How do you stat autism?

How do you stat autism?

How would you play a compelling autistic mage?

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I wouldn't.

I wouldn't.

3 Cha
3 Wis
28 Int

Low WIS eh? I guess they autofail sense motive. But wouldn't they be decent at spot checks?

It's part of the autism flaw. They can't have a wis or cha score above 3, but treat awareness-related skills like they ran off int.

Got an autistic younger brother. He's basically like this. Really smart and aware of his surroundings, but stubborn as fuck and really bad at anything social.

In GURPS, it would be a collection of disadvantages and advantages depending on the type of autism you want your character to have. Disadvantages like Shy and an Odious Personal Habit, as well as Bad Temper.

Advantages like Lightining Calculator, or an Ally (your caretaker if you need one, i think theres a specific advantage for when your character is a dependent i need to look). Higher IQ attribute could also be justified.

Autism doesn't make you smarter it just makes you better at categorizing things sometimes. Autistic savants are also incredibly rare.

In a SPECIAL system, they'd have great I and A, but fucking awful C.

Do they really have shit will saves though? If they're stubborn I imagine they'd be very determined. With WIS 3 you've got what, -4 to Will saves?

Let's put it this way, just because you're stubborn, doesn't mean your will save is good. If you can't mentally and emotionally stand things like strong smells or somebody talking too loud, your will save is going to be shit.

Wait, high Agility? Did you mean high Perception?

Right- even then for savants its more of a +6 skill ranks in one thing right?

But it doesn't prevent you from being smart. And since I'm going mage...

They're stubborn, yes, but people with actual autism tend to shut down when they encounter objectionable stuff, or any sort of emotional distress. They don't really fit well into "will save" because that's such a broad save category.

>A is for Agility
>I am for retarded
You're right, I'm just fucking stupid.

Is it possible for an autist to be a leader?

I would personally call it a need for categorization, and being inept at socialization because of not being able to pick up and understand subtle social cues and put them in their proper context to know what to do in response results in constant pressure, discomfort and awkwardness.

Hence the love of RPGs - they have more defined rules for social interaction.

So maybe be a mage that works through golems, telepathy/enchantment, or other tricks that allow them to either avoid direct contact with people or just brute-force it?

Probably only if he's the most charismatic autist in the group of autists.

What about Howard Hughes?

Not really. Good leadership requires a great deal of social awareness and a deep understanding of the people you're leading. Two things that are particularly difficult for autism sufferers.

Hughes had OCD, not Autism. So he could be eccentric, but was good with social ques and such at least until he started worsening. It is possible to start developing more mental illnesses if one goes untreated for very long, and he also had some nerve damage from a plane crash which could have played into making things worse. It's possible he picked up autism-like tendencies in his later years through OCD and other problems piling up.

I thought OCD was just a spectrum of autism

-5 on saves against pain inflicting spells or any other spell which negatively affects tactile perception.

>Lack of a face when research has shown that autistic kids are less likely to visibly react to pain stimuli while having pain stimuli activate far larger regions of the brain than normal children


I know Asbergers is, but everything I've read says that OCD is completely different. OCD people just have compulsion to do certain behaviors, like wash their hands every five minutes, or unconsciously practice certain rituals, like having to turn the lights on and off five times every time you enter the room. They have full social ability for things like picking up on ques and such, they just happen to be thrown off because they are driven to compulsive behaviors, like clicking their tongue a specific number of times before speaking.

Easy: over hype the crap out the Mage in question.

(While I do think narset is good, and that you guys are talking about RPGs, I couldn't help myself make about her impact in standard).

>How would you play a compelling autistic mage?

Just be yourself, user.

Like this.

> reload, draw and fire freakishly fast. > telekinetic energy
> all attacks have an extra push
> immune to poison.
> skin shimmers with a gel that no flame can penetrate.
> throw things really far and fast

Yeah, quite possible. Especially in a job that works mostly with Public Speaking.

Public Speaking isn't honestly that hard for me and I'm 'I have a piece of paper about it and everything' Autistic. It doesn't involve directly reading individual people and is rather well structured.

