Is there any way to include a yandere style character in a campaign, without going magical realm?
Is there any way to include a yandere style character in a campaign, without going magical realm?
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Yes. But is there any way to incule a yandere style character in YOUR campaign without going magical realm? No. Now stop shitting up Veeky Forums with /d/-tier threads.
No (you) today.
If yandere is a magical realm for you that's very fucked up.
Don't stick your dick in crazy, guys.
What if the player character is the yandere? And the mental sickness, soulless manipulation and violent acts are actually being played straight instead of for some strange form of titillation.
Make her actually as scary, disturbing, pathetic and repulsive as an obsessive, mentally unhealthy girlfriend would be in real life. Less NEET wish-fulfillment "forever loyal waifu", more "sends you 300 text messages every night, sabotages your life so you can't get away from her, alienates you from your friends and reminds you every other day that she'll kill herself if you leave her." Make her ugly or fat, too.
Of course, since the whole point of yandere fetishism is holding onto a deliberate misrepresentation of the concept that focuses entirely on whatever the fetishists find attractive (i.e. an endlessly loyal, cute girlfriend with a dash of dominant tendencies, but never anything so bad that it would make her not sexy to them), this would be impossible.
Basically as long as PC are neither objects of her affection not automatically presumed love rivals, you're clear.
Another options is making the yandere male.
Yes, but then the PCs should be 100% against that character no matter what, otherwise it would just be magical realm.
For example in a CoC game i played during the first half of the campaign one of the PCs banged the insane daughter of a hotel owner. We get a time skip and he gets a message telling him about how the character's family was murdered and how the hotel bitch was coming after him. Skip some time into the future she is now a witch who mind controls people and almost kills the entire party with her tricks. Skip once more to the final session and she stands between us and our freedom, demanding to relieve the PC who fucked her into her custody the be raped until death. We did.
I'll just leave this here.
What is her STAND power, Jojo?!
(I'd assume it has something to do with letting her never get caught kind of like Kira, but I'd also expect there to be a purpose for all the hands. Maybe she can rip people's 'impressions' out of one person and pin them on another? That way, she could trade her 'murderer' impression with somebody else's 'innocent with alibi' impression.
Yeah, sure. They are called crazy people.
Isn't this one the game that had a special event for when you havne't opened the game in ten years?
>step 1: make a grill character
>step 2: make her crazy
>step 3: husbando an npc
There. That wasn't so hard, was it?
>magical realm
What did he mean by this?
This your first time on Veeky Forums?
Whether or not he could make an insane, obsessed character without it hitting the over-attached-girlfriend fetish bump
Don't think so, afaik this one unlocks bonus route where the girl ignores MC and speaks directly to the player (and purges all your saves so you can't play any other route).
But I wouldn't be surprised if there's another game like that, them weebs sure love putting hidden reference in their porn games.
I'm not seeing the piss fountains in psychotic stalkers.
It's not overtly sexual in the slightest unless you go out of your way to make it so. If one of the players is secretly turned on by the concept, why the fuck would that be the GM's problem?
OP doesn't know what magical realm means.
Meaning of words and phrases changes with time. Magical Realm used to stand for including obvious disturbing sexual or deviant content in the roleplay, that would be perceived as inappropriate by anyone (possibly except the person initiating it). These days it stand for including anything that could be even remotely perceived as sexual.
You're going by older definition, OP goes by most recent one. Common misunderstanding.
That game does in fact have a scene you can only get by not playing for 10 years.
It's not about the piss forest itself so much as the fetish. Yandere characters are fetish bait and if OP has to ask it's highly unlikely he avoid inserting fetishizing the character.
Was this discovered the hard way or somebody fucking with source code and system time setting?
>>step 1: make a grill character
>>step 2: make her crazy
Why do you repeat yourself?
we're talking double crazy here
That VN hasn't even been out for that long man.
That doesn't answer my question.
Wasn't there a flaw in L5R that is Yandere girlfriend?
If it hasn't been out for at least ten years, it would have had to have been source code reading or system clock settings, because it would be impossible to get it the honest way.
The thing that makes it effective is that you can go the whole Aoi route before Miyuki reveals that she knows about the earlier save. Makes for a real mind screw when the happy scene at the end of the route suddenly transitions to Miyuki beating Aoi and Shinichi to death before yelling about how she doesn't blame him, it's the player's fault, but he still has to go.
You can play literally anything "magical realm" without it being magical realm. It's not hard.
They don't have to be completely psychotic you know.
The archetype isn't black or white.
Anyone else remember that one minotaur thread?
