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The onslaught of the Mad Kaus continues!
>Standby for NPC Phase...
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The onslaught of the Mad Kaus continues!
>Standby for NPC Phase...
Cable Guy: "Wechuge watch your flank!"
Cable Guy: "Wechuge! Wechuge respond! Wechuge? WECHUUUUUUUGE!"
>Standby for Aftermath Phase...
Thanks for keeping my spot open then, boss! Pretty cool month-long vacation, got to set up tacnets to blow shit up for realsies.
Speaking of which, Cognis, if you wanted any help fleshing out the communications side of things, especially with the Bifrost Satellites, I could probably help.
Cable Guy: "They double teamed him... cockpit segment got crushed like an empty the Saint what a way to go..."
Pilot Wechuge Status: Killed in Action
Declare your actions. Processing deadline will be 9am tomorrow GMT +8. Again I might process early if everyone gets their actions in before I go to bed.
Forgot the pic dammit...
No problem.
What do you mean fleshing out the communications side? Do you mean writing fluff?
Yep. I'm a military satellite communications operator, so I might be able to give a hand if you wanted it.
He looked over the holo-viewer while tinkering with his mech, fixing the laser cannon damaged by a NORD Tank. When the call came that the pilot was dead, he shook his head dejectedly. "Damnit."
Wow, the people you meet in Veeky Forums...
Well I guess I'd appreciate any insight you have. Not sure I need to flesh out exactly how BiFrost works since explaining too much increases the risk of plot holes.
But maybe you could give me an overview of how military satellites work vs civilian satellites?
Rolled 13, 18, 4 + 10 = 45 (3d20 + 10)
"Gah, I'm pretty badly damaged. Goose, a band-aid would be nice when we're done killing Kaus. I'm not taking any chances here, time to shift into maximum overdrive!"
>Fire LZ at MK4, Redline for +10
>Move 4554
Ablative Armor
HP: 8/18
Torso: Sensor Pod
RA: (LZ) Laser Rifle
Legs: N/A
Rolled 14, 2, 1, 4 + 10 = 31 (4d20 + 10)
"W-what.." Borealis is speechless. He was supposed to protect Wechuge. that was his one job...
Borealis grits his teeth as a flame burns in his eyes. This cannot continue.
"Goose, Horst. Kill the king."
Borealis doesn't want to abandon another unit, but if horst can close the distance, that king is dead, and its target him first, especially with the two drones nearby. No, right now wechuge needs avenging.
>open fire with linked Heavy Pistols on the kau, MK1 then MK2
Ablative Armor
HP: 14/20
DEF: 8 (2 reduction front arc)
MOV: 4
Torso: (HP)Heavy Pistol x2
LA: Tactical Shield
RI: (MA) Mace
Legs: N/A
Rolled 3 + 1 (1d20 + 1)
>Repair [2][CRC-LZ/E] Izzy
>Fire LC at KK
"I'm prioritizing Izzy over Borealis his armor won't be able to withstand one more hit while I can't bring Borealis back to a level where he can take two..."
"May the Saint guide you into the next life Wechuge and this shot."
"My shot went wild! It's all up to you now Horst!"
Forgot my stats again...
==Fiddler Crab==
Lord (Cost:48)
HP 12 DEF 10 ED 14 SR 12 MV 4 SR 16
Armor: Stealth Armour
Right Arm: Lancer Cannon
Left Arm: Repair Arm
Torso: Enhanced Auto-Loader, ECCM Pod, Stileto Targeting Suite
Other: Redundant Sub-sytem
Ah woops, I'm an idiot, make that:
>Move 4556
And look, here is where the death-flag got tripped Is it sad that my gaming history has taught me to be expecting this death?
>Haunt Exclusion Zone
(If I'm remembering right, both Wendigo and Numberwang were broke and asset-free at their time of death, Wechuge is neither of these. What happens to unused cred? Uninstalled gear? Should we write wills?)
I'm sorry man.
Upon Pilot Death All remaining cred is transferred to the company pool. (after the 5:1 conversion.) Same with all remaining mecha and inventory items.
