Well I told you; made like 4 threads at 100$ before yesterdays spike telling you exactly what would happen and it did...

Well I told you; made like 4 threads at 100$ before yesterdays spike telling you exactly what would happen and it did it faggots. This morning I made a thread say we would see $200 ltc $235. Who want to bet me it'll do what I say today? I bet my right hand, middle 3ed ball, and left foot. Any new faggots that need advice buy any of the top 50 coins on coinmarketcap in a year you'll be happy. Also I was the senpai that told everyone in early 2017 that wanted to put massive amounts of money in BTC should go balls deep with 2\3 that money in ETH and ETH did 6,000% and BTC did 2,000% in 2017 sooo well I'm been gathering LTC and even still buying more RN.....idk do you but I want a rolls Royce and ltc is helping me pay for it.

trying to sell your bags user?

yet you still shit on a street, pajeet.

It was worth $2 not long ago

>only own .15 of a ltc
>can't afford more right now

i say $235. by tonight

that ok you have more than most of the population user sell shit buy more

No I not trying to sell bags in holding for years to come i believe in ltc eth and BTC.. All top 50 coins I buy hold and belive that I will get richer. But I've been telling people ltc was going to spike. Look through the expired threads...

It will correct back down to $150 and stay there for awhile. It always follows bitcoin and is usually 1/10.

Very interesting

Isn't eth suppose to take off? Should I sell my eth for litrcoin? Should I sell half of it? Wtf do I do.

Started with 1500 Nov 10th, holed eth....isnt it eths turn to moon again...feel like Ltc might be done with the bullrun


I'm holding out until I get paid this thursday, but fuck me it'll probably hit 500 by then.

Why tho, can you please explain.

Not if something big happens. Like steam accepting LiteCoin.

You’re fomoing. I’d hold right now and see what happens. As someone holding 19k btc bags, buying ath is dumb.

If i was you i sell all my ETH look its just sitting there?
its like having a bank account get in to LTC now!!!

I sold some BTC at 16,900 and then some eth and been picked up ltc... The day before yesterday I got paid and been buying some more of the top 50 coins and more ltc

I fucking know. And I have faith in eth. I wish I was holding more but it's eth. I have to wait till the 15th before I can invest anymore money

Why? Eth is sitting there ready to charge up to 550.

Bitcoin moon Thursday. Lite coin moon friday. Eth moon Saturday.

ETH is for OLD PEOPLE who scare easy look at it over the past week it is like grandpa looking at the young kids on there dirt bike out back >F< ETH

Just seems kind of dumb to me to buy litrcoin when it's 50%+ in 24hrs.

And you will fomo in at 1000. Wait till they announce Casper brother.

Ya like when bitcoin went way up to $500.???????

Those threads sounded like the most retarded attempt at pumping I've ever seen
Did this fella just get lucky

ya but LTC will be $1500. by then?

>buying ath is dumb
Trying to time the market and waiting for a dip is even dumber. No one knows when the next dip will be or how low it will go. For example: you would have been better off buying at the 13k ath rather than waiting for the 19k-15k dip.

I'm sure if you hodl long enough those 19k bags will be profitable.

Just like the people buying LTC at $50 in 2013 would've had profit by now :^)

no less then 1% of the world know about litecoin and such
and as more see they join the price goes up because there is only so many coins
supply & demand user look you can now but litecoin bit at the Grocery store!!!

I'm watching it live and it was like 170 then dip I buy lul I keep buying all the dips. I promise ltc will go 200-230$ per ltc withen 24 hr. I just keep watching my wallet value grow per Mila sec

I believe we here are going to make millions in a few years
We deserve it!!!

So you think this is the key Here?

Only so many bitcoin in the world so it shot up.

Only so many litrcoin in the world so it will shoot up.

Only so many eth...oh wait....fuck me

Holding since last year, so always up. At this point I don't think anyone here knows.
I continue to hold and reassure myself I would have never sold anyway, that way FOMO doesn't apply.

>Who want to bet me it'll do what I say today?
I get 1 sat
it will stay around 150 all weekend

Look at this chart.

It's been pumped and dumped but left over normies are still HODLing while trying to fuck each other over.

I agree with you. Its hard to go wrong with btc ltc or eth. Just hodl long term and you’ll make money.

I had a dream last night where bitcoin went to 25k, litecoin was sitting at 18k. And eth was 480.

