
Would they reverse their policy just because one guy buys all the cards that are for sale? What about owners who are not selling their collections? I don't think so Tim

>What about owners who are not selling their collections?
WotC employees who use RL for savings acounts would sell them all if Shkreli offers a higher price. Also if he just starts the buyout the prices will rise a fuckton already, no need to buy absolutely ALL cards.

If he buys the RL, he can sue them if they break it (and you know he fucking will).

He'd loose.

>Why is he so based?

I mean, he isn't.
No part of him is based.
He's like.. the devil.

He'd have no legal basis.
The RL is not a legally binding contract, just a gentleman's agreement not to do something. If they wanted to 'break it', all they would have to do is take all the cards off the RL first.

He should buy all the modern staples and destroy the format. Then - all the stardard rares and mythics. Troll the hell out of Magic. Make competitive scene into pauper

He's an entrepreneur, why would he do anything to risk devaluing the cards he's buying?

This probably won't have any influence at all over if power 9 ever gets reprinted. Vintage is already dead and all of WotCs money from vintage is in Magic online.

He's still fucking based. Players everywhere are going to panic or come up with optimistic fantasies of WotC reacting to this. Just grab some popcorn and enjoy. Successful troll is successful.

If he ends up spiking all the reserved list prices by %200 then maybe. Or you could just play a non-shitty format that costs a mortgage to play.

A turbotroll with the morals of a twelve-year-old and infinite moneys.

This guy is such an obvious BBEG, I have to wonder which *actual* BBEG he's bearding for.

Because he's a petulant child focused on short-term profits at the expense of long term viability. His business plans amount to making a quick buck, then hopping on something new.

>A promissory estoppel is the legal principle that a promise is enforceable by law when the promisor (person making the promise) makes a promise to the promisee (person being promised) who relies on it to his or her detriment.

There is a legal case for it, whether you like it or not, and this shitbag can hire an army of lawyers to make that case. No amount of pleading from the players is going to make WotC go to bat legally when they'll have to pay for just as many lawyers to fight back.

How the fuck did he even get started?

Who gave this retard money?

Buying up Black Lotuses makes no sense from and investment standpoint. He needs to invest in liquid assets. The people who want black Lotuses already have them. People entering that market are scarce. But if you buy up as many dual lands as you can...

>Because he's a petulant child focused on short-term profits at the expense of long term viability.
You forgot "And regularly drops millions just to say 'I am rich enough to afford that'. I hope he dies in the poorhouse having spent all his fortunes and goodwill.

>Buying up Black Lotuses makes no sense from and investment standpoint.
He's not investing, he's showing off his wealth.

The issue there is that they have gotten rid of cards from the RL before with no backlash, so while there could be a legal case for it, it would be a weak one.

Jesper Myfors bringing the heat!

>just as many lawyers

More lawyers, actually, since Shkreli wouldn't be the only one to take legal action. It would be a massive potential class action lawsuit. Anyone with a Dual, a Mox, a Workshop or any other significantly valuable card on the Reserved List could throw their hat into the ring.

Unless WotC is willing to shell out the money it would cost to reimburse the losses those collectors face, they can't get rid of it.

That is technically incorrect, because of... well, Extort.

You absolutely can extort dying people though.

>I'm mad that people I don't like play the game I put on the market for people to buy and play

As much as you could hate Martin you have to admit that's a pretty dense statement

When someone tells you that your mother is a whore who sucks a thousand dicks a day, do you correct them that a thousand dicks a day is probably not actually possible?

Yes. That just doesn't seem realistic.

The newly rich are all so fucking sad with their lack of culture surrounding the use of money.

It's a slippery slope argument waiting to happen, yes, but Shrekli is the most hated human on the planet short of Adolf fucking Hitler, so I'm inclined to cut just a bit of slack to someone telling him to fuck right off in no uncertain terms. We need to bring back public shunning as a formalized thing.

Again, all they need to do is remove the card from the reserve list before they make the reprint. They have done it before and there is no reason they wouldn't do it again.

>Martin Shekels buys up all the available dual lands and fetches.
>Wotc takes all duals off the reserved list and prints a half set at rare and the other half at uncommon.

That's not a guaranteed strategy. It would probably be fine for cards that would not actually experience a significant loss of value from being removed, but the legal system isn't so stupid that they can't catch the obvious implications of removing a high dollar card from the list.

