The BBEG has won, the party has lost

The BBEG has won, the party has lost.

Tell us what your world is like immediately afterward.

In 100 years.

in 1000 years?

You know the Midnight setting?
Kind of like that, except there's no distinction between divine and arcane magic any more and all of the magic - users are evil instead of just some of them.

Race war now
>100 years
Society is now entirely humans from a specific region as all other humans and races in setting were genocided by the BBEG's admittedly awesome technology made possible by magic
>1000 years
Humans are probably close to pseduo-elves now in beauty, sophistication, and lifespan and enjoy shit like orbital space stations and planetary terraforming.

Dudes a racist POS but he's damn smart, not wrong about racial differences holding this particular society back, and lights a fire up his subordinates asses in a good way.

>Race war now

No user, he asked what would happen if the BBEG won

Seeing how the bbeg's only plan was to wake up a ancient evil to give it a shit-ton of gifts so it will stop spreading the corruption of the world, depends on what "won" means.

Does won mean his plan worked as intended? Well not much, other than the ancient evil just got allot of virgins and the corruption stops spreading.

Does won mean he just didn't die? The ancient evil didn't even accept his gift, nor did it go on a rampage.

It told him what boils down to "You wake me up at 10 in the damn afternoon to give me what amounts to a gift basket? Fuck off" before going back to bed instead of squishing him like a bug.

>Tell us what your world is like immediately afterward.
As in, immediately after the PCs lose? Nothing changes at all, the villain's plan takes time to achieve and no one knows it took place.

>In 100 years.
He rewinds time back 1000 years to when the old culture was in power. Everything that's ever happened is gone and has been for decades. The old culture lives again at the height of its power.

>in 1000 years?
He fails to find a way to stop the fall of the old culture, history repeats itself. However, he engineers the new cultures to help him find a way around the old culture's failings, so that he can rewine time again and try to get it right this time. This will be try #4.

>"You wake me up at 10 in the damn afternoon to give me what amounts to a gift basket? Fuck off"
So when is a GOOD time to be woken up. Are all the ancient evils taking a collective nap?

>Are all the ancient evils taking a collective nap?
Pretty much.

>Tell us what your world is like immediately afterward.

The parties social reputation in town is trashed forever as their rivals prove themselves the true masters of the universe.

>100 years
party may or may not be dead

>1000 years
The world may or may not be dead.

We're basically doing stick of truth but less South Park and more kids playing pretend.

There is no world.
There is nothing at all.
The nightmare has devoured all of the cosmos, every plane and every universe, down to the last speck of matter.

And even then, its hunger is not sated.

Yeah, race war now.
Basically those humans of that region make a specific race of human that believe themselves superior to all other races of human, or dwarf, or elf, or orc, etc.
If he wins he takes his super tech powered army and railroads the rest of the country and all the others they consider inferior. They're a fairly big country, think russia size but not cold or empty, so them mobilizing is an issue.

there's like five big bads and that's only in New Orleans. It's set in the end of the regency period, like 1805.

The Spanish Vampire Lords of the slums would bring back an ancient vampire lord they think might be Lucifer (it isn't, it's a ancient Native American mummy whose ready to never sleep again). That'll probably change the entire climate of Southeast America for at least awhile as he fucks with everything.

The French Aristocrats would trade all the souls in the city for nearly unlimited power from a True Fae. They'd get fucked and the True Fae, the Flesh Man, would change the area into a nightmare of flesh monstrosities.

The Black Mass, a group of low ranked military leaders, would let their soldiers be ridden by beast spirits and more or less become a monster pis army of barely controlled beast fiends.

I imagine the Black Mass would lose valiantly against the other two groups. The southern parts of North America would become a battleground between the Flesh Man and the Mummy for at least a year or so until the Mummy went to sleep again and his cult army would fight for him. The two Baron Samedis would change from trying to stop the war to manipulating both sides and the world would change dramatically as magic becomes not only known but a monstrous reality.

I also imagine the Louisiana Purchase wouldn't happen.

The Devils win the Blood War and conquer the Abyss.
>In 100 years
Most of the Prime Material Plane is controlled directly by Devils
>In 1000 years
The entire universe is Lawful Evil, all people and races live in a dystopian nightmare.

The same.

BBEG defeated, life progresses

Life progresses more?

Oh fuck didn't answer the question.

100 years I'd imagine America would be cut into thirds. The mummy's cult would go out west where the True Fae doesn't have control and take over large swathes of land. They'd probably just tell the natives "your God is real, he showed up and fucked the invaders up, let's rule for him". Granted they'd have this massive Cold War in Louisiana cause the Mummy's tomb would be close to the Flesh Mans main city.

The Flesh Man would probably send changeling enforcers to take whatever land he can and make deals with any leaders to increase his kingdom.

