EDH/Commander General

Veeky Forums Alters Edition: imgur.com/a/SZC4Q/all

Old thread:>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

Other urls found in this thread:


Would Necromantic Selection not feel out of place with a Gisa and Geralf theme deck?

What are the hard rules for this sort of thing? I'm thinking of not even running signets.

Hard rules for a theme deck?
I think you are trying to just find more things that are flavor based, I wouldn't gimp myself trying to make a theme deck though.
I would try to find a balance of flavor and competitive.

I never noticed this until the other day when I was playing with my friends, but the art for Parallel Lives is a wolf face.

I need to make this deck more efficient? What should I add?

I have been tweaking my Tasigur EDH and would love some suggestions/feedback.

I have considered a few other cards to add but don't know if they would be worth it and if they are, where they would go.
>Horn of Greed
>Mana Web
>Empty the Pits

I don't have much experience with Ezuri but there are a few cards I have seen people use.
>Bloodspore Thrinx
>Invisible Stalker
>Kiora's Follower
>Master Biomancer

I don't know what your meta is but I would recommend maybe a few more counterspells.
I would also recommend a Worldy Tutor.

How do I summon the Veeky Forums proxy guy to make a proxy for my general if it's not already in his imgur?

Nigga how do you miss the two wolv-
>the moons are eyes the paw is a nose
Oh neat.

Imperious Perfect
Hornet Nest
Hornet Queen
Elf Queen

I'm pretty mad its not for XB

Why don't you run this card Veeky Forums? It's so much fun.

X mana for 2*x p/t is too efficient

But I do

Making 2/2s en masse for 1 a pop is broken.

You know that Triskelion doesn't give you an XP counter when it enters, right?

woops Ant Queen, not Elf Queen

That is not the purpose for him, his purpose is to get the counters and melt someone's face.


Living Hive?

What should I run in a Zurgo Bellstriker deck? I thought it might be fun.

Other dash stuff? Effects like Pandemonium?

That is of course if you aren't doing voltron.

I have none of the pieces of the Urza lands, and I'm on a really tight budget.

10 mana for 5 is pretty damn annoying user

By Voltron he means equipment and enchantments to buff a single card.

In my opinion I would use equipment that equip on their own.
>Hero's Blade
>Stormrider Rig
>Sai of the Shinobi
>Obsidian Battle-Axe

To support these you would also want things like Masterwork of Ingenuity and if you use mroe uquipments Brass Squire.

You should also be looking at burst buffs.
>Titan's Strength
>Temur Battle Rage
>Rush of Adrenaline
>Brute Force
>Fatal Frenzy
>Downhill Charge
>Reckless Charge

edhrec.com should help you get the general idea of what Zurgo commonly looks like for deck.

Alright, I'll do my research, then post my recipe for advice. Am using cards I own, no proxies, and am very budget limited right now.

Well if you own a Zurgo because you played that Standard then you could have a couple of the cards I mentioned.
When you post people will probably will tell you what is straight up better so what I would do is take notes on those and make two lists, one of what you are currently running and another that is what you plan to run.

Just remember you should always be on the offensive, dash and swing repeatedly with Zurgo.
Don't even worry about commander tax, just zone him everytime.

Run Godo instead

Tfw you and a friend like the same commanders but he builds them before you.

Nah, I got mine from a friend who didn't know what he had. He also had a Xenegos the Reveler, but he wouldn't trade it. Made me salty

ETB damage effects like pandemonium, impact tremors, purphuros, warstorm surge, rite of the raging storm and pic related are all fun although this would prolly work better in a Norin monored deck

I am building a deck around Xira Arien with the theme of costumes for her to wear because of her flavor text. I am looking for suggestions on stuff for her to wear. I want it to be casual too, so anything is welcome even if its crap.

Make her cosplay as Kaldra

Oh god this deck is going to be garbage. Haven't even started building yet, but looking at my card pool makes me cringe

Well if you just look at some equipment from gatherer that is not a "weapon equipment".

You got the following:
Argentum Armor
Assault Suit
Avacyn's Collar
Avarice Amulet
Barbed Battlegear
Basilisk Collar
Brawler's Plate
Champion's Helm
Chitinous Cloak
Darksteel Plate
Empyrial Plate
Fleetfeather Sandals
Haunted Cloak

I have a friend that just straight up copies my deck lists, I find it flattering.