Depends on the form of leadership.

pls note that charisma is used for imagination, and wisdom is used for perception awareness. just give penalties to social checks.

don't be dumbbums~

guys I think I might be autistic


I thought Will saves were all about having a strong sense of self and being too stubborn to bend to someone else's will?

Yeah - if he's in a position where others have to obey him and he's dealing with large numbers of people (so he can systemise instead of empathising), he could easily be some form of politician or rabble-rouser. I've heard someone suggest Hitler might have been a sperg, which is pretty funny.

GURPS is probably the best system for this. You'll want to play a high-functioning autistic, since low-functioning would be a huge disadvantage and give you tons of points, making you realistically more capable than you should be.

First thing to do is to take a few flaws that represent trouble understanding other people and general social problems.

From there, it all depends on how autistic you want the character to be. Take a flaw representing overreaction to some stimuli and a perk representing under-reaction to another (many autists don't mind unusual temperatures, but many others hate them, for example). You might want more flaws to represent how you might be easily scared by threats to your person, and maybe a perk that makes you less scared by threats to others (low empathy, and extra points have to go somewhere).

Since you're high-functioning, minmax the fuck out of intelligence. Other stats should realistically be somewhere slightly below average, although there's nothing stopping you raising them a little. Raise a few skills really high and leave the rest pretty low (unless you need a few points in them to be useful) , to represent how you only really care about your special interests. Maybe get a couple of perks representing knowledge of a specific field, or being so stubborn that you won't back down (could also be a flaw).

Basically, create a character who's pretty clever and really good at magic, but mediocre at other things, with a lot of difficulty socialising or even living independently (this bit's optional, since high-functioning adults usually learn how to care for themself.)

you clearly haven't been in a special ed room where one kid starts crying and the rest start getting angry and screaming because the others also are getting angry and screaming, creating an infinite feedback loop of autistic anger and misery

their will save is in negatives.

>Since you're high-functioning, minmax the fuck out of intelligence.

>automatically intelligent

Just be yourself, OP.

Sperg here. This is 100% correct. One of them goes off, all of them go off. There was this one ADHD kid in my primary school who would get extremely violent and I heard that he set off all of the kids in the special education classes in high school.

I still wonder what became of him all of these years later. Maybe he's dead or in jail. Maybe even in a psyche ward. Maybe he's leading a completely normal life.

>How do you stat autism?

>How would you play a compelling autistic mage?
This might be the one time where "just b urself" is sound advice

D&D: High Int and Wis, abysmal Charisma.

Just make pic related a mage, but with autism instead of Aspergers.

Just do what I would do I guess. Not sure if it would be what's average though, I'm pretty high-functioning and I've been practising human interaction much more diligently than some of the other poor souls I've shared units with.

I get away with it when I have time to observe the people I'm leading in the wild for a bit and I have good control of information to keep people in the dark as I please. Being able to reliably guess what people are up to is what I need.

You'll be okay. It's not that bad.

>but with autism instead of Aspergers.
There's no difference between the two. Up until some years ago psychologists and psychiatrists differentiated between Classical Autism (basically the kids who keep stacking blocks and can barely function IRL), Asperger's syndrome (no explanation needed) and PDD-NOS (ie. demonstrating some but not all signs of Asperger's syndrome). In 2014 (I think) the DSM-IV got updated and all of the three aforementioned disorders were classified as simply Autism, ranging from low functioning to high functioning (the latter meaning that in day-to-day life, they can function on the same level as someone neurotypical).

So Asperger's and High Functioning Autism are one and the same (but don't tell Chris-chan that, it rustles his jimmies).

nah it is he's fucked

The common belief that "autists are geniuses" is harmful most of all to themselves. While it's true that there are autistic savants, they are extraordinarily rare - far more so, for that matter, than people with autism who also suffer from mental retardation. I've met a lot of people in whose minds autism either HAS to include or is even defined by this high intelligence, which leads to them pegging people with autism who don't possess it as either "faking it" or just retards.

Most autistic people have average intelligence, same as all other people.


