>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck. mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/commander-edh
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
>order a bunch of stuff for an artifact deck last night >forget the goddamn Clock of Omens and Myr Turbine I need to stop doing late-night orders.
Jayden Mitchell
I bought my Serra's Sanctum for $34 just a while back
Nicholas Brooks
>retarded bullshit like Rainbow Vale is on the RL kek
Luke Thomas
I really should too, I buy entire decks but forget the 1 card my other deck could use.
Isaac Edwards
I think I was both tired and freaking out that the 5 cent Metalworker order went through
Logan Bailey
I'm seeing $30 scapeshifts and wonder if I should just rebuild my fave commnader and just slowly save up for that crucible, the gaeas cradles are all fucking gone I imagine.
Xavier Torres
How viable are goblins as a strategy, I'm thinking of making a goblin deck with Krenko, anyone who has one can give me a few pointers?
William Hernandez
yea buy outs are a everywhere now.
Lincoln Cox
Gonna have to just buy a Crucible at this point
Nathan Sanders
its literally purphoros lite kinda, you just make a ton of goblins and burn people out
Anthony Young
Joseph Gray
I know a guy that had a old fashion Krenko deck, tap him to double the number of goblins on the field version. I would win every long term game that went past 30 minuets, but before that I would lose unless we were playing doubles, also every single time. We would have games where he would have 300,000+ goblins on the field at a time(he also had Door of Destiney and several cards like it to give bonuses for each goblin on the field)ever seen a wave 300,000/300,000 goblins with First strike and trample, its fucking horrifying? I had a LOT of nukes and ways to cycle them back into my deck, Elixir of Immortality is based. By the time we stopped being able to play each other we totaled up the kills I made with nukes and other wide bolt cards. I killed more goblins then Hitler killed jews and Nico Bolas fucked over/killed people, put together.
Gavin Allen
All this was for shits and giggles, we don't play standard.
Jayden Fisher
What are some essential big creatures in a mono red ramp deck? I'm building one and my top end seems to be just dragons, Blighsteel and the big Eldrazi. I feel like there must be some interesting non-dragon red creatures.
Hamletback's a bit too dull for me, but I guess I should take a look at giants.
Andrew Reyes
I'm in the process of making one too. Looks like something to to do direct damage using creatures as a resource like Purphoros or that thing that flings goblins is a great way to win. Can someone remind me of the name? Akroma's Memorial, Hall of Triumph, Gauntlet of Might, Eldrazi monument are nice if you'd rather have classic combat wins. Then if you're like me and went too far with artifacts, goblin welder is a fantastic one drop. Finally, ways to recur Krenko's ability. Umbral mantle, staff of domination, jandor's saddlebags, illusionist bracers, magewright's stone. Thousand year elixir is MVP.
Colton Garcia
My friend loves that guy. The deck it's in is generally awful, but he's a fun guy to play with anyway
Jordan Wood
Inferno titan, Malignus, Rapacious , Urbrask
Josiah Ross
Run more than 10 lands.
Don't run Primal Vigor, it sucks.
Devoted Druid would probably be good in Ghave since you can get around the -1/-1 counters easily.
You might want to consider running some of the Spikes. In particular, Spike Weaver gives you a way to Fog if something like Dosan, the Falling Leaf or Defense Grid is out, and Spike Feeder goes infinite with Archangel of Thune.
Christopher Torres
Sorry, I didn't realize you were trying to avoid going infinite with this deck. Forget about Archangel then.
You should still run Spike Weaver though, it's a good card.
Henry Robinson
>Run more than 10 lands Well, it's just a draft. I'm trying to get the rest of the deck sussed out before I do the landbase so I have the color ratios right.
Spike Feeder/Archangel is already in my lifegain deck, and I dislike overlapping cards (I even more dislike overlapping combos/synergies between multiple cards), so I think I'll leave that out. I might put in Spike Weaver, but I'm trying to keep it as Fungus and Saproling focused as possible, with the remaining creatures mostly just for utility. I'll look into it though.
Brody Hughes
Urabrask's actually my commander, I can't believe I forgot Inferno Titan though. Rapacious One's interesting too, I'll try and slot him in. Malignus doesn't really interest me though, I'd rather not run creatures that just exist because they're big. At least Blightsteel ignores lifegain decks. I also forgot about Molten Primordial
Jaxson Johnson
Well now I don't know who to believe. I'll ask the new thread. If I make a clone of Humble Defector with Kiki-Jiki and activate the clone, does the opponent sacrifice it at the end of my turn, or keep the clone?