I've seen a lot of minotaur threads on Veeky Forums, senpai. Did this one have to do with mindbreaking/cum addiction or did it have to do with orphans?
You need to find a dick and choke on it.
Hypothetically, you're right, in the sense that it's possible.
In practice, the people who think they can "get away with" inserting their fetishes into games are the very last kind of people who should even try.
Yandre isnt Magic realm at all. It's just a character archetype, not neccesarily a fetish.
Having something be Magical Realm means including very out of place sexual fetishes where they otherwise shouldn't be in both the time period and the setting.
That's a very strange interpretation of magical realm.
Magical realm should be the GM forcing fetishes on the players, fullstop.
N-no, I meant the one where Veeky Forums made a fully fleshed out civilization out of bara and lactation tittymonster minotaurs. In like 2013 or something.
Probably not; but it's clear that it's your zeroth time on /a/.
>fully fleshed out
You mean the one where they forcibly breastfeed humans as way of greeting and the regional currency is rape?
I mean, a villain who's goal is to "be together" with one of the PC's could work, when they first start thinking it'll be beneficial "hey we have someone stalking us who'll jump in to protect you/us if things go bad, that's good." Until the party realises she doesn't care about anybody's wellbeing, and just wants the target of her affections. And will be a perpetual thorn in their side until she gets what she wants.
Party gearing up to fight a dragon? That would be dangerous, it would be sad if the rest of the party had an "accident" and needed to rest up a few more days to properly be ready.
Oh no their target went unconscious? Clearly the party isn't good enough to protect them, and the target should be removed from that failure of a party asap.
Party rescuing a beautiful princess? It's important she doesn't see the yandere's target so she doesn't accidentally fall in love with him and try to seduce him. She should probably be missing an eye or two before the party gets to her if possible.
This way doesn't work as well as a villain as does, but it's definitely the kind of thing that's a curse in disguise, and is a pretty big hindrance that otherwise might not be important enough to go out of their way to put a stop to depending on the running story/quest.
Yeah, you just put in a yandere character.
It's a personality not a fucking plot.
I-I don't remember that at all
You need to hang out in the better minotaur threads, user.
Just how many minotaur threads have we had?!
>I'll cut your legs off so you can't run away from meeeee!
Sauce, my brother?
Make the yandere a PC
I once played as a Yandere PC.
Play them as horrifying as they actually are instead of how they are in an idiotic idealized fantasy where their dangerous tendencies are brushed off or easily held back.
Actually murdering rivals for sempai's affection, and other threats to their "love". Doesn't even have to be quick and efficient. You could make it this brutal torture where the slut is justly punished, as much as feasible at least, for attempting one of the most unforgivable of crimes, a crime against against the Yandere's (and perhaps her love interest's "shared") "love". Kidnap the love intrest and tie him up, and maybe commit the ultimate violation against another person (or as she would call it, "making love").
No deed is to evil, no act is to irredeemably evil for the yandere's objective.
>Any deed out of love is just.
—Anna (a yandere, probably paraphrased)
too be continued (too long)
You playing in fantasy? Make her turn both herself and her love interest into vampires so their love can be truly eternal. Without asking her love interest of course.
He might (I really wish I could do italics) be mad at her at first, but surely he'd understand eventually right? He'll understand she did this out of "love" and come to realize it was for the best.
I of course don't mean those friendly vampires either that can easily eat animals instead (or worse tomato juice).
The ones that pretty much (or actually must) eat humans. Those friends of sempai (assuming they are still around, because why would he need them if he's got a yandere?) suddenly look like almost irresistible snacks. Roll a will save to not eat your friends or those children walking down the street! You haven't eaten in a few days, so it's been getting progressively higher. And why would the yandere even get a save? She's hungry and it's not like they matter. Who could ever matter besides her or sempai? Okay, maybe she get's a save so he won't hate her... when he's not looking.
Make her a threat that everything that is good, evil, and in-between (except for maybe sempai of course).
If you were a vampire couldn't you make a campaign/character who tries to eat as few people as possible, and only criminals/bandits/bad people or other people he fights who can defend themselves like the blood dragons from warhammer? Then you could have the story be about that guy hunting down and killing the yandere, and after he completes that he finds a cure for vampirism, or if there is no cure. He then goes on to take a warhammer dwarf slayer oath(or the equivalent) he basically goes around fighting the biggest baddest monsters around till something kills him.
Make the yandere an undead sort of thing. Like, their obsession with the PC(s) is so powerful that even death, by whatever floats your boat, hasn't stopped them yet.
