Veeky Forums
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Games #493
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Season 5 Sign Ups Begin!
Can your character fly?
Okay, completely hypothetical situation here...
MTG 9/26 Banned/Restricted list predictions?
Sup Veeky Forums I'm playing a Pathfinder game at my lgs and I'm having some problems...
More than any other class, monks seem to be the one avoided because they are so tied to Eastern culture...
My GM wants to run a Lamantation of the Flame Princess game on Roll20 yet currently we have only me and another person...
How do you stat autism?
I don't want you to play X, but I don't want to say no...
Character Art Thread
/5eg/ D&D 5e General
Warhammer Fantasy Battle General Thread
Why are Dwarves and Elves always at odds?
Worst trading experiences thread
/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General
Space Marine VS Warjack
Rare Models Thread
Pathfinder General /pfg/
5e gp/usd exchange rate
What's the equivalent of HIV or AIDS in fantasy settings?
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
WIP- Painting/sculpting/converting General
Age of Sigmar General
The BBEG has won, the party has lost
Concealed Calendar of Fate
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
The minotaurs are the most badass of the cursed founding chapters
"Master...Why do we fight?"
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1090: Simultaneos Godsmack Edition
Cheesecake Thread?
Which Warhammer Chaos God would run the best D&D campaign?
How does it feel like knowing Chaos will win again Imperiacucks?
What should someone who is new to magic the gathering know?
My character died yesterday
No filename Thread?
First time playing DnD 5e. Could you guys give me rate/give advice on my tiefling bard?
40k Kill Team/HoR
How do you make a bro-tier queen?
MTG Modern General
Decide to start up a GURPS cyberpunk game for my current group
Start playing new Pathfinder game
Warhammer 40k General
Theros Block done right
Retro fantasy art
Imperium is liked only by BITCHES and WHORES
/anrg/ - Android Netrunner General
Warmachine/Hordes General Thread
So, what's Veeky Forums's general consensus on Kaladesh as a whole? Does it look fun in limited...
Asian Mythology Themed DnD 5th Edition
How do dwarven women look like?
Abyssal Thread resurfaces
CYOA General; Still waiting addition
Fa/tg/uy Food
Create an inquisitor thread
ITT: Share with me good adventure modules for D&D, Pathfinder, and other fantasy settings...
/5eg/ D&D 5e General
Pokemon RPG brainstorming
WotC Gets rid of Regeneration as a mechanic
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
PermaDM Gets To Be Player Storytime #2: PRAISE THE SUN Edition
Post real-life PCs
Posting the new art from the new "Angel's Blade" campaign narrative book
Tyranids will eat and shit out the Imperium
Front Mission
Is there a game that treats black humans differently from white humans?
Off topic a big maybe but I hate the normie fanbase of 40k...
Fantasy books
Veeky Forums, what's a good system for a western themed mech game? Why is it good?
What's a good concept for an evil-aligned 'Heaven'?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1089: Blessed Are the Jumpmakers Edition
Elf thread 'cause why not?
Requesting Sorcerer Art
/STG/ Star Trek General
/btg/ Battletech General: Unseen Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Females, D&D and ERP
Game Finder -Getting Negative Edition
Yugioh thread
Might have already been churned over but did anybody see this piece on Vice about 3d printing and Wargaming (sp...
Play three random songs from your playlist
A Wound System and the Mechanics of it
/5eg/ D&D 5e General
/swg/: Closing Time Edition
Is there a good, generic fantasy that uses MP instea of vanancian casting? Veeky Forums says there is...
Mysteries in Lighthouses
How would you convince a low to mid-level demon/devil to switch sides and fight for justice and goodness assuming it's...
Doing amazons intelligently
Armies acting like they do in the lore
Warhammer 40k General Thread
There Kitten, you finally have your own GW official miniature on the way; is it everything you dreamed of?
EDH/Commander General
How do you pull off a normal human being able to compete with crazy transhumans?
How different from humans are the nutrients and vitamins that elves, kitsune, fairies, demons, devils, yugoloths, etc...
In the future of space...
Invert the Stereotype
Risk 3000 BC
Inb4 beholders
How strongs are Nobs lore wise? Can they 1v1 a marine?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Burning at Prospero boxes game!
Character Art Thread
Timeline establishment edition
Song of Swords:Finnish anthropophobic development tactics edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Has anyone on Veeky Forums actually used the tarrasque in one of their campaigns, or played in a campaign that did...
