Character Thread

>Pic very related

Our Halfling once got stricken with poison, and his response to nurse her back to health was stuff his backpack with pillows and blankets and let her ride in it, snacks and drinks and antitoxin in the side-pockets.

If it's a text only game I'd be more than happy to jump in and pretend to be the player. Though given the response I don't see how that could happen.

Same game, different anons.

>What's the last thing you did with them?
Well, we dealt with a CE dragon that was attacking a small town...and by that, I mean my character was raped by and married to said dragon after a charm spell gone wrong.
>What's next for them in the campaign?
Hopefully we'll be raiding an ancient crypt loaded with undead.
>What's their gear?
What's pictured, and he's working on making a headband of int and an amulet of mighty fists for another party member.
>Do they still write to their mom back home?
I'm pretty sure he's loving the fact that he's been at least a hundred miles from his mother for the last few days.

>Well, we dealt with a CE dragon that was attacking a small town...and by that, I mean my character was raped by and married to said dragon after a charm spell gone wrong.

Please tell me the dragon assumed a humanoid form before doing that, user.

Because dank memes aside, having sex with a giant lizard is disgusting.

My DM left it horrifyingly ambiguous. However, since then it has been in a humanoid form near constantly.

>However, since then it has been in a humanoid form near constantly.

Is it an attractive form, at least?

I think that's the approach I'm going to take, it seems the most fitting for my character. She's supposed to be a tsundere type, and already has trouble talking about her feelings, let alone with something like this. She'll be overwhelmed by an increasing amount of stomach-churning guilt and anxiety. From her perspective I think she would blame herself for this happening in the first place, because she wasn't strong enough to win or fight back.

Perfect, user.
please, have a cute bunny atop another bunny for this.

Looks basically like Onyxia's human form, except her human form is described as being a 'clumsy attempt' at shape-changing. Aka, she's got her horns, tail, and claws instead of hands and feet.

She's blatant waifu bait with how she acts but w/e, I dig it.