If for whatever reason the pilot leaves behind a wrecked mech then that mech is scrapped and the Cred is transferred to the company pool.
I hate to say it but your death was avoidable.
I just noticed but did I blow the crown/tumor off KK's head?
Guess you did.
I really shouldn't be feeding your obsession with the Moonarchy but oh well
Cred: 19
Inventory: Guidance Disruptor, Repair Arm
Angry Anole Operational Value: 20 cred
> Requesting converted cred be used for the most important company asset ever,
Oh, it absolutely was. Made some mistakes, underestimated the smaller Kaus. Wechuge's death is on me. It usually is my fault when I die.
Unfortunately Angry Anole was completely totaled so it's just the remaining Cred and equipment you had back at base.
Horst said he'd be busy so maybe one of you *cough* Wechuge *cough* should bot him.
Botting Horst then, not exactly sure what his stats are though.
>Move 6666 (And 6 again if his move is 5)
>Redline for a natural 20 and Overwatch Charge the KK (Or just Charge if move is 5)
I don't think you can split your pistol fire like might be better off modifying your order to Redline+10 fire on MK2 and then overwatch ready an action to mace any Kaus that come into melee range. Though Command can clarify about whether that fire order was valid.
"(shoot, did I jinx that?)"
(all kestrel could do was twiddle his thumbs while the onslaught went on.)
"new guy, the big one! it's closing in, get ready!"
Wait, Wechuge is dead? Shit man, he seemed like such a solid guy, even bought me this shield out of his own pocket just to increase my own chances. Goddamnit.
(Horst didn't actually post a full stat sheet, but I have everything I need to compile one)
HP: 20/20
Armour: Ablative Armor
Torso: Extra punching arms(x2)
LA: Power Fist
RA: Power Fist
Legs: N/A
(Wait shit, Horst has Commando training, so his move should be 5)
Y'know, looking back I do believe that your last pilot got double teamed and beaten to a pulp in melee combat too. Maybe there's a pattern...or maybe the 3C is now haunted by the vengeful ghost of Wendigo, who curses pilots to be crushed to death in melee.
Well. The only major differences between commercial and military is military uses encryption and we use the shittier frequency bands. Essentially, civilians reserve frequencies with the clearest signal, so we have to pay to use those or use the shitty military allocated bands.
But other than that the hardware is the same? I ask because the BiFrost system is used for both military and civilian purposes.
How come the military get shitty frequencies? Wouldn't they reserve the best ones because they're the military?
Is 's
>open fire with linked Heavy Pistols on the kau, MK1 then MK2
a valid order?
At this point, i'm pretty sure it isn't, but I already rolled for it, so I'll take what happens.
I needed to get between the kau and the cars anyway
I'm not so sure. It's entirely Command's call on interpreting the rules, but I'm not seeing anything that would prevent it. Relevant rules just say that you can't fire the same weapon twice a turn (you're not) and that two linked weapons can be used for one action, it doesn't specify that they have to have the same target. Think of it like having the alpha strike skill for just those two weapons.
You can still make changes to actions after rolls but we are told not to try and game the system doing so. I think that if the order is invalid that would not count as trying to game things. Like Cryptic pointed out it might be valid we really need Command to give a ruling to get the final say on it.
It could go either way, honestly. The current rules don't explicitly prevent it, but at the same time it might not be in keeping with their being 'twin linked', which implies firing together i.e. at one thing.
If it's not what Command intended when he wrote the rules then it'll need patched anyway, so it's good to know either way.
Also, for tactical purposes yeah, it doesn't likely matter. You can probably take one more hit.
You cannot attack two different targets with a linked weapon in the same action.
Linked weapons are basically wired to the same trigger and crosshair. You can't split their shots.
Yup, just as expected.
You know, I was wondering way back during the beginning, you remember the alligator, with the mech carbine and grenade launcher as it's specialist weapons? I was wondering why the mech carbine didn't have the linked attribute. Without it it would be just a shittier smartgun and people would have no reason to use it over the grenade launcher. I didn't notice it didn't have the link attribute back then, and when it was too late to change I just rolled with it.
