characters get to be ruler of an area as well
>DM makes his own character who's secretly aiming to replace the BBEG
>end up going to different planes that we want to explore after beating the BBEG
>DM's character kills everyone capable of bringing us there and levels half the world even though he's like level 9, wont let us stop him because he's DM
>All that's really left is what our characters rule over and we get a lot of refugees
>Sorcerer goes mental IRL after a breakup, have to drop him
>Warlock repeatedly misinterprets his character's abilities and just doesnt show up to half the sessions, have to drop him
>Our rogue just decides to go evil
>It's just my druid and nogoals the fighter against rogue and DM's character
>Monster manual comes out, we try fighting the highest CR creature and beat it easily
>realize our items, which were all ported from 3.5/4e, were all ridiculously powerful
>the DMG didn't come out for a while after this and then we saw how items are supposed to work in this game
>Finally get DM to agree to have a fight between the good and evil characters
>next session "no jk I came up with something better"
It's better than nothing.
>most painful, drawn-out death
Anime enjoyed a brief popularity in the West between the releases of Akira and GitS but has been objectively shit since then. Yet Veeky Forums still exists - even though Mootykins drowned himself in piss to escape it. Sad!
>>find a deck of many things, let each character pull from it many times because we don't know better
This is how you kill the campaign. There is nothing interesting to add from one of those random table shit besides random dumb shit. The best use would be the DM fucking saying which result comes to further some plot and such up but that's railroading cringe as fuck.
>Characters are pulled into a retcon dream
>everyone gets several choices between two items or two things you did, and whatever you dont pick is retconned from happening
>Everything DM's character did still happened but he doesn't remember why he did it, his motivations are all gone
>this was all done so we could "play more sessions as a party again"
>we never end up playing a single session in this world after this
Yeah I still include it in my campaigns if I ever want to be 100% sure it'll bait the players into going for it, but I rig the deck so there's no cards that will fuck anything up, and only let one card be drawn total for the party. otherwise the entire campaign could be completely destroyed
>Group asks me to DM a game, any game for them after a night of drinking.
>Say I'll do it though I know they're not really interested.
>Months go by, one guy occasionally brings it up every few weeks.
>Finally assemble all the materials, write up a campaign and characters, pull everyone together.
>We have one half of a session with two of the players, get everyone to agree on a date for the next session (Three weeks away), only one guy shows because two went out drinking instead and the third went to go see a movie with his wife.
Took months for the game to actually get started and predictably failed because everyone has a life now and doesn't want to waste their free time on tabletop. Considering this isn't the first time a group has fallen apart like that, I can't say I'm surprised.
I always hate that feeling. You've got these guys you have history with, but everyone's different now and gone their separate ways. Any attempts to reunite everyone is pretty much futile.
What's worse is one of the guys in our group still calls up the others and asks for favors despite not having spoken to anyone in years. He can't be assed to meet up for lunch on rare occasions, but damn, if he's got computer problems, better call up that IT guy and get pissed when he charges you like every other customer. Or try and get the loan officer to give him a better rate for his home.
Probably an online play by post forum RP that died out over the course of like 10 years.
>tfw you had a forum like that
>you still lurk there just to see if it'll come back
Feels bad man.
Moot now has a rather high-ranking position at google, which is known for its fabulous benefits and pay besides being FUCKING GOOGLE, so all that patience paid off
pffffffft, get the fuck out of here with that bulshit
He's still living with his mom
I dunno, but I just had a group that only lasted a single session before half the group (DM included) had to jump ship because of just how awful 3 of the players were (had collectively decided on a backstory that had nothing to do with the point of the game, kept 90% of it secret, refused to do anything that didn't revolve around it, and actively stopped us from going to do stuff related to the plot. And since they made up 3/5ths of the actual players and the other two had no shared backstory they formed an evil braintrust designed to keep anything that didn't involve their backstory from happening.)
They had brought up bits and pieces of their ideas to the DM and got vetoed. Then they basically just did it anyway but went "It's a secret" as if that made it better.
It's like reading Atlas Shrugged
>Palladium also used to have a great reputation
u wot
I've never heard of Kevin Siembieda as anything other than a paranoid schizophrenic fighting tooth and nail to protect an IP no one actually likes
I don't think you have any clue what BBEG actually means or when you're supposed to use it.
Not the person you're talking to but did you know that sometimes a campaign can give each story arc its own "Big Bad of the Week".
I'm jealous of any group capable of telling a coherent story in an RPG at all really.
New GM who pulls shite from nowhere = Dragging your teeth through the sidewalk for progress.
For example
>Standard zombies
>Thundercuck and our rogue go to kill one
>Normal shit until...
>"Since thundercuck is within 5ft, I'm going to roll for the sneak attack dmg"
>"Nope you don't get to"
>"Sneak attack is about exploiting a foe being distracted"
>Zombies can't be distracted
Uh. Technically the rules are that undead and constructs can't be sneak attacked, since a steak attack is just hitting a foe in a vital spot when they don't expect it and undead and constructs have no vitals
I see you don't follow video games.