>Buy Meren
>Have 30$ to improve it with singles
What do I take out and put in from a fresh, out of the box, Meren deck?



If you wanna compare. I win fairly consistently with this setup and my meta isn't exactly casual

Grave Pact and Dictate of Erebos are a good start

Take out blood bairn as it is hot garbage. If you want to have something better use nantuko husk or phyrexian ghoul. Also sidisi is a good addition

>debut new deck
>fucking annihilates everyone game 1
>instant game of archenemy game 2
>they still lose
Oh God I bet this is what being a supervillain would feel like

Why do you have to lie user?

I feel like more like Jackie Chan.

Look at the budget upgraded precon list on mtggoldfish.

OK, deck is done. Here's what I got. SHITBREW MODE ACTIVATE:
34x Mountain
1x Looming Spires
1x Consuming Sinkhole
1x Serpentine Spike
1x Bathe in Dragonfire
1x Lightning Strike
1x Twin Bolt
1x Structural Distortion
1x Boiling Earth
1x Shrapnel Blast
1x Chandra's Fury
1x Tormenting Voice
1x Barrage of Boulders
1x Seismic Strike
1x Volcanic Upheaval
1x Lightning Javelin
1x Lava Axe
1x Ravaging Blaze
1x Wild Slash
1x Traitorous Instinct
1x Act of Treason
1x Boulder Salvo
1x Rolling Thunder
1x Dangerous Wager
1x Bolt of Lessons
1x Spark Jolt
1x Sparkmage's Gambit
1x Rush of Adrenaline
1x Reckless Charge
1x Expedite
1x Sure Strike
1x Brute Strength
1x War Horn
1x Shard of Broken Glass
1x Bone Saw
1x Spidersilk Net
1x Bladed Bracers
1x Purphoros's Emissary
1x Artarka Pummeler
1x Viashino Shanktail
1x Spearpoint Oread
1x Fiery Hellhound
1x Vaultbreaker
1x Mogg Fanatic
1x Lightning Shrieker
1x Fervent Cathar
1x Voldaren Duelest
1x Generator Servant
1x Pyre Hound
1x Shivan Dragon
1x Dragon Egg
1x Gore-House Chainwalker
1x Borderland Marauder
1x Cinder Hellion
1x Krenko's Enforcer
1x Goblin War Paint
1x Dragon Mantle
1x Fearsome Temper
1x Dragon Grip
1x Racecourse Fury
1x Undying Rage
1x Curse of Bloodletting
1x Outpost Seize
1x Curse of the Pierced Heart
1x Vessel of Volatility
1x Mardu Runemark (for flavor)
Commander: Zurgo Bellstriker.
How much cancer?




Thank you!

Oh yeah, that's a thing. One sec, I'll put it on there. Whoops.

OK, here's the tappedout: tappedout.net/mtg-decks/06-07-16-cXZ-deck/

RW people, how do you not fucking choke? I'm aware I can't compete with GU in card advantage, but at least I should be capable of not choking every single time, right?

Looking for advice on this group hug deck im building.

The main idea is giving everyone in play card draw, mana and free tutor effects while stopping people from killing you.


Eh. I win if people forget I am there. You have removal and Mind's Eye goes a long away.

minds eye
sword of fire and ice
rogue's gloves
mask of memory
land tax + scroll rack
mentor of the meek
infiltration lens
puresteel palidin
kor spiritdancer
mesa enchantress

oh god, I forgot the most important: SKULLCLAMP

Mask of Avacyn is
a. Dope equipment
b. Kawii as hell

Plus equipment tutors. You should be running other good equipment too, but tutor for Skullclamp is good most of the time.

Build a different deck. Group hug always ends up with some deck riding the acceleration to an early combo kill. Your prison effects will definitely not be enough to stop any properly built deck from utilizing the free mana/cards and comboing out. I have learned this from experience.

>Group hug

Build stax but disguise it as group hug. Phelddagrif is perfect for this


this sounds pretty fun actually.