Yeah, this was what I thought, but the rules as written were unclear.
The Carbine wasn't meant to be a shittier smart gun in so far as it was meant to be a better auto-gun; more powerful individual shots and smaller hard point cost leaving you space to slap a demo charge or HK missile on the arm.
Yeah I know it's still kind of a lame weapon overall, but the Alligator is the starter mech. Maybe I'll alter the Carbine stats so the alligator has more going for it, but there's not much point now since you guys have no reason at all to ever field one.
I thought the concept of a linked weapon was pretty intuitive, guess not. Another one to add to the errata.
Look on the brightside: at least the Pumpking is dead.
>I thought the concept of a linked weapon was pretty intuitive
It was, and it was how I interpreted the trait, but better to have this nailed down in writing than not.
>Maybe I'll alter the Carbine stats so the alligator has more going for it, but there's not much point now since you guys have no reason at all to ever field one.
You know your rules and assets are good enough for some fun 200~300 skirmish games.
Speaking of which, with a same amount of cash, out of all companies GGA can deploy twice the amount of mechs in the best case scinario(maybe triple agaist AESR!). And they will all have at least 2DR because tacshields are so good for their cost. Not like they have better use for that space anyway.
Honestley, speaking of which, if you went GGA in a skirmish game all you would have to do is spam cobras with mortar-tacshields and redundant systems. Bam. Less then 20 credit for mech, splash damage, 2DR and a single save against crits too.
>You know your rules and assets are good enough for some fun 200~300 skirmish games.
Heh thanks.
>GGA spam
Yeah might have to do some slight re-balancing if I ever turned this into a PvP game where you can field as many units as your points allow.
Right now the balance is okay for a PvE game where the power of many things is offset by the meta game mechanics.
Anyway, bumping for the night.
I'll leave you guys with this.
Thinking of creating a full blown repository of "Intel" cards for the common non-mech enemy types. It'll be a fun little extra.
Plus I keep all the enemy stats in my head right now and sometimes I forget/fudge them.
You know, I was thinking about more infor anout these tanks today.
Now I feel that if you ran a game about tank game, I'd be wholeheartedly in it.
"Speaking of tanks, can we buy tank backups? You know, like the fighters and the ECCM plane. Pale rider was a cool guy, I would like to deploy people with hime more often."
Mechanics wise, tanks and other vehicles would be cheaper then fully fledged mechs, right?
Dammit, I also was going to write teo long questions about something I forgot while I was browsing the google player resources page. Speaking of, that page is missing the general equipment page. You know, the one with tacshields and emp missiles.
"Im going to beat the shit out of that director, you just fucking watch."
Not only does Horst have commando, he's one of the best trained commando pilots out there, with a fully skilled up tree, he gets a bonus to def due to moving AND +2(4?) To all rolls because of his skills
>Not only does Horst have commando, he's one of the best trained commando pilots out there
Yeah, checking the records I can't argue with that. I guess I'm just having a hard time squaring that away with "Horst, Bombastic Cow Puncher", since I've only been here a few days.
Gotta tell ya, the one Camel I've seen so far that makes me think commando? Alice. Hetros is a nice guy, but to be honest Alice scares me a little. She's quiet, laconic and calm, and she's got a whole warehouse full of illegal guns and spent nuclear material stashed away for a rainy day. Gives me the willies. I'm sure glad she's on our side.
>Im going to beat the shit out of that director, you just fucking watch
If it's any consolation, there's no way they're not going to use this footage. Did you see the way that Kau exploded?
>I'm sure glad she's on our side.
Yeah, Pilot. So am I. So am I indeed.
Horst! Don't punch the client. Pilot Wechuge is dead.
So what I want you to do is force the Director to transfer the footage those camera drones are still capturing and we'll damn well broadcast it internationally to show how Wechuge held of multiple Kaus at the cost of his own life to save the sodding useless civilians.
Hero's funeral.
And /then/ you can punch the Director.
>AND +2(4?) To all rolls because of his skills
Wait, hold on, did we ever purchase the elite training or whatever (the thing that comes after subsidized training in the company assets tree) that gives us bonus to rolls for veteran and elite? Or is this it and I've just been fudging my rolls this whole time?