With a True Far straight up taking parts of earth for their own I imagine changeling society would help any resistance against it and maybe even a few True Fae who aren't up for the Flesh Mans bullshit joining. That'd be enough to strengthen USA. I bet money that's all the European countries would just be like "fuck this we're going home". So we'd see a big fight between the Cult and US for land out west.

Rather than 1000 years let's say Modern Day. I'd say that the world would be changed so dramatically that magical being are a normal thing. Rights for Changelings would probably happen sooner than other rights just cause of how integrated they'd be in the military. That and how needed they'd be. Military strikes into the hedge.

Vangelis starts playing

It depends on which one of the BBEG wins; the Demons, whose intent is claiming the land humans have occupied for too long, or the Organization, which only objective is erradicating all supernatural life (which includes demons, incidentally).
They are actually fighting the Organization, so...
The Organization gains the knowledge to produce weapons that are very effective against supernatural beings. All out war ensues, as the Organization convinces most of humanity to fight against the supernatural menace. Demons strike back.
>100 years.
Humanity tries to hold the line against the Demons, barely maintaining the status quo. Most other supernatural races have gone extinct, many of them used by humans and Demons alike as cannon fodder, but some of them hiding from both contenders, waiting for the balance to tip and join the winning side.
>1000 years.
The war ended centuries ago, when all the planet resources were used up. Demons killed most of humanity and made prisoners out of the ones who could help them develop new energy sources and such to survive. They managed to get by, and now humans are a minority that is allowed to live as long as they serve Demons.

First BBEG, Half-Elf Alchemist

He's successfully begun to transform every humanoid on the planet into his envisioned "ultimate life form," shapeshifting beastmen able to adapt to and regenerate from nearly any situation. There's mass confusion and panic, but relatively few deaths given how hard everyone is to kill now. Some take advantage of their new status to exploit those not yet transformed. People begin to learn that they can take nearly any shape they want and absolute chaos ensues until the Alchemist's secret backdoor to control them via an artifact is enacted.

>100 years
The entirety of the planet's humanoid population is transformed by this point, or killed off. People have left the cities, formerly the only safe havens from monsters, and struck out into the harsh world now that they can survive anything it throws at them. The transformation's weaknesses and bugs in the spell are beginning to be made apparent as a new generation is born with more unstable abilities. The BBEG has extended his lifespan and continues to work on updating his creation as unforessen problems arise. He is still capable of controlling most of the population, but the new generation is beginning to resist his controlling artifact. (I would likely set the next campaign in this era, with players rebelling against the alchemist or serving him depending on what they choose.)

>1000 years
BBEG is functionally immortal. Problems in the transformation continued to arise as the complex interactions between genetics and magic build up. Formerly harmless mutations are amplified by the magic and occur more frequently. Subsequent generations begin to degrade mentally and have less control over their abilities but are no less easy to kill. Overpopulation has set in as people expand all over the globe and kill off significant amounts of wildlife. The BBEG has mostly fixed the initial transformation ritual but can't fix the mental degeneration as easily.

>The BBEG has won, the party has lost.
Take a nap for a century or two, wake up, the BBEGs empire has collapsed due to a lack of proper succession and/or his heir being unable to rule the land with an iron fist leading to rebellions. When you live for thousands upon thousands of years, BBEGs are no more of a bother than a serious headache.

....what do you mean "I'm not borderline immortal"?

The Dragon starts making people do nothing but mine gold, just constant mining

Mintarn gains a reputation for being a island of theives who live in terror of their tyrannical overlord, prospectors occasionally visit the brutally effiecient gold mines to steal for themselves and often end up dead

The dragon dies of old age or continues expanding his tyranical gold empire until fucking with a sizeable kingdom and dying

>The world is shrouded in a relentless winter unrivalled since the dawn of time. Thousands starve within the first year, many more are lost to the bitter cold
>It has been 100 years since Kris Krampus became king of the gods and shrouded the world in eternal hellfrost. Only roving bands of nomadic barbarians survive, hunting the vicious beasts that dwell in the cold and living in caves.
>It has been a thousand years since the world began to end. The last mortals died off centuries ago, and now the world is populated only by icy beasts and the pale ghosts of the long-departed.

The world is cleansed of all magical beings to the furthest extent the BBEG can go

1000 years later it's pretty much Artemis Fowl, with magical beings hiding underground. Only humans are all bred according to eugenics, since the BBEG has instilled a 1001 year Reich by now.

It's safe under the control of his Illuminati, they manipulate every sphere to keep the world intact
100 years afterwords, not much has changed in the world. There haven't been extra-planar threats or ancient mad gods unleashed, but the wastes that held ancient weapons from a old war still hold their secrets and the wonders of technology and magic that would have come to be never came to pass.
In a thousand years, when the world is ready to be reborn, the BBEG will be at the front to collect the life force of all sapient beings once more into the key to creation as the apocalypse hits. He uses that force to find his way to the focal point of the multiverse and install himself as the one true ruler.

