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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
There was a doggy hell in that movie too. Complete with a dog succubus/Lucifer.
Not him but putting it another way its like if you went to halo and got forerunner tech and suddenly this one guy has enough power alone to completely fuck over the forerunners all by himself. That is chainbreaking, if you don't think it is then you need to explain how it is not. Seriously at this point your entire argument is "Nuhuh because I say so!!!" And whining.
Hey Strike. Does the drawback cap in Girls Und Panzer include the cp you get from Scenarios and Paradigm shifts or are they treated as drawbacks for that purpose?
Water: 35 Liters, Carbon: 20 kilograms, Ammonia: 4 Liters, Lime: 1.5 kilograms, Phosphorus: 800 grams, Salt: 250 grams, Saltpeter: 100 grams, and various other trace elements.
Stupid question but the discussion yesterday about noble phantasms made me wonder, what would happen if a person pulled out a noble phantasm that was a weapon and you used minecraft cheatmode on it?
Could you copy it for yourself?
What if you shoved it through the 8 trigrams cauldron from journey to the west? Would it break it down so you could make your own?
SJ-Chan =/= Strike Chan.
A miserable little pile of secrets.
Huh. My mistake then. Well, if SJ-chan is around then?
Because 'chainbreaking' doesn't mean 'strong relative to this arbitrary scale' like you think it does.
We don't measure being able to shit on one setting or another as 'chainbreaking'. Is anything in Negima 'chainbreaking' just because it can wreck low powered settings? Being able to fuck over the Forerunners because you're stronger relatively speaking isn't 'chainbreaking'.
Chainbreaking is literally being powerful enough to continue jumping even without a benefactor. It means being able to travel from universe to universe, setting to setting, timeline to timeline, freely, as if you had a planeswalker spark.
Don't bring old arguments with you into a new thread.
This is actually incorrect.
In your opinion.
Which has no basis in fact.
No that is called sparking.
It's bound to your vision of reality. It's not technically an item but an expression of your soul.
I think he's confusing intrajump balance (which may or may not be a valid argument, I honestly don't know enough about Warframe to argue either way other than suggesting my Stinglike compromise) with chainbreaking.
Took you long enough, old man.
Complete immunity to everything ever is chainbreaking. It removes any and all risk from any setting ever.
Some NPs don't even have something you can hold; they can be properties of your body like Herakles' God Hand or abstract concepts like "the ability to shove the Earth in your vagina".
You could copy it but it'd be exactly the same. Meaning it disappears with them and they can just de-materialise it if they want. In effect all you'd do is given them an extra copy for themselves.
As for the 8 Trigrams thing...I'd say that it wouldn't, not unless you found a way to make it real and physical, rather then just an extension of a summoned Heroic Spirit. Otherwise it'd just fade away and eventually regenerate back with the HS who owned it. Course, if you do find a way to make it real then yeah, it'd work like any other supernatural item. 8 trigrams is probably one of the better ways to go about it too, given how a lot of NPs just have supernatural effects to them rather then magical (Most NPs can do what they do because of the legend associated with them or generally being made in a specific way, rather then having a specific enchantment spell being cast on them).
Guys...can we talk about my proposal for it to have a caveat like Worm's
>As a special concern for Jumpers, note that magical, conceptual, and other supernatural effects work just fine when it comes to defending against this power, they don’t automatically lolnope it, but unlike everything else they have a chance.
softcap clause? Please?
I mean, from what I understand Warframe is just clarktech giant robutts not magic or conceptual stuff so I think it might be a valid compromise?
Apparently Warframes can punch souls out of peoples bodies.
Explain how complete invulnerability, hivemind, ftl travel that is near instantaneous, self resurrection, ability to control machines at will, and the ability to hack into other peoples minds from lightyears away is not chainbreaking?
Fuck off with this shit, you do this every thread, and I'm sick to death of your shitposting.
Shut the fuck up, powerwanker.
