do you think it ended? :)
Do you think it ended? :)
Hasn't even begun.
Strap in boyo, come summer they'll be $1,000 a pop. Coinbase fucked me hard with authentication so I was only able to get 10 before bump, I'm hoping it will crash down to 100 or less again to buy as much as I can. Ether way I'm buying lite till I die.
Hitting 5k eoy 2019
Ew. I see it hitting 200 but 1000 is retard talk.
XMR has the ability to hit 1000. Not LTC.
I don't care if I sound like I'm shilling but anyone lurking this thread should buy while its as low as it is right now. Lurk the IRL financial experts that see crypto as the next evolution of the economy and they all see litecoin as ridiculously undervalued.
Considering its faster transaction time and ease of use its a no brainer that normies will buy litecoin once they see bitcoin is a huge pain in the ass.
Buy while you can user, best of luck to you.
ltc had 37x this year, the moonage has just begun.
>Coinbase fucked me hard with authentication
So what you're saying is you just got into crypto two weeks ago and have absolutely no idea what you're talking about?
What technology does LTC have over BTC other than muh segwit
XMR is literally bitcoin but better. It's the only uncuckable crypto and it has scaling built into its blocksize. As well as printing a small amount of new coins once the cap is reached
XMR will hit 1000 next year guaranteed.
T. Ltc bagholder
MFW No government, bank or any powers that be on the entire face of the planet will ever accept an electronic new age currency that has a sole mission of complete anonymity which means no taxes for them.
MFW Monero and all other anonymous coins are meme and that they will crash harder than any coin out there.
MFW the united states government has already made hiding cryptocurrency a federal crime and there is no way other governments won't follow suit.
MFW you have obviously not had any forethought into the future of crypto and you just go with the memes on this board.
MFW I have no face.
Enjoy being poor faggot.
ltc has segwit adoption, btc has not
ltc is far faster and far cheaper.
like it or not in most of ppl's mind ltc form a pair with bitcoin (the pair bcash would like to represent alone)