>dm wouldn't let us stop him
What? The DM wouldn't let you get up and leave the table? Thats called kidnapping.
More like your image than your question, but the Axes and Anvils kickstarter resulted in the dev going bankrupt, losing his home, and not delivering jack shit.
It really isn't.
My High School friends.
The more I played with them the more I came to realise I didn't want to play with them anymore. Two were derailing fucktard autists who explicitly knew what they were doing and why it annoyed me but kept doing it anyway. The third was an enabler who went along with whatever bullshit the other two came up with.
Took years but finally I stopped playing with rpg's with them, and now we only interact via Steam.
Not in 5e, which the poster said he was playing.
I'm trying to phoenix down my group after the GMs girlfriend dumped him. She was pretty much the sole problem of the group since, while inexperienced and not very bright, the group tried and improved as a whole, except for her who kept asking him stuff in the campaign and getting it, usually disruptive stuff like "x player should be genderswapped by the villain". I'm trying to start a new game as a GM, but college keeps getting in the way, and I keep losing interest on the things i want to run before actually running them.
But he's literally a cuck, nothing will ever make up for that.
>write up a campaign
Why would you do this before the campaign even begins?
Cancer from start to finish.
Rumor has it he's in charge of checking the answers to the text captchas so that 'faggot' isn't the answer to all of them.
That's because the 'used to' on Palladium damn near predates the internet.
>Kings of War
How is a game that is out and good the MN9 of Veeky Forums?
>New GM
>thinks rogues are overpowered
I thought we left this behind.
Yep, my DM did the exact same thing.
I had to show him fucking the exact page in both the core book and Scag where rouge sneak attacks were mentioned, -and- show a twitter post from one of the creators to get him to cut that shit out.
>I always hate that feeling. You've got these guys you have history with, but everyone's different now and gone their separate ways. Any attempts to reunite everyone is pretty much futile.
Amen. Different groups. Different living situations. Different partnerships. Different people now. The main division in my group is between the bluecollars and whitecollars, as shallow as that is. Most of the players just really tolerate each other, but damn you forever if you pull ahead of the others, IC'ly or OOC'ly, where it will be picked at or whinged at, IC'ly or OOC'ly.
Only butthurt WHFBabbies believe this meme. And it's similar in that it was written by an ex-GW employee and it's a bland, soulless rip-off.
It started a couple of months ago, when it was put on hiatus, mainly because so everybody can focus on studying. Time passed on and other DnD campaigns were being made, and some members of the original group joined those groups. It was only last week where we accepted that the campaign was dead; however, it did come to light that the campaign is coming back, but I'm just hoping it's a continuation rather than a reset.
Campaign was Eva thread on /a/, the groups were Rei (team blue) and Asuka (team red), the campaign quest: determine best girl. 15 years later, campaign has not ended.
The one I'm in now.
Two weeks between sessions became 3.....and then 4......and now we're on month 3 without a session and I wish the GM would just come out and say that he doesn't want to do this anymore and kill the fucking campaign already. Instead, he makes flimsy excuses for why we can't game and we can all see him playing shitty games on Steam so why lie about it?
This is the third game with this GM that has died a pitiful death and it's left me salty towards dicegames in general. Shame on me for getting invested after GM has proven to be a flake, though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What's this pic about?
Mighty no9. A Kickstarted abortion by the creator of Megaman, Kenji Inafune. It's caused all sorts of skub and derp throughout the /v/idya world and more importantly, may have destroyed Japanese faith in Kickstarter.
>creator of Megaman
Rockman was created by Akira Kitamura.
>There once was a man who worked on Megaman named Keiji Inafune.
>He was credited and allowed himself to be credited as "The Creator of Megaman"
>His westaboo ways crashed two Capcom franchises into the ground (Lost Planet and Devil may Cry)
>Capcom fired him and as personal jab cancelled Megaman Legends 3, which he had worked on.
>Autistic Megaman fans cried tears of rage.
>Then on a cold night in the year 2013, Inafune unveiled the Mighty No. 9 kickstarter
>The selling point was "Just like the Megaman you know and love but BETTER"
>It was funded for 3.8 million dollars; later contributions pushed the budget up to $4 M
>It was delayed half a dozen times from its 2014 release date and finally released (on most platforms) last month
>Inafune promises a sequal, an anime, and a movie are in the pipeline
>It's a boring and uninspired Megaman clone that waffles between FUCK YOU and cakewalk
>It crashes on the Wii
Yeah that user fucked up. He was the lead illustrator and animator.
He also created and produced dead rising and lost planet though sadly he also created Zero so thats a nice big mark on his career.
Inafune was always a shitter; this outcome wasn't unexpected from anyone that was actually familiar with him.
That sounds like a (You) problem m8