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Seriously, when is the expansion going to come out? The creator said he'd have it done a good couple weeks ago. If your on the thread creator, do you need some help? I'd gladly assist.
Totally not hoping read: Begging for a certain someone to post their build
are you ERP user 1 who wants ERP user 2
Yes or no. Could the average build here defeat one of the maidens?
Haha, no.
Working Man
Start: Approximate center of Europe, 10k BC
Drawbacks: Dustbin+, Region-Locked, Tower of Babel
Mind: Genius 3, Memory 2, Harmony
Body: Strength 1, Reflex 2, Regen 3, Pain, Non-Reactor, Diet 2, Impervious 3, End 2, Senses 1, Temp 2
Powers: MotionM+, BlessedM, EnchantingM, TelepathyM+
Items:Book of Culture, Knowledge, Omni-Weapon
Quests:Singularity, Federation
Plan: Region-lock gives me most of Europe to play with. I have knowledge, near-invulnerability, and the ability to empower my followers. We're going to space, motherfuckers!
Basically, I'm just going to settle down, recruit some locals, and start going up the tech tree. With my ability to empower others with Telepathy, I'll be able to overcome Babel by establishing a single language early on. My people will warp around the world, bringing my wonders with them. I expect we'll be a galactic civ several thousand years before the deadline.
The CYOA is meant to create first year students. So, a given build could attain any level of power, given enough time and training.
Didn't Cinder and 2 of her friends beat up Amber? + Some of those gifts are really fucking powerful. Maybe 2 anons then.
Hey guys, the fellow working on a magical school CYOA here. The intro and houses are "done", meaning I have no real changes planned, but they're still available for critique and feedback and may be changed as necessary. The classes are in a similar state, in terms of the options and what they do, but I haven't yet written them out as complete sentences and made the wording pretty. That stuff can be seen in its current form:
Currently, my primary areas of work are the powers and the items, which kind of go together. Of those, the powers are way more done and I haven't really started on items as of now. You can see the current list here:
In case anyone wonders why I wasn't here the last two days: Work. I'm going to put in an hour or two on this now, but might not have time tomorrow, the day after, or both. Probably will over the weekend though.
Oh, and upcoming development after this is blocked out: Mysteries, enemies, and some kind of system for building implications for your life in the future.
doing gods work user, here, have an ultra rare humanoid pepe
15 M
>New Arrival
>Faunus(Bat, ears, fangs, wings and night-vision eyes. If there's a way to get echolocation, that too. Idgaf.)
>Force Of Nature(Gravity)
Tactics & Tracking(0)
Variable (Scythe/firebomb launcher,600li)
Additional form(Flamethrower for close range, 500)
Additional Form(Laser cannon just in case, 400)
Weight Reduction(300)
Combat Drone(50)
Dust Mod(to turn my laser cannon into a railgun that won't immediately kill me, 0)
>Bat, ears, fangs, wings and night-vision eyes
And thus user was killed in his first several days for being total freak
The cyoa clearly specifies user is allowed to turn himself into a freak of nature.
He'll just echocolate his way to safety
>start writing up companions for a crime-themed CYOA
>big part is pulling your gang together, so need a good few to choose from, so plugging away getting lots written
>"that's like 6 girls I've written in a row, this gender balance seems off"
>do a quick count
>9 dudes, 25 girls
Make half the girls lesbians and give the other half secret dicks. It will stop being waifu CYOA
The cyoa is wrong and doesn't represent the setting.
Fite me.
That's good, means you have ideas
>common CYOA events
such as?
You're wrong and doesn't represent the normal adult demographic of your race and ethnicity.
Fry me.
I have a few questions for the author.
Are you planning editing it further? Like adding more minion options or items?
Can the werewolves morph any time they want?
Why do I need ghoul and natural weapons to create a stock ghoul?
Can ghosts possess creations I make through using spells from the promraen caro?
I'm pretty sure I had some more, but I can't think of any right now.
>9 dudes 25 girls
>9 dudes
Hot guys in a gang cyoa? I'm Totally Captivated. Please continue.
Chrome, of course, decided to be a cumhungry whore and delete everything I had written
fuck you, chrome
fuck you
>Outlaw (90)
I-I totally couldn't be convinced to join the side of "good" through the Power of Friendship /hot dickings in my girl-vagina
>Age 17 (Outlaw)
It's the generalist school, great for everyone. Atlas is a bit too strict for an Outlaw, and I am not an "Allahu Ackbar my 73 virgins in Heaven suicide bomber" kind of person
Gonna keep the eyes for night vision, even if they're just a tiny bit creepy to ordinary people, and the tail that is super sensitive and secretly my weak spot read: Instant Wetness spot
i'm a force of Nature, baby! Natural powerhouse here.
>Hope (80)
>Will (70)
>Memory (50)
>Agility (30)
>Strength (10)
>Beauty (0)
Oh fuck off, I want to be a hottie, so what?
>Variable+Additional Weapon Form (500)
>Armor (600)
Don't really know what extra to get...
>Targeting glasses (750)
>Shield (850)
Probably a good idea
>Collapsible (Variable) (900)
Weight reductuion (1000) (Variable weapon)
I can't outrule that I love ERP
I'm just your ordinary student.
Really, I swear! Sure, I might be used to be a guy, but that all changed since I was forced to be removed from reality and join this crazy life,
Everything's so strange now.
I have a gun. Who the hell has a gun?
None of this is what I'm used to. Hell, I'm a girl now!
How messed up is that?
And I know I have to share my room with three other people, and maybe they're boys and that's super weird.
I really need to find a team before the initiation ceremony. I am not letting my team for the next several years be up to chance. I need to know I can count on them.
As opposed to a boypussi?
Just ask for revolvers user steam or something and ERP with him man, follow your dreams
Who cares? The setting is pure autism
>New Arrival
>Human, 18, Beacon
Cybernetic right arm
Targeting eyepatch
My semblance is
Since that's the only thing that somewhat fits me
Just a mean ol' killing machine desperately looking for something someone to serve.
Yes. A girl-vagina is the inferior version of boy-pucci.
what a total slut, why would anyone want you
When cooperating, sure.
waht. Who the fuck is "revolvers-user"?
real life is trash, fantasy is great.
>Author reworks cyoa
>user for some reason asks questions about old cyoa
Did he put out a new version?
Aren't you that guy that did lewd shit with other user like 3 threads ago
That other lewd user had revolver that may have turned into a katana and that's the only thing I remembered from his character
the work continues
I think he is working on it
They should be executed. Sluts in relationships. who know the power of the D, are okay. Every other slut should be dead.
How does that post warrant your response? Anything but monogamy = should be killed
Dude was on last thread, didn't you read any of his posts? He's gonna update, it's gonna be big, Liber Animas is getting a boost, and Reunu Pertemru is getting completely overhauled.
He didn't answer any of your other questions though.
>God: None
inb4 fedoras
>Race: Human
Who wants to be a lizard or a damned elf?
>Country: Teb'Ris
These guys are chill.
>Lair: Forgotten Laboratory
*mad science intensifies*
>School: Promræn Caro
>T4: Gentle Repose, Cure Disease, Cure Injury, Reinforcement
>T3: Warp Flesh, Alter Appearance, Fleshpoint
>T2: Mass Growth, Create Fleshpoint, Craft Plague
>T1: Potion of Khizaz
Out of the way, Dr. Fleshwarper coming through.
>Items: Mark of Zatai
Useful for my minions, just plant healing spells all over their bodies.
>Clothes: Mage Clothes (Promræn Caro robes)
Let them see. I'm a good guy necro-druid.
>Companions: Sarah, Morgan, Emily, Nerrti
Every school present and accounted for. Waifus for days, mang.
>-8 Slave x40
>-5 Evdokiya
>-6 Turned Huntress
>-0 Scholar
>-2 Groundskeeper
>-3 Alchemist
>-3 Soldiers x2
>-3 Lone Wolf
Soon as we're set up and have a free moment, we'll gather the slaves together, free them from their shackles, and give them a choice: leave, and make their own way in the world; or stay, and help build a better one.
I have a vision of a world dominated by a people of my own design, built stronger, faster, tougher, smarter, and all-together simply -better- than the humans, elves, and kobolds.
My favourite one is a slacker assassin in jail (the CYOA opens with an escape) not for killing anyone, but for child endangerment after handing his sister's 5 year old kid he was babysitting a gun to help him in a firefight when some gangsters came for revenge.
He is the best husbando so far.
Best waifu is a master infiltrator who squanders her talent on installing spycams in showers of celebrities she likes because she's an enormous pervert.
Cleaver user/Guy!
Human Male, Familiar Face:(-10points), 17
Beacon Academy, Vale
Semblance: Fast Mover this time.
Gifts/Talents: Memory(-20), Strength(-20), Agility(-20), Intelligence(-10), Precision(-20), Will(-10).
Weapons: Melee will be a two handed meat cleaver with Collapsible and Weight Enhancement, and the second will be a variable Sniper rifle and Assault rifle combo that can use dust charges (Total cost for both 600)
Items & Gear: Scroll(free), Parachute and Grappling Hook(-150) cant be too paranoid and will use the Hook in my fighting, Rebreather(-50), Wilderness Gear(-50), Dust Charges(-50) for some super ammo, Armor(-100) pic related. Final version. LETS GET IT ON MOTHERFUCKERS!
You're wrong and don't represent the bell curve for intelligence.
'Fro me.
>Aren't you that guy that did lewd shit with other user like 3 threads ago
no clue. Really, what are you claiming I did?
>That other lewd user had revolver that may have turned into a katana and that's the only thing I remembered from his character
... yes and he was a perfect leader, the glue who held our team together
Plus, even if he didn't pick Beauty, he's still hot beyond words
How important is the background for how you get your powers/become your character? Like in a space cyoa, do you need an explanation for how you got transported from being a elegan/tg/entleman or ca/tg/irl to being a sci-fi character in space? Or is it ok to just jump into the setting as the character you created like that's who you always were?
Well don't I feel smart.
>melee with collapsible+Weight Enhancement = 250 lien
>Variable with dust mod = 450 lien
>total is 700
great, though why would anyone want you on field?
>handing his sister's 5 year old kid he was babysitting a gun to help him in a firefight
Is that what happens when you watch too much anime?
Does anyone have a CYOA that you think did magical (but not super powerful) items really well?
If the cyoa does not specifically tell me I am still myself and transported, mutated, blessed, etc. whatever then I will assume that I am building an independent character to play as.
Yes. That magic cyoa with all the elemental type magics. Each type had his own form of "enchantment" magic for items and it was generic but interesting.
I can't post it because I'll piss myself if I see that Slayer option again.
>He's gonna update, it's gonna be big, Liber Animas is getting a boost
Spooky ghosts truly are the undead master race.
Wrong version was posted and I cant figure out how to post the updated version without it coming up as file exist here. I'll just post the link for the one in the last thread sense that was the updated one. No.48238957
God damn it, how do links work for post numbers?
>Semblance: Unstoppable
>Triple Variable memory
>Hope and Agility
That shit's tight
How do you reply to a post
Like this:
you mean this post?
So a cute catgirl came to the school, want to work together?I am the devil with my long and hard rifle.
Usual dex-fag
Green lantern rings do have a kill function that's locked away by the guardians who have unlocked it in the past when needed, such as iirc the sinestro war. Also implanting a ring into your body doesn't give you infinite charges as the Alpha Lanterns had actual lantern batteries implanted into their bodies for immediate access.
Kyle Rainer when he got his ring from Ganthet actually had access to the main power battery and later became one with the Will Entity Ion, which basically made him a godling.
That being said the ring is capable of changing things on a molecular level in some of the comics. Most lanterns don't seem to know that though.
This is why Veeky Forums has a FAQ.
Meh. Character wise they're usually not very fleshed out.
Yes that's the one. thank you very much.And I cant be bothered to read FAQ. I am not to proud to admit it.
>Just ask for revolvers user steam or something
... don't give me ideas
>Spooky ghosts truly are the undead master race
Rattle me bones, you're not a skeleton master race
Dex-fags are the worst
You gotta follow your lewd dreams user
>successfully quote one post
>fuck up when doing it a second time
How the fuck do you even fucking do this?
you got triple 6's, so that's a bad sign already
You really don't have anything I don't already have, sorry brother.
You have a tiny bit more range with your weapon, but that's it.
Well in this setting you need someone to counter a DEX-fag and another DEX-fag seems like the obvious choice
Patrician's choice is a gravity-fag though.
Over here. This guyAnswer to question?
Maybe put in a short blurb for both kinds of "backstories"? Personally prefer the former, but there's bound to be others that like the latter.
Doesn't need to be all that detailed, either, just mention something along the lines of "you somehow got into this mess" or whatever.
Hide ghost threads.
Ignore ghost posters.
Do not reply to ghost posters.
I think Viking World CYOA by feathersnake fits that criteria; don't have it on hand, though.
Nice; I think your plan will work very well.
What do you have?
He probably just clicks the post numbers like me
>New Arrival
Free and more interesting anyway
>Age 15
Always start with the youngest possible age
>Faunus fox
lets make a ghetto kitsune because why not
>Haven Acadamy, Mistral
I don't really know the show, but "skilled and slightly unusual hunters" sounds good for me.
>Fast Mover
Gotta go fast
Gotta go faster
Hit harder
Hit more
And do it right
Cybernetic arm
Blade Aug
Dust mod
Wilderness gear
Parachute and grappling hook
Dust charges x4
So I've increased my strength to superhuman levels, and on top of that I have a cybernetic arm that multiplies it by three. On top of THAT I also have super speed (twice over), further multiplying my force as well as allowing me to attack more often, and I have the stamina to keep going and the skill to back it all up.
I don't bother with ranged weapons, because they don't really benefit from my strength and speed. Of course I can close with a target so fast that it shouldn't matter anyway.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a guy's perfect girlfriend...
I can't figure out what you attempted to say.
There's nothing you can't do that I can't already do to some extent.
But that works just fine in the context where he fucked it up too.
I don't read the FAQs
>There is literally nothing wrong with being a guy's perfect girlfriend...
yes that's why I told you to follow your dreams. there was no irony in my post
I personally see them as schemers, spies and intelligence gatherers.
A good spectral necromancer is a scholar who communicates with ghosts to get more information, shaman or priest who jobs are to bitchslap uppity ghosts and get them to move on to the ethereal plane or pulling favors from benevolent holy/nature spirits to pull off miracles.
I just want the Catgirl, don't know what you made.
Why can't I have a cybernetic penis?
>History: Guardian (90)
>Age: 18, male
>Location: Beacon
>Semblance: Unstoppable
-Hope (80) ("On station at LZ, boss!")
-Will (70)
-Intelligence (60)
-Tactics (40)
-Tracking (20)
-Survival (0)
-VTOL (100)
-Scroll (an onboard computer)
-Wilderness Gear (50)
-Rebreather (0)
see I got the Stronk and cute catgirl + speed and smart and Power of Will!
I think the guy is mixing us up. I am this one.
ahahha fuck
every time someone tries to do character shit, everyone gets confused who's who
>and another DEX-fag
Combat-fags counter melee dex-fags just enough
>put dexfag into choke hold
>dexterity, fast mover and Unstoppable is now worthless
Careful now skeletonfags, too much salt makes your bones brittle.