It's the advanced warfare
It's not obvious, but we did in fact get Advanced Warfare yes.
*Horst's face goes distance for a moment, his face visibly showing the wear of an experienced soldier before he refocuses into the vid-comm"
"Will do, you want the quiet murderer face or the barely contained fury bomb?"
Alice sneezes. "Hey hey, is someone talking about me?"
Uh, no Ms Alice. That's a very nice gun you have there.
Please don't kill me.
The rookies have a crush, no biggie.
*Horst's face goes distant for a moment, his featires visibly showing the wear of a jaded soldier before he refocuses into the vid-comm"
"Will do, you want the quiet murderer face or the barely contained fury bomb?"
oh boy.
Uh, sorry Cognis, I made a mistake on my loadout going into this mission.
I got the komodo Hardpoints mixed up with something else and thought I had at least two hardpoints on my chest for the mech pistols.
Looking at it closer, I only had one hardpoint on the chest.
Its maybe a little late, but I'm removing the other HP from existence.
I can't even refund the guy who bought it for me, since he just died.
You can refund the company pool, it's where all his assets are going anyway.
You can help chip in for his last will and testament.
that has not stopped being creepy since the last time it was shown off.
but it is his last request....
You are now picturing Horst in Cottos, covered in gore, charging a massive three headed bull.
Is he roaring or dead silent?
>Is he roaring or dead silent?
He's roaring silently.
And he probably looks something like this, but with a Kau's head.
It's mostly the same yes. And no, military gets the shit end of the stick most always. Surprise.
Alas, yes. But that's the business. I'll go through the files at the main office and check if Wechuge had any standing directives in case this happened.
I do seem to have one file on record, but it's somehow behind a firewall? Does anyone know what MOEDRONE means?
I'll have Mr. Kerry look at it.
>Now we'll have to get the drones!
Crying shame too, that's one of those picture moments, with noone to draw it
Maybe you can mount the crown if we recover it.
I think our charter prevents mounting tumors on our mechs as trophies on account of "This'll be difficult to clean".
It is mostly bone and we can clean it up real nice for a tumor crown...
Alright lets finish up this mission.
I'll look into it.
I thought of that but for now I'm going to have to say no. This is MECHA Mercs the players are supposed to do most of the fighting. I have enough problems processing everything now without letting you guys dump more NPCs onto the map.
Maybe, MAYBE I might consider it in the future for missions where you can't quite fill out the mech cap.
Again we'll see.
Now, on with the game!
Cable Guy struggles to hold down his last meal as Horst reduces the "Kau King" into a pile of tenderized meat.
Cable Guy: " the Saint Horst... that was..." slaughter? animal cruelty? a blood bath? "super effective."
>Standby for NPC phase
Producer: "The drones are finishing off the last of the Mad Kaus. I think we're in the clear for now. We best leave before even more Mega Fauna show up."
Director: "Yeah, get the crew to pack it up. This entire episode has ruined beef for me for life."
>Standby for rewards.
Thanks for running, was the personal load on you better with the smaller missions?
"Damn... That was supposed to be a milk run. We have to be more careful, we can't keep losing good men like this. If I had been here, maybe Wechuge would..."
Oh yeah, much better.
Lets see how well I handle a 10 person mission.
Okay for everyone participating in this mission the payout breaks down as follows:
Mobilization fee: +10 Cred
Primary Objectives Complete: +25 Cred
Everyone whose mech is still standing subtracts 20% of their mech's total cost from their payout as an upkeep fee.
I called it repair and rearm in the past but there were people who never took damage or fired a shot that kept questioning about it. So this is what it is basically: Upkeep and maintenance.
Company Payout: +20 Cred
Right. I'll see if I can put up the briefing for the next mission by the end of the morning.
"Izzy where are you going I can't repair you it you veer off like that!"
"Thank the Saint you were able to take him down Horst!"
