How is Anima: Beyond Fantasy?
How is Anima: Beyond Fantasy?
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Horribly complex.
Until you learn it proper, then is extremely easy.
The same could be said of 3.5, so that's not exactly a positive.
Same can be said for GURPS.
Anima is much like GURPS a retard filter.
old-school. spellcasters are meant to be more like Gandalf than Harry Potter. tables of percentages for margins. campaigns are meant to have a certain pacing that a lot of groups can't effectively emulate.
Huh. I already suspected that only retards play GURPS, but I didn't think Anima was the same.
Awww, lil baby can't do mathy. Probably artsy major too.
It's okay, D&D3.5 is right for you! Now fuck off retard.
IT and Translation.
Fuck 3.5 and you.
I've only had bad experiences with it. Too much crunch for me to find it enjoyable.
Damn, is that slut in front trolling around for dick or what?
What field of it? OH don't tell me, I'll guess.
You fix computers at a PC store.
Ladies. Ladies. Ladies. Ladies.
You're both retarded.
Programming, design, the works.
And from a usability standpoint, this system sucks. Choppy translation aside.
From a crunch standpoint the system is literally un-ironically great, which if you did actually program jackshit you'd understand quickly and in less than 2 games.
Unless you do shit like js or think php is good.
Read Core - Learn about Divine Magic
Learn that you will never be able to do it and the system is made so that you can't do it by Gnosis rules
Really, the problem I have with Anima is that it appears to be High-Fantasy Exalted level, but when you actually read it you discover that the author was thinking "generic angsty-anime that doesn't know if it wants to be Berserk or Nasuverse"
I'm at game 0 because of the aforementioned usability issue and the resulting lack of potential users.
Notice how I didn't mention the mechanics at all? That's because a program can be the greatest ever; if nobody can be bothered to use it, it can't fulfill its function and is therefore useless.
Since a game is primarily intended for end users, usability is key.
Berserk's high fantasy IF you suck god-dick you get to be god-ish.
IE, you can get high magic by bullshitting tons or getting apostle'd and divine by becoming a god hand/DM fiat.
It's very complex, took me a whole week to make a decent character being a newbie.
Recomendad to start as something that doesn't use Zeon and avoid using Ki, and once you get the hang of all the basic concepts make a spellcasting character.
But it's aesthetically very nice compared to Dnd, and the system encourages roleplaying in the sense of interpretation and dialog over combat.
>campaigns are meant to have a certain pacing that a lot of groups can't effectively emulate.
Also that you're not supposed to min-max at all
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think about even experienced characters failing easy tasks more than 50% of the time.
What's her name and why does she need dick so bad?
I don't remember.
Because she was part of selene
>why does she need dick so bad?
Don't we all?
What the shit is a Selene, aside from a classic X-Men villain?
Okay, so, why does she need dick so bad? Inquiring minds want to know.
Femnazi assassin cult of something.
>I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think about even experienced characters failing easy tasks more than 50% of the time.
What the fuck are you talking about?
And they spend their time trolling for cock?
I'm hold onto my money for the next edition, "Anima: Beyond Anime".
I kid, I kid.
An easy task is difficulty 40.
An untrained check with an attribute of 10 has a total "bonus" of -15.
So you need to roll at least 55 for a success.
No, they don't.
That's why celia needs the D.
Untrained means LITERALLY you've never done a thing.
Zero times, never thought of it, zero information, zero help, zero everything.
Of course you're set up to fail a thing you've never, ever done.
But training guzzles quite a lot of PD.
Too much for mixed classes, which need every single point they can get for their Primary Abilities.
>I want to do thing
>Okay, then you have to forsake other things to do thing really good
>WTF THIS IS UNFAIR! Why can I be good at EVERYTHING?!
You don't need to be trained in every single thing, nobody is. If you want to just get jack of all trades.
Just the basics every human being should have cost upwards of 100 PD.
