I was thinking about posting that one too. I think that more art that shows what factions do in their downtime would be really great. Like showing Stormcast policing Azyrheim, or something like that. Any piece of information that fills in the gaps of the setting would be appreciated.
Age of Sigmar General
Yeah. It's possible to like and enjoy something while also recognizing some aspects could be done better.
is pretty cool
Why is he baiting? You can get way more mini's in combat with square bases, it's a fact.
I dont know if there are any official sizes yet but just look at the Sylvaneth Dryads. They come with 32mm circular bases which makes a huge difference.
Yep, keep up the totally unnecessary unproductive argument. All for them replies, amirite?
Jesus Christ are you guys seriously this easily triggered or do you just want any excuse to shit on people?
The guys making a valid point about square vs round bases, even if he got the measurements wrong. There is a BIG difference between the old squares and new 32mm bases which seem to be the standard for most new release units.
Did I miss something? No really, why is it unnecessary? I'm not even that guy, I just don't understand how anyone can't see the difference. I thought it was generally known and accepted that round bases are the new norm now, or it is at least at my two local clubs.
Forgive me if I missed some great flamewar and the topic is now taboo or something.
Yep, because this won't devolve into a shitty pointless internet argument as it has done in the pass. No siree. This time it will be different. Keep it up. I'm sure you still have more 'trigger' and 'you mad' rebuttals.
The 40k going on right now is more khorne, then blood angels. No signs of tzeentch.
So, can women become Stormcast Eternals?