Western esoteric traditions
My character dresses up for the fancy ball!
I want to run a campaign following the adventures of an idol group...
Mtg Spoilers for Kaladesh, 3
Is there any way to include a yandere style character in a campaign, without going magical realm?
Witch hunter
Filename Thread
So how can a modern society handle Terraria style evil biomes like the Corruption or Crimson...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1088: Most Powerful Overlord Ever Edition
Could a Grey Knight turn renegade?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Your party is getting ready to start their adventure. You're all level 1, with nothing but the clothes on your backs...
Quickly! You're the GM, and you established that an alien race has extremely good hearing and hates loud noises...
Veeky Forums, speak to me!
Infinity the Game General: Where is Red Veil FFS Edition
Imperial Guard regiment creation thread
A gelatinous cube has blocked your path and the only item you have to fight it is the item directly to your right (if a...
I've heard people claim 2e is the best D&D ever was. Why? Looking at it, it looks like an imbalanced clusterfuck...
Help me come up with useless magical devices that a group of drunken wizard fratboys might create
Spears are a primal weapon. It makes sense that barbarians would prefer to use spears
/5eg/ D&D 5e General
MTG Standard General: Full Spoiler Edition
MtG Spoilers for Kaladesh Part 2
Hiro says the users should have discussions on our boards about the way they're moderated
Will there ever be another Veeky Forums-related video game on par with BG2?
Think of numerous NPCs with complex backstories and motivations, all of them heavily interwoven with the plot
Gimme your unusual paladins, Veeky Forums
/srg/ Shadowrun General - Nice Threads, Omae
Showing gf 40K
The party has to pull out the last resort
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
A tank built by hand by medieval blacksmiths
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General
MtG Spoilers for Kaladesh
Tell me about the fictional religions you've created, Veeky Forums
I'm trying to come up with some new schools of magic
CYOA General
Your party gets sent by the king to cut down a wandering giant
Warhammer 40k General
Hi nerds
Whenever Veeky Forums mentions MAID, it's usually as the punchline to a joke. So is MAID actually a good/fun system...
World building question
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
Prison GMing
Veeky Forums discussion thread
Caw Caw Edition
What did they mean by this?
Stat her
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General
GW are coming full circle and a lot of these new plastic kits are basically monopose with little room for conversion...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How do I justify RPGs as a hobby? I do enjoy them as a source of escapism...
How do play an actual punk (Gothic, Steam, Cyber, whatever) without just coming off as an obnoxious twat?
MTG Legacy Thread - No Lands Scoop Edition
The BBEG transforms out of his monstrous form and falls over crying and begging for mercy in the body of a young girl
Artifact Creation: Holy Sword (Help!)
Hiro said to make a thread here so that's what I'm going to do. Discuss how we can better Veeky Forums
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1087: Changing of the Guard Edition
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
Anyone else here remember this game?
/5eg/ D&D 5e General: Classic Art Edition
Your party suddenly comes into the possession of a wild young half-orc boy
Veeky Forums discussion thread
How do you view souls in your setting?
One of my players is going to have to deliver a baby in game sometime in the future...
Characters you've always wanted to play
MtG Spoilers for Kaladesh
BBEG has incapacitated/killed your teammates and all you have is 1hp. What music do you play?
I see Night Shift threads on /x/ more than on Veeky Forums these days. What became of it? And, out of curiosity...
MTG Modern General
Is "the kind of evil that doesn't even realize it's evil" inherently worse/more dangerous than the kind of evil that...
Warhammer 40k general
What would happen if the Fallout United States post war was dropped in tamriel?
How would you set Sci-Fi and Fantasy as opposing factions without devolving into Avatar?
/exg/ - Exalted General
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Why isn't there an Eternal Crusade thread??
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
Lets have some fun Veeky Forums
Strange jet thread
ITT: Mythos tome ideas
Character Art Thread
Veeky Forums!
Since Satyrs are just male Nymphs, do you give them the same racial bonuses in your games?
What kind of quests would you run in a Fallout setting centered around the Mojave Wasteland, Veeky Forums?
Solo Gamers General - /solog/
/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General
What are some good locations/adventure ideas for a Wild West setting with some supernatural shit?
