>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
Game Finder
Other urls found in this thread:
Pathfinder, all good 3pp open, level 12
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Weekends EST
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
Kinda lewd Planescape game with lots of cute monster girls and kemonomimi, inspired by another game from Veeky Forums
Stars Without Number
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Wed 7 GMT, though this can be changed depending
>Voice or Text
Voice, Skype or Discord
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
Despite being Star Without Number, it will be set in the Star Wars Universe. Will be my first time DMing SWN, also the group is cancerous and will constantly be quoting Star Wars.
Player/GM means you are one of those, not that you're looking for them...
Ah sorry, first time posting in one of these.
Discord Tag isn't working
Dungeons the fucking Dragoning
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Sundays 12:00 GMT, 3 to 5 hour long sessions
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 for rolls, sheets and occasional map, Discord for voice, skype from OOC shitposting
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
Looking for someone to take up a mage and occasional lore-fucker slot. Space opera with magic. If you have no idea what D:tD is direct yourself here:
Ok, let's try this again.
Disclaimer: apparently some people are suffering from severe P&PTSD but let me assure you, we're not going to gang up on the GM or bitch because someone got kicked for behaving like a dick (or other applicable genitalia). We do a lot of pc gaming together but not everyone gels with every game which is fine. We also understand and respect that you put a lot of time and effort into running a game.
Players (3 - 6, depending on system, timeslot, and GM preferences). Of the 3 "base" players, 1 is semi-experienced and 2 are eager to learn. If you've got other players ready and can fit 3 more that would also be fine.
Whatever you want to run, as long as it's not Shadowrun or a pure hex dungeon crawler. No ERP. Looking for a game we can possibly stick with for a long time.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
EU, CEST (GMT+2), evening - early morning.
>Voice or Text
Both possible. Spoken English might be a bit rusty since we don't get a lot of chances to practice.
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Whatever suits you.
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
Inb4 the paranoia hits.
Not everyone is out to get ya.
None such discord tag exists.
JoJo D10
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Weekend GMT+1
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
email is [email protected]
Would you be okay with a non native speaker? I suppose I could roleplay my accent as a character trait, given the setting
Going to send you a message on roll20 soon.
Im fine with it as the group can still understand you, which shouldnt be a problem
Are you the one currently developing that system? I imagine this is play testing or something like that, yeah?
Also, is the time you've set on that roll20 page accurate or is it a placeholder? I'm not in GMT+1 but the time works for me if it's right.
Im not the dev, but it seems like a decent enough system to use for my 1st JoJo game, and the date is just a placeholder while the group forms
Anybody interested in some Cyberpunk (homebrewed)?
I'm in a masochistic mood and might be willing to run an online game.
Google Hangouts. GMT-5. Saturday Evening.
40k RPGs, DH-DW-BC-OW, roughly in that order, depends on what the group chooses. Not picking up RT, sorry.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Weekend afternoons and evenenings, GMT+3
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 and Skype or Discord
>Contact info
visionandvoice on skype
>Additional information
The exact system we're going with will be up to group vote.
GM, looking for at least 2 more players.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
GM can be contacted at any time. Game time is Sundays, 12PM Arizona Time (No daylight savings in AZ. Right now we're PDT (-8), otherwise MST (-7).).
>Voice or Text
Either, depends on needs of the player.
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Discord, roll20
>Contact info
Drakon #3981
>Additional information
Introduce yourself when contacting me so I know you're from this thread. We don't put up with bullshit or outside drama in this group. Our group has a first time GM (Extremely experienced with pnp and tt) and a lot of first timers to the system. Be ready to take it as good as you give it, thick skin mandatory.
Houses of the Blooded
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
TBD; negotiable.
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 for dice rolling, Skype for communications
>Contact info
Skype: flash.gitz.waagh
>Additional information
Must be either willing to read the book, or have already done so in the past.
Voice or text?
You gonna fix your Discord tag? I'm interested in this game of yours
Legend of the Five rings
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
GMT+2, most afternoons
>Voice or Text
Both are fine
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
No particular preferences
>Contact info
Skype: spyros.kotteas
I stumbled upon the game rulebook and I'm very interested in participating on a game about it.
Voice, video, the whole nine yards.
