Circular logic when
Circular logic when
So what's the official nickname of this card?
Loosey Noosey?
Ropey Nopey?
Boop Noose?
spider bear
Don't know about you guys, but Nope Rope has a nice ring to it.
Loosey Noosey.
New mongrel
Ruse Noose.
Someone is going to run a full playset of him and win a standard pro tour. Mark my words.
Dexter Textureless
Nope Rope has my vote.
Why is this so funny to me.
I agree. Nope Rope has a nice ring to it.
mongrels 5-8
Is this going to make it into modern?
Nah, Wild Mongrel is only good if there's actually good madness cards to go with it. Wotc balanced the ever loving fuck out of madness in innistrad.
The winner right here
Certainly not as a madness enabler. Maybe in some dredge deck. And that is a big maybe.
How good is this guy?
Now I want to build snekenablingwolf.dec
>Finally a discard engine
If you're in Affinity, amazing. Otherwise so-so. Red will love him with shit that forces a full-hand discard.
>latest spoiler is so uninteresting it hasn't been posted yet
Enchant Creature that gives +2/+2 and a green 2/2 wolf token for 4G
Yay, something for my old ass UG madness deck that I can only play ironically now.
this is a lot more interesting
That's been spoiled since like noon.
Well I just got home
Wizards is going overboard with the furry pandering
Aren't wolfkin a specific thing in Innistarid? Aka werewolves cured or those whom one parent was a werewolf?
Wolfir are the cured ones
Well knightly valor was good but this isn't as powerful so well see
Not as fun as Raised by Wolves.
>furry pandering
How is this furry pandering?
Why is everything in (current year) fucking pandering
If we had Rotwalla or Arrogant Wurm maybe. It's not worth splashing red for Fiery Temper in a Bolt format and black madness cards are very weak.
not as powerful on its own but it does produce a wolf which is a relevant type in limited.
>being this much of a fish panderer
Don't fall for it.
Reckless Wurm is in Modern.
I'm just tired user
It's not worth splashing red.
Modern Madness would be mono-green aggro or bUG tempo, but it doesn't have a big beater that can threaten Goyf unless it weakens itself by splashing red and losing either blue or black which is shit.
So who can read Moonrunes?
oh fuck no
"Stunning Growth"
Return all land cards from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
Considering the art it's probably something along the lines of "Each player can put Eldrazi card into play without paying its mana cost."
What did he mean by this?
The Gitrog motherfucker just got another present
You know, even without its effect it would still be incredibly good with just flash flying. Maybe not Rare good, but still really useful.
so is there some kind of scapeshift/amulet of awakening nonsense on the horizon?
Gitgud EDH got another toy, fun.
Nissa doing shit to Innistrad's land makes me madder than I remember being in a very long while.
I swear to god if this is fucking Zendikar Resurgent: Innistrad Edition I am going to spam Maro's social media accounts with Jacetice league crap for years.
Big question here is, is this a wprse version of raised by wolves OR a worse version of knigthly valor?
>Circular logic when
Haven't you heard? Counterspells aren't fun to play against.
Getting stomped by aggro before you've even played your fourth land IS fun though. Apparently...
tactical toadstrike inbound
>Basking Rootwalla
>Control has dominated most formats for years
>First time aggro creatures has been powerful
>The tears of control players soon flood the world, killing off humanity
Well we had a nice run
careful what you wish for, least it comes true
>Control has dominated most formats for years
When was the last time control dominated Standard?
Control hasn't dominated Standard since Lorwyn - if you consider Faeries to be control - or Odyssey if not.
Also cursory search sees control winning second in Dragons pro tour
Zendikar -Scars block if mtg Top 8 is to be believed
Winning second place is not the same as "dominating" user.
>didn't play in Sphinx's Revelation+Supreme Verdict: the format.
Sphinx's rev was really dominant as the other poster pointed out.
And if you're going to consider Faeries as control, then Caw-Blade was control as well.
You mean Voice of Resurgence: the format where aggro won again?
You people claiming that control is dominant these days are fucking delusional.
I played back when draw-go was in Standard. Most of you would probably cry if you had to face a control deck like that.
You know the new fags when they don't remember the Supreme verdict, sphinx's Rev, aetherling format followed by the event worse mono black control standard, it was the most string of standard metas I have ever played through and I played through the affinity and caw blade standards, at least they didn't all go 2 hours past time every fucking round and have top 8s lasting until 5 in the morning
>b-b-but I want to show how much smarter than my opponent I am
Control had never been about intelligence, it just makes the control freaks feel good because they get to say no to 90% of what you do
Honestly don't care if you enjoy control but at least have the decency to have a good win con, like esper dragons
>first time aggro creatures have been good
Affinity my dude.