All of the males in the kingdom die except for a tiny percent at random, such that the male-female ratio is now 1-300...
The king has an ancient sword said to have been taken up by the kingdom's semi-divine founder
Unironically having "KILL" written on your armor
Orcish Conquest
EDH/Commander General
/hey Veeky Forums, how would you guys fix this sorry excuse for a card game?
Generally speaking, what are some good all around tips for GMs to get players emotionally invested in NPCs. As a GM...
Rage Thread
Skaven Origins
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Cultist Edition
The player creates a white male human fighter
/pfg/ - Pathfinder General
Location art thread
MtG Kaladesh Spoiler Discussion
Custom Army Thread
Oi Veeky Forums
Stargate 1888
Why don't you make it?
Jonah Orion in DoW3
"Hey GM, may I please play a big-tittied foxgirl sorcerer in your game?"
/L5RG/ - Legend Of The Five Rings General
What is the best table top rpg for a beginner?
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
The elf in the party slowly moves towards you and asks while staring at the ground:
MtG Snowflakes, Shitflakes, Lore, Waifushit and OC Bickering
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1086: Why Would God Need a Starship? Edition
GM help: Player picked smoking as addiction (and addiction as a whole in games)
Have you ever used a religion based on Christianity in your games? What did you change...
Warhammer 40k General
Making a game based on KEWL POWARZ instead of interesting characters
Mutants and Masterminds thread?
Play three songs at random from your list
Alright Veeky Forums lets have a discussion about time and scale. Pick on of the following...
Mfw I open this piece of shit as my rare
The Drow princess has 100 fist-sized spiders enclosed in her holes
Mom in the room
The king and queen had to send their very young firstborn to be raised by the royal family of their rival kingdom
Game Finder
even the BBEG fears this character
Have you ever used a Guise of the Thespian in a game? Or is it just a Veeky Forums meme?
What would a fantasy setting based on Australian Aboriginal mythology, culture and society look like...
Mega-structure and massive engineering/architecture thread
At a barbecue with friends and hot, nerdy girls
/awg/ - Alternative Wargames General
All of the people of the kingdom wake up to find they're 8'11" and no one knows why
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
/gurpsgen/ GURPS general
So when did you first hear about HIM, tg?
Heavy Gear General: Better quality Mechs
/swg/ - Stealth Operations Edition
Android: Legend of the Five Yugimon: The Gatheringstone
Hitpoint alternatives
Have you ever played a magical girl game?
Favorite Veeky Forums Greentexts thread
What are horrible cards to deal with?
Board Game General - /bgg/
This is how I bard
CYOA General: Ded edition
Warhammer 40k
What is the best race?
PDF Share #37
Imperial Guard Sex Life
MtG Kaladesh Spoiler Discussion
What the fuck is his problem?
Tavern Food
Rolling mechanics you thought of, or just really like and wish were used more
Are humans carbon elementals?
The Master of Mankind is coming
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1085: Bottled Time Edition
My DM is a dick advice?
/wmh/ Warmachine and Hordes General - The Wait to Theme Lists Continues
New to Warhammer
So Veeky Forums how would you DM a Magic: the Gathering ttrpg campaign?
Want have a not- Sacred Band warriors in setting
Rules, Regulations and Moderation For Veeky Forums
Do you play as the same character over and over again?
Warhammer 40k General
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
Roll under or Roll over, which one is better?
Longswords and Backscabbards
EDH/Commander General
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
How the fuck did some Chinese guy whose been dead for millennia manage to make something that's still relevant to...
Risk 2
Was I being a dick DM?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Cultist Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General
Hey there!
The party learns that the rebellion has valid economic and cultural concerns regarding their conquerors...
How does your Paladin do it Veeky Forums?
Traveller General
What is the alignment of spurdo? Or gondola?
No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away...
What would an aasimar look like if hey were descended from something like this?
Picture-Backstory game
Is there a booru equivalent for western comics...
Religion in Scifi Games
What warhammer & warhammer 40k stories would you turn into movies?
The party finds a magic floral crown
MtG Spoilers for Kaladesh
No UR artifacts matter legend in Kaladesh, possible it won't happen in Aether Revolt either
Warhammer 40k General
Let's talk about gameplay and story segregation. Not just Yugioh...