Well yeah, which is why you generally either don't bother with most SA's and just pick a handful that you raise to bullshit levels. Moreover, the whole point of Mixed classes is that they get more combat versatility in exchange for out of combat versatility. You will not need most of the SAs either way if other party members can make up for your flaws.
Besides, even then you can get some SAs to decent levels thanks to the Core Exxet bonuses.
But that just feels wrong. That means that most Anima characters have never done many of the things every child would naturally do growing up.
Unbalanced as every other fantasy game: The more you go level up the more wizards and samecasters got the upper hand.
Good things? You can for sure made ANYTHING you saw in anime,manga,comic,series and a long etc. The ability system and the system of difficults are nice and you have a lot of good classes
Bad things? Complicated rules for players and DM, specially the combat
I think is fun but i recommend pathfinder better
Literally: Yes, and?
If you minmax most of your points into "Murder" you're going to be good at "murder" but shit at everything fucking else.
You're literally crying because you don't get to be great at everything, of course not you need to make concessions you can't expect to drop 70%+ of your points into combat and also expect to be GOAT at out of combat.
Also a level 1 min-maxed combat character (pure, not even going into mixed or weird combos) 240DPs to put in his lacking secondary skills, because most of his training is combat.
This and anima's timing are the two things 90% of people don't get:
An anima character who keeps up with his attack/def ratio to the 60% limit on combat IS going to be broken because the game doesn't expect you to, it expects you to have 100dps into assorted fluff secondaries, some DPS into your interesting skills, social skills etc... and like 40-50% on combat or so.
Plus anima PCs are always weird and abnormal people, hell wizards (human, mind you) are like 1 in a million. Even the most normal named NPCs are weird, even the dirty filthy peasant PC in anima gets so mad he isn't special he stabs reality until it makes him special.
>The more you go level up the more wizards and samecasters got the upper hand.
Not... really? Martials scale better than Casters.
>I think is fun but i recommend pathfinder better
Oh fuck off.
It means YOUR minmaxes characters haven't. Go look up official stats on the back of the book and calculate how many spares DPs they have for you to assign to random fluff skills. The only things that have asstarded skills are monsters. 'Cuz you know, the wake and shit. (Also they cheat)
>Martials not OP as fuck as they go up in levels and scale into infinite
From line 1 you're wrong.
>Recommend pathfinder better
Kek, nice bait took it, 7/10 honest.
>Martials scale better than Casters
This is a fucking lie and you should feel bad for that. I can throw at you a summoner, warlock or even a combination of sorcerer and techinicist who can blown any martial you can bring to pieces. And im talking even technicist with Nemesis
So far, pretty much everyone has told me something different about what the system expects, so maybe they should have been clearer on what exactly is expected in the book?
The general tenor of what I read before was that putting as many points into "murder", as you put it, is the baseline, not min-maxing.
Samefag or just bad trolls? I dont even care but at least you should play over level 10 for start talking about OP
>this is what D&D fags ACTUALLY believe
Top kek.
>Really countering magic
Nemesis exist to fuck psy, binding and martials funnily enough. It does inconvenience wizards sightly.
Also to murder wizards via sneak assaults.
Well, I do think that the untrained penalty is a bit silly for physical abilities (though I'd say it's reasonable for social and intellectual skills).
Oh please, a level 10 or above pure Technician and Tao can just nuke everything in the vicinity and end it at that. Even without those you can grab a Shadow and have him Surprise-Alpha Strike anyone from a different dimension. Casters are strong, but they're much more resource and time-management reliant than Martials.
Yep, you're just retarded as fuck.
Same min-maxer kid as before right?
Literally the most "OP" murder character is a technician ninja.
Also, martials get to go on forever, while wizards get gated off at divine magic (and high magic before level 10/sanctorium) without DM fiat.
Also to have an spell do EFFECT you have to deal 10%+ damage with it. And in anima, you can actually defend vs that kind of shit, so yes, you throw a fireball, he cuts it in half and throws a sword, turning your insides and everyone's elses into paste because you have zero combat ability and he's basically a walking demigod.
