Picture-Backstory game

Hey Veeky Forums, let's play a game. Basically post some character art and write a backstory for character art somebody posted before you. Pretty simple, most of you have probably done this before. Don't worry about making it amazing or fitting it into any specific setting, just something you think would be cool/fun. Make it as long or short as you want.

I'll dump a couple pictures to get started.







Been trying to keep it diverse but I got a martial preference. Not much of a caster guy.


Nathanial Abebe Suman

A captain in the African Union Coalition Army in the early days of it's formation

MMA fighter gone vigilante

What started as a publicity stunt ended up becoming more as the thrill of a no holds barred fight combined with the feeling she got helping people was too good to walk away from.

The Singer of Rumiya

An enigmatic figure who is believed to be a former actor owing his past life to being a Rumiyan nomad.

He's been linked to various crimes in which young women captivated by his songs were made to committ horribly crimes often seemingly unrelated to one another until the full extent of these actions became known.

Some whisper that the Singer gained these powers from his mask which he found to hide scars from being tortured by members of the local mafia who's recent downfall (and the burning of half the city) made his prescene known to the Inquisition.

This android makes people uneasy just by being present - while her appearance resembles a human one, you can see the unconcealed mechanical parts moving under it's skin, as it explains battle plans in emotionless, robotic voice.
Thinker's purpose is simple - she gathers information and formulates solutions to the world's problems, untainted by human emotion, prejudices or morality. Democratic goverments dared not combat overpopulation with effective solutions, but Thinker was not bound with the weakness of empathy.

Retired Captain Henry Stryker, served in the Third Gulf War and the Second Korean War before retiring, disagreeing with the introduction of robotic soldiers and cybernetic augmentations.

He attempted to settle into civilian life but two divorces and an estranged daughter saw Stryker slip back into the only life he understood and regressing back into a smoking addiction he had given up with the birth of his child.

After years bouncing around the world's worst war zones under various PMCs, Stryker is now the head of his own private security team with a reputation of exellence.

Sir Edward was once a paladin welcomed in the court of his majesty himself. His sword hand always defended the weak, and his golden armor shined like a second sun in the daylight. He fought evil with unmatched valiance and bravery, and none could find themselves doubting his commitment to justice.
...until one day, when the king died and was succeeded by his brother. The new protector of the realm had no love for paladins, for how could a man be truly loyal to the king, if his loyalties also belonged to the church, to a god? He distanced from themselves again and again, until one day he made a final decision.
"You dare not exile us." - said Edward defiantly. - "The people will not stand for it."
"The people?" - the king asked. - "Fine - let us hear what the people decide."

But the common folk had short memory - under the new king they were well fed and clothed, and they saw no need for sir Edward's shining sword in the era of prosperity and peace.
"We don't want you!" - the crowd yelled, as sir Edward left in disgrace, his face grey with doubt and sadness.

He has no liege now, his armor lost it's shine, his shield was bare, but he still presses on - for in so many other places, people still crave for justice to be done.


You are supposed to post a story too, you selfish fuck.

I'm getting to it, I'm just on mobile right now.

Also nigga chill.

>Aileen Widrow

Orphaned when seaborn raiders sacked her coastal village, she was left with nothing but a sword left behind by the man who ran it through her father. She lives to one day find the name, and return it to him in kind.

Andraka, the Harbinger of Fire and Brimstone

Once an ordinary man, Andraka achieved a higher form and purpose upon finding a set of stones imbued with mystic power. The stones bonded with him, lighting a fire upon his head to grant him his newfound status. The flames burned his face, forcing him to wear a mask to hide his charred facial features from the world. Now, with blade in hand, he signals the coming of the end times and strikes down those who would try to avert it.

Decent stuff I make actually use that for a narrative.

Colin Hemsworth
Trained up by his father at an early age to learn the secrets of magic and the immaterial world. His family has been tasked as Keepers of any magical object to keep them out of the hands of anyone with ill intent. But during his teenage years, Colin became disobedient and discontent at how their family job makes them travel all over the world. His father then dies after disobeying a command. He now lives alone travelling the world to continue his family's legacy due to the guilt of the death of his father.