The world start to be covered in ice
>100 years
The world is completely cover in ice, all civilisation is wiped from the planet, spacio temporal vortex start to open around the surface
>1000 years
Adjacent dimensional plane are frozen in the eternal ice, BBEG continue is retribition war with Divine being from all across the time and space, spreading his ice territory called the Cream

I mean that's cool and all but is your BBEG Santa Claus' evil twin? Didn't think so.

Damn it
If I didn't had already present my BBEG to my group I would have do that
Thanks for the laugh tho

Still can. Just introduce his good brother eventually.

Last three campaigns in order:
>Evil Pope becomes demigod after Fallen God who's blood he's been drinking wakes up. Goes to fight her sister god and completely destroys civilization in the process like they did to the last plane they were in.
>Crazy high level druid successfully seeds world with spores from an ancient diety-level world tree. Rampant growth causes most of civilization to collapse as mind controlling spores and corpse-eating giant plants run amok.
>Suicidal tribal snow-elf chieftain successfully releases ancient god of destruction to doom the planet. He only does it as the last of his kind is brutal slain by the invaders (Think native Americans only they didn't have a west to get pushed into, they just got backed up against the sea and meatgrindered to death).

In all three cases humanity would be very lucky to last 100 years. With absolutely no hope of reaching 1000.

Man is beat back to his home, assaulted in his bastions, the walls crumble, horned beasts of infinite description pour through. Blood flows like a river.

The elves retreat to their jungles. The fires of hell burn them away to cinders. They die screaming

The dwarves go down in a fury of gunpowder and fire. The earth swallows them.

The red root spreads far and wide, swallowing the life itself from the earth. As the beast men cow their new slaves, all die slowly. Agonizing. Wretched and limp. The dust collects. All is gray.

And then, the wet ones climb from the oceans, and reave those left, claiming the coasts again for their many eyed god.

>Immediately afterwards
The heroines are ingloriously defeated by an oddly sympathetic villain who seemingly knows what is yet to come.
She leaves them alive and before she departs she applogies for everything.
"Fate must play out. What has happened and what will must come to pass"

They have just enough time to get home, bring their families together and await the comming storm.

>100 years later
The Aquarion Ice Age.
The world is a bitter, frozen wasteland populated by a handful of lonely immortals.
Deep below the permafrost life is in stasis, awaiting a far flung future when the ice finally melts.

>1000 years
The shining new utopia of humanity arises.
Far away in a palace that has never seen the sun, a lady last seen before the ice claimed the world climbs the stairs of the Obsidian Throne and claims the Nemesis Crown.

The land is engulfed in fire.

A lone distraught sorceress is forced to watch her family be consumed by the flames, begging, pleading to have them spared.

>100 years
The world is consumed in fire.
Those who could have fled to the stars, true believers are spirited away to other worlds by their gods.

A lone Sorceress, driven like never before, walks a burning Earth.

>1000 years
The gods have given up on the world, all that remains is the few that brought the flames.

A lone Devil, monsterous to behold, walks a burning Earth. It decends deep into the caverns of fire to greet the one that brought the flames.

The Queen is dead.
Long live the Queen.

Ever read Kill Six Billion Demons?

It's Kill Six Billion Demons, so the BBEG's already won. God is dead and Heaven is a Corpse.

BBEG is uncontested in his efforts to alter the world with ancient artifact the party failed to destroy

>100 years
Most of the world is burnt. Devils and their enslaved warriors have besieged and conquered most of the major bastions of power as empires and countries fall across the world.

>1000 Years
Never ending civil war among devils across the now hellish landscape. All local deities have either died or fled the world. BBEG sits atop his highest throne relishing in the chaos he has brought to all who sought to keep him down. His business is now finished with the mortal world.

>Bad Ending
The Snake Cult successfully brings their deity into the realm. The kingdom succumbs to darkness, those who don't flee are corrupted or consumed. Neighboring kingdoms bolster their defenses against the rising tide.

>100 years
More kingdoms have fallen to darkness. The immortal serpent continues its conquest, and much of the land has fallen to ruin

>1000 years
Some other cosmic force probably came and fucked up the immortal serpent. Turns out he wasn't that badass. Much is forgotten. All that remains of the past are old, dusty ruins ... and maybe a few hidden tomes that would interest an ambitious wizard or a fanatical cult.

Alternatively, even if the party succeeds, the world still, eventually, succumbs to a nuclear apocalypse, properly killing the planet and leaving its dwellers to die off.

But at least there's pioneer-style space travel by then

She can finally get some rest and stop having to murder adventurers trespassing on her property every five minutes.

She can finally finish that terrible fanfiction she's been working on.

>Ever read Kill Six Billion Demons?
Naw, I don't read trash.

You funny.