Our dice are not actually fair [Math]
Your party's quest is simple, Veeky Forums. All you have to do is get the fairies out of the tree
Age of Sigmar General
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - The Work of an Enemy 「 E D I T I O N 」
Do you prefer your combat systems to have high or low amounts of situational bonuses?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Atheist irl
Character Art
MTG Modern General
MtG Spoilers
Fucking beardlets, when will they learn?
This is what Veeky Forums has become
Which obscure cultures do you wish got more representation from the world of tabletop gaming (either directly or...
What system would best work for Raildex?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
CYOA General
Are cops the modern equivalent of Paladins?
Did Wizards do a good job with 5e?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1084: Look Upon My Edition, Ye Mighty, And Despair
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
Axe or Sword
Mook thread
What class is King Arthur
Discord ran by brazilian and general Veeky Forums imagine dump thread enjoy
Evil aligned campaigns
Whats everyone favorite 40k artwork? 40k art thread
Peasant Adventure
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
/btg/ Battletech General: Light 'Mech Edition
LE antagonists can be morally complex, because despite the tyranny and destruction needed to get there...
I need ideas for some low level content for a Kung Fu hero story. Specifically...
What system of leveling/progression do you enjoy the most and which do you hate?
Campaigns that you miss
Any system where combat isn't like this:
Vampires in big houses? Y/N
Warhammer 40k General
Fluff reason why witches are green
Some random scout is just as good at stealth as a fucking panther
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Imperium Asunder
The setting: The Night Land +Attack on Titan +A Song of Ice and Fire (just the Wall parts) +Lord of the Rings +John...
Paladin forced to work with lich?
Stat yourself tg
MtG Kaladesh Spoiler Discussion
What are some of the dumbest hijinks your party has been involved in, Veeky Forums?
This is not ok
Can you own arms and armor if you've taken a vow of poverty?
USA Risk
What is the most traditional game?
Can we talk about the really problematic cultural appropriation going on in Kamigawa?
3000 BC Risk
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
What do you do if your players get captured anons...
Veeky Forums makes a setting
What does Veeky Forums listen to while making their lore?
Question for you MTG faggots. Say I have Brisela on the field un-tapped...
Why was the game design thread deleted? Are we getting a separate board for game design threads?
Miniature Wars V2
What did 4e do right?
The Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Infinity the Game General: Cheesecake Edition
What's it like to kill a Space Marine?
Risk: Imperium Edition
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1083: The Power of Self Respect Edition
Kaladesh General - Constructed Edition
the BBEG is the British Empire
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
Who do you main?
Tales from Veeky Forums #2
That Guy Thread for Sept 2K16
I know of Mage: The Awakening and of Unknown Armies...
Fantasy Desert Art Thread
MTG LEGACY THREAD - Don't Buy Boxes of Kaladesh Edition
How do you deal with players being overactive in their theories about your campaign?
EDH/Commander General
Heavy Gear General: GREL is not amused edition
D&D 4e General
The PCs enter a tavern, an inn, another social gathering place or even just a city
How do I make money of RPGs /tg?
40k general
MtG Kaladesh Spoiler Discussion
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Shit players say
Are..are they talking about us?
Warhammer 40.000 general
/awg/ - Alternative Wargames General
1920+ General
ITT: GMs bitch about stupid double standards players have
Ok Veeky Forums redpill me on pic related
Inquisitorial Penal Regiment Veeky Forums: Inquisitorial Jailhouse Blues Edition
Why is he so popular?
Veeky Forums comic storytime - Percevan
What's your favorite race/class combo for being a proud warrior race guy in D&D?
/gbg/ - Godbound General
CYOA General
Welcome to The Salty Spitoon. How tough are ya?
MTG masterpieces
Malifaux: Short Guys With Giant Cocks Edition
The new book in the Beast Arise series have been out for a while. I cannot believe nobody posted about it already
Setting slang and language
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Should Perception be a mental stat or a physical stat? Why or why not?
My main computer died for good, and my collection of pictures died with it
I was raped in my last session. The other players removed by clothes and started to rape me. I feel terrible right now...
If I want two dicks should I worship Tzeentch or Slaanesh?
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
Is it bad to set parameters for your players' characters?
Undead Character Help
When's GW going to start selling more models for IG that aren't just Cadian dudes?
/swg/ - 'Disney Presents: The Force Awakens' Edition
Predictions for this month's MTG B/R announcement?