You don't actually counter the argument, you just dismiss it outright because you don't agree with it. It's disrespectful and harmful to other people on your side of the argument.
Is it actual complete immunity? One of the anons in the last thread said 90%
Okay, that's...a thing, I guess.
Now, in this setting are we certain souls are like, magic and shit, and not an oversimplification by a higher tier species for a gestalt of bioelectricity and physiological responses? That is to say-are we sure what the setting considers "souls" isn't a scientific phenomena? I mean, Worm too has certain effects that look like messing with souls from a distance.
Dunno. All I've heard is that they can punch souls out of peoples bodies and eat souls to get stronger or something.
Warframes can do some silly conceptual shit man, they are human sized clarktech puppets powerred by their settings version of the warp.
In the game a sentient drone will occassionally show up. Normally my weapon does anywhere between 300 to 500 damage per hit to them, when the immunity kicks it in does 12 damage. Max.
How about, because none of it is actually chainbreaking?
The impetus is on you to justify calling it chainbreaking, and not just strong relative to the setting, seeing as arguing over the standard for what is chainbreaking is just semantics, and I've set out my own standard for the term.
What, do you think being able to fight and army on your own is chainbreaking? Lifting more than 45 tons is chainbreaking? Surviving a nuke is chainbreaking?
What are your standards? Why should they matter more than the standards I've laid out?
Warframes do not eat. Most dont even have mouths.
Anyone trying to argue with him should read this post and realize this is a pointless conversation.
Nice falseflag. Maybe we should take your advice and dismiss your side of the argument them.
Giving all that at the same time in one package is, it is vastly more than survivong a nuke, it is literally something that if you get it no setting ever will ever be able to stop you unless it has an equal or greater bullshit tier. No jump to my knowledge has ever allowed you to buy something that completely trivializes not only the entire setting it is from but 90% of the other jumps all in one easy to steal package.
Because your standard is idiotic, you think chainbreaking is giving you gull spark power when most other people have different meanings.
For instance from what I have seen chainbreaking is "something that trivializes the rest of jumpchain".
If that was the case, than High-powered jumps wouldn't exist.
Because ssentient tech is better than anything and everything else in setting including the orokin and they did bullshit like tossing the moon into a stable pocket universe.
So it basically blocks all but about 2 percent at highest immunity. I suppose if you limit it more so it can only block a higher max percentage it could work
I think the more important issue is that it's so much more powerful than everything else in Warblade that you'd have to price it at over 3000 CP.
NEW JUMP! Totally awesome if I do say so myself.
Jumper? Where the hell did you go? You were here five minutes ago-
Oh dear.
see Anything from a higher powered setting will tend to trivialize lower powered settings. If your argument comes down to 'but look at how strong it is compared to other places in jumpchain' then I've got to ask you how you can justify any setting more powerful than pokemon.
So? That isn't justification for inter-jump balancing, not when it's only on this level.
What even is this?
What exactly do you mean by "Eh"?
It looks to be a shitpost CYOA made by another anti-Jumpchain buffoon like the God CYOA.
It's my jump!
Click and drag my dear jumper.
This is a new thread stop replying to the troll.
Yeah, saw that. Kinda embarrassed just reading it. It's agonisingly chuuni.
Gotta agree, eh is a great reaction to this.
I did. You're not funny, and this was done two years ago.
>Giving all that at the same time in one package is, it is vastly more than survivong a nuke
You completely missed the point of that post.
Maybe try reading it again before responding?
>it is literally something that if you get it no setting ever will ever be able to stop you unless it has an equal or greater bullshit tier
What is everything from every setting at all for 500?
This is tautology. 'No one will be able to stop you unless they can' can as easily be applied to anything in Pokemon as it can be to Worm.
I'm not going to bother responding to the rest of this post.
Your last use of that tripcode was to whine about scorpions getting nerfed in a 40k thread.
Ok so I guess the joke fell flat.
Eh, it only took a couple hours to throw together anyways. I'll go ahead and mark it as a joke jump when I upload it.
I'll give you points for effort at least.