Or hell, we can even go with the fucking WORST class in the game to go pure in: The weapon master. He gets tons of health shit to move faster, samiel and armor. Maybe artifacts too, but that's generally cheating.
I will post it in Spanish cause I'm not going to search for the description in English, but this is what Core Exxet says about what you should expect:
El concepto de Ánima es jugar en una ambientación de fantasía oscura. Los
personajes son individuos en un mundo de apariencia realista que se enfrentarán
a diversos peligros desconociendo que fuerzas tenebrosas mueven los hilos de
lo que sucede. Se encuentran entre la luz y las tinieblas, por lo que serán testigos
de acontecimientos que el resto del mundo ignora por completo. Deberán
combatir sus propios temores y luchar por sus vidas al verse mezclados en
historias ligadas a lo sobrenatural y entidades olvidadas que siguen formando
parte del mundo. Para sobrevivir tendrán a su disposición armas, habilidad, su
ingenio y las mismas artes sobrenaturales a las que afrontan.
El sistema de Ánima se basa principalmente en que los jugadores interpreten
a personajes humanos. La verdadera esencia del mundo de Gaïa se encuentra
en enfrentarse a lo sobrenatural como algo excepcional, sin perder en ningún
momento la humanidad. Es mucho más satisfactorio afrontar lo desconocido
como un mero hombre que siendo uno mismo miembro de una raza mística.
Sin embargo, también es cierto que verse obligado a llevar siempre personajes
humanos puede resultar monótono, y jugar de vez en cuando con algo diferente,
místico, es un aliciente muy agradable. Si los jugadores lo deciden, pueden
encarnar a un Nephilim: hombres y mujeres dotados de las características
sobrenaturales de otras razas.
In TL;DR English version:
You're in a dark world where you have to fight supernatural shit without losing your humanity, armed only with weaponry, skill, ingenity and the same supernatural arts that you're against.
The supernatural is something weird, estrange and uncommon. It is much more satisfying to fight off the supernatural as a mere man. But you also can play as a neph.
Also, remember:
I know a lot of players and DM that decided not to play in Gaia just because their use of the supernatural was extremely limited because using magic openly can and will cause you to be declared a heretic and be executed by the inquisition.
Just trying to learn about the system, you shit-flinging ape.
Entiendo el español, gracias.
The issue is not what I as a player have to expect from the game but what the game expects my character to be mechanically.
And most non-christians also don't fucking like magic. Because magic is spooky as FUCK.
Hell, the only way you'd get an Arguese and Kushistani together is "Kill the wizard", they'll set aside their differences and shank the wizard. It's like in shadowrun, instead of geeking you shiv.
Most people don't, that's why I did a TL;DR.
We've explained this to you again last thread, look at what the group lacks and how they're working with and what they lack and what would be a nice fit. Maybe they're all social characters and need a big strong buffed up combat monster with a total lack of social skills, doing his best not to fuck up any social interaction but still doing so, slowly getting more social skills as the group gets better in combat. Or maybe they prefer to be all balanced around and have a support to help them not die as hard in combat, etc...
Just like any other RPG, also check how your DM expects to do secondary skills and if he allows to "homebrew" putting the natural upgrades from core exxet as being trained (I do, because my players tend to go all in for combat and I'm not a fan of how anima does secondary skills).
Spanish, English, and Tactics.
A lot of contradicting information here, not sure who to believe.
Spanish speaker, I have read every book in spanish, player and GM. I can answer your question.
The system combat is a litle complex but very cinematic.
The GM Toolkit as one character for each class in the game, so you could use theme as examples of what the game expects mechanically form you.
Example: no PC in the GM Toolkit has more than 85 in Attack/Defence, so most of them spend 50% on Primaries and the rest on Secondaries
The Mage in fact "only" has Magical Projection 65 and ACT 40.
What contradiction information?
Is it like Exalted?
In general, not person that have only read the english version.
No group and no GM because of the nature of the system.
Welcome to Veeky Forums. Hope you don't think about picking up D&D.
Not at all.
You're not playing alone, right user?
DMs are rare
>tfw working and you don't have time for shit
No, very little.