>tfw your order has been sitting in the USPS sorting facility one state over for like 3 days
I hope it gets here before the weekend

>All ld and mass ld
>All the RW board wipes
>All the prison cards
>All the white removal that exiles
>Boop them to death with your commander while they have 0 lands and creatures
>Mainboard boil and boiling seas because fuck blue
>Go fucking hard you are Boros
Fuck her right in the pussy

>Mainboard Boil, REB, Pyroblast, Guttural Response and Choke in my Ruric Thar deck
I know I'm hurting myself too but goddamn it's worth it.

Also fuck angels they are pussies, use Brion Stoutarm
He will throw a motherfucker at another motherfucker

Speaking of LD, how much do you guys run?

I use Natural Affinity

Spells and creatures that have LD approximately 55 cards, pretty much from t3 onward someone is losing a land every turn the rest of the deck is land and boardwipes

Which one do you prefer as the actual Commander?

Overlord is the only choice

Too much, probably. Godo likes him LD to get the win

Personally I prefer Sliver Legion for 100% bananas aggro, but Overlord is the best choice.

Overlord, combined with creature type changing / adding shenanigans for stealing all the things.

Very little. My playgroup is a salt mine and nobody gets angrier than the guy who's been stuck at 2 lands and gets caught in a Smallpox.

He sounds like a faggot.

Alright, /edh/.

Think of your favorite deck, the one you'd save from a fire if you could only save one.

What kind of planeswalker is the one who uses those spells?

heyy this is the budget decklist i've put together

i don't have a bunch of experience in edh, can anyone better than me give me some advice to improve it without increasing the cost too much?

"Underrated cards that no one but you play". I'll start.

They are creature cards in you grave, not creatures. Just like whenever a card says "whenever a permanent..." it only applies to the cards that are on the battlefield.
That means Heartstone doesn't help with the Unearth cost.
I know I'm tardy to the party but whatever.

I new a Slivers player who swore by it.

combos very easily with any kind of protection you use on your deck. Perfect with Akroma memorial.


This is another good one that i never saw anyone else use. Literally the only guy with that ability.

Or with Iona for that extra fuck you.

It's weird how i don't see many people use it in commander.

Would this guy be fun as a commander? What would the wincon be?

>The following cards are banned from the format:
>Painter's Servant

>keep planning out and sometimes buying new decks instead of improving on the ones I have


I hope this is bait.

Hivelord because if you're not running slivers, at least your commander is a 5/5 indestructible

Sedris give creatures in your gy the unearth ability
By your definition if i cast collected company i cant choose any creature cards from the top of my library because they are not creatures yet?

TL/DR unearth is a creature ability that is reduced by 1 generic by heartstone regardless if they are in the graveyard or not

1) Painter's Servant is banned in EDH, as said. Because of Iona. 2) Iona is generally considered a dick move.

I had one. It's not bad, but... the deck does more than him. Using 5 colors is Very good, you will always have something good to do that is better than casting him. Normally i would only cast late-game. He still have some impact tough enchanted/equiped with good stuff.

>Five Heads
delet this

I want that alter DESU. I'd make it a foil proxy commander. Run a ton of dragons or dragon art proxies to keep the theme of Tiamat fucking over everyone and laughing.

weird, didn't remember him being banned.

Ayyy lmao nice graveard broseph

>Gaea's Cradle, Serra's Sanctum and City of Traitors all bought out overnight
>on top of other recent buyouts
The fuck is happening

>By your definition if i cast collected company i cant choose any creature cards from the top of my library because they are not creatures yet?

Sedris gives "Creature cards" in your graveyard Unearth. Collected Company says "Creature cards" also, user. If it's not on the battlefield, it is not a creature, it's a creature card.

Heartstone only affects the abilities of creatures, not the abilities of creature cards. It will not reduce Unearth costs, Cycling costs, Scavenge costs or any other ability of a creature card that is not on the battlefield.

This card right here. There is just not many responses against it. Won the game dozens of times with this holding my opponent. I mean.. protection? indestructible? hexproof? whatever, just tap everything.

Check the comp rules.

>A card type. A creature is a permanent. See rule 302, “Creatures.”

>A creature is a permanent.