People aren't used to thinking about people with developmental disorders as highly intelligent, which means that when they hear about their existence, it sticks with them. The media realized at some point that people associate autism with geniuses, made all Hollywood autists brilliant, and continued the cycle (people gain most of their knowledge about subjects like that through the media, resulting in them embracing whatever ideas it sells them, resulting in them being reluctant to try anything else, resulting in the media continuing to sell them what they buy).

Believe it or not, but by most official standards, he is. The autism spectrum doesn't measure how easily you make friends on the internet, it measures things like whether you'd be able to theoretically accomplish basic livelihood feats like taking care of yourself day-to-day, going to the store, managing your bank account, etc.

CWC is lazy, infantile, deluded, and a horrible person, but insofar as his autism goes he has the POTENTIAL to function like an almost normal member of society (hence high functioning).

He chooses not to, which just goes to prove the above.

He is most likely high functioning autistic. It's theorized (and at this point theories are all we have) that Chris' full retard behavior can be traced to other sources than (exclusively) autism, including narcissism and incompetent parenting. Especially now that the Lumberjack is in the Great Forest in the Sky and Barb a fucking landwhale.

Are you sure, though?

>Especially now that the Lumberjack is in the Great Forest in the Sky and Barb a fucking landwhale.

>Are you sure, though?
IIRC, the definition of high-functioning autism is that you have an ASD and your IQ is higher than 70. Much as we like to make fun of Chris, it's fairly clear that he's not ACTUALLY, mentally retarded. He can tie his own shoelaces and warm his own microwave meals, so to speak.

It means that his dad is dead (pretty recently actually) and his mom is fat. No offense, but are you new on this whole Chris-chan thing? Check it out bruh, sadly most of his old videos have been purged but there's still more than enough material to go around. The hype around him has died out but he still remains the #1 LOLcow of the internet.

A lot of folk with autism take it too personally and let it ruin their lives and they their mental problems are far worse then they are.
This one dude learned his dad had the genes for Asperger's and his son was convinced he had it and drove himself crazy believing he was fucked for life and eventually shot his dad with a bow and arrow, and when the arrow didn't kill him he stabbed his dad to death.

I just can't imagine him holding down a job and living on his own,which is what I thought the bar was.

Bruh, I'm quite familiar with CWC. I rarely ever hear things about him these days, though.

Not saying attacking your own father with a bow and arrow can be justified, but maybe there is something behind sterilizing those with undesirable traits like mental disorders. You know, so these disorders aren't passed on to the next generation. I say this as a sperglord myself.

You get Skill Focus in a single Craft, Perform, Knowledge, or Profession skill, and take a -2 to Cha. The rest is roleplay fluff

Overly Focused:

You can put effort towards concentrating on one thing to an extreme degree. You can make a special action to cast spells at a plus one attack bonus or DC; however, you lose all dexterity bonus to your AC when you do so.

The problem is that there is no definitive proof one way or the other that Aspergers is genetic or not. That essentially be the same as castrating someone because he's prone to counting toothpicks or arranging matches

Those traits will eventually be tailored out through gene tailoring.
So forced sterilization is a bit extreme.
In your lifetime you might be able to be unsperged.

-4 WIS
-4 CHA
-4 DEX

Pick three additional skills from any list.

Autistic people aren't smart. They're just overly focused on a handful of interests. If the only thing that got your synapses firing was trains, you'd be an expert on trains, too.

It happens even to people without autism at all. It's one of those disorders which is pretty newfangled in historical terms (as in, people didn't recognize it until before a few decades ago), has symptoms which sound to most uneducated fucks like they're practically subjective (meaning that, nowadays, since everyone thinks they know them thanks to the internet, any shmuck can self-diagnose and go around claiming that any doctor who contradicts him has an agenda), and because of its media associations actually makes a certain type of person feel GOOD, because they've always wanted to be smart and were never sociable, and autism means they're smart and have an excellent excuse for why they never succeeded socially!

Cue the internet filling with fat, unwashed fucks proudly declaring themselves autistic because blaming autism for everything bad that ever has or will happen to them is so much easier than engaging in introspection, or, god forbid, change.

But that's okay, they'll just tell you that "a fear of change is a symptom of autism" and that you're hurting their gentle, developmentally disordered souls by accusing them of it.