I can't see what's going on what with all the atrocious design.

Okay, it's not for everyone. Just those of us with taste, apparently.

>WoD, old school rogue Technocrat
99% of living humans are sterilized, superplagues wipe out Africa and the majority of Asia, limited nuclear exchanges between India and Pakistan, and Iran and Israel, major chaos and unrest breaks out in the developed world as the supernatural, at least in part, is made public, and as political and economic elites have their (Technocratic/Vampiric) dirtiest secrets exposed, and finally, the advent of supertechnologies such as human cloning and advanced robotic and cybernetic parts.

>100 years
Interstellar human civilization that resembles Gargantia's Galactic Alliance of Mankind

>1000 years
Ascension should have happened by this point, but perhaps something like The Culture

The BBEG manages to find the final piece of the world, and the God of the setting uses it to remake the world without evil, killing everyone.
>100 Years
The world is perfect. There's no war, no hatred, and everyone lives forever.
>1000 Years
It's exactly the same.

Living up to the image of a harbinger of doom and destruction is hard work user. You can't exactly instill fear in the hearts of billions for generations to come if halfway through rampaging across a countryside you start to nod off; sometimes you need a power nap.

The bbeg will fully restored himself to this plane of existence and destroys the world
>100 years
The world is on fire
>1000 years
The world is reformed into a new world, ready to begin life anew

The ending is a metaphor for the campaign ending and a new game will begin next time I'm ambitious to dm

just those of us with no taste, apparently.

The BBEG unleashes an army of machine-undead on an otherwise pre-WWI level setting, achieving total world domination after a brief and terribly one sided war.

>100 years
The population is down to only about 10% of its pre-BBEG levels, but the world is in a sort of golden age. Fueled by his dark powers, technology has raced forwards at an unimaginable pace, with automation and transhumanism replacing scarcity and mortality. Palaces and monuments on an almost geological scale are popping up across the countryside and the quality of life a lowly man is kingly.

>in 1000 years
Life in general is on its way out and even insects are getting scarce. Huge empty roads make geometric patterns through trackless wastelands and forests of obsidian obelisks. The sky is dark, there is no wind, and the seas are a still expanse like oily black glass. There are cities, great silent cities, where a handful of things that were once men exist in gleaming biomechanical splendor somewhere between life and death, more like statues than people. And it will be like this forever, long after the stars fade out and the world is a solitary slowly cooling rock drifting through the void.

Life goes on in Alpha Complex, as always.


It's like a BDSM club with only drow dominatrixes. Forever.

The world is flooded, and the land is washed away, leaving only a small number of islands where the tallest mountains once stood.

>100 years
The last of the land-bound have died off or been transformed, and at long last most life is one with its true mother again. The final holdouts against her reside not on the mountains but in floating citadels atop the clouds. They had their own designs on the surface in days past, and now they descend for their revenge.

>1000 years
The sea is filled with a vast number of peaceful but primitive cultures, united in their love for their mother sea and their refusal to fall into the hubris of the land-bound. Their war against the sky is won, the floating citadels now sunken into the sea and the survivors brought into the fold. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one. All are one.

Wait. Wait is this Sailor Moon? This is Sailor Moon isn't it.

Nothing really changes.

Which is the problem. The world isn't exactly awful, but it's not great, and it's because the one who was sitting on the throne of god was dying. If the BBEG wins, it means he is on the throne instead, and he is a staunch believer that the state of the world is a good thing, because it builds character. So instead of getting somebody who would have made the crops grow like they should have, and the seasons pass like they are supposed to, and the animals not turn into vicious monsters, we have the Almighty Douchebag.

And because of the hardships that face the world, there's little opportunity for advancement. In 100 years, the world will likely be much the same. In 1000 years, there may have been a few leaps in magical academics, but due to the dominion of god thinking of new ideas is inherently more difficult.

>Tell us what your world is like immediately afterward.

A LOT of humans die. Like, tens of millions. But also one comes back to life and the elf sorceress can finally be with her love again. Hopefully he won't die this time

>In 100 years.

Having had a long time to think ahead, the elf sorceress has ensured that, in fact, her love didn't die this time, by giving him a body as immortal as her own. Humanity is slowly recovering. No one knows that the elf killed off so many, not even her love. She's the only one, and she can live with it.

>in 1000 years?

The world's more-or-less recovered at this point. People live and die, kingdoms rise and fall, but the elf and her love live on happily together.

Death's herald activates her last fail-safe, sacrificing her life to do so. The Gate of the Afterlife is torn open, and her Lord steps down into Creation. Ninety nine percent of all life upon the PC's home plane is immediately and irrevocably obliterated purely because of Death's presence. Ninety nine percent of what remains dies slowly as he makes a sad and tired journey to the Great Pale Wastes, carrying the body of his herald.

