Age of Sigmar General


Gorechosen edition

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Tzeentch Arcanites release when?

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Anyone seen any good/unique paintjobs for a death army. Was thinking of doing a fire themed one but wanted to know if it had been done before.

This is a nice article that sums up the last year of AoS. This guy has been with AoS since the beginning and is generally a good read.

So this is what the guy who wrote the end to the original WHFB looks like.

Really makes you think...

So, there's a regional AoS tournament here at the start of october, and I wanted to bring a good Skaven verminus list. Then I realized it's going to be full of WAAC players and decided I need an OP list.
So I'm rolling with Skryre.
Problem is, I have to decide whether in the formation use the warpthrower subformation and the warp cannons one, or two warpthrowers.
Any ideas?

Looks like a WHFB fatso
Destroyed the setting for both him and other retards, what a real hero

>need an OP list

1k, 1.5k, 2k list?


Morghast Harbingers or Archai /tg?
Blocking 1/3 mortal wounds is nice, but so is 3d6 charge range.
Looking at weapon profiles, the -2 rend and 3 damage on the Archai seems like it'll be more effective. My mental mathhammer has always been shit tho, so I may be getting tricked by flashy looking numbers. Are 5 attacks at -1 for 2 damage actually more likely to put wounds through due to volume?
Tell me what you use death players.

Vs something with a 6+ save, the Harbingers will average 4.44 wounds, and the Archai average 4 wounds per model.

At 5+, the Harbingers average goes down to 3.7 vs the Archai's 4 wounds.

If you want consistency, rolling more dice give an outcome closer to the average.

Ok thanks man. I figured more attacks has a better chance of doing at least something.

>mfw /aosg/ is kill
>at this point, even shitposting and namefags would be ok.

Is it true that there are several mentions of grot sky pirates?

i have never heard anything about that. but it does sound intriguing. there have been lots of story around the spiderfangs, and the moonclan pretty much is staying in the caves. So I guess it would be the gitmob. I'd collect the shit out of that.

likely though we won't be seeing any new army updates for AoS until spring. Summer of Sigmar seems to be a theme GW wants to stick with. So it's winter of 40k for right now.

First I've heard of it.

Leak image of a high born Aelve of Hysh


I have SOOOO much to paint right now - Carnosaur, half finished Saurus Knights, some DnD minis, all of Silver Tower but I'm constantly thinking of refining my list.


Herald Of Tzeentch (120)

- Staff of Change

Bloodstoker (80)

Bloab Rotspawned (260)

Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount (140)


Burning Chariots Of Tzeentch x 1 (160)

Burning Chariots Of Tzeentch x 1 (160)

Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch x 10 (140)

Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch x 10 (140)

Chaos Gorebeast Chariots x 1 (100)

Chaos Gorebeast Chariots x 1 (100)

Chaos Gorebeast Chariots x 1 (100)

How's this for 1.5k?

In the stronghold forums they said that there were some mentions of them in the Ironjawz painting guide and the Beastclaw books. They might be called Sky Bashas.

Maybe they'll tie in with the supposed dwarf faction focused on flying.

That would be cool. An ancient war that has been going on for centuries in the skies. Dwarf zepplins and flying dreadnoughts vs goblin sky pirates.

Holy shit I have goosebumps.

that would be amazing


I'm afraid it would introduce flyers, then super heavies, then imperial knights ;_;

jeez guys. I thought most of the end times were pretty well written. Even if torpedoing the setting was pretty shitty, I doubt he was the mastermind, just doing a job

Didn't get much of a response in the WIP thread. What color should I make the cracks? I was thinking a nice glow effect would be great.

Can't really go wrong with a magical glow.

Oily black

New to AoS and somewhat to WH as awhole.

Got the start of a Stormcast army and was thinking about getting some dwarf ranged units that would gel with the a e s t h e t i c.

Would I have to use them oldschool squarebase formation style, or could I just build them in that sort of AoS/40k style? And are Thunderers and maybe an Organ gun scratch that itch?

You can, and should, just use rounds, if they don't come with any, buy a bag of 100 or so on ebay

I have no idea why that didn't register as a reply

Really you could do squares or rounds. It doesn't even matter much at this point, even for people who want to stick with measuring base-to-base.

But the trend is moving toward round bases for everyone, so there's that.

And thunderers and organ guns are very good. It's the way I play my stormcast eternals. I have my duardin for ranged support. I like running a unit of irondrakes, and a cannon and organ gun backed up by a cogsmith. It's pretty brutal.

For playing this game, the only book you really need is the general's handbook. It's a great resource and considered an essential among us even if you are not interested in competitive play. Get it.