It doesn't matter if they alter the list, the existence of it can't be erased. It's been well documented and upheld this long. The longer you abide by a promise, the more legally binding it becomes.

Even if they do have a chance at winning the lawsuits, there will still be lawsuits and that will still cost them a significant amount of money. They don't gain enough out of breaking it to want to spend that money. They don't care about the health of Legacy or Vintage tournaments, and being able to print a paper Vintage Masters isn't going to be a profitable enough endeavor to reimburse them.

you do know how lawsuits work right? The loser usually ends up paying the legal costs of the winners. There's no way he has more money than Hasbro

The scary thing is the guy wasn't even born a rich idiot with a silver spoon up his ass; his parents were poor immigrants.

He's like someone tried to make a cautionary tale about rags-to-riches except he's real.

Not everywhere.

Wotc doesn't even support vintage or legacy anymore. Just issue a statement along the lines of "Wizard of the coast would like to announce that with the final disconnect from vintage and legacy they would take all the vintage and legacy staples off of the reserved list to allow a new generation of players to enjoy them.

>>Wotc doesn't even support vintage or legacy anymore.
>We literally just had Eternal Masters

Yeah. Which gave everyone the grand opportunity of playing one deck type, death and taxes. Not like the reserve list is killing any opportunity to play literally anything else.

>There's no way he has more money than Hasbro

The thing is that it's not just him that will be suing.

So he's Lex Luthor from Batman v Superman?

So one rich guy and like three angry grognards suing someone for a flimsy excuse that can be rebutted by one lawyer pointing to three laws and saying no legally binding contract was ever made and any inquiry otherwise is based on false evidence.

Try also StarCityGames and dozens of other MtG traders.

>his parents were poor immigrants
Excuse me? They were Jews and apparently he got into college and his first pharma firm because of connections.

Starcity wouldn't mind the reserved list being gone, because reserved cards are so uber expensive and stable in price that there's not really much profit in them

What does that have to do with how much money his parents have or where they came from? Connections are about human relations, not cash money.

They'd mind because it would devalue their stock of them.

I want this to happen

Connections give you opportunities to make money which regular poorfag would never have. Should I lecture you on elementary basics of human society?

Yes, and?

They could sue, and then it would be dropped or they would certainly lose.

Multinational corp vs. a few mid level distributors, who do you think wins?

i really want him to buy out scalding tarns and fetches so wizards does a reprint

Finally he's picking on people who deserve it.

Not in many states.

rich ass vintage players?

The distributors.
Because there are precedents for informal promises being legally enforced, much less highly publicized formal promises.

And there is precedence in this case of things being taken off of the RL and no one gets sued, so the distributors have even less of a leg to stand on.

Let's try to guess what Martin's business model is. I'll go first:
>man, I'm so fucking smart
>everyone around me is so fucking STUPID
>it'll be a piece of cake to make investments and make tons of money
>see I'm raking in the dough, unlike the rest of the idiots who struggle with this shit
>oh fuck what the money's disappearing
>what's going on what's happening no I'm so smart I did everything right I can't fail at anything school was so easy
>this isn't even my money holy hell what do I do with all this debt
>I know, I'm so fucking smart that I'll try to troll the internet and make myself an epic troll villain and then the money will fall into my lap
>all publicity is good publicity amirite
>man everyone on the internet is talking about me, fucking easily manipulated idiots
>soon the money'll be coming as soon as I leave this troll investment to grow a little
>why isn't any money coming in

Only commons and uncommons. That's as much of a pattern.

He'd feel right at home playing an Orzhov deck.

>Buy into a monopoly of necessary ressource
>Sell as high as you can
>Those who can't pay can go fuck themselves
>Move to the next thing once the market is destroyed

He consumes everything and then heads for the next world. He's an Eldrazi summoned by the power vacuum created with the death Ulamog and Kozilek.

Ugin has warned us about this.

If someone approached our law firm with this suit, I would absolutely not take it. Yes, you can enforce an "informal promise", no the loser does not universally bear the cost of litigation, no Veeky Forums does not know how the law works regardless of how furiously it Googles.

Good for you, famous lawyer "Anonymous". Your word alone is all we needed to settle it once and for all.