Logan Butler
>at least Blightsteel ignores lifegain decks Malignus kinda does too. It's half as big as their life total, so even if they're at 250 it's gonna knock them down by half. Combine that with any doubling-damage effect like Furnace of Rath and it can one-shot anyone who can't block it.
Liam Lewis
The delayed trigger that carries the "sacrifice it" instruction is created as your Kiki Jiki's ability resolves. As such, the trigger will be a trigger you control when it fires off. Trigger triggers, goes to resolve, and does nothing because you can't sacrifice a permanent you don't control. If it were something like Mimic Vat, which exiles, it'd still get eaten though.
Connor Gray
>Malignus doesn't really interest me though Clearly you've never killed the table with a single swing of Malignus
Christopher Clark
I'm thinking of switching my deck from Newzuri to Momir what would be good creatures to add as switch ins like just good stuff?
Mason Campbell
Well I guess you've sold me on it. I was thinking of making Xenagod at some point too so I should probably pick it up anyway.
Ryan Brown
>UG goodstuff Please don't. At least Newzuri has a theme.
Jace Hughes
I'd use Malignus as a commander if I could. Would be great for voltron but I assume it would be busted as fuck considering the number of double damage effects in red.
Nathan Harris
Wait, so with ways to recur feldon/kiki jiki you could spam the board with humble defectors? Red group hug? Absolute mad man!
Aaron Ramirez
Great, thanks a lot.
Hunter White
Well, you don't need to 'recur' since neither Feldon nor Kiki Jiki die when you use them, but yeah. You could use Kiki Jiki and give away the Copy-Defector every turn and just hand them out to people like candy.
Carson Myers
I already did the gay thing last night and made infinite mana and played all my creatures with TnN and locked them out with glen elandra and counterspell.
I might as well just become the thing I hate user. I won't lie whoever has said UG goodstuff is cancer in these threads is right, then again I shoud've died that game way before I had the chance.
Ryan Davis
Just buy a fucking proxy and save $345.
Luis Lewis
That's why I'm gutting my UG Zegana ETB deck and making a Ruric Thar one.
>Eight total Legendaries in the deck Yeah, Sisay's not that great in that case. Your Legends aren't very silver-bullety, so it wouldn't work as well as you might think.
Levi Myers
Cards in RL aren't there because of their power level. For example there's serra angel with echo, can't remember the name, but it's exactly the same card, but 1 generic cheaper.
Oliver Walker
I mean, some are. There's some cards which technically SHOULD be on the reserve list, but were removed from it because they're awful.
Lincoln Hill
The cards that were removed from the RL were all the commons and uncommons. There was a big outcry to remove them from the RL and Wizards relented.
Jeremiah Ward
Looks like Emrakul got wasted.
Sebastian Thomas
>Strictly worse Song of the Dryads
Jose Sanchez
but it pitches to Force of Will
Charles Gray
Ah, the Storm Crow factor.
Thomas Long
You play Song of the Dryads on a lot of artifacts and enchantments, do you? Rather than, say, exiling or tucking those artifacts anf enchantments and saving Song for their commander?
Lucas Morris
>Imprisoned in the Moon
That name is terrible.
Jeremiah Taylor
>Maro claims that Song of the Dryads was a mistake >Prints it in the other colour without permanent removal It's OK when blue does it
Thomas Cruz
it's a legitimate strategy
Jackson Williams
I mostly use it to shut down Planeswalkers or scary creatures, but the option to turn off an Akroma's Memorial or Omniscience does exist.
Jack Cooper
It was a mistake because "shut that thing off" isn't very green, but it is somewhat blue (Encrust, Ice Cage, Lost in Thought, half of Detain)
Kayden Stewart
but if your opponent has Omniscience out, why would they let your removal spell resolve?
Andrew Cruz
>Malignus doesn't really interest me though, I'd rather not run creatures that just exist because they're big.
So a walking OTK with unpreventable damage doesn't interest you?
I have Malignus in my Xenagod deck, and user let me tell you, it's cheeky as hell to just one shot somebody out of nowhere. Also Blade of Selves.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
I've got a Krenko list made up. I tend to build budget (usually), so I was able to make him for about $200.
There's really only two ways of doing Krenko; full-on goblin tribal attacking, or as said, use Purphoros/impact tremors and direct damage.
Mine is about halfway between the two strategies and it works out great.