Guess what I'm holding.


Your the faggot that's mad he didn't gather ltc and trying to fool normies in a frenzy to sell at a high price BC they think its a pump and dump. To drive the price to shit and make people sell and laugh as you drstory gains for a while

U better be right

Remember my name //asain lil bit got that asain lil dick// I will for now on post under that name; I told you what would happen in 4 threads at 100$ right before yesterdays spike. Told you $200 ltc $230 ltc within this 24hr! I best my right hand, 3ed middle nut, and left foot.

You look at this chart.
That is a lot of rising chickens.
Highest volume ever and it is solid
Unlike the long thin spikes of the past
Really doesn't look very pump and dumpy

It looks like "s" curve critical mass

Here is another graph that looks very un-pumpy-dumpy

and more like an awakening.

you better be right because I went all in at 160 and would feel like fool selling now

You will make gains; just watch my friend. I tell you.

(((Ethereum))) and BTC are normie currencies, not LTC kike.

It should correct to around 155 before going back up right? currently its extremely overpriced on GDAX

It might dip for a min up and down but within this 24hr from now like tomorrow morning or late tonight will see $200-235 fuck maybe $250 ltc. I bought more at 160 and I've been gathering sense it was hella fucking cheap

You're such a shithead.
All you do is use leverage. So it doesn't matter about the price.

You couldn't be any more retarded could you?

Litecoin is pumping because its the only coin that coinbase sells that isn't slow as fuck right now.

Anybody with their coins on a shit exchange are selling them for LTC, moving them to coinbase, selling THOSE for BTC and then selling the BTC for USD.

Similarly anybody on coinbase who wants to diversify into some alts/shitcoins is selling their BTC to LTC transferring to binance/etc.

As soon as the BTC mempool starts to clear, LTC is going to dump. Screenshot me or stay poor.

What he's saying it seems expensive on GDAX I'm saying don't trip your good to buy in

When is that?

When will the mempool clear? As soon as people stop trying to move all their bitcoins around at the same time.

Currently people are trying to move their coins out of cold storage and onto an exchange to lock in some profit. But there is a traffic jam of transactions, so most of them are stuck.

Anybody who checked the mempool (transaction backlog) before sending would have (rightly) exchanged to LTC before moving.

Thanks brah
I did my research, it made sense, so listened to biz.
46% gainz
Keep it up litebrahs, STRONGHODL
Little cashout at 800, next stop 2000

Hey man i am only justifying its current price
My prediction is it will be around 150 all weekend.
I do think it will be up well beyond that weeks and months from now.
But don't be laying your risk on me.

The mempool is already decreasing, yet LTC keeps going up. Why?

>The mempool is already decreasing, yet LTC keeps going up. Why?

Because it's still 200k transactions... That's still 24+hrs of wait time, or massive fees.

When it's back under 50k, LTC will dump. Watch.

>When it's back under 50k
It will never back to 50k until bcore team increase block sise (so, never)

>It will never back to 50k until bcore team increase block sise (so, never)

How is that bootleg chinese bitcoin working out for you there Jihan?

To think that fucking idiots sold their literal futuristic god money for "somy pongstation" quality chinese knockoffs is both sad and hilarious, but mostly just sad.

Can you pay for something with your cripled bcore money?

Fucking great hows the BTC goin, hope you didn't get more BTC at 16,900 like when I sold some... Got some of the top 50 coins but mostly Ltc and xem. Why you mad you didn't listen when I told you to gather Ltc before its spike yesterday. Well I'm telling you about today's now. So stop being a retard and get some, still good gains to be made today. And its going to keep on going.

>Can you pay for something with your cripled bcore money?

Hurrrr durrrrrrr can't buy mcdonalds with my stock certificates or ACH transfers clearly they are useless durrrrrrrr.

This is what you actually sound like. What is it like to know that you missed out on the most obvious, and easiest 1000x in the history of fucking time?

You fell into Jihan's trap, user. It's okay. Sell all of you bcrash and find christ.

What you will do when your stock transfers rate will exceed 300 000 per day with ANY fee, so even people who don't care about $1500 fee can't transact? Why you think people should use crippled bcore, because you invested heavily in it? Bitcoin was destroyed by external force and you should live with it.

Just sold everything of mine on craigslist now borrowing GFs car, buy all dips with ltc then short at top and buy dip again.