~Be yourself~

It worked for me.
Im crying as I laugh.

there are autists that have achieved some pretty great stuff tho. it might be a pain to have it or annoying to be around one but looking at the big picture we would lessen humanity if we played god like that.

I doubt the correlation between autism and great deeds tends to be overexaggerated to make autists look cool (pretty much in line with the 'geek chic' that plagues pop culture nowadays). I'm pretty sure that if we'd arrange all Great Men, regardless of what measuring stick we used for them, neurotypicals would outnumber autists by roughly the same margin neurotypicals outnumber autists in the overall population.

And then there are claims of autism that barely make sense like Einstein, who was actually very outgoing and charismatic (which may explain why he's so famous, when there are more deserving candidates for the "smartest guy who ever lived" title).

>tfw reading Chris' criminal incidents from the past five years

Again, it's BECAUSE successful autistic people are relatively rare that these are the ones history remembers. What's it called in sociology? Cinderella syndrome? I think it's related.

Basically, if Susan Boyle had been a beautiful upper class woman from a prestigious music academy, probably nobody'd have noticed her like they did, you know what I mean? When the underdog wins, you add that to the history books because it's the exception to the rule.

i agree but what i was trying to say is that people can find inspiration or strength or whatever in their disabilitys or weaknesses. far from always but not never either.

Maybe you're such a high level that you can't tell when people react negatively to your public speaking?

Not to sound full of myself but lot's of people find me very charming, admittedly I've put a lot of effort to making my self this way. Lot's of theatre school and improv to really get those reaction times down.

I've turned by heroic missing of social cues into jokes and being the "quirky one". Mix with average looks and giving myself lot's to time by myself to recharge and suddenly I'm pretty popular.

Anecdotal yes, but I'm an autist that's convinced most of the people I know that I'm actually charismatic.

>I did not learn until much later that the spritz had done a lot worse than I had imagined it would, as well as learning that they were the so-called "Manager" and "Ass Manager" of that particular store.
>I had No Idea of the contents of the Pepper Spray, OR that it was Illegal for use in certain situations in the state of Virginia at all.

>I HAD tried the stuff on myself days before in the upstairs bathroom. A Two Second Spray onto my left wrist, some of it got onto the bath tub wall as well. Like sampling a perfume or deodorant. It Took Me Out damn well. I had to open the windows, turn on the bathroom fan AND aim the box fan into the bathroom to air the place out, and I wiped the wall off as well, and OF COURSE I washed my hands. It took fifteen to thirty minutes to make it bearable in there again.

You would honestly know if you were autistic in a meaningful way.

It's kinda like OCD or multiple-personality disorder - you know when you've got it, even if you don't exactly know WHAT it is you've got.

Yeah, but this would set an extremely dangerous precedent for "removing undesirables" from society, and would can even be used to enforce social or political norms on a society by simply castrating all who "aren't mentally sound," (i.e. vote against the ruling party).

I have some of the symptoms, but I also have no problem reading people's emotional states based on social cues, and I generally recognize my social fuck-ups after the fact.

>Stuffing ADHD people into the same room as autists

You too would get angry if you were being compared and categorized with sub-humans.

Can't do that anymore since Hitler wasted western societies' reset button on attempting to wipe out a religious minority.

>Yeah, but this would set an extremely dangerous precedent for "removing undesirables" from society
That's a retarded slipperly slope, which could actually lead to the other extreme: we shouldn't seek to eliminate bone cancer because that would be eugenics.

Sad really, before Hitler ruined everything forever you could discuss the virtues of eugenics without being called a literal Nazi. And Hitler wasted in on trying to eliminate the group with the highest average IQ out of all races. But let's totally ignore that what Hitler was doing was closer to disgenics rather than eugenics.

If the autism gene were removed from the human race, we would all be standing around in caves socializing.

If the non-autism gene were removed from the human race, we would all be standing around in caves pontificating.

-5 penalty to Diplomacy and Sense Motive
Can be removed with investment of skill ranks. Each rank invested counts as half a skill rank until 5 points have been invested, at which point the penalty is removed.
Make Will saves at -2 penalty when encountering strong sensory effects. Make saves at a -5 penalty on sensory effects that affect normal characters.