There, he finds that the BBEG succeeded in releasing The Deceiver from it's bindings. He greets his brother, and asks if they truly have to battle. He knows the answer already, and it is yes.

And thus begins the second War in Heaven. In 100 years, the War will be ongoing, death toll in the millions, dozens of worlds burned and burning. In 1000 years, it will probably be just about wrapping up, having killed off 95% of all civilisation and left most of the worlds in Creation a smouldering ruin which will take further centuries to return to a habitable state.

Nice job, Heroes.

That's a nice ending

Who wins?


Or the Deciever?

>flesh man
>an area into a nightmare of flesh monstrosities

How does this differ from an ordinary man or an ordinary bunch of people? Flesh is kind of our distinguishing characteristic.

Death kills his last sibling in a final climactic battle. Combined with the death of his herald, this causes him to turn his face away from Creation in grief. No mortal ever gains Death's favour again - No resurrection, no immortality, no reincarnation. If you die, you die.

The next campaign would probably be finding a way to get Death to look to Creation again.

The party is sacrificed to fuel the ritual that will give the artificer's creation a soul; his daughter will wake up shortly after.

>100 years
No major changes

>1000 years
No major changes




>No resurrection, no immortality, no reincarnation.
What's so bad about that.

Because then that world becomes just like ours, doomed to die completely when entropy consumes it irreversibly?

By which time we will either be in an afterlife, or nothing at all.

Neither of which is all that bad.

You were dead for eons before you were born, and it didn't bother you none. How bad can being dead afterward be?

Because now I can comprehend it.

You dumb shit.

It wont matter to you after.

By that logic, one can only hope that death and nonexistence - or perhaps death and permanent unconsciousness - are one and the same, lest the nature of the afterlife prove to be torturous.

What if there's a Hell, but no Heaven, so /everyone/ is damned to fire and brimstone? Or what if it's just a boring, cold, grey cave where you sit there forever no matter what you did and eventually forget who you were?

And what about the futility of our efforts in the face of it? What meaning is there in monuments that will be dust in no time at all? A doomed universe can't just be "not that bad -" it leaves those aware of its doom but afraid to die trapped in a life they see no point in living but cannot bear to end.


Arguing that it shouldn't is like arguing that the concept of being lobotomized shouldn't bother me. The cessation of self is the most intrinsically terrifying concepts to imagine. If there was some kind of way to continue my being, I'd grab it with both hands and never let go.

Look, I used to make the same damn argument to people when I was in my teens/early 20s too. Then I woke the fuck up and realized that I kind of liked living and do not want my life to end. I will not be blasé with my sense of self.

Besides which, to return us to the original point, the world of is one that HAD resurrection, immortality, and reincarnation. Having that taken away is kind of like being told that as soon as you turn 30, you're gonna be killed. Not simply die - someone is gonna end your life.

This is by far scarier than any endless hellscape I can think of. Free will doesn't even exist after that does it? *Shudder*

Well everyone did die so yeah that'd get rid of free will.

To be honest supposing you do go to heaven, what meaning is there in monuments that are going to turn to dust anyway? Unless monument building gets you to heaven

On the one hand, would it really matter if everyone was perfectly happy?

On the other hand, could one be perfectly happy without free will?

The answer is unclear.

You can remember that monument you built an all the effort and time it took for the perfect finished product, obviously.

Again: you get to continue being. That in and of itself is reward enough.

>On the one hand, would it really matter if everyone was perfectly happy?

Well whatever is happy just genocided all life. Whatever is happy can eat a bag of dick and internally fuck itself. I love life and my species.

>On the other hand, could one be perfectly happy without free will?

Can a machine be happy? The way I see it, free will is what separates creature from machine. I wouldn't want to exist in a world of machine without free will.

>The answer is unclear.

It's clear to me. Fuck the BBEG and his shin megami tensai strange journey law ending.

It's fine, you pussy.
Everyone and everything dies. Existence is a fleeting gift. Enjoy life whenever possible, but don't fear the end.

What? Why would you even think tha-Yes, yes it is.
Specifically we are Sailors Eris, Dysnomia, Sedna, Hygeia and Nemesis with Astarte as our NPC 'Tuxedo Mask'

It's been going on since the remake started airing what year and a half ago? Mostly this is the month or more gaps between sessions due to other commitments for everyone involved.
We finally know who the BBEGs are, the final goals are set and fatalism wrought time-travel is starting to bite us on the arse.

Time is fucking weird for them.

Every shadow grows darker, every flame grows brighter. Dreams are made real, all of them, from the merest daydream to the most soul-cutting nightmare. Legends are made manifest, and the great wyrm Gwerfrau who has sacrificed so much of herself and her children to stop this day is impaled, undying, on a massive spire of fulgurite at the heart of the drowned city, now raised from beneath the waves and full of celebrating ghosts and gods. Madness embraces the world as a lover, and bleeds into its scowling maw.