ITT: Types of characters you should never play
A super jealous, clingy, and excessively doting beholder has decided to make you her 'snuggle bug' and keep you
Ramesh and Kumar Go To The Inventor's Fair
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1082 : Bucket List Edition
Let's fix Dragonborn! D&D's most complained-about race!
Find a flaw
Why are females in fantasy pretty much the same just with different skin and horns? And why they always the same?
It's the fifth Dwarven settlement that dug too greedily and too deep
Why the fuck are models so expensive?
Kaladesh Spoiler Thread
Magic exists. Are stage magicians out of a job?
How do you deal with your players being somewhat dumb when you are the GM?
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Zombie Strut Edition
Game Finder
What's the optimal number of skills for an RPG?
What classes are essential? What classes are often not available that you wish were...
Games like dnd that arent d20 or that are faster...
What's the Final Fantasy d6 tabletop system like?
Solo Thread
How do you do an ancap character Veeky Forums?
What sort of things would you find in the post-apocalyptic New York subway?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Warhammer 40,000 general
Anyone got any images of post apocalyptic armor?
Accidental Magical Girl CYOA General: Righteous Edition
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Game mechanism: Take That
Who will win the Inventor's Fair guys?
EDH/Commander General
So, which one do I open first?
Races art thread
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Unboxing thread
Okay, Veeky Forums, I'm having some trouble with something
7th Sea: The Reboot
What do you watch as you paint/build? I've burned out on the stuff I used to watch and all I have left is Doctor Faust
What's the most tacticool Chaos warband?
How do you like your Old Ones? Are they the Old Gods, powerful demons, cosmic horrors? All three?
MTG Modern General
My players are very much the "hit things until they die" type of players, how do I get them to be more creative...
So I think one of the fun things about tabletop is some of the absurd shit that ends up happening organically
Are guns dishonorabru in a fantasy setting?
/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General
Could a pre-renaissance blacksmith make a modern cavalry sabre if you gave him detailed instructions?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Simple adventurers art
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Sup. A GM asking a question here. Alternatively, this is a general GM help--thread
/epg/ - Eclipse Phase General
/exg/ - Exalted General
Occult Cold War/Nazi Magic Science
More Kaladesh spoilers yet
ACE Universal Mecha Roleplaying System
Warhammer Fantasy General
So I have a guy who wants play a Cleric of the christian god, in 3.5 D&D
/STG/ Star trek general
/ccg/ - Custom Card General
Any tips for when a player doesn't show up last minute...
Atheist irl
fighter is a simplistic, low-intelligence, high-strength class
What's your favourite way making Paladins fall...
Masterpieces: Kaladesh Inventions to follow the retconned Masterpieces: Zendikar Expeditions...
People cannot play paladins correctly
How do you write/roleplay someone who is insane? When I say insanity...
Why do Western tcgs have such toned down art. Art from Vangaurd and Duel masters is fucking insane
Your move
RP confessions thread:
Warhammer 40k General
Inquisitorial Penal Regiment Veeky Forums: Resident Nurgle: 2 Edition
Miniature wars
How does Veeky Forums like its beast races?
Dwarfs and magic
Every member of your favourite 40k faction gets the same random superpower from here
/gurpsgen/ GURPS general
Who's the bigger asshole?
Me: "Are there any kinds of adventures this game will focus on? Wilderness exploration, urban intrigue...
Cyoa thread
MTG Kaladesh Spoiler Thread
Make Warriors Great Ag-ahem, For Once!
Hey Veeky Forums, tell me about your custom chapters. Tell me anything, tell me everything, tell me only like 2 things...
Why are weaboo's the most immature and problematic players?
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General
Angels and their ilk
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1081: Communicating Via Interpretive Dance Edition
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
I've created my own chapter and written a book worth of collective lore and information on it
So Nissa is the third Walker in first set
GM: You enter the ruined village. Everywhere you see signs of depravity and mad cruelty...
Chess General
How do we subvert the barmaid trope?
I'm curious, Veeky Forums...
How important is loyalty?
Fantasy Races
Comic time?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
EDH/Commander General
Is Reinhardt a fighter?
Getting really into a fantasy world
Hey Veeky Forums, I've got a thought experiment for you today
One thing that I've noticed is that girls are much more into fantasy than sci-fi
GM Tips, Tricks, Hints and Advice
I'll be back 7 years ago
Warhammer 40k General
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games