Veeky Forums filename thread go go go!

Veeky Forums filename thread go go go!















you guys are so terrible at this






800 dollars? Seriously? I very rarely break 100.





I need a name for this.


This is fucking priceless.

people are stupid







GTA V is priceless
did he dieded

Yes he did. Later, though, not that time.


Something about attack of opportunity range?

He pulled a parachute out of his ass.



>player/gm shares his fetish
>playing CthulhuTech

>I should have dump-statted charisma.




>guilty boner



>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch

Holy fucking size difference tell me they fuck. At the very least tell me who the giantess is.



The giantess is Wonder Woman.



Oh, so it's just titilation with no payoff? Great

You couldn't tell that from the fact it's clearly some hollywood comedy?

who is this


bill kaulitz, back before he turned ugly.






Don't google Jaye Davidson







That so evil it circles right back into being beautiful.


Good fucking god


Absolutely beautiful



What is this? Why is there a luchadore?





Does this mean Fate magic can do fuck all if the Storyteller decides he doesn't want his plot changed?

I think he's still pretty hot. The tattoo looked like a robot arm at first. Reminds me of a hotter version of your boss from Dues Ex HR.


Haven (and its ilk for other WoD games) is a purchasable background perk for your character in Vampire, denoting you have a safe haven or a base of sorts. You can purchase it at different levels, from one dot to five dots. The less dots you have, the less you have.


>Peasant in peril.gif

Kind of? I mean, Fate is all about foretelling, avoiding, changing, or creating new advantages. Although even just mechanically it's one of the better arcana, though hopefully some of it's ridiculousness will be toned down by the time the final final version of Mage 2e comes out.

WoD (vampire mainly) character creation.

My question is, does the sudden influx of magically transformed orcs into the local fauna's gene pool, on a scale of entire nations' worth of people, have any unforeseen effect on them?

Like, is there suddenly a template for orcborn dogs, deer, and doves?





