What's the fantasy setting equivalent of a NEET?

What's the fantasy setting equivalent of a NEET?

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A character in a fantasy setting who is not in employment, education, or training.

So a noble?

Beggars for people with parents who don't put up with their child's shit and eventually kick their ass out or Nobles if their parents are rich and don't give a fuck about what they do.

True Neutral Druids.

Friendly reminder:
The girl that played Stephanie is now 25 and a total qt

Obvious PC with a pretty high Class Level.

And her feet are beautiful

The spoiled children of nobles who rarely do anything except read books (fictional),sleep with whores, get drunk (alone) and go watch plays/gladiator stuff.


>Wake up early in the morning
>Pray to God, thanking Him for a life far away from normies
>Have a relatively luxurious breakfast
>Spend the rest of the morning feeding and playing with the farm animals
>The goat keeps licking my hand, it tickles
>Grab some eggs, some juggs of milk and call it a day
>Lunch time, nothing beats a glass of milk and bread with freshly fried eggs
>Full of protein too, gainz are guaranteed
>Afternoon, time to study
>Use Bible fanfiction as a creative outlet
>What if like ... Michael and Satan had a baby? But they don't actually have a baby because that'd be gay! LMAO!
>Translate some Latin works, the guys gave me dibs on Catullus so I can't stop laughing
>Some normie breedingbag runs into our monestary, crying that she needs advice
>This woman, known far and wide for her purity and faithfulness to her husband, admits that her youngest son is actually the son of the stableboy
>Tell her to do five hail Mary's while trying to stiffle my laughter
>Bitches ain't shit, and the Mother Church knows it
>Eat in pious silence, but we use sign language to exchange mad gossip anyway
>Decide to brew some beer with my bros
>Suddenly everyone runs outside
>It looks like Siegfried has invented a flying machine
>This time he just crashes into a tree instead of faceplanting like last time
>When we're all about to go to bed, suddenly the king's messenger tells us of a great evil about to destroy the world and demands that our most capable healer joins a band of mighty warriors
>Fucking normies
>Just give him the hyperactive kung fu kid and call it a day

Adventurers, duh.

Tyrion Lannister before he got his shit together?

Adventurers earn a living though.

Adventurers are more similar to modern day freelancers IMO.

Nobles are essentially NEETs in most fantasy settings.




Pic related

Dungeon dwellers?



>>Just give him the hyperactive kung fu kid and call it a day

A sorcerer

Adventurers are practically PMCs, and recklessly charge themselves into danger; not a great type of employment given their talents, but a type of employment nevertheless, and you sort of have had to had an education to not die as soon as you run into a monster.

No, I nominate level 1 commoners as the prime example of a NEET: how does a man spend 40 years and still remain at level 1 with 4 HP? He had to actively avoid doing...well, everything. Shit, you'd need a conscious effort to avoid learning in order to retain such a lack of experience.

About 80% of French nobility during the last days of the Ancien Regime.

Only the 5th daughters of high nobles would really be NEETS. Nobility were usually well educated, and lower-middle nobility such as Knights, barons, marquis, etc usually knew how to fight and govern on at least a small scale.

Actually I'd put them more with populists and famous actors or movie stars.

And of course the crushing reality when people were able to see them just people who had very rich traders who rubbed had with other royality as ancestors made a wall street happen.

I now want to play a Monk/Cleric hyperactive kung fu kid raised in this monastery.

Fucking elves.

>I now want to play a Monk/Cleric hyperactive kung fu kid raised in this monastery.

Flurry of blows, laying on hands, same thing really.

Imagine his backstory

>Abbot-sensei, teach me your ways!
>Go wash the monestary walls or something
>Of course sensei! Washing these walls will teach me the proper moves and techniques to defend myself against ruffians and others who would disturb the piece! Onegai-shimasu!
>Whatever kid

>Sensei, I've finished washing the wall! What next?
>Go make me lunch or something
>But sensei, how will this improve my expertise in the martial arts?
>Breaking an egg requires control. You can't apply too much force but not too little either. It learns you to learn your own strength and learn the limitations of your chi... or whatever
>Hai! Wakarimasu, sensei!

No wonder monks suck.