>GM or Player
Gamefinder Raid Organizer
>Time availability
Every time there's a thread
>Text or Voice
Text and images
>Contact Information
operatorasfuck or breekimancer on skype
>Additional Information
Veeky Forums pass is a must
You must call everyone a cuck
Tokyo Ghoul manga avatars required
>GM or Player
The Mutant Epoch
>Time availability
Wednesday, at 9 PM, UTC+2
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: jaso111111
>Additional Information
I have the books and im willing to provide them for anyone new to the system, as well as help with generating characters.
I expect you to be on time of course, and have at least some investment in char gen. No fancy backstories are needed since this will be a one shot.
Still cancer. Man up and GM you faggots!
Unlikely, but any BRs here feel like setting up a game?
This may not be the best place to post this, but is there any tabletop groups at San Antonio College ? I have 2 hours to burn between two class.
You tag is not really working, but i am interested nonetheless. Try to add me , it's "Karthagas
>all of these desperate, horny teenagers still haven't got a clue
Depends, do you use RRPG Firecast?
I need some non-edgy players, and the games are text based.
>GM or player
>Time availability
Weekends anytime from 8am-8pm PST
>Text or Voice
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll 20
>Contact information
Honshu #7285 on Discord
>Additional information
This game will be taking place in the Dominions 4 universe and will be organized and played over Roll20. You needn't be familiar with Dominions to play, it's just serving as a setting on which to run my own game.
There are a couple house rules to the base game, but most of them comprise of new systems to make the Godbound resemble Dominions more. Key things are going to be making Pretenders revive based on the faith of their followers, meaning all Pretenders are going to be immortal unless the cults that support them are scattered, introducing Magic Sites and Gems to be used alongside Dominion to weave miracles and make Features, and finally homebrewed Low Magic
Players can expect a focus on nation building, faction interaction, and discovery
Need one more player to round us off at 5 after a different one dropped due to scheduling issues
Is that program seriously still a thing? I can download it, sure.
What games do you run?
Should've realized that when it was #1069 and they were talking about lewd things.
It still has a shitty community, but it works.
Maybe you won't like what you hear, but the faithful plebs in my group won't learn anything but 3D&T. Been meaning to run Old Dragon or something to make them learn D20, but no such luck.
What is your username?
>GM or Player
Lamentations of the Flame Princess (D&D B/X clone). Rules are free on the official website.
>Time availability
7PM EST Fridays
>Text or Voice
>Method of Playing
>Contact Information
[email protected]
Contact me to get a link to join and ask questions. I will ask you a decent amount of questions in turn just to get a handle on who you are.
>Additional Information
This is a LotFP game using an official module, set during the Thirty Years War. The PCs will have 8 days before the surrounding towns are razed by the Swedish army.
While I have a decent amount of experience GMing, this is the first time that I have GMed an OSR game. All levels of experience are welcome.
One guy dropped, so I am looking for one or two more guys to round out the group.
nWoD first edition
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
5:00 MT
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
Everyone starts off as a mortal. Supernatural templates may be possible through game play.
Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
7:30 or 8:00 PM EST and after any days except Wednesday and Saturday.
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20, Skype, Discord
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
Haven't played with the system yet, only read the rules.
Damn, that brings me back. I never actually played it, but I think I had most of the books.
My username should either be "white devil" or "kpopmaster", been a while.
>Weekends anytime from 8am-8pm PST
Oops, I copypasted an old gamefinder post of mine and didn't update it. As an adendum to this, gametime is going to be this Saturday at 2pm PST.
I see. I have an ongoing Medieval campaing and some friends GM from time to time. If you are interested, just add "Overwatch" there.
I had no idea that game would come out some years ago.
Dungeon World (slightly modified)
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Varies (see below).
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 + Skype.
>Contact info
loksvassago on Skype, should display as "Jon" with a rooster on a green background as an avatar.
>Additional information
This campaign is based on Ben Robbins' West Marches, which means players decide when to play, who to play with, and what to do (hence the varying schedule). The gameplay is focused on overcoming the challenges of exploring the wilderness in search of fame and fortune in a dark fantasy, late medieval setting.
If you want a more detailed summary of the game, please read this: docs.google.com
>GM or Player
GM looking for ONLY 1 player. My players have asked for a 4th member for the upcoming campaign.
Pathfinder. No 3rd party stuff, straight Paizo.