Control does require more thought than your typical aggro deck.
It's not as complex as say DDFT but it's far more complex than just tapping out and turning creatures sideways.
Swamp, Dark Ritual, One with Nothing go.
Voice was printed 2 sets after Sphinx rev and supreme verdict. In that 6 month gap control was king.
>All this Nissa hate.
Urza said he'd bring an end to phyrexia, Nissa said she'd get rid of the eldrazi.
...Sure don't see any free eldrazi anywhere...
Aggro has dominated Standard since the end of the Odyssey block.
It's been a conscious decision on the part of WotC to make aggro stronger and control weaker due to the complaints of parents of autistic aggro players who were in tears after being beaten by Psychatog or MBC.
The be fair, mono-black devotion only dominated because Theros powered everything down to post-earthquake Haiti levels of garbage.
No it really doesn't, it just takes longer to close out games, they're both equally brainless desu, some combo and most midrange delks require much more thought
1) I dont like Elf
2) I dont like most neowalkers
3) Green is my 3rd or 4th favorite color at best
4) Nissa is fucking boring for a character
>print a strictly better wild mongrel
God damn I remember Invasion/Odyssey standard. That was some good shit.
It's far easier to make choices when your entire deck is at instant speed.
Control requires you to make decisions - counter this threat or save my counter for something more dangerous
Aggro does not - hurr I cast my Rhino and swing for game :DDD
Pure aggro requires no strategy whatsoever. The only parts of a midrange deck that require some level of brain activity are the control elements (i.e. the removal).
It had some of the most aggressively costed creatures in magic history like pulukranos, stormbreath, courser (no oracle of mul duya but still a damn good creature) not to mention one of the best mana dorks that's not birds in caryatid
Many control cards are not instants. Supreme Verdict which has already been mentioned for example.
Also, having instants just gives you more choices, it doesn't necessarily make those choices easier to make.
I suggest you try playing control. You might learn something about it and about Magic in general.
Have you ever played an aggro deck? Cause you sound like youve never played an aggro deck
So we are in agreement, neither of you have really played each other's decks and should stop being elitist twats.
Loose/y Nose/y
It doesnt though, literally all you do is ask "is this going to kill me?" If yes counter it or kill it when it resolves, control is one of the least interactive ways to play magic and it's boring as shit to play against and the mirror matches are worse than paint drying
I've played pretty much every kind of deck imaginable.
One of my first decks when I was getting into the game some 20 years ago was a mono red sligh deck. So yeah, I've played quite a few aggro decks over the years.
And Kamigawa had some real gems like Jitte, top, gifts, and the command cycle. Regardless, standard powerlevel tanked hard during Kamigawa and Theros was Kamigawa 2.0
>Swamp, Innocent Blood, go.
>control is one of the least interactive ways to play magic
You don't know what interactive means in the context of Magic. Control is the most interactive archetype since you're constantly interacting with your opponent and his cards.
I'm starting to think you're just memeing me.
I suggest you try playing magic for more than a year.
Also, pull your head out of your ass, it'll help you play better.
Could this and some sort of dredge enable legacy lands and be playable ?
Well I honestly don't know what to say other than you've either forgotten how to aggro or never did it right in the first place
I play ANT, Painter and Temur delver in legacy, Jund in modern and w/g humans in standard, I literally play all deck types and let me tell you delver is fairly easy to play once you learn the legacy meta, miracles is even easier but I like having friends so I would never play it
Escalate: Tap an untapped creature you control
*Destroy target creature with power 4 or greater
*Destroy target enchantment
*Put a +1/+1 counters on each creature target player controls
Control is flowchart magic, aggro is algebraic magic, combo is probability magic, midrange is a bit of all.
None is easier or harder than the other if you're good at what the deck asks of you. Desicions on control are an ilussion, all questions are already answered on the deckbuilding stage.
you forgot to cast the card!
Ngger, Lands is already a deck and has been for a very long time.
You opponents asking you whether or not they're allowed to do something is not interacting
>I cast this
>no you don't
That's not an interaction
>I attack with my creature
>I block then use a combat trick
>I use my own combat trick
That's an interaction, even if it boils down to the same end, both players feel like they did something, which is important not only to the health of the game but also to insure both players have fun, which I'm sure you forgot was the ultimate goal of this game