Well I told you; made like 4 threads at 100$ before yesterdays spike telling you exactly what would happen and it did...

Fucking great hows the BTC goin, hope you didn't get more BTC at 16,900 like when I sold some... Got some of the top 50 coins but mostly Ltc and xem. Why you mad you didn't listen when I told you to gather Ltc before its spike yesterday. Well I'm telling you about today's now. So stop being a retard and get some, still good gains to be made today. And its going to keep on going.

>Can you pay for something with your cripled bcore money?

Hurrrr durrrrrrr can't buy mcdonalds with my stock certificates or ACH transfers clearly they are useless durrrrrrrr.

This is what you actually sound like. What is it like to know that you missed out on the most obvious, and easiest 1000x in the history of fucking time?

You fell into Jihan's trap, user. It's okay. Sell all of you bcrash and find christ.

What you will do when your stock transfers rate will exceed 300 000 per day with ANY fee, so even people who don't care about $1500 fee can't transact? Why you think people should use crippled bcore, because you invested heavily in it? Bitcoin was destroyed by external force and you should live with it.

Just sold everything of mine on craigslist now borrowing GFs car, buy all dips with ltc then short at top and buy dip again.