Mech value using black market prices 48 so 10 upkeep fee
==Fiddler Crab==
Lord (Cost:48)
HP 12 DEF 10 ED 14 SR 12 MV 4 SR 16
Armor: Stealth Armour
Right Arm: Lancer Cannon
Left Arm: Repair Arm
Torso: Enhanced Auto-Loader, ECCM Pod, Stileto Targeting Suite
Other: Redundant Sub-sytem
Cross Bow
On maintenance, do we round up or down? I'm assuming up.
After he's had a chance to calm down, Borealis will steel himself and face his seniors. "I-i'm sorry. I-if I hadn't left him to get repairs, Wechuge would s-still be here..." He seems like he's going to break down crying at any moment. Unsurprisingly, it seems like he's beating himself up over this one.
Maintenance fees: Probably 4 Cash
Sadness: maximum.
Ablative Armor
HP: 20/20
DEF: 8 (2 reduction front arc)
MOV: 4
Torso: (HP)Heavy Pistol
LA: Tactical Shield
RI: (MA) Mace
Legs: N/A
You should assume down.
It's always been down.
32 cash then.
Probably gonna wait till after the next mission goes down to see what the company decides to do after that.
"You followed your orders and withdrew. You are alive because of that. Wechuge chose to aggressively engage the kaus you having nothing to be sorry about in my book."
((Yeah it's always down. Black Market prices are inflated, you don't need to use them. I'll post the equipment list back on the player resources page in a moment.))
Cable Guy: “No doubt some of you have heard the bad news coming in from the Exclusion Zone but we need to stay focussed on the task at hand. We’ll be hitting the base of a minor warlord in the region. The guy’s a real piece of work, doesn’t really rule the area so much as terrorize it. His forces aren’t powerful enough to take on corporate holdings or any of the larger settlements so he extorts protection money from weaker poorer settlements that can’t stand up to him. The rules of nature dictate that he would have been taken down long ago but he’s been savvy enough to avoid pissing off anyone who could end him… until now. One of the towns he raided had just enough resources to put out a contract on him. I accepted it at a discount price because the real payout for this mission is not cred but the Warlord’s base. We pull this off we’ll have a little secret base tucked away in one of the most hostile regions on the planet. Duran has become increasingly suspicious as of late and if we want to continue buying stuff from Irving we need somewhere to stash it away from prying eyes.”
“The base itself is situated on a plateau with a secure bunker built deep into the mountainside. It is defended by AA Turrets and a single active squad of GGA mecha. There are also a few squads of LAVs that patrol the perimeter. You should be able to take them out no problem but be careful: they’re equipped with single use rocket packs that could really sting if they manage to get a shot off. The hangers on the base will contain additional combat vehicles that will become active as your attack progresses. Intel suggests that they will likely be light tanks and Type-A heavy VTOLs. The Warlord himself will almost certainly have a pimped out mech of his own so watch out for him when he shows up. The base has a command centre further back towards the mountain which has the turret controls and supplemental mecha servers. If you can take it out the base AA defence turrets will shut down and the effectiveness of the enemy mecha will be seriously reduced. Just remember the command centre is a hardened target so make sure you bring enough firepower to take it down.”
“We’ve got three possible ways into the base: Two entrances to the north west and south west, and one large entrance to the south east. The south east entrance is the largest and gives you a straight shot at the command centre, however you’ll be intercepted by the mecha squad a lot faster and you risk being encircled by the rest of the base’s unts. The other two entrances offer a slower, more methodical approach, allowing you to wipe out the weaker enemies and roll up to the command centre. Just be careful about using jump jets to move up the ridge or you’ll take flak from the AA turrets.”
“In regards to terrain the black lines you see on the map surrounding the dark brown patches represent a vertical rock wall. You cannot traverse them without jump jets or draw line of sight beyond the edge of the plateau. The darker the brown the higher the elevation. The darkest brown patches are pure mountain and cannot be traversed even with jump jets, they are simply too high and uneven.”
“One last thing. Midas Warlords are known for having dirty tricks up their sleeves and this one is no different. Be on your guard, the intel analysts suspect he may have access to one or two stealth units but were unable to confirm their presence.”
