Age of Sigmar General


Fyreslayers SC! when edition

>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!!7lZ2yDYI!ANWwfQHiJjr5ZbH6sfyruGRPGgWiDjso2uSGyJem1lg

>OP image album

>Cheer for your faction!

Old thread
The last work of Kirby, fyreslayers.

First for the Free People.

Reminder that SC boxes are for minis people DON'T want to buy sprinkled with some good ones so people see value.

So do all Free People just live in Sigmar's sky city or do they live on the ground like regular people doing regular mortal things?

So I finished my 2000 points of Sylvaneth and started collecting some Moonclan Grots with some back up Gitmob Grot Doom Divers and Wolf chariots/riders as back up. No Squigs, no Orruks, only grots. How fucked am I?

I wanna really highlight the angelic aspects of the Seraphon, whats the best way to go about that in conversions?

I used blue ink on their blue scales, it makes it look like blue light is shining out of the cracks between their scales

>Attempt to find paint refs online
>chance dumpster diving at DA
I was not ready for the.. other seraphon....

Cool idea, any good cheap source on feathers? I cant sculpt greenstuff

>Slaves to Darkness
>Flesh Eaters
>Daemons of Khorne

Does it hurt being so wrong?