>Time Availability
Saturdays afternoons. 3pm PST, 6pm EST. That’s subject to change when/if one of the players gets a job.
>Text or Voice
Voice only, using Discord.
>Contact Information
Discord: discord.gg
>Additional Information
- Roll20 for the battle map and as a log for information.
- 7th level Gestalt characters.
- Must be fine with a high concentration of memes.
- The setting is my shit homebrew.
- The players are new to Pathfinder, but I’ve played for years, if you’re a vet of the system have some patience for their shenanigans.
Oh sweet a gam-
>- Must be fine with a high concentration of memes.
>- Must be fine with a high concentration of memes.
What kind of memes are we talking about?
If I wanted to play Pepe the Paladin, could I?
Nah, the players enjoy their memeing, but a character like Sir Bearington or w/e won't fly.
I'd sign up but people on Veeky Forums have a problem with the fairer sex playing games with them.
Ah... nuts.
I've always wanted to play an Old Man Henderson figure in a medieval setting... a perpetually drunk and slightly crazy old man that kills shit ruthlessly, in pursuit of his lawn gnomes.
We had a grill play SR with us for a while, it wasn't a problem.
Then why even bother posting in the gamefinder? What are you even here for?
Fuck off kid, nobody cares about your vagina.
I had a grognard hitting on me last game. It was weird as hell.
Like, he sounded like a huge fa/tg/uy and had breathing issues. He was a terrible GM and couldn't flirt to save his life. It was terrible. Imagine all the red flags plus that.
I can window shop.
If you're on Veeky Forums, nobody cares if you're grill. It's an only an issue if you have GOTIS.
Is there any possibility that you'd run nWoD 2nd edition instead? If so I would have signed up the last time I saw you post.
Don't bother, that user's been trying to advertise for that game for a solid month now, and that's a red flag on its own.
Oh come on I've been in plenty of WoD games on Veeky Forums and they were all great. Either you have outrageously shitty luck or you're appealing to a particular crowd here.
It'd be a red flag if he was advertising for Pathfinder. With most systems you're lucky to get more than two responses, and 50% of the people who respond never bother to show up.
Getting a game together DEMANDS persistence, I know I did it a while back.
Would anyone be interested in a game of Fellowship? It's a rules-light fantasy game about saving the world from a great evil.
Might get a bit magical realmy but everything would be PG-13
Eh. Not many people are into world of darkness, and most of the people that are are trash. Especially with roll20 and gamefinder. You're basically just shifting through a landfill.
I can't even begin to get into how many people either have some sort of fucked up magical realms idea they want to force on everyone else, super edge lord 'let's make the game entirely about me' character, or outright want to force the campaign in a direction they want rather than what would be fun for the group I've run into.
Use the template, man. What's your schedule going to be like, etc?
Except that World of Darkness is one of the most played systems out there.
Probably a little of both A and B. Not everyone wants to start off as a mortal, and I get it. Starting off at the bottom and clawing your way to the top doesn't always appeal to everyone.
All you can do is be patient.
Sure, maybe so. I don't see many threads here on Veeky Forums though.
And recruiting on Roll20 has a storied reputation for being exactly what he's complaining about.
Those numbers are still pretty niche
That just happens to be the nature of playing rpgs, unfortunately. That player count is actually pretty good.
World of darkness has like 10 different games in of itself.
>Any time (albeit wonky since I may be called into work)
>[email protected]
It'll all be PG-13 adventure stories but miiight have some dodgey fun here and there
90% of them being VTM, I know. That's still pretty good compared to something like Unknown Armies, which you can still find plenty of players for.
Well then by your own words, exactly. Unless you want to run around playing a vampire you're fucked.
So, if you've seen him for over a month does that mean you've been looking for over a month? What does that say about yourself?
Homebrew game- think D&D 4E crossed with Final Fantasy Tactics. No to-hit rolls. Overall, wonky as fk.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
630pm-930pm CST
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
A very tactical, unapologetically grid-required game. Rules are essentially 4E D&D but classes and powers have been turned completely on their head. Looking for a 4th member to round out the group.
>why can't I hold all these red flags?
It means that I'm incredibly picky.
Hmm. I can actually see where you're coming from.
Well, best of luck to you and happy game finding!
>for the group I've run into.
You mean the single player you have?