How do you make bats interesting again?

How do you make bats interesting again?

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A medieval setting where magic and supernatural elements only exist for the enemies.

Turns out they're the secret keepers of the night, but only give up information in exchange for fruit or crude entertainment. If you want to know the details of the solar cult's latest ritual, or what the Blood Moon Slasher's mask looks like without getting your face cleaved in, they're your guys.

Alternatively, monstergirls.

Motherfuck bats are already the coolest thing ever to have existed.

Heard you was talking shit


Give em rabies and laugh as the wizard foams at the mouth and tosses fireballs everywhere

They can speak, but only do so with thick italian accents

Make them cursed, flightless, anthropomorphic scholars who practice shadow magic.

I mean, it worked wonders for birds.

Pseudo-aztec batpeople who inhabit the underworld and plot to steal the sun with blood magic.

They're the offspring of the long dead Noctavi, God of Secrets and the Nights, who taughts his children the secret names of all the other gods while at the same time making bats take an oath not to reveal them, before getting killed and erased from existence.
The reason all sort sort of predators (eagles,owls,snakes,spiders,etc.) go after bats is they're the servants of other gods,who intend to exterminate them all so their secret names are forgotten, but because bats know those names,they can't use their divine powers to destroy them all,so they must act through their minions.

Make them goblins?

Again? When exactly were they interesting?

This. Flying goblins. With fire-spewing nipples.



No, not vampires being able to turn into bats. They're a special strain (is that the right word? not a native english speaker) of lycantrophy that turns men into bats, and these will be man sized bats.

Not wrong, little fucks are adorable flying night rats that eat all those nasty bugs for you



>all bats are young vampires

>Bats become a vector for dark magic and spread it during the night.

>bats become +1 clubs of missile catching during the day

>humans die out, bats become intelligent creatures, all PC's are bats.

>bats become corrupted by elemental energy causing them to cause trouble for everyone.

>you make bats a focal point of your campaign or important to the plot

>With fire-spewing nipples.

Throw like 40~200 of them at a party at once. That's essentially what happens IRL most of the time, anyway.

Fruit bats are cuter, they look like flying puppies.

All bats are cute imo.

They are also vampires

Replace with large colonies of stirges

Cutest bat reporting

That is also a fruit bat is it not? It's head and ears are the same shape as the one I posted, just smaller.

That's it, I'm going nuclear.


Make 'em adorable.

You're just trying to make us all have a heart attack, aren't you?


Who's that Pokemon?!


Tap the rhythm against the flooooooor
To look for another doooooor
I am slipping, to the mystery of the niiiiiiight

That's... actually pretty cool.

This is fucking sweet, gonna steal it

Like Man-Bat

They're the only flying mammal in the world and they're suspiciously large for something that flocks and swarms the way they do. Make them bigger, and in greater numbers, and you've already got a pretty neat thing going on.

Even adults they look cute af

Funny accents.

Pseudo-aztec batpeople who inhabit the underworld and keep the evil day star from burning the world with blood magic.

Chuckled sensibly


Oh man I remember seeing this when I was little. Was this a movie?

In my setting bat people are a race of explorers, messanger, spies, assassins, delivery boys/girls and sailors for flying ship. They come from an ancient flying fortress of giants that disappeard misteriosly centuries ago. I'm still working on it but there are two subraces, the micro (they have sonar but are smaller and frail and the macro (bigger, no sonar but good sense of smell and eyesight even in darkness).

Mke them gone when the morning comes

It's pretty cool watching them in flight at dusk. Thousands and thousands of the fuckers creating a noisy clack cloud. Don't be out in the open beneath them though, you're going to get pissed on.

*black cloud

It's Anastasia I believe.


Being of the very few races with natural flight, they've developed a fairly nomadic culture.
They can speak in frequencies higher than most species are capable of.

Both the language barrier and cultural differences, they're generally not well tolerated in cities and tend to live their lives in gypsy caravans.


Have them undergo metamorphosis during the winter

succubats a best.

What if bats were vampires?

The Underland Chronicles were pretty good for that. Should have made that series into a monvie instead of The Hunger Games

Back in the day, Veeky Forums came up with a race of bat-people over four threads.

Go home /u/, you're blooddrunk.

Yup, correct use of strain.

>man sized bats

While vampires will casually bite your neck and drain some blood to feed themselves, were-bats will drain blood till you're dead.


Or worse - they drain you of all your blood and then replace it with fruit juice.

Were-Vampire-Fruit-Bats: Fear them!

I could've sworn there was a book series about this except the bat people were just normal bats


Introduce some more exotic varieties

Read like three books ages ago with literal bats as characters. Had giant evil aztec murderous bats in south america, and a terrorist group that attached tiny bombs to bats (And big ones to the big bats) and flew them into cities.Even died and went to the underworld and shit to save his kids or something. It was okay.

Have them magical little creatures of fun and annoying.

I see you've been playing Dominions 4 as well

Have bats as the sacred animals of some cult.
Probably avoid making them evil, since that seems much too common.
Maybe have them being extremely urbanized, or at least consider being packed into rooms like sardines in a can to be perfectly normal, since bats tend to live in dense colonies.
Snakes and owls are their most hated enemies. Possible religious restrictions on diet, limiting them to fruit, insects and maybe animal blood at holidays, but humans tend to have some issues with ingesting too much blood, so not a regular part of the diet.



I think Desmodu are pretty interesting, though I haven't had a chance to use them yet.
I have this setting I've been working on called Cave Space which is like if you combined The Underdark with Spelljammer in a universe sort of like the plane of Earth.
It's going to have all sorts of bat-inspired species as well as other cave critters.


Guano makes people go mad.

Apply generous quantities of napalm