Mission will begin after all pilots who have been assigned to this mission post their builds and desired deployment zone.
Pilots who have just signed up and did not get assigned to a mission may be held in reserve and deployed when one of the original pilots is wrecked or killed.
"Stealth forces, I'd like you deploy with me to the northwest, I want big, FLASHY stuff to the southwest and southeast if we can manage it. Better yet, deploy all to the southwest, draw the mechs they'll have in the north down and across. Let's keep the base's actual defenses intact, low missiles, low drone builds if you please."
Pilot: Hetros Jistin
Pilot Skills: Advanced Warfare Training (+2 All Rolls), [C]ommando (Mov+1), [Co]onceal (Stealth without Stealth armor (6), or +2 Concealment), [Am]bush (+2 Dmg,-2 Pen,+2 to hit when attacking from stealth mode)
Credits: 5
'Bushin Wacker'
Chassis: Errant (35c, 43c w/cough gun)
>HP 14/14
>Def 12
>ECM 8
>Sensor 10
>Move 6
Armor: Stealth Armor [18 Concealment, High Tech]
Right Arm (2/2): Cough Gun [Rng10,Rof1,Dmg6,Crit3,Pen18 / Silent, Magnetic, Illegal] (Stealth Stats:Dmg8,Crit5,Pen16)
Left Arm (2/2): XBow [Rng5,Rof1,Dmg5,Crit4,Pen16 / Silent] (Stealth Stats: Dmg7,Crit6,Pen14)
Legs (0/0): -
Torso (3/3): Stiletto Targeting Suite [+1 Crit, -2 Pen / High Tech], Scrambler Field [+2 Def to Allies within 4Hex / High Tech]
Hey, Mr. Kerry.
When I told you to scrap the Spambot in a fit of indignant rage over the sheer repair costs and drone uplink data usage, how badly did you scrap it?
>I was kind of reeling from the drone changes and the repair-cost of 33 (argh) credits.
>Any chance I can undo the last purchasing order? A week and some thought later it looks like it's still possible to feasibly run an interdiction mech
Because then it's a total of +2 credits from the Siege mission
sell 2 ECCM drones for 15
have 17 credits
buy a SatCom Jammer for 8
Buy 2x Hammer Missiles for 8
be a nimbus with satcom, 2x eccm, 2x hammer
Well since I haven't made the new spreadsheet and you haven't deployed yet AND the next campaign turn hasn't happened yet I'll let you roll back that purchase just this once.
If that repair arm on the black market isn't going to be around after the GuyeCo raid, could Tragedy ask to have one put on hold? She'll pay extra for the lay away.
"Malek, signing in. Command, do we know how effective the AA guns are at targeting flying drones and missiles? As someone who uses both this mission is looking pretty hostile. Anyone got a spare pistol?..."
"Possible stealth contacts? Acknowledged, my sensors will root them out."
"Roger Hetros. I suggest I go with the big group however, as my Mine Layer can intercept the mecha and my drones and missiles are going to be useless wherever I go. I don't suppose anyone has a spare pistol or something?.."
Wechuge had a spare one in his stash... poor bastard. I was about to ask if I could have it bolted on super-fast in place of either my drones or missiles, because they're super useless today. I'm basically an invisible server farm at the moment.
Pilot: Malek
Cred: 0
Stash: Smoke Launcher.
EW Specialist (+2 lock on and hacking),
Target Aquisition (free lock-on action once per turn),
Automated Aggression (Fire two weapons with [lock] once per turn for free),
Redline (once per mission, roll a natural 20 for a single roll, or get +10 to all rolls for a turn)
Advanced Warfare training (+2 to all rolls)
[Lord] - HP 12/12
DEF 10 - ECM 8
SEN 12+4 - Move 4
Armour - Stealth {16}
Right Arm - Combat Drone, Hunterkiller Missile {1/1}, Mine Launcher {4/4}
Left Arm - Combat Drone, Hunterkiller Missile {1/1},
Torso - Tac-Net Hub, Sensor Pod
Legs - Four
=War and Conquest=
[Combat Drones] - HP 4/4, 4/4
DEF 12 - ECM 8
SEN 10 - Move 6
Smartgun, Longbow {3/3}, {3/3}
Cost: 36cred and 20cred in drones
Excellent. Thank you Mr. Kerry.