>100 years
The land is but a figment, life but a dream. Causality has broken and the wheel no longer spins as it falls apart. Gwerfrau has long fallen into madness as her flesh rotted around her still burning soul, she sings wretched songs of truth in a world gone absolutely, fundamentally mad. Her putrid blood has poisoned the seas a generation ago, leaving them black and lifeless. The Fey from the deep places of the Wyld laugh as they see the world of mortals elevated to this most perfect form at long last, and barely remember the "heroes" who opposed them, mere footnotes for their great plays.

>1000 years
The Fey grow bored and seek new playthings among the stars, the great emerald sphere that is the Wyld retreating into the dark beyond. In a few millennia more, reality may reassert itself. Until then, the world is left in illogical shambles, unbound scraps floating alone in the cold dark. Gwerfrau weeps.

Nazis win WWII by colonizing and extracting the resources of another world connected to Berlin.
>100 years
The camps have been closed for a while now, and the vast majority of the global population is Aryan. The world has been united into one Nazi superstate. Religion has been nearly stamped out at the organized level. Nonwhites effectively do not exist, apart from the Japanese, who have been confined to their islands. The colonization of China and Africa are major undertakings. Hitlerite Nazism has cooled into a largely administrative and bureaucratic regime, similar to modern Japan, in which economic elites and administrators govern largely without political interference, according to long-term plans regarding production and technological goals. Technology is obviously leaps and bounds ahead of our own, and there is a Nazi moon base as well as an underwater city in former Doggerland.

The other world is slowly explored and colonized, largely by the Nazi military, and its supernatural properties kept hidden from the Earth public. The locals come to understand that they cannot effectively fight the Nazis.

The first forays into time travel and cross-dimensional travel begin.

>1000 years
The original Nazi regime has become something like Timecops, and their civilization has long been post-scarcity and post-human, so there are no real ideological leftovers. Colonizing space was deemed too difficult in comparison with traveling to parallel worlds and the past, so other than some space stations in the Solar System, there are no humans(?) living elsewhere in the galaxy.

Death is stalled. The crown's soul is safe from being taken, for now. The big bad can focus on the multi sided war all around it.

>100 Years
The crown manages to tactically outmaneuver those multicultural fucks in that other country, and the old empire rises once more, a great superpower in the world at large.

>1000 years
The country has either been crushed from within, as before, or is now an unstoppable, untoppleable tyrant. Other races are largely slaves for humans, and interbreeding is institutionally punished outside of a few very specific exceptions. The god of death sends considerably more powerful agents to claim the crown's soul once more - nothing can evade death forever, it makes sure of that.

>Immediately afterward.
The party spends some time in gaol whilst everything is once again covered up.
Our memories are altered and we are placed back into service.
This works on the most part but already to much has been leaked.
The Republic of Mars is forced to answer some very inconvenient questions and sanctions are placed for gross human-rights violations.
Our squad are given an official invite to become citizens of the shining utopia of Olympus*.
The unsaid defection from Mars is obvious to all but Martian royal family would likely encourage us to go, dressing it up as their idea to put the past behind them.
We take up new careers on earth away from law-enforcement.

>In 100 years.
The Conspiracy was eventually revealed and remains a massive black spot on the history of their formative years.
None the less the project was a complete success and massed phyisical and mental health & medical breakthroughs are reaped.
A new biological golden age has just started to dawn.

The Society of the Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Lion and Sun successfully annex the American Empire.

Venus holds a referendum to become a sovereign nation, it passes.

>In 1000 years?
The solar system is colonised, contact with the extra-solar seeding ships is maintained.

Five individuals, Übermensch by design, continue to try and make a perfect world.

The project never ended.

*Our setting is basically all of Shirow's sci-fi works meshed together

As the attempt to stop the forces of the dark elves has failed, the armies of humans, dwarves, and elves are defeated. The dark elves have won the war.

>In 100 years
All other races are now slaves to the dark elves. The most exalted high priestess of the church of Audient Void begins the next step of their Great Work, involving construction of enormous ritual sites in specific locations around the world.

>In 1000 years
Simultaneous sacrifice of most of the slave population at the ritual sites during the proper stellar aligment has torn the veil of reality asunder. The Old Gods have returned and the world has turned into an endless orgy of madness and chaos. The Most Exalted One has in the process completed her apothesis and joined the Old Gods as a new member of their panthenon.

BBEG won, plane of existence collapses.
Nothing after 100 years.
Nothing after 1000 years.
All sacrificed to make him a God.

It actually happened.

> She starts rebuilding all of society in her image, with dissenters mysteriously vanishing.

100 years
>Society is getting back on its feet, but with a dogmatic obsession with their queen. Though cities are growing and growing, dark magic becomes the norm, and more regular forms of magic are pushed away.