Then it becomes like a horror movie slasher villain. Never stopping, never giving up. Also creates a side quest for the PCs to figure out who to stop the undying lover.
How often do you see a mugger or pick pocket in the street?
Worth remembering that an established bad guy isn't in reach. A place in hard times might have executed it's criminals, so you can't just break into jail and eat someone. Why should the public share food for people in jail if they probably don't have enough for themselves?
Sometimes there is no jail around, empty or otherwise, like when you are on a trail and see a fellow traveler in a journey that is several days between one town and the next. He sure looks tasty. There are no witnesses for miles either.
Sounds very Sue-ish, and I like JJBA .
Well if you are in a city, there are tons of criminals not all of them are caught. If you have the right powers like mind control/enthrallment of weak minds you could find street gangs easy. And if you can't that's why I suggested the Warhammer blood dragon way you basically go full predator and hunt down "worthy" opponents, so knights, wizards, soldiers at the very least. If you are traveling in the Forrest thats harder, but maybe you can work on will power so you can last longer?
I'm pretty certain there is a prestige class in 3.x for a melee user that if it deals the finishing blow to an undead, if the undead typically rejuvenates, like a lich or a ghost, it doesn't. Think it does it at level 10.
I always thought this game was just a petting simulator what the fuck.
putting your life at risk like that might draw the yandere out.
Well after becoming a vampire you want to draw her out, you want to kill her. If using yourself as bait to bring her out and have allies or minions or whatever help you kill her that might be a good plan or a campaign.
I just remembered a story I read, although I don't consider the story finished, in which basically a Yandere kills the protagonist's wife, kidnaps his daughter.
She tells him if she doesn't kill him, buy the time his daughter reaches a certain age, she'll either turn her into a vampire or kill her, his choice. Said protagonist is forced to follow her all over the world, following her distinctive killings (ripping a victim's throat out instead of just biting into it), with her leaving shortly before or after he arrives. The trail often goes cold and she basically only gets her general location found by him when she wants him too. The way she win's their 'game' is if he falls in love with her and agrees to become a vampire and they become a loving family.
looks like ShindoL, can't say from what.
Not so sure why the Yandere is out of reach.
How do you make a yandere? Pics incoming
Just do it discreetly and like this. Sometimes its not all killy killy stab stab, sometimes its freezing enough of your blood because you have no sense of scale.
What makes a girl turn yandere?
Some are just born with a heart full of yanderu (Ayano Aishi).
Anna was brought up so ignorant she couldn't tell right from wrong once she fell in love.
Some yanderes have lost their purpose and life and turn into a yandere as a way of acquiring a purpose. Yuno Gasai
That's not really an inherently magical realm concept.
Desire above all else, they want it and nothing else is to get in their way about it. This can translate to what is posted about in or maybe its destroying a merchant family's business so that pretty merchant's daughter can't marry rich due to low social standing and now is left with the Yan(man)dere.
Yandere is dark in nature so a yan wouldn't be good due to the lengths they will go to. But they can easily be lawful evil and bend the law so they can do what they wish or chaotic neutral do it because the voices command it.
OMFG I fucking LOVE this.
If only I could have written that in the yandere typeface. Maybe I should have, then taken a screenshot and submitted that.
Veeky Forums provides for we have all thought how to do it smartly once before, we are the legion of story.
Hardly, if anything its ability sounds underpowered, most stands can kill you with their bare hands
I don't understand. Can you paraphrase that?
never mind I read that as being addressed to the wrong person.
After reading that elf story I'm thinking of some necromancer running some fucking eugenics project to make the perfect organism to convert into undead.
I went into that super crop thinking that's how she was going to get the population large enough to sacrifice. I'm happy I was wrong.
>A MAID game where senpai is the master and multiple yandere's are competing with eachother
>They all try to eliminate eachother without senpai, the authorities or even the other maids noticing it
>All maids put on different fronts (the clumsy one, the older sister type, the tsundere etc.) but deep inside they're all equally yandere
I'd play it.
Veeky Forums is a very magical place friends
This is one of the disadvantages in L5R
What edition?
Adding to the vampire idea.
Even if the entire world turns against sempai. I dunno, maybe because he's a vampire now, he'll ALWAYS still have his yandere. Sempai and Yandere together, against the world! They don't have anything but each other, but each other is all they need. SO ROMANTIC!
Could have a sympathetic sempai villain who was dragged into villainy by his Yandere.