Say, just while we're talking - Irving wanted us to attack the radioactive materials processing facility in Odros and steal some enriched Uranium.
You still have the contact information for those IF sub-directors we worked with trying to intercept Irving and his last nuclear dirty deal? No, no, I'm not suggesting we sell Irving out. We're in business. But business has a distinct border, and that border is nuclear materials.
Maybe just let the IF know someone tried to hire us to hit a radioactive materials processing facility and that they should consider sending some extra few patrols over there for a while? Free tip from the 3C, as sign of our ongoing respect and yatta-yatta?
"Stealth group is with me in the north, when the mecha are drawn south, we'd be slamming into their rear. But deploy where you feel best suited."
Cable Guy: "Sure thing Spare."
Cable Guy: "The AA guns have range of 10 hexes. They should be able to intercept 3 missiles a turn. You shouldn't lose your drones if you keep a tight lease on them. Keep them low and the turrets will only attack them if they try to fly over high obstacles (i.e. cross anything that would require a jump action.). Plus if too many missiles and drones are in the sky at any one time then the turrets can be overwhelmed. Standard AA turrets will prioritize missiles."
I'd like to get in this mission if I could. I recommend a deployment from the Northwest, it pays to be cautious and steadily advance against a foe we should be able to overpower. We don't need a heroic charge at the command center to deny us fire superiority and allow us to be encircled.
Skills: Gunner (Vigilance), Gunner (Suppression), Gunner (Alpha Strike) Redline (used)
[Crocodile] - HP 18/18
DEF 10 - ECM 8
SEN 10 - MV 4+1
Right Arm - Laser Rifle
Left Arm - Laser Rifle
RNG: 6 ROF: 3 DAM: 2 PEN: 2 (3) CRT: 19 (17) Special: Beam, Doubles Damage
Torso - Stiletto Targeter, Hunter-Killer Missile {1/1}, Smoke Launcher {2/2}
Armor - Ablative Armor
Legs - Thruster Array
Roger Command, deploying to the south west.
Pilot Class: Gunner
Pilot Skills: Redline, Vigilance
HP: 18/18
Armour: Ablative Armor
Torso: Demo Charge
LA: Tactical Shield
RA: Laser Rifle
Legs: N/A
By the way, I've never been to the Midas Range, so I was doing some pre-mission homework and I came across this log of a similar IF mercenary op to smoke out a warlord. I suggest everyone review it, it could be handy:
The other thing I couldn't help but notice in here was the familiar faces.
Hetros, Kail? Says here you guys were deployed on that mission. Any input to share on combat in the Range?
Good plan boss, looks like I joined up with the right unit.
>Horst just dealt 30dmg on a charge and never took a hit the whole mission
That's why you don't fuck with the Neromian
"Bringing home the rookies, give em' hell at midas, people"
he kept that bull king head, and is getting it stuffed and mounted on his hanger wall
Wasn't me, was some other dude. Midas range is just a hell hole. You fight as best you can, and try not to set off some unexploded ordinance when you're fighting in the really bad areas.
All that's left of the Kau King is it's right head and the tumor that was on it's central head.
The tumor itself is a grizzly mass of discolored bone and keratin which vaguely resembles a crown. It is stuck to fragment of skull that was blasted off when Goose put a lancer round through the Kau's skull.
Apologies. I must have mixed up your callsign.
Looking at both operational maps, it seems like every fight there is a literal uphill struggle.
That doesn't sound too sanitary to keep. Then again I'm totally not taking a pair of horns to mount on my mech. Nope, no sir. Quick question, where do we keep the black and white paint?
"That messy huh?I guess I kinda.... blanked out.
Still, it sounds perfect for my wall, a lime bath and some bleach for the thing, a bit of wire to anchor the crown to the skull, maybe a grinder to work down any bullet holes, perfect"
And if all goes well here you'll soon have a permanent wall to mount it on.