1,000 years
> Everything is a metropolitan nightmare, though the people are well cared for the society is built entirely around worshipping her as a deity. The entire landscape is basically her art gallery, and the corruption she's spread rules the land.

There is no BBEG in my campaign. The players and a few NPCs are trying their best to free themselves of a curse that has shackled all of their souls together so they share all pain, including the pain of death. If I were to do some mental gymnastics and say that the curse is the BBEG, and that losing meant they could never lift it, then it might look something like this:

Party begins to search for alternative ways of breaking the curse, most likely being forced to research infinite longevity.

>100 years
The Demigoddess NPC that is cursed along with the PCs has or will soon attempt to either successfully bestow unending life unto the party or seal the Party away so they remain in stasis.

>1000 years
Unknown. Party has either successfully broken the curse, all died in the process, been sealed away by the immortal Demigoddess, or have achieved immortality, likely some combination of the above.

The mageocracy spreads across the world in an instant as they manage to find a way to cast spells while not in their homeland. Its a new world order run by mages who can crush armies.

>100 years from now
If the setting equivalent of warlock/shamans haven't caused the collapse of the empire using mind control magic, then they are certainily trying their best.

>1000 years
Even if at this point the empire exists, it much weaker. The most powerful of the mages have been changed after years of casting into ethereal beings with no physical form. Its most likely just a chapter in history books now.

I don't like the idea of BBEG destroying the world or radically changing it, I want their plots and schemes to ultimately be for naught as the world moves on.

> Immediately

The BBEG (forcibly) marries the party leader's love interest, and sets about consolidating power for his fascist-esque theocracy.

> 100 years

BBEG is still alive, his descendants have expanded the worship of his dark gods to the rest of the continent. There are minor wars, leading to a greater one, and evil is on the upswing.

> 1000 years

Worship of the evil Gods is basically a viable choice, now. Bad guy is long dead, though some of his descendants still lead as part of a 'blessed bloodline' of emperors and kings. He's probably worshipped as a minor saint.

Flames are called from Hell to wipe out the BBEG's enemies in one fell swoop. The heroes watch as all they've fought to protect is engulfed in flames, and soon they follow suit.
>100 years
The remnants of all civilizations other than that of the BBEG are tra ked down and burned to the ground. Their populations are executed en masse or bred to be slaves. The BBEG's empire enters a golden age.

>1000 years
It all falls to shit because the remaining population can't sustain itself due to the BBEG's brilliant plan to TORCH THE ENTIRE FUCKING SURFACE OF THE PLANET.

The Ork BBEG builds a naval empire of Orks and begins orking everything. Other empire immediately start throwing resources at the problem and forget their squabbles as Orks threaten century old oceanic trade routes
>100 years
The orks lose organization after their pirate king is killed in a fight with the elves finally, but pirate orks are still a thing and trade over water is no longer viable
Since no one is paying attention to the gnomes they go about their own nefarious plans
>1000 years
A continent sized elemental is created by the gnomes and wrecks everyone's shit since everyone was paying attention to the orks. Nobody is prepared to fight such a thing. Entire empires are destroyed by the earthen collusus. The work pirate king laughs from his grave

I've been making a world for a while, where the "BBEG" could be several different figures, depending how the players interact with the world. One of the main ones, though, is a benevolent lich king called "The Eternal King" that rules over a hidden undead city, and just wants undead to live in peace, either away from the living in general, or among living that accept his ideals.

If the heroes chose to see him as a bad guy, tried to kill him, and got their asses slaughtered, the king would likely just continue building up an army, the infrastructure of the city, and sending out diplomats to communicate with the outside world.

>100 years
The world was recently torn by a massive war between the living and the dead. Some cities held out for weeks against the endless hordes, while others were trampled within hours. Those that accepted the Eternal King's ideals were spared, and offered citizenship within the inevitable new nation.

>1000 years
The land is at peace, and has known no internal conflict, save small squabbles. The living and the dead live peacefully with each other, and necromancy is seen as a valuable and common tool. All manual labor is made easier with the help of unintelligent undead under the control of necromancers, and most of the inhabitants would describe life under the rule of the Eternal King as a utopia.

The Elves invade the planet, slaughtering at will and conquering the known world over the course of a decade

>100 years
Their dominion solidified as the last human kingdom falls, the Elves begin policies of forced assimilation punctuated by the occasional isolated case of genocide, half-elves become more common as the human race slowly dies.

>1000 years
Humanity is no more, a footnote of history as the Elves and their half-elven children build fantastical realms of splendor and magic.

RT campaign (sadly is pretty much dead now since one player was too busy due to family issues and now I'm too busy with my studies to GM):

The Faceless Lord is not slain, so his flagship, an ancient Yu'vath battlestation, support by his fleet of Chaos reavers and Rak'gol, proceed to destroy the defenders of Footfall and drive the Imperium out of the Koronus Expanse.