Why not make your own jump and take it to spacebattles? I'm sure they would love it.
>Just put in "thebestthereis" as a joke trip code
>Turns out someone used that trip code before
>Fucking kek
Thanks for that at least.
20 years of being aware but unable to act in a comatose body? Wouldn't that mean the "Add More filler" drawback is going to leave most jumpers (unless they have seriously stacked willpower or have some specific perks) insane and/or a mental vegetable?
When has a jump every given you something that gives you literally everything you could possibly buy in a jumpall at once?
The 'joke' that you hate jumpchain and are stereotyping everyone here as someone wishing to be omnipotent and all the other nonsense you put in your options?
>Giving all that at the same time in one package
>I think the more important issue is that it's so much more powerful than everything else in Warblade that you'd have to price it at over 3000 CP.
>When has a jump every given you
By the way, notice how no one said anything about it being available for purchase. They're literally just arguing against the sentiment that it's 'chainbreaking', because it isn't, and should be soft-banned.
Probably would have been funnier if this were an actual setting you were riffing on. As it is, it just comes off as a more long-winded God Jump.
Stop biting the bait.
Actually, I've been a part of Jumpchain for a while now. It's basically a generic Mary Sue jump, each of the locations are expies if other settings.
It has something ripped right out of Undertale in its design.
That doesn't matter. If you can't be as strong or pwerful as the most powerful thing in setting then you are just going to die.
>Actually, I've been a part of Jumpchain for a while now.
That doesn't contradict what I said. Our shitposter is here in this very thread whining about a jump to strike out at Red. He doesn't like jumpchain, yet he's been here for years.
Gave me a few grins, not bad.
Finished Overlord v1.1 update pdf here. Let's hear the complaints folks.
I think you're confusing me with another user, I like Jumpchain.
That's bad pun level! Yes! Minimal success!
Why don't you read it again?
I haven't insulted Red once. I haven't insulted, or even said anything even remotely negative about her jumps, even once in this entire argument.
Why are you calling me a shitposter?
Why are you dismissing everything I've said, on the basis that my criticism is towards Red, when I have done everything in my ability to keep the discussion civil?
Then why did you try and insult the userbase with spiteful caricatures?
Cool, changelog at the bottom. Time to read...
Because you're a powerwanker, and you're shitposting about Red. It's obvious you're scativore. You do this every time you're called out on it, fuck off.
That's actually a nice read. Thank you for this.
Fabulous. Many thanks!
To elaborate - Talismongers can make a talisman for any spell they know, correct?
You mean the standard generic Mary Sue caricatures that exist in every fandom?
The trolls are really coming out in force right now.
Do try to ignore them, you shouldn't put much weight in the words of random strangers. Especially on this site.
I'm calling this guy:
The shitposter. You can tell from how he keeps insulting people and telling them to fuck off, and using 'wank' terms.
Oops, yes. I mean to put that in the post. There is a change log at the bottom of the new Overlord v1.1 pdf.
Yeah. Costs time and resources to make talismans. Fanwank away on what that means for your jump, but presumably it takes more time and more resources for more powerful spells. No cheating exp costs either, you need to source those when you use the talismans unless you've got a method to avoid that sort of thing.
Is it just me, or does this just look nicer that the previous version? Like, it feels cleaner for some reason than what I'm used to with jump documents.
Looks great, don't see anything wrong with the update meself.
Separate question though. Can we use Local Hero or Custom NPC to companion an existing character? Or would it be possible to get a canon companion option if not?
This is one of the worst Jumps from a balance standpoint that I've seen, and your changes don't really make it any better or worse for me. No real point in arguing about it, just wanted to get that out there. It's a fucking shame, too, because there's so many cool options, they're just all drowned out by the mandatory 600 CP purchase.
It has a pretty map picture right there at the start. Also some peeps helped me out with the formatting and breaking up some of the walls of text, as well as high-lighting/underlining key text so that people that skim know where to stop and actually start reading again.