It is between D&D and Exalted in terms of potential power, but as some have said the game expects you to be a HUMAN who fights the supernatural on RARE OCCASIONS.
If you want to be a demigod from the start, this game doesn't encourage it but you can if you ignore both rules and setting.
I am not playing at all.
To further clarify:
If I am to ever have any hope of playing Anima, I will have to learn the system in a complete vacuum to a point where I can break it down far enough for my potential players not to go: "This looks even worse than the Bionicle homebrew we gave up testing."
No, your tipical character (if your gm is good) are semi-special.
There is a mechanic that is called "Gnosis" that is the importance yours in the world, being 20 a person that the history revolvs around you. The book expect you to have Gnosis 10.
In the lore, only 1 person have Gnosis 20
Also, 1 level is really important and can be the difference between life and death (or an arm)(also, if your gm is good)
In reality, the game expect you to fight supernatural as you gain levels. the line is around level 4-5
And before anyone asks, no. It is not possible to change your Gnosis without GM fiat.
Your Gnosis is your Gnosis forever. If it changes, it is because it was always that value.
Yes, it can be changed. There is a serie of spells that increase your gnosis, and this spells are not even great magic (alta magia, no se el termino en ingles).
It's probably 'High Magic'.
Chimera is absolutely NOT recommended even by the own creator of the game.
Why? Because it makes either the perfect target for a Valkyrie, you have to spend a LOT of points in hiding it (remember, all the changes of Chimera are physical, even those that increments INT; for example, you head gets bigger) or any conjurer can make his slave.
Tfw you think GURPS is the easiest system.
The best way around this is the Necromantic spell of the same level, which makes you undead so you are invlunerable to Dominate from conjurers except if they are also undead.
But it's still possible for a Valkyrie to appear hunting you.
There is at least other 2 spells that do the same.
The reason because is not recomended is because it transform you in a creature thar can be summoned, and then, can be dominated.
Also, there is a mechanic that can be called semi-legal, and that is be an ascended human - a human that attain superior gnosis by its own mean.
And thats, because it only appers in the lore. But again, almost every important NPC is a rule breaker (literally)
And sadly there no rules for it and the creator as explained on the Spanish forums that even using this you can't achieve more than 35.
That's why it's semi legal.
Anyway, there are "combos" for doing divine magic in combat.
Yeah, if you can find yourself a Node or obtain Gnosis 45.
Which according to the lore only one being with Gnosis 45 has ever walked Gaia.
Or obtain Megas Therion
I'll tell you a secret.
It is, but people are seriously fucking retarded
Combos, no mechanic. you can also obtain Elan of Erebus, or combine certain spells that can be used to increase your gnosis to 40 in vigilia.
You are not in vigilia, create a portal to it
ALso when you leave the wake you lose the gnosis, since y'know, you wake up.
But everything you do with that Divine Magic will only count on the Wake, not in Gaia.
This is correct
Personally I love anima, I use a lot of homebrew rules done by elric like those found here
That said I can say while mechanically complex once you get a hang of it it's pretty reasonable. There are a lot of paths to power and supernatural abilities and every character becomes pretty flavorful and will be very "anime" cool if nothing else. As someone who runs at high tier (lvl 12+ with some min max characters) I will say the game requires some additional house rules past lvl 15 but most people won't have to deal with that.
Yeah, there are few places where magic is viewed as not-evil.
Alberria, if you're not being a shithead with it, the damned kids in Lucrecio tend toward it being whatever, and some, but not a lot, of Bahense folks.
p.s. if you go to Shivat(China) and cast spells, you're gonna have a REAL bad time, either through RAPED BY ONI, or getting shanked by the province's dedicated Exorcist Hit Squad.
Don't forget the Orb of "Oh, you're an unnatural creature now? Well this 400 base Control says you're mine now. Kill your friends."
Only surpass death avoids Orb, because Undead, but then you're asking Valkyries/Shinigami or the Black Sun to just come along and either murder your undead ass, or enslave it.