Star city games have said that they do not like the reserve list

Fingers crossed the reserved list tanks and is eventually abolished. that shit is the cancer that is killing eternal formats.

Imagine his poor parents, having to see the face of their apparently retarded son doing some idiotic grin in every image related to whatever inane PR shit he's up to.

And? If it's broken they aren't going to sue to get it put back up, they'll be suing for compensation for depreciated assets.

Go pick out a random expensive RL card, like say Underground Sea. They have about 45 Revised ones, about $350-400. Say that gets taken off the list and reprinted. If it goes down to even $200, those collective Underground Seas are worth about $7000 less. And that's just one of them.

I doubt they could sue. By that logic they could sue whenever a 2 dollar card drops to 1 dollar die to reprints

We already know that limited print runs do not hurt the price of cards.We have seen this with MM and EM. New art and border only help this

It's not just limited print runs, it's reprints and being taken off the Reserved List.

Even then the value of the cards dips then goes right back up.

You can't really guarantee that with something like the Reserve List. It's different because the price isn't speculative against possible reprints.

Even the stuff that is not on the reserve list is still damn high, the fact that it is the older version will keep the price high, the only thing that will drop is the price being raised from buyouts.

Who the fuck is martin shrek 2: ogres are like onions, and why should i be buttmad at him?

>literally expends more effort making this post than what would be required to just Google the name

As far as I know, this guy is a speculator in the pharma business? Why even care about Magic Cards? The money isn't there by comparison.

In any event, speculator scum.

He got pushed out of the because of unethical practices

Ouch. So he's basically reduced to that neet flipping Moats for a few thousand bucks to get by.

he's already bought 5 black lotuses last night he's going to be buying more today.

standard can't be destroyed since they are still printing those he could absolutely destroy eternal masters though

Honestly, it's not severe enough. He needs to be tied into a burlap sack full of hungry rats, and that sack beaten with a bag of more rats, and then both sacks get tossed right into the fucking river. ...Or something.

there was no backlash because martin shkreli wasn't there to sue them

He over charged people for heart medicine because he knew they would pay anything to get it

And Burn. Don't forget Burn.

Technically he forced insurance companies to pay a fuckton more.

>runs up the price of medication with no generic option to fund research on better meds
>personally pays for medication of anyone who can't pay for theirs
>personally funds research into meds for rare diseases
>Diamond support on LoL
>everyone hates him because of misinformed hype
>absolutely doesn't care
I love this man.

correction he overcharged insurance companies he literally said he would pay out of pocket to people who didn't have insurance.

also the aids medication was outdated they have new and better drugs

>yet another game ruined by Jews being Jews

>everyone hates him because SJW hate is both blind to facts and deaf to logic

This shit is why we don't have space colonies yet. This shit is why good Americans have to live among blacks.

He made some gay people sad, though. You don't just recover from that.

Well now we know why he got caught, fuck over the working class and your fine but never other businesses

>MSIDF appears
Thank you.

Plus when he was told that the programs of companies like his that were supposed to provide free medication almost universally didn't and that people died as a result he basically said "Not on my watch, I've got the time and money to solve this. Dont you worry random citizen, I'm on the case."

And now he wants to collect Magic. Just to have. This ain't no pump and dump. This is the Wu Tang Album buy all over again.

O look a racist cuck

>m-muh racism
>m-muh cuck meme

Here's your (You)

It wasn't an aids medication it was a medication for a parasite that generally struck AIDS patients, pregnant women etc.

I am sick to the back teeth of this shitty cuck meme.

what was the problem then?

You pitchfork mob retards know nothing, it has been explained a million times why the AIDS pill thing was not unethical and in fact only fucked over big pharma/the government. The worse thing he did was troll his fellow scam artists. Feel free to stop virtue signalling any time and actually learn what happened.

Blood poisoning parasite that hits HIV patients because they have no immune defences.

Awe did I hurt your little feeling because you thought everyone here is racist like you. How did it feel to catch your girl talking nigger dick

it's really sad how things like that, things that benefit everyone in the end get you branded like you literally took a shit on a baby at a nursery. but I guess that's what liberal media does to a country...

No, the media conglomerate wanted to paint him as the villain because he fucked over the rich and they could spin it easily. Ordinary people just ate it up.

Blame Rupert Murdoch. The thieving shitbag.