>100 Years
The forces resurgent Yu'vath empire emerges from the Koronus Passage (which until now had been completely blocked by warp storms) to reclaim Calixis sector and the surrounding areas of space.

>1000 years
The Yu'vath forces have been pushed back and Calaxis Sector reclaimed, but only at considerably cost of lives and resources. Kornus Expanse still remains the realm of the Faceless Lord and the Yu'vath, and attempts to destroy them have failed. The Inquisition worries that it is only a matter of time before another, even large assault is launched at Calaxis sector.

>Immediately afterward
The Howllund rebellion explodes into civil war. Extremist Wildergangs roam the countryside, enacting brutal, cannabilistic purges of entire towns. The Timerian Empire loses 3 entire legions trying to quell the chaos and bring the Electorate back into line. Thousands of refugees flee into the more civilized southlands, causing unrest among the locals, and providing ample cover for rebel spies. The Serapi Empire continues to pressure the Timerians to commit more troops, to ensure the safety of their preachers.

>In 100 years
Howllund is abandoned by the Timerians as a lost cause, with all Imperial offices and legions being withdrawn from the region. The power of Timeric Law in Howllund collapses; the Wildergangs and their Bloodlaw return to prominence. With Howllund gone, the Serapi begin complaining of their preachers' mistreatment by the people of Dwendin, another of the Empire's Electorates.

Fearing the same fate as Howllund, Dwendin's consul calls for the Electorate's independence, and finds great support among Dwendinii of all ranks, save for slaves. Hoping to avoid another civil war, the Emperor reluctantly agrees to grant Dwendin's independence. Seeing the Emperor's weakness, several other Electorates demand greater autonomy, also.

With the Empire beginning to fracture, the Serapi abandon subtlety and declare war once again. Unable to raise the same mighty legions as it had in its first war with the Serapi, and starved for tax revenue, the Timerian defense quickly crumbles. Before the century is out, the Timerian heartlands are in Serapi hands, and the Timerian Empire becomes but a ruin and a memory.

>In 1000 years
Timeric Law's prohibition of slavery fades away, to be replaced with the brutally rigid hierarchies of the Serapi. Without the uniting force of the Timerian Empire, most of the old Electorates break up into their original feuding provinces, and are easily conquered by the Serapi. By the end, only Howllund remains fully independent, still swathed in anarchy and bloodshed after all this time, only ever uniting just long enough to slaughter any Serapi force that dares cross the Teeth Wall.

However, after 4 black centuries, a prophet of Timer appears in northern Howllund. She speaks of the Old Law, the law of blind justice, the law of peace that many Howlers had given up for myth. She offers forgiveness and amnesty to any who wish for the Old Law's return, and forms the Timergang - a new order, dedicated to the rule of law, not blood. This new order finds great support among the weary Howlers, but soon comes to blows with the ancient Wildergangs. But the Timergang's commitment to law and mercy, even in warfare, earns it many converts, and soon the Wildergangs collapse as a political force. For the first time in living memory, Howllund stands united, and at peace.

Beyond that, who knows?

>In 100 years
Communist Dystopia
>In 1000 years
Even shittier communist dystopia

>immediately afterward.
Nothing of note.
>In 100 years.
The world is gone and everyone is dead.
>in 1000 years?
Still gone. Everyone still dead.

A mixture of Senator Armstrong and Big Boss kills off all heroes and monsters in the universe by destroying the system that keeps them around. Presumably without the universe breaking apart so his might makes right philosophy works.
>In 100 years.
Who knows?
>In 1000 years.
Who knows?

I have 3 BBEGs, all completely working separately from each other. Depending on how the party handles everything, they could even become allies against the others.

>The Voidson
Though he is only a couple years old, he knows plenty of his home plane from his mother's decaying corpse. His plan starts with the infection of most major leaders. In 100 years, most major mortal civilizations will be converted and turned forcibly, in order to begin the construction of a new world for himself and his brothers and sisters. In 1000 years, the process will be complete, mortal races will no longer exist as they once did, and the dominant race will be a hivemind construct of voidsent.

>The Immortal
The party, having been allowed to ripen in skill, are killed in combat. He's already lived for so long, another 100 or 1000 years will be nothing. All he seeks is a generation of warriors able to slay him, for his curse only ends when truly bested in combat. With every passing century, he grows stronger, and the chances of being slain grow slimmer. Nothing will change.

>The Prophet
While he leads hundreds of thousands, he knows in his heart that this is not what the gods intended their world to end up like. Immediately he will have already opened a great portal to the chaos planes that the gods built the world upon, purging the world of all it's inhabitants, life, and structure. In 100 years the realm that used to be the world will be a wasteland, devoid of life. In 1000 years, it is his hope that the gods will use the blank slate he created to start over, having seen the weaknesses of their former creations.

Can you be my dm?