Pretty sure Lucrecio will get you raven'd for interrogation and recruiting.
Not entirely a bad thing, as Wiss is definitely one of the least Pants-on-Head Retarded organizations out there. You could get pawned off into Requiem. Or get processed into a crow yourself. If you survive the process itself, of course.
Overcomplicated. It uses a d100 and integers of +/- 5 modifiers for everything, instead of d20 and +/- 1 modifiers. You'd lose basically nothing converting it to a d20 system; Open Roll on a 19+ instead of 91+ and Fumbles on a natural 1 as if characters had Bad Luck. Give everyone +1 CP to compensate.
You could probably fold Agility and Dexterity into one Characteristic. Same with Strength and Constitution, Intelligence and Perception, and Power and Willpower. There's a lot of overlap and I don't think making a distinction between 'physical co-ordination' and 'physical speed' adds anything meaningful to the game.
The progression of DCs is incredibly inconsistent and punishing. From Routine to Impossible it goes 20 -> 40 -> 80 -> 120 -> 140 -> 180 -> 240 -> 280. Remember that barring open rolls (a 91 or higher) any Difficult (DC 120) secondary ability (skill) check is literally impossible unless you have points in the skill or ab obscenely high attribute, higher than you can reasonably have at character creation. In fact, because you take a -30 penalty to secondary ability checks that are untrained, even Moderate (DC 80) secondary ability checks are impossible without impossibly high stats.
Classes are mostly very similar and could have been boiled down to Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, Psychic, and Ki-User, or honestly you could just have everyone use the Freelancer DP costs and progression. You could also probably boil down Secondary Abilities to Athletics, Social, Perception, Intellectual, Vigor, Subterfuge, and Creative instead of using all those sub-skills, maybe throw in skill specialization for people who want to focus in something specific.
That's my gripes with the nuts and bolts of the system. I've got more specific complaints with a few other things (such as daily healing being stupidly slow, and Zeon reserves being both too large and recovering too slowly) but those are more cosmetic, more easily homebrewed-out content.
have you ever played an rpg? ever?
Ok in order: the d100 is perfect for the combat system, as you are dealing a percentage of your base attack (that is if you manage to attack with 50% of your 80 base damaga punches, you deal 40). this isnt 5e for you to simply say "a d20 is clean and simple so you should use it always"
the DC progression is punishing and inconsistant on purpouse, as from 180 you are doing imposible things. in fact, you forgot "inhuman" at 320 and "Zen" at 400 (you actually have to do special thing in-game for your characters to even be able to roll these, as gods would envy you)
reducing all the categories (they arent classes) to only the archetypes means mostly that you havent played the game. After theorizing and playing multiple campaigns i can tell you that sometimes not even an Acrobat Warrior can do the same as a Warrior (as an aside, weapon master is a pretty good category if you understand the shielding and Table mechanics).
Your critics only try to rip the game form its essence: complicated but specific and really good to make cinematic and ENTERTAINING combat. if you want simple d20 try 5e or numenera.
Several, what's your point?
>the d100 is perfect for the combat system, as you are dealing a percentage of your base attack
Not exactly, given how Armour Value works, but close enough.
>this isnt 5e for you to simply say "a d20 is clean and simple so you should use it always"
You're right, you shouldn't always use a d20. In ANIMA's case, where it uses d100 with multiples of 5 exclusively, the conversion is completely appropriate. I don't know where you're getting this '5e' vibe from, man.
>the DC progression is punishing and inconsistant on purpouse, as from 180 you are doing imposible things. in fact, you forgot "inhuman" at 320 and "Zen" at 400
180 is Absurd, actually, not Impossible (that's 280). Zen's also 440, not 400. As for the progression, I just find it strange that it doesn't use a more linear increase of DCs, like a lot of other games. Large intervals (like 40%, or even 60% and higher) make it so that characters tend to are either (a) incapable of even attempting such a task unless they get incredibly lucky with Open Rolls, or (b) so capable that they can't fail any challenge less difficult than that.
