Character art:dark ages fantasy edition
Character Art
Guys, I need pictures of folks with whips.
Particularly any swashbuckler/Zorro looking dudes with whips
Well, I know I have this guy.
I see. Do you have any ladies perhaps?
Tiny resolutions? Not on my watch!
Like, two.
Also, this is my kind of art thread. I'll dump some before dinner.
You might try Veeky Forumsbooru?
Ooh, left handed viking-like character. If I had known of this picture earlier I would have chosen it to represent my character in a campaign that recently ended.
I see. Its fine, I guess I'll just check google, Veeky Forumsbooru or DA instead. Thanks for the effort though.
In return, is there anything you want me to try to find in my folders and dump for you?
You know you could just make any right-handed character art left-handed by just mirroring the image, right?
Anyone have any mage skelingtons/liches?
Of course I do.