Are skaven any fun? Trying to decide on my chaos army to round out my groups' path to glory campaign.

Anyone still play silver tower?

Me and my buddies just got together for once in a great while 2 nights ago. All 3 of us live in different cities. We played it that night, only got through the trial of Hysh, it was a ton of fun even if a bit awkward because we were all learning how to play.

But definitely next time we get together we want to continue the campaign and see the story unfold. We're all pretty stoked about it too.

Cool, I just picked it up this weekend and was excited to try it out, then the worry of the game not having much longevity set in

Hey you're that guy from the other thread. Welcome to the general. It's a tad slow right now seeing as nothing but 40k releases for a while but not entirely dead.

We didn't realize it at first, but the game is intended to be played as a campaign over 8 trials, or 8 delvings into the silver tower, each time the tower takes on a theme of one of the mortal realms. The adventure book is referenced to changing things up and a guide to the long running story. As we figured the gaunt summoner needs the heroes for something, but we arent sure what yet. To perhaps find archaon's next champion, or a key to freeing himself. It's exciting.

Those of you who have played through, please no spoilers.

Quick question, does anyone know any good places to play AoS in the SF bay area?

It's slow because there hasnt been any new aos releases or news for a while. It will pick up again when a release happens, likely not until the spring, with the whole Summer of Sigmar theme GW has going on. Expect a few more months at least of 40k.

There hasn't been shit announced in months. After a year of non-stop AoS, it's to be expected. Don't fret, we'll get more stuff before the holidays.

Sorry friendo I'm in Portland and don't know for sure, just that it is all but dead in that area from what I have heard. Have you tried a GW or is it too far/ full of faggots?

Where is frontline gaming in california? Because I know the game has really started to pick up there.

Too far, sadly.

>playing against Nurgle Rotbringers
>a unit of 5 Blightkings charges my crypt horrors
>he rolls a Yahtzee with 6's with all his models on the hit roll

What is the best load out for Stormcast Liberators?

Shields/Hammers or Dual Hammers?

I have a block of 10 from the 2 player box so they have shields. I noticed in my last game that rerolling ones rarely made a difference when I was usually rolling on a 5+ save due to rend.

Thoughts or suggestions?

Shields and one weapon, giving the prime a grandweapon, don't matter which ones. but dual wielding liberators are a trap. They are mediocre damage output with dual wield, and generally you want them to be a little tougher because others in your army do the damage better. Their role is tarpitting and roadstopping melee units.

Thanks user.

I just don't really feel like the reroll to 1s does a whole lot but your reasoning makes sense so I'll do that. If I'm correct the hammers and grand hammers are better than the swords against high wound models.

Some dude tried, gave up and made the green/black malignants

yeah reroll 1s on saves makes them a little tougher, but since you need to take them because theyre battleline, they are your only real tanking option in your army, and making them quasi-killy by giving them 2 weapons doesnt do it any justice, as pretty much everything else in the army does a better job at killing then they ever would.

It's ok to give the prime a great weapon because the shield bonus applies to the unit as a whole, so it doesnt hurt to make one in the unit killy for a little bonus.

I am sorry and wish I could be more helpful

Skaven are fun, lots of options.
You can build every type of list, which is great.

Hoards of models? Verminus
Strong elite units? Moulder/Skryre
Loads of mortal wounds? Skryre.
Glass cannon? Pestilent.

Super fun, love the esthetics personally, but some people hate the cheese lists they have. Rats like cheese though.

Archwarlock - 140

Warlock engineer - 100
Lightning cannon - 180
Lightning cannon - 180

Warlock engineer - 100
Warpgrinder - 100
Warpfire thrower - 60
Warpfire thrower - 60
Stormfiends with warpfire throwers(battleline) - 300

Skryre Acolytes - 60
Clan Skryre battalion - 200
Total - 1480

Cheesy as it gets. I stopped running it locally because it makes other players mad.

Can you achieve major victory in pitched battle? Your army is powerful but low models count.

Oh man, I wish I had that luck with my rotbringers. I do love the new Chaos Allegiance, upping the To Hit on a 5 up is magnificent for these guys.

What about blood themed ghosts?

If you plan to summon them, take Harbingers, as their 3D6" charge makes charging straight after being summoned pretty likely.
If you want to start them on the board, take Archai, because not only is the mortal wound save great, but lots of models HATE Rend -2 damage 3 attacks.