The last light in the eternal grim dark
You'll need to fanwank that. Realistically speaking we haven't seen anyone in canon outside of Nazarick that could actually hang at the lvl 100 tier, and there's no way you're convincing anyone from Nazarick to go with you unless you picked up '42nd Supreme Being'.
I have a legitimate if weird question about unified focus; how would increases to my physical strength from increases in my magic power manifest, if my body is something completely different from humanoid, like a spaceship?
Ok, read the log and checked the relevant changes, it all looks good. Other than, you know, setting my wallet on fire. With napalm. And explosives.
I was more thinking of using Local Hero to pick up someone like Gazef or Clementine
Location #3, Captial should be Capital?
Also, if we take Unified Focus as a Mage with lv. 100, I assume that means we're like the drop in except better but without the speed?
It would be cook if there was a +0CP Drawback that bars the Level 100 perk and got rid of any players other than maybe you but scaled everything down to "The Realm of Heroes" being the max power wise.
Actually, can that be a thing? It would make the jump far more survivable and give a lot of people an extra 600 points to spend.
Oh god yes thank you
By the way when are you usually lurking here? I haven't seen you around since you posted the original version.
That would be nice, actually. It's still an objectively wrong choice, given that Level 100 gives you so much more for 600 CP than everything else in the Jump combined, but it'd at least be an option for people who wanted to have fun wrong.
You don't have to buy lvl 100 if you don't want it. Notes section specifically says you can eventually hit level 100 tier even if you don't start with it. It'll just take a long ass time cause you have to research everything and 'break new ground' yourself.
In canon it took Fluder something like 250 years to hit 6th tier spells, and he's still weaker than Narberal Gamma. And he's supposed to be an undisputed magical genius.
Of course with the correct perks I'm sure a jumper could dramatically lower how long it would take them to 'level up', but time and effort are the price one pays for not ponying up 600cp for that sweet sweet level 100 perk.
Fanwank. The intent is that it is based off your actual physical strength, not your thrust-to-weight ratio, but it's mostly up to you how that works exactly. Most jumpers don't exactly have exact strength values after all, especially if they've been to any shonen-style jump that offers charles-atlas style 'get stronger through training' abilities/perks.
Gazef and Clementine aren't really cool enough to be realm of heroes material. Though I guess if you really wanted to recruit them you could just fanwank and say that by jump end their 'totes RoH level.
No. Your physical strength will be pretty exceptional but the rest of your stats will still be garbage by comparison. You wouldn't be a skill-monkey either, so you wouldn't have the same versatility, by miles, as the drop-in either.
Aren't they both explicitly in that level though?
>It'd be cool if there was a free DRAWBACK that made the jump safer by removing most of the danger and changing the canon entirely.
You don't have to buy it, but the Jump gives out immensely more shit if you do than any combination of 600 CP could buy you. Which is why I'm saying the balance is so wretched - 600 CP isn't 600 CP, it's somewhere in the neighborhood of thousands of you buy this one perk.
What about the reverse, if you were a warrior who took Unified Focus? I assume you wouldn't know any spells at all.
The jump is plenty survivable even if you don't take realm or heroes or level one hundred, so long as you're not dumb about things. Friends with the devil only costs 100cp after all, and that basically gives you automatic good relations with Nazarick. And if you're buddy buddy with them then really you don't need much else.
Strictly speaking Level 100 is a perk booster and doesn't really do anything on its own. You need class skills in order for lvl 100 to actually do anything.
Nope. They're both around 30th lvl or so canonically, maybe 31st or 32nd for Clementine. If the Jumper takes RoH then the Jumper will be going in around level 60 or so, aka roughly comparable to Narbaral Gamma or the highest-end Black Scripture dudes. Clementine talked a big game but she was actually something of a scrub as far as the Black Scripture went.
Would you consider making Level 100 discounted for Players? The player option still seems pretty underpowered considering that Locals have the chance to get two 200 cp talents for free as well as the 300 cp realm of heroes perk for free.