Jimmy "Studs" Akiyama was not born on the mean streets, as he might try to have you believe, but he certainly knows them well enough. His family lost everything in the last economic implosion and he was left on the streets after what had been a cushy upbringing. Thankfully, a sharp mind and a fondness for violent VR-games had left Jimmy with just enough skills to scratch by. Originally unaccepted in the underworld, he instead marketed himself to wageslaves with his signature leather jacket gimmick. Despite tacky exterior and aloof demeanor, Jimmy is a veteran mercenary and bounty hunter, and has since earned the respect of his fellow criminals. Even if he's never been able to shake a fondness for the awful clothes.




First Mate Stevey Towers, of the Craven Kraken. He grew up on hard times with his father leaving his family and Stevey ending up on the dock. Not too long though Cap'n Mac and his crew adopted Stevey as a cabin boy. He mopped the deck, vigorously scoured the cutlery and always made sure Cap'n Mac's sword shined like a jewel.

Years down the line, Mac is older and a bit more cautious in their line of work. Less pirating, more escorts, etc. Most of the blokes complained until one escort mission went horribly awry. They're in the Swirling Narrow with cliffs pressed on both sides, the toughest bit of water in many leagues. Little did they know though that the ship being escorted had a lady of nobility fleeing the country.

From the cliffs, they were assaulted. Rocks, bows, barrels of pitch. But after the initial assault, they started descending in order to extract the Lady. Stevey grabbed a long hook used for docking and stood on deck, bellowing on the top of his lungs. Every man who came onto that ship caught a shot from Stevey one way or another. Cap'n Mac personally stood guard with the lady while the boat was swarmed and lucky he did.

After about an hour of assault, the Kraken was out of the narrow and Stevey stood there, bloody, gaunt, and nearly dead. But stood there he did, on top a pile of dead friends and foes. From that day on, Stevey was First Mate Stevey Towers.

Indeed it is

Ax Battler, feared warrior of Grand Eagle. A few years after her birth she brought home an eagle whose head she cleaved in two. Knowing this to be a sign of great heroism she took part in the Nobleman's Games to be adopted into one of the royal families. Excrutia Craven saw potential in her and made her the Craven family's champion. Ax set herself apart from other champions by refusing the sedimentary lifestyle of training and study that most champion's follow by demanding to be placed on the battlefield for she feels that other warriors deserve the same chance she had to demonstrate their power against a worthy opponent.


Headgames is a horse with the appearance of many others. Brown hair and a main brushed over to its right side. However woe be to the rider of this wicked beast. For any who mount Headgames is trapped by its wicked enchantment and become its thrall. As innocuous as it appears, the creature has no problem placing itself among armies or in royal stables for it is quite the fine horse often needing only a small cleaning to be majestic. However once it finds a rider, soon both shall disappear. It has been said that whole noble families have been carried off by Headgames, one after the other. After all, who would think a horse to be the master of man?

I really like the focus on his appearance, giving a strong sense of image. Though I do find it strange that he hides his face despite having a head on fire. Maybe it now bears a mark of his evil master so he hides it? Or maybe he doesn't want to see what he once was and that would break the spell.

I like the whole "betrayed by the people he saved" idea. It's a cool angle and it speaks to the character that he still continues to JUSTICE

Ravenica, Silent Commander of Elves

Raised from birth to be a warrior, Ravenica quickly rose through the ranks of the Elvish military, becoming one of its most famed and feared leaders. Her preference towards sneak attacks in the dark of night earned her the nickname "The Silent Victor". She maintains that nickname well as she continues to obtain victory after victory for her kind.

A former surgeon of a local gang of organ thieves, Dr. Feelgood claims to be attempting to reform. However, Old habits die hard and it's no easy task to keep the Doctor from dissecting the wounded he's meant to be tending to! Nevertheless, having been rescued from a double cross by his former employers, Feelgood will follow his new friends into hell itself.