Seconding this. Public Speaking was the first social skill I learned.

Very possible. Many autists are able to pass in society as they get older, to varying degrees of success. Certain corporate environments are absolutely saturated with them. Being autistic means that you have no social instinct, not that you can never learn. I have had to develop these skills to make headway in the business world, though I have certain advantages of upbringing. Part of it is that the higher you go, the more ritualized social interaction becomes. Leaders are often fulfilling a symbolic role just as often as they are interacting.

I am reminded of a case of twins relayed to me by a friend. Both twins were autistic, but one grew up into a wealthy professional with a loving wife and children, while the other lives with his parents.

just be your self

Since this is autism general now, does anyone else have this?

Mimicry was a big part of becoming fully integrated for me, being able to affect manners found in media was a big part of that. I always took on some mannerisms of my favourite character after seeing a big film for a few day to see if I could pull it off. As time goes on I think it may have been more involuntary than intentional.

I binged about 5 seasons of House M.D. a few months ago and I realised that watching a programme about a depressive who sabotaged his own relationships was turning me into a depressive who sabotaged his own relationships which was more than a little terrifying to realised how affected I could be by this.

Question being, has anyone else experienced this sort of thing or am I suffering a different neuroses altogether?

>Just do what I would do I guess.
I suppose its a quirk of autism that you might not realize doing what you would do is precisely what is not obvious to this neurotypical?

I've never had any real interaction with autists. Every time I meet one they aren't really interested in interacting with me and then go do their own thing. It is a condition I consistently do not understand very well- particularly in how it plays out in adults. All the google information is about children.

>"smartest guy who ever lived" title
Like Isaac Newton, who was pretty goddamned autistic

>what Hitler was doing was closer to disgenics rather than eugenics
In retrospect that seems weirdly obvious. It HAD to be disgenic because it was a populist movement. Meaning it had to appeal to a low common denominator.

I tend to let myself be affected by TV/movies like that too.

I think you just might be fucking stupid.

ADHD and autism are not mutually exclusive medical conditions.

We really are people that live for our hobbies or work. Every social ritual is just wasting our time till we can get back to what we're obsessed with. Sensation is feel more intensely, not physically but emotionally.

If you ever bother making an autistic character I wouldn't but I fucking hate us, keep their friend groups small, being isolated their whole life has probably given them a bit of a persecution complex, avoid load and busy places and get flustered over small decisions. Be inflexible right till the point you're categoricity disproved at which point do a full 180 and act as though you were not being unreasonable till five minutes ago. Change is horrid as you enjoy routine.

If you think these sound like horrid traits for an adventurer or a person, you're right.

>they aren't really interested in interacting with me and then go do their own thing.
They're not interested, they would rather drink molten lead than do small talk. Until they get to know you you're just more white noise in a loud fucking world.

They executed people for being disabled. It was intended to be eugenics. In general nazis are given more credit than they should in STEM stuff, even ignoring the gross ethical violations.

Go to a doctor and see if you match the criteria. It's not a life threatening condition or anything, so it's not particularly urgent. Just schedule an appointment or bring it up during the routine check up.

Although if you bring it up in the check up I wouldn't be surprised if you got another scheduled appointment with a doctor with more expertise on that type of stuff rather than your regular doctor diagnosing you on the spot.

desu I just don't see any benefit to seeing a doctor about it. There's no magic pill to fix it, and I don't think therapy will do me much good.

Flat out "fix", no. There are programs and drugs to mitigate problems associated with it. Plus I'm pretty sure there are programs that help autists find a jobs and stuff. Why did you ask for help if you think there is nothing that can be done about it? (I'm assuming you are )

>yfw your 4 players have autism and aspergers
i don't even know what to do anymore.

You've played with them before, what are you having trouble with in particular?

Are you Abed from Community? Do Don Draper.

High level means high functioning.

Hi, Abed.

Don't tell us his name!

Card carrying autismo here, Public speaking is one of my few boons. I figure its resultant from a lack of stage fright.

It's bad enough I have to admit I'm in the same species as him. Finding out he's also autistic would be miserable.

fraternal or identical?