Charles Sanchez
Will Kaladesh finally offer us an artifact themed UR commander?
Bentley Garcia
I really hope so. But it's probably going to be terrible.
Jace Evans
Well, not her. She's a Planeswalker.
Jaxson Brooks
How does she take that gold thing off? This, artifacts are already very powerful.
Benjamin Morgan
I think there will be, but I'm guessing that Wizards won't make its creature type 'artificer'
Bentley Gray
Eli Butler
This has to be the most unconformable wardrobe choice ever.
Evan Fisher
I believe last night I posted about cracking the mono white formula. Well here it is
Idk, will it give us a RW Equipment matters Commander that gives us value rather than "Sword dudes get +1/+1"?
Aaron Phillips
I don't believe that Kaladesh will offer much in the way of equipment. While there are a number of equipment cards associated with different planes, I feel that equipment is kind of Mirrodin/Zendikar's bag.
I think Kaladesh will offer us more in the way of "izzet meets esper".
Camden Moore
>this deck
Are you trolling m8 this thing is trash?
Jackson Foster
Im thinking of trying to add some more power to my mikaeus deck.
It's pretty much a very budget zombie deck.
Anyone have any cards that goes good with him?
Any infinite combos?
Nathaniel Murphy
>Not believing in the power of mono white
You must be an upset mono red fag now knowing your color is the worst for commander
Carson Turner
No I believe in the power of mono-white, just not in this trash deck m8.
Leo Long
This is just Soul Sisters. It's not even that good of a Soul Sisters list.
Tyler Johnson
triskelion can go infinite w/ hime
Carson Cox
If you're doing zombies, Grimgrin is generally the way to go
Jonathan Garcia
Mono B zombies can work with Mikaeus is he's budget
Chase Wright
You just don't believe cause it wasn't your idea. Jealousy is to be expected
Pure jealousy right here
Alexander Gomez
William Parker
Find ways to give your creatures persist, it combos really well with undying.
>creature with undying dies, comes back with +1/+1 >dies again, persist triggers, comes back with -1/-1 >rinse and repeat
Recursion on creatures with good ETB effects like massacre wurm or Runescarred Demon are where you want to be.
Nicholas Bell
Mostly because it only has one Soul Sister. And also no Serra Ascendant. Or good cards in general. Seriously, I understand some people cobble together decks out of what they have, but Anointer of Champions?
Daniel Adams
Yeah, I am jealous that your playgroup is stupid enough to fall for this. Do they just not know that Felidar Sovereign and Test of Endurance exist?
Wait a minute, let me back up, have you actually played this deck against anyone? Like, at all?
Hunter Morris
>being this delusional
Mono-white is generally the weakest color in EDH. I t benefits far more in 60 card constructed since it relies more upon multiples for incremental advantage.
William Morgan
Isn't Felidar Sovereign banned in EDH
Owen Turner
I could just bathe in the tears of you fags right now. There's nothing wrong with admitting you like this deck. But thanks for reminding me about Serra Ascendant, should probably get it
>Have you played this deck against anyone?
Yep and it won 3/5 times. Tested against various commanders and only in 4 man f4a. I'm not going to deny it would probably get destroyed in french
>Do they not know Felidar Sovereign and Test of Endurance exist?
I don't see why they shouldn't.
Luis Edwards
>only card able to give creatures persist is a hybrid W/B
Brayden Bennett
Mono-white can do some really nasty shit though, if you let it
Better as a support color though, I think
David Evans
Why are you lying on the internet?
Adam Howard
Cauldron of Souls.
Gabriel Peterson
>Felidar Sovereign and Test of Endurance
Let me guess: it's just a watered down Oloro deck
Benjamin Murphy
>Fang skulkin grants black creatures persist for (2) >Cauldron of Souls gives any number of creatures persist for (t)
>I don't see why they shouldn't. Well if their decks are like yours, then they're clearly retarded.
You know those people who find out about the Sidisi+Ad Nauseam+Zombie Infestation combo and build a deck with those 3 cards and 97 swamps and go "OMG GUYS I BROKE THE FORMAT"? They're better deckbuilders than you.
Yeah pretty much. He's also got sick tech like Helm of the Gods in a deck with 9 total enchantments. He's a true innovator. This guy is the fucking Patrick Chapin of EDH.
Gabriel Young
Not bad so far, good mix of utility creatures and beaters. Are you going to run Primal Surge as the only non-permanent in the deck?