Trouble is, he may very well drive them there.

Bonus points if he has a PH.D. (doesn't have to be his.) with feelgood scribbled over the real name in marker.


Matthias Kahler was raised from birth to succeed his father and become the head of the nation that shares his family's name. After his father was killed by a wasting curse by an assasin, he vowed to find the man responsible, and exectute him in front of his subjects.

Helen Brokus, King of the realm and slayer of Bealzor. There are none more pious and none more decadent than her. Her lovers are many but few she knows by name. A fierce warrior on the battlefield, she has brought her kingdom an era of prosperity like none other.

I like this. I rarely meet the "we are keepers of a powerful thing" characters in my reading and roleplaying.

Ganaelle Corner, former Princess to the house of her name.

She was 12 when the barbarian hordes came to her small duchy. It had been decades since the hordes were last seen and a period of tranquility drifted over the small duchy nestled in a pleasant green valley.

They came in endless droves, throwing themselves against the walls with reckless abandon. Peace time had left the castle's small in number and inadequate in training.

The Duke slain, the Duchess killed when she resisted, and Ganaelle taken as a slave.

She fought her captors even as they drug her back to their camp. Deemed to be too combative to be a simple pleasure slave, Ganaelle was cast with the rest of the workers the barbarians used.

She grew up, she learned their language and ways, she survived. Eventually finding her way into the pit fights the tribes loved, Ganaelle quickly became adept with the horde's weapons and techniques.

One fateful day, a detachment of troops from a nearby province raided the horde's camp. While they weren't routed, Ganaelle used this opportunity to escape along with a handful of other slaves, some of them surviving children from the raid years ago.

While her Duchy was long gone, forsaken and absorbed by another Duke, she had their blessing. Outfitted with arms, armor, and soldiers, Ganaelle leads small raiding parties of her own against the hordes using her knowledge of the horde's ways.

Only time will tell when her thirst for revenge is slaked.

>read that as ducky

>tfw when barbarian hordes murder your mallard animal companion


I dare someone to do a backstory for this one

That's like daring someone to drink a glass of purified water.

Rich, Yakuza enthusiast, Japanese style "Fratboy".

Was captain of soccer team in highschool and got okay grades. Ended up becoming a car salesman after inheriting his father's Honda dealership and has a loving wife and 3 kids; one of whom is studying medicine in Germany, and another whom is going to a boarding school in America.

Getting older, getting tired, and getting terribly, terribly bored, he is one day surprised by a young Italian-speaking woman who assures him he will be in the possession of a lot of money soon.

When he returns home after work one day, he finds out his wife is missing, as well as his youngest daughter, and there is no possible way for him to reach his two sons over seas.

All his family photos have gone missing, and every ounce of evidence that he's had of his family is gone without a trace. The only thing left he has of his past life are two ties (both of which were given to him for father's day), and a small, wooden sailboat that he once made for his second oldest son.

Upon receiving a statement from his bank account, it appears nearly 1 million dollars (give or take 21 cents) has mysteriously been deposited within his account and he now owns a beach house in a small Greek villa.

Determined to find his family, he sets out to use his newfound fortune to save his family and uncover this bizarre scheme he's been so suddenly thrust into; occasionally with the help of his old friends.

In a story of heartbreak, love, loss, and betrayal; you'll sing, dance, and cry in Yokohiro's classical masterpiece "A Father's Love For His Midlife Crisis".

I'm Anonymous Nymous, and this is Now, on Turner Classic Movies.

>tfw the wife and kid disappearing was a huge boon, along with the money, and he purposefully never finds them.

Don't be so uncouth, user. Even after the millionth screening, "A Father's Love" never fails to make me cry ;_;


Northmen was dope as shit.


I Ask/dare anyone to make a backstory for this family.

Reeee, post story, you faggot.

Incestuous inbred family that all suck each other's alien dicks


Faggot McSkeleton - a blind undead monstrosity. As he doesn't have eyes, he can't read the OP post and see that you're not supposed to just dump pictures and do nothing in return.