For example, any character with a +130 to a Secondary Ability would have a reasonably tough time with a DC 180 Absurd challenge (50% chance of success) and couldn't really try a DC 240 Almost Impossible challenge, but almost never fails a DC 140 Very Difficult challenge (90% chance of success) and can't fail anything Difficult or easier without a huge Fumble.
>reducing all the categories (they arent classes) to only the archetypes means mostly that you havent played the game.
I've played several sessions of ANIMA, the differences between (for example) Warriors and Acrobat Warriors are pretty minor. The main difference between classes are how they incentivize spending DP on some Primary/Secondary Abilities, and disincentivize spending points on others.
ive always thought that the "rounds to 5" is exclusive to enviroment checks, instead of crossed rolls (that means that in say, an intimidation, that 1% can matter). if not, one could literally divide the whole game by 5 and say "hey its done".
Although the roll table DOES trap the characters in certain levels, i thinks its a deliverate design choice.
i think the whole deal with categories is that one must choose the right spreedsheet to work your concept on. One can make the same concept with slight modifications in a lot of different categories. A nobleman with a rapier can be a Novel(lots of secundaries and moderate combat), An Acrobat warrior (lots of movement and agile movements on placing yourself) or a Weapon Master(he has a rapier and he REALLY knows how to use it) and all of them are approaches to make the same character.
I have personal beef with 5e dont mind that
>ive always thought that the "rounds to 5" is exclusive to enviroment checks, instead of crossed rolls (that means that in say, an intimidation, that 1% can matter). if not, one could literally divide the whole game by 5 and say "hey its done".
Sure, a 1% bonus can occasionally make a difference, but all the examples come with Secondary Abilities in groups of 5, so you sorta CAN divide most of the game by 5 without too much trouble. If you add a d100 roll to it, or compare a d100 roll to it, you can divide it by 5. Otherwise you don't (like you can't reduce Zeon, Psychic Points, or Ki Points). I have a houseruled version of ANIMA that does this, among other things.
>Although the roll table DOES trap the characters in certain levels, i thinks its a deliverate design choice.
Maybe. I'd love to talk to the author about this and see if that was deliberate or not. Personally I'd make the DC increases uniform, either linear (20 -> 40 -> 60 -> 80 -> 100) or using some kind of curve (like 20 -> 45 -> 75 -> 110 -> 150). The former is just a +20 to the DC each difficulty step, the latter is 20 + 25 + 30 + 35 + 40, and so on, to the DC. The way it is now just feels kinda... random. 20 + 20 + 40 + 40 + 20 + 40 + 60 + 40 + 40 + 120, cumulatively, is just so weird and unnatural.
>i think the whole deal with categories is that one must choose the right spreedsheet to work your concept on. One can make the same concept with slight modifications in a lot of different categories. A nobleman with a rapier can be a Novel(lots of secundaries and moderate combat), An Acrobat warrior (lots of movement and agile movements on placing yourself) or a Weapon Master(he has a rapier and he REALLY knows how to use it) and all of them are approaches to make the same character.
Maybe instead of classes defining the DP cost of things, they could just give you a bigger set of Innate Bonuses. That might be a lot easier to calculate and manage.
I think you're misunderstanding something. Stuff like Jump, Athletics, Swim and similar SA's aren't meant to be rolled to do things that your stats allow you by default, but for going beyond the limits of your stats with proper training,
Here's an Excel spreadsheet that shows how much you can do with just your default stats without needing to roll and what you get for beating certain difficulties:
>where it uses d100 with multiples of 5 exclusively
Crits on doubles
>>Programming, design, the works.
So basically you're incompetent, but slightly less so than most others, making you a jack-of-all-trades who's more like a barely-above-sufficient-in-all-trades mediocre mong
Wow, you can insult people.
What a dazzling display of skill and competence.
He's right "Programming" is a huge thing. The design and "the works" part sounds like he's just jerking off and just a shitty webdev design.
>tfw objc, swift, python, java, php, js, c#, .net and web programmer
Fucking webdevs
Roll20 gave me leukemia