The last character you've played comes across a button with a Do Not Push warning

The last character you've played comes across a button with a Do Not Push warning.

What do they do when faced with this timeless dilemma?

Wow don't spoil me butthead

Disconnect button, press button.

Carlos is love, Carlos is life
Believe in Carlos


Last character I played was an old philosophical knight. I dare to ask the question of why I shouldn't press the button and then compare it to my morals and see how that affects my judgement or how it could affect someone's judgement.

"It very clearly says not to push. I see no reason not to take it at its word."

Yank the button free of it's housing and then take it with me so I can press it everywhere without consequences.

My character is an edgy as fuck, psychopatic teen Shadar-Kai so he'd probably force some barely living enemy to press it and see what happens.

Press button. At first sign of deadly consequences, teleport to the depths of darkest Fuckthatistan to seek shelter.

Attempt to learn more. Who built it and why?

Painstakingly inspect the button and mechanisms around it, up to and possibly including dismantling all but the crucial components to see how it works.
Then sketch out blueprints, reassemble it, and go on my own way, but now with more technical knowledge than I had a few minutes ago.

Remove button, install as doorbell on random buillding

Last character I played? Beefs himself up magically, studies it, discerns its purpose, the says fuck it and presses it.

Most characters: wouldn't press button.

His tenacity was astounding.

I have never met a single adventurer in 10 years playing D&D that wouldn't press the button

>First character
Won't push it
>Second character
Won't push it if first one is looking, Will stare at it if not
>Third character
Push it. Multiple times. With a smug face.
>Fourth character
"What's a button ?"

Marloss actually came across this dilemma! He pushed the button, causing the entire dungeon to reveal itself to be a giant robot which proceeded to nearly wipe the party.

My character has a great fondness for pulling levers and pushing buttons so if the rest of the party didn't stop him he would press it before even having a chance to read do not push.

What system would be best for running death games, Veeky Forums?

Can't help it, I'm a born lever-puller.

Siegham would ponder the idea for a little while, have a nap and maybe a brew. Then he'd probably push it.

This is literally my party.

1) Push button
2a) Something nice happens
2b) Revert time and don't push the button.

In most situations he wouldn't push it, but if, in context, it seems like it'll probably destroy a tool of evil or something like that he might push it.

Shrugs shoulders, walks away, waits for the "But thou must."

My character can't read (common, at least).

I'm not even sure if he's ever seen a button.

My character is a bard so fuck the button.

Not push it, because the last time he did something like this on a whim, he spent about 40 years in what might as well have been a circle of Hell.

But my other two characters would push it, both having this look on their faces but for different reasons.

i dont get it

My last character couldn't read, but she would probably push it anyway.

Character does not push button. DM complains that we're not going after obvious plot hooks. DMPC pushes button.


If things are ok at the moment he won't. If things aren't so good he'll try on the off chance it'll improve the situation.

i don't push the button. i press the button.
if the consequences are bad, i spend the rest of the session bitching about railroading, shit GM, and arguing semantics

Well, It would probably be something like this
>See the button
>Look for someone who knows about it
>Forget about the button and everything about it
>See the button

Check what the button's connected to.

Then push it, most likely.


My last character would immediately call it in to see if the boss knew what it did, then if not, step the fuck back. You don't fuck with ancient superweapons.

There are two kinds of people in this world: the ones that do not press the button, and the ones that bravely meet the small army of barely dressed half-succubus lolis released by the button head on.

My last character would not push the button.

My current character would slam the button and keep slamming it until something physically forces him to stop.

He had really low WIS

>jus' fuckin' try 'n stop me.

He runs like hell, afraid of the dangers of uncertainty and of the evils of the button's influence on his mind

Last time this happened I got to reenact Die Hard in fastforward while the building went critical around us.

Hell yes I'm pushing the button.

Why else do you think I bothered raising a squad of undead soldiers and shackling their wraiths to their bodies if not to do things like this and scry it to my wide screen crystal ball?

> MinionsFW playing as a group of Necromancers who use undead minions to re-enact Japanese game shows.

Hesitate, because the DM is a complete bastard who has manipulated him into being ready to commit an atrocity, but not so far gone he'll do it without looking for another way. Then he talks very fast, hopes something good will happen, and takes the credit. That's how it usually works.

Pull the button of course