Seriously, losing everything except but your (un)life and the love a fucking nut job that made you lose everything else out of "love". On the run from Vampire Hunters. Wanted posters up by the government. Nigh-irrisitable compulsion to kill and feed off people. And worst of all, the only ally you can find is the nut job that pulled you into this situation without your consent and likely even without your knowledge.
What is the specific disadvantage?
Dark Love or something like that.
You have a jilted lover after your ass or some shit who sabotages your other love attempts.
Bad Fortune (Secret Love) on page 156 of the Core book.
I have a currently existing game I'm running in a fantasy Japan equivalent.
One of the player characters (a not!Scorpion), who is set to inherit control of a clan, got tagged with the equivalent of this because he wants to court a ninja he suspects is more duplicitous than she looks. So I had him turn out to be right.
She's the youngest daughter in her clan's head family and her oldest sister has basically been overprotectvie of her her entire life. So I decided she's secretly sick and tired of answering to her sisters and mother and is willing to seduce a clan inheritor to gain some autonomy.
The second she saw this dude take interest in her, go time is on (and he's not actually a terrible person, anyways). Now, she also needs to make sure that one of her sisters gets married so she doesn't get stuck in an arranged marriage so that her clan's bloodline continues- or, if she is required to inherit the clan, set things up so she's not a puppet to her mother.
Since her oldest sister is not getting married and the second youngest has been betrothed in secret to another clan inheritor, she needs to make sure her sister's fiancee's sister gets married. This is because the ninja's sister's fiancee's sister would thus inherit her parent's clan, making the ninja's sister inherit the ninja's clan and leaving the ninja free to marry whoever she wants (and thus leave the clan and her family's grip) or not at all.
Confused yet? She's probably going to team up with a woman who wants to marry the head of a third clan so they both get what they want by playing matchmaker and getting the political pieces to fall into place.
At least she'll make a perfect not!Scorpion.
>even looks kawaii~~~~
I'd increase this artist's Profit Factor
might be the same user talking about the same elf, but I don't think these are from the same thread.
found the newer one. The user says that he was the dm of the older one.
So if the GM's fetish is blondes and he makes all women in his setting blonde, then that's Magical Realm?
Yes. Just like all those Tarantino's movies pushing his disgusting fetish.
When I was kinda dating my DM she made an elf queen NPC who got super yandere for my dwarf and it BRIEFLY dipped into the magical realm because we fucked and she was totally sweet about it and then it dipped right the fuck out of the magical realm when it turned out she was stealing my beard hairs to start a ramshackle boys from brazil/ aeon flux magical cloning project so that she could preserve copies of me in case anything happened to me.
It got to the point where she was letting loose these awful overgrown bearded fetus things in the streets of the towns just so she could act 2spooped and need her strong adventurer to protect her, and since I kept failing perception checks I never realized she was taking more hair cuttings and skin samples and when she healed me she kept like arrows and shit that was stuck in me for blood samples.
So since I was having sex at the time I hadn't considered that she used our bedroom antics to translate into the fades to black that these characters had, and it turns out she would hold cum in her mouth to spit it in jars or go in the other room to put a petri dish up by har asshold for more samples to create better clones.
By the end of it all I ended up having a special Dark Link from OOT fight with my almost perfect clone and I just decided fuck it, and I went on hiatus from the group to do some side questing with the elf queen to perfect clones of each other to inhabit in case we get killed on our next quest which was to be searching for a life elixir so we could be together forever.
All things considered, I really miss that DM. She was sweet in a weird, kind of unstable way.
Not really, the other players will mock you relentlessly. This is why I think 90% of stories on Veeky Forums are imaginary, because any normal group would point at the pariah and heckle him until he never showed himself in public again.
None of this would really matter. As the other PC's party member, I would happily kill the girl as soon as I got the chance.
I mean, if we're fighting someone and we get a chance to kill them, they're dead. We're not going to go through this whole subplot, thank you very much.
Wha? Is this a shop or is Sylvie in that game somewhere?
You must have a shit group, senpai.
Yes, that's what we call 'normal people'.
Roleplaying is a social event, man. That's why we focused on playing it as a tactical game, instead of as a way of working out weird sexual issues.
I've successfully included themes of paedophilia and vore in games before when I wanted to creep the players out. I don't see why a psycho yandere couldn't also work.
The players do have to trust you not to be getting off on your own creepy themes tho.
Like I said, shit group. But I guess it works when you all have sticks up your asses. 'Normal people', I mean really.
I think it's not shopped she actually has a cameo. /h/ will be able to tell you the details.
It was like the first thing established fir those shitty threads
I think it actually is the Yotsuba one.