>Slaves to Darkness All old models, only sorc and chariot are relatively new. >Flesh Eaters All old models >Daemons of Khorne All old models, bloodcrushers are bad rules wise. >Pestilens All old models, plague monks are aeons old. >Deathrattle All old models >Malignants All old models
If they really cared so much about giving customers value, they'd release start collecting kits right when a faction drops. with the new ones coming out they're banking on people seeing the amazing savings!!! and buying stuff they potentially have already or don't need. For example do you think people would buy saurus knights if they weren't in the SC box?
Honestly I love the SC boxes, but people need to realize they aren't there just to give customers great deals, they're to both get new players in and buying the new shiny models or to get old players to buy units they otherwise wouldn't because of all the great deals.
Benjamin Perry
feathers, archaeopteryx style
Mind, that's a lot of fucking work, because you'll have to sculpt that shit on your own.
Samuel Lopez
>blood crushers >blood blooders >bloodpriest bloodmeteorhammerblood man I'm actually considering that box. Stuff I wanted, but not stuff I felt was worth buying at full price.
Liam James
well considering they're literally free, along with the warriors, I don't think people would mind having them whether they wanted them or not
Carson Phillips
Both. Free guilds represent any Order aligned human cities
Mason Rogers
Silver Tower pack and Start Collecting/starter stuff aside, are there places to get good discounts on AoS stuff?
Aaron Martin
>they'd release start collecting kits right when a faction drops.
>ironjawz >sylvaneth
appologize now
Kayden Martinez
I guess there are no grot players here
Elijah Moore
Angel Sanchez
>ironjaws released months ago >sylvaneth released a few weeks ago >GW has already promoted and started their campaign along with the general's handbook release drawing people in >people already bought stuff >they drop this now so they can double dip on people who have already gone full sigmar >Ironjaws have 2/3 new models and sylvaneth have 1/3 new models