Jumpchain CYOA Thread #965: What is a Man? Edition

Don't bring old arguments with you into a new thread.

This is actually incorrect.

In your opinion.

Which has no basis in fact.

No that is called sparking.

It's bound to your vision of reality. It's not technically an item but an expression of your soul.

I think he's confusing intrajump balance (which may or may not be a valid argument, I honestly don't know enough about Warframe to argue either way other than suggesting my Stinglike compromise) with chainbreaking.

Took you long enough, old man.

Complete immunity to everything ever is chainbreaking. It removes any and all risk from any setting ever.


Some NPs don't even have something you can hold; they can be properties of your body like Herakles' God Hand or abstract concepts like "the ability to shove the Earth in your vagina".

You could copy it but it'd be exactly the same. Meaning it disappears with them and they can just de-materialise it if they want. In effect all you'd do is given them an extra copy for themselves.

As for the 8 Trigrams thing...I'd say that it wouldn't, not unless you found a way to make it real and physical, rather then just an extension of a summoned Heroic Spirit. Otherwise it'd just fade away and eventually regenerate back with the HS who owned it. Course, if you do find a way to make it real then yeah, it'd work like any other supernatural item. 8 trigrams is probably one of the better ways to go about it too, given how a lot of NPs just have supernatural effects to them rather then magical (Most NPs can do what they do because of the legend associated with them or generally being made in a specific way, rather then having a specific enchantment spell being cast on them).

Guys...can we talk about my proposal for it to have a caveat like Worm's

>As a special concern for Jumpers, note that magical, conceptual, and other supernatural effects work just fine when it comes to defending against this power, they don’t automatically lolnope it, but unlike everything else they have a chance.

softcap clause? Please?

I mean, from what I understand Warframe is just clarktech giant robutts not magic or conceptual stuff so I think it might be a valid compromise?