I started trying to do fire themed Nighthaunts but fuck its hard to get the blending right, I gave up and went traditional in the end. I will come back and have another go in the future but yeah fire theme would be sick if you can pull it off

Sadly, I have no acolytes.
I did the same but without one of the cannons and the second warpflame thrower, put in another unit of stormfiends.

currently tossing up between fyreslayers and stormcast
which one is the more fun?
even better tho, is there a good way to ally them to complement each other?

What is a good list for Orruk Ironjaws for 2k?

>fyreslayers and stormcast

Stormcast always, fyreslayer is kinda sidekick tier, can't go alone.

Dear God, new releases when

Ironjawz have a pretty limited model range so most lists tend to get a bit samey. Check on The Grand Alliance forums though. They've got a thread on competitive Ironjawz.

Most I see are Megaboss on foot as general, Megaboss on Krusha for when every last motherfucker in the room absolutely has to die, 'Ardboyz for holding objectives, Brutes for killing more stuff, and a sprinkling of Warchanters to taste.

It's pretty accepted that the goregruntas and the shaman are the two weakest units in the battletome. But I'm still planning on running them because they are the best looking models IMO and in general I don't think the margins of effectiveness are that large. I'm slowlybuilding towards a gorefist.

How competitive are wood elves? I have some archers, horse rider dudes, dryads, hawk riders and mages.

I'd rather not be steam rolled but I'm not looking to invest too much into the game money wise.

user i wish you'd stuck with this theme, it looked great.

Can someone explain to me how points costs work please?

It says a unit of 10-30 cost 120 points. Does that mean I get 30 models for 120 points or that I get 10 models for 120 points and can take it 3 times in the same unit?

10 models for 120 points, 20 for 240 and 30 for 360 points.

How are your dudes in AoS? Who are they? What have they done, what alliance are they in? Do they have a holding, or are they on the move, etc..

Every thread, like clockwork.

I wonder if more AoS players came from 40k than from WHFB. In my mind AoS fixes some of the biggest problems with 40k.
1. General's Handbook added points for battalions/ formations.
2. Monsters lose effectiveness as they take wounds.
3. All armies were given points values at the same time, which limits power creep to an extent.
4. Alternating deployment and turn order mean a games outcome will not be decided in deployment any more.

How the hell do I combat a cannon and handgunner heavy army with beastmen?!

I'm working on some desert raider kind of bloodbound, but haven't fleshed them out very much.
My main army is Slaanesh daemons. They're on the move, looking for their lost god. I'm working on a keeper of secrets right now who I've named Nu'renixael the Beguiler. It lost an arm in a fight with a mighty daemon of khorne, but slew the other daemon and took his sword. Now it wanders the realms, army in tow, looking for Slaanesh and killing servants of Khorne with the sword as an insult.
not sure if it's too edgy donut steel but I needed a reason for the model to have a huge jagged sword and a hook/blade hand
Obviously I'm setting up my two armies to fight each other.

I have some stuff for my beastmen if anyone's interested? I even got a map of the area they reside in if anyone wants to see that

Is the Trebuchet the best Artillery unit in the game?

Go for it man. I'm always interested in other people's armies

>best Artillery

Thundertusk and Bastiladon are really good too.

The game has a lot of longevity. There are nine different trials, and with the amount of different characters, all who play differently, there's definitely a lot of stuff to do.

Some terrains...

...I worked when no release.

>To find Archaon's next mortal champion
Read Allgates and Godbeasts, the actual purpose of the Silver Tower's are mention there. They're both in the pastebin.

Where'd you get these? And how big are they?

Add to that list
5. Formations cost points, which makes their bonuses not a no brainer and something you need to actually think about taking

Seriously, 40k would be improved tremendously if formations had points values

Bring more beastmen? Hope your opponent flubs most of his rolls next game? Unfortunately the brayherds suffer a lot in this game. We can only hope they get better when they get an update.

That's literally number 1 on that list.

By Polandball, search dargo000 on eBay.

>Is the Trebuchet the best Artillery unit in the game?

No, the Dark elf Reaper Bolt Thrower is almost half the point cost and averages more wounds but with -1 rend.

Without the Field Trebuchet's auto hit, the Reaper Bolt thrower averages more than double the Field Tebuchet's wounds.

I don't even think that would be a bad inspiration to take for nu elves

I don't understand the hate it gets outside the threads, do Fantasy fans want the game dead all together instead of moved on? Why do they blame people who like AoS for the death of their game when most are just Fantasy fans who got over it or new players fresh to all of this?

It is the result of people being to cheap to buy a book they will get a lot of use of, so they just find the points online.

Or it's people who have old collections and want to see how they function in AoS and how much monies they have to spend.

I pirated the books, I'm browsing the models and what they do rather than reading a 300 page rule book for a game I don't know if I care to invest in yet.

It's not about being cheap or lazy, it's getting a feel for what's going on.

Alright, I'll post the map and some genral info about the area and by beastmen herd

>The Ash Woodlands
The Ash woodlands is a region inside the real of beasts where magical fire set a vast forest region ablaze. It was said that it happend many eons ago when a battle between daemons of Tzeench and Stormcast Eternats fought tooth and nail. Now even if it has been many years since the battle the forest is still dead and refuses to grow.

>The Bloodhorn Herd
The Bloodhorn herd is a fairly large breyherd that is ruled by the beastlord "Kraagarr Twinblade" and the bray Shaman "Gorax Spirithorn" together they have taken residence in a ruined and forgotten keep deep inside the Ash Woodlands. They both rule over many Gors, Bestigors and Ungors. But they have also a chaos Gargant working for them and a Cygor that Gorax has under his spell. Together they wreck havoc and mayhem to the surrounding Freeguild holdings.

Feel free to ask questions about the stuff on the map and I can tell you about them, ask about my herd as well if you have any questions.

Some people just hate change. Any change. I've seen WFB diehards argue that making the rules freely available is a bad thing and that having to buy rulebooks + supplements + armybooks was better. You just can't win with those people.

Thats not to say all criticism of AoS is invalid. The intial launch of AoS & the whole End Times left much to be desired on many fronts, and there is a dramatic shift both in tone and in rules from the WFB of old which understandably isn't for everyone.

I don't know that people blame AoS fans (some probably do), but there's a lot of shit that (justifable) fling at GW for the way they handled things.

And its interesting but I notice some AoSers can't empathize at all with the feelings of WHFB fans. Just say oh they are trolls, shitters, etc. They don't stop and think some of these people have had fantasy as part of their entire lives and they just say, 'oh get over it'. I think a lot of AoSers would react the same way if the game went under and its barely over a year old.

I get that, I do hate that the sudden change feels like a middle finger to a lot of the effort time and money spent on their armies, particularly those that got the axe, I still miss Tomb Kings, at least the Brets got to keep their rule set

you might be right, its hard to think of it from that perspective because at least from what I've seen Fantasy fans have been hostile as a default state making it feel impossible to discuss with them or even in their presence

I get the embitterment with the death of the old world, because it was genuinely cool, and will be missed. This is from a guy who actually likes the new fluff and setting. But others don't like the tonal shift, and have some hope in the back of their heads that if they can possibly destroy this game, by making it toxic for new players and lead to the death of AoS, then GW would bring back the old world and do 9th edition.

Also you have idiots who genuinely believe that you are the cancer of miniature wargaming if you like what they perceive as utter garbage.

So I get some of the anger and feeling of betrayal, but I do not get the sheer animosity and bitterness.

The thing I like the most about AoS is that you aren't tied down to anything when making your army/dudes. If I want a group of Orks working together with a rabble of skeletons then sure, nothing is really stopping me. I know there are some limitations but there are fewer thain in WHFB

My strormcast eternals are a strike force of veterans chosen by sigmar for their acts at the start of the realmgate wars. Each has served in the most fearsome battles within the Brimstone Peninsula and have struck down Khorne's barbarians at every turn. Yet to be reforged these hardened warriors bear the marks of ceaseless war in a realm of fire; their once gleaming armor has faded to a dull bronze, rivers of blood having obscured it's shine. Soot has claimed their heraldry and manye of the sacred scripts they carry have been burned away. They wear this battered armor as the colors of their stormhost, no matter what shade of gold or blue they bore before, now they are the hands of Sigmar, united in bloodshed for all eternity.

I have them this backstory because in the games I've played, my units have an uncanny ability to survive against all odds. One on one I've lost units of liberators to unbuffed reavers, or lord celestant on dracoth to a khorgorath. But when the line between valiant victory and crushing defeat begins to blur each eternal fights with an incredible fervor. I plan on exalting a unit of liberators as Sigmar's honor guard for their performance in the last battle. 5 liberators held off wrathmongers, blood warriors a khorgorath and khorgus khuul (?) For three turns until reinforcements arrived.

Being a bit of a devil's advocate here, it kind of reminds me of the backlash when Disney said all the old starwars novels weren't canon anymore.
Its like, yeah its kind of shitty if you invested years into reading these books, but its not like they told you that you can't read those books anymore.
If you want Dash Rendar to still exist in your mind, then still does.
If you want Storm of Chaos to have happened, then it happened. You can still play WFB, no one is stopping you.