CYOA General; Power>waifus edition

>There is literally nothing wrong with being a guy's perfect girlfriend...
yes that's why I told you to follow your dreams. there was no irony in my post

I personally see them as schemers, spies and intelligence gatherers.

A good spectral necromancer is a scholar who communicates with ghosts to get more information, shaman or priest who jobs are to bitchslap uppity ghosts and get them to move on to the ethereal plane or pulling favors from benevolent holy/nature spirits to pull off miracles.

I just want the Catgirl, don't know what you made.

Why can't I have a cybernetic penis?

>History: Guardian (90)
>Age: 18, male
>Location: Beacon
>Semblance: Unstoppable
-Hope (80) ("On station at LZ, boss!")
-Will (70)
-Intelligence (60)
-Tactics (40)
-Tracking (20)
-Survival (0)
-VTOL (100)
-Scroll (an onboard computer)
-Wilderness Gear (50)
-Rebreather (0)

see I got the Stronk and cute catgirl + speed and smart and Power of Will!

I think the guy is mixing us up. I am this one.

ahahha fuck
every time someone tries to do character shit, everyone gets confused who's who

>and another DEX-fag
Combat-fags counter melee dex-fags just enough
>put dexfag into choke hold
>dexterity, fast mover and Unstoppable is now worthless

Careful now